<?php defined('ABSPATH') or exit; $old_options = get_option('mc4wp_lite_checkbox', array()); $pro_options = get_option('mc4wp_checkbox', array()); if (! empty($pro_options)) { $old_options = array_merge($old_options, $pro_options); } // do we have to do something? if (empty($old_options)) { return; } // find activated integrations (show_at_xxx options) $new_options = array(); $map = array( 'comment_form' => 'wp-comment-form', 'registration_form' => 'wp-registration-form', 'buddypress_form' => 'buddypress', 'bbpres_forms' => 'bbpress', 'woocommerce_checkout' => 'woocommerce', 'edd_checkout' => 'easy-digital-downloads', ); $option_keys = array( 'label', 'precheck', 'css', 'lists', 'double_optin', 'update_existing', 'replace_interests', 'send_welcome', ); foreach ($map as $old_integration_slug => $new_integration_slug) { // check if integration is enabled using its old slug $show_key = sprintf('show_at_%s', $old_integration_slug); if (empty($old_options[ $show_key ])) { continue; } $options = array( 'enabled' => 1, ); foreach ($option_keys as $option_key) { if (isset($old_options[ $option_key ])) { $options[ $option_key ] = $old_options[ $option_key ]; } } // add to new options $new_options[ $new_integration_slug ] = $options; } // save new settings update_option('mc4wp_integrations', $new_options); // delete old options delete_option('mc4wp_lite_checkbox'); delete_option('mc4wp_checkbox');