Version 6.4.1
* Stock reducing fixes

Version 6.4.0
* Improve error messages

Version 6.3.0
* Use redirect method for order-pay endpoints
* Updated the core library

Version 6.2.0
* Fixed multiple refunds bug
* Refunds: Use correct amount and vat_amount from order view in the backend
* Removed composer checking
* Invoice: capture by order items

Version 6.1.0
* Fix warnings on php8
* Capturing fixes
* Added "Full refund" button in WC admin
* Updated the core library

Version 6.0.0
* Dedicated dialog for "payment-url"

Version 5.0.0
* Updated the core library

Version 4.4.2
* Improve data verification of transaction

Version 4.4.1
* Fixed transaction table bug

Version 4.4.0
* Add "Enable IP checking" option
* Fix Transactions::import() notice

Version 4.3.0
* Add transaction link in WC admin
* Add details of failed transactions

Version 4.2.0
* Add ip verification of incoming callbacks
* Add `swedbank_gateway_ip_addresses` wp filter
* Subscriptions: add payment meta and tokens from parent order
* Partial capture and refund through the merchant admin backend

Version 4.1.1
* Fix plugin links
* Fix wrong order status if customer fail with first payment attempt

Version 4.1.0
* Added the support form
* Background queue fixes
* Transaction processing on payment status checking
* WC Subscriptions UI fixes in the admin backend
* Fixed double order notifications/emails

Version 4.0.2
* Fixed subscription status problem when instant capture is on
* Fixed Uncaught Error: Call to a member function getReference() on array

Version 4.0.1
* Gateway icon fixes

Version 4.0.0
* Updates of WooCommerce Subscriptions
* Fixed php warnings
* Remove usage of woocommerce_order_status_changed
* Fixed api credentials validation
* Updated core and sdk libraries

Version 3.4.0
* Implemented paymentUrl
* Order status check fixes

Version 3.3.0
* Rename Merchant Token to Access Token
* Swish: Fix phone number problem
* Implemented Instant capture
* Updates of Invoice payment method
* Implemented Seamless View
* Fixed: Payment.UserAgent: The UserAgent field is required
* Fixed problem with recurrence token saving
* Improved payment confirmation page (order-received page)
* Skip transactions which have been processed before

Version 3.2.0
* Update the background queue processor
* Fixed invoice capture
* Fixed the problem of order status when AutoCapture is enabled

Version 3.1.0
* Use logging by the core
* Fixed notices in the admin backend
* Added dependencies checking
* Use `updateTransactionsOnFailure()` of the core library
* Fixed formatting of non-nordic phone numbers
* Fixed inf loop when order get status failed
* Option: Send billing/delivery addresses of payer to Swedbank Pay

Version 3.0.1
* Fixed "VERSION not found"

Version 3.0.0
* Use save instead of save_meta_data
* Implemented MobilePay
* Implemented Trustly
* Add additional checks for transaction db operations
* Disable plugin and show warning if WooCommerce is inactive
* Switch positions of Token and Payee ID in settings
* Implemented "International Telephone Input" feature
* Fixes which related to refunds
* Format the code with WordPress Standards

Version 2.1.1
* Fixed refund issue

Version 2.1.0
* Fix problems with order status changing
* Add Migration script
* Add Logo Url to options
* Validate credentials in the admin backend
* Fixes for WC Subscriptions
* Admin notification fixes
* Add a key protection for callbackUrl
* Show hint if composer dependencies weren't installed
* Replace fullname parser to adci/full-name-parser
* Update WC tested metadata

Version 2.0.0
* Updates for Swedbank Pay
* Implemented filters sb_get_payee_reference and sb_get_payee_reference_order
* Improved errors handling. Problem Details for HTTP APIs (RFC 7807)
* HTTPS: CA failback for Client
* Add support of sequential order no
* Invoice: add payeeInfo.payeeName
* Add subsite option
* Add payment action to Order view in admin backend
* Show "payment method was updated" when change payment method
* Implemented riskIndicator feature
* Add minification suffix for css and js
* Add ecom_only option in admin
* Add order_id in metadata
* Implemented Recurrence tokens feature
* Use calculated vatAmount value instead of zero
* Implemented "Reject cards" options
* Add orderReference parameter
* Add cardholder parameter
* Remove no3DSecure parameter
* Vipps: Remove direct method
* Custom checkout icons in admin backend

Version 1.3.0
* Changed plugin slug
* Changed plugin license
* Improved code format
* Fixed validate_payment_meta

Version 1.2.0
* Transactions processing in Background process
* Add Terms & Conditions Url option
* Update Swedish translations
* Updates of PayEx Transaction Callback

Version 1.1.0
* Implemented: Tokenization
* Implemented: WC Subscriptions support
* Settings: AutoCapture mode
* Integrated PayEx Client library

Version 1.0.0
* First release