* Cart line coupon.
* @package Krokedil/WooCommerce/Classes/Cart
namespace KrokedilKlarnaPaymentsDeps\Krokedil\WooCommerce\Cart;
use KrokedilKlarnaPaymentsDeps\Krokedil\WooCommerce\OrderLineData;
use KrokedilKlarnaPaymentsDeps\_PHPStan_503e82092\Nette\NotImplementedException;
\defined('ABSPATH') || exit;
* Cart line coupon class.
class CartLineCoupon extends OrderLineData
* WooCommerce Coupon data.
* @var \WC_Coupon
public $coupon;
* Coupon amount.
* @var float|int
public $discount_amount;
* Coupon amount.
* @var float|int
public $discount_tax_amount;
* Filter prefix.
* @var mixed
public $filter_prefix = 'cart_line_coupon';
* Set the data for a normal WooCommerce coupon.
* @param string $coupon_key Coupon key.
* @param WC_Coupon $coupon Coupon data.
* @return void
public function set_coupon_data($coupon_key, $coupon)
$this->coupon = $coupon;
$this->discount_amount = $this->format_price(WC()->cart->get_coupon_discount_amount($coupon_key, \true));
$this->discount_tax_amount = $this->format_price(WC()->cart->get_coupon_discount_tax_amount($coupon_key, \true));
* Set coupon data from Smart coupons.
* @param string $coupon_key Coupon key.
* @return void
public function set_smart_coupon_data($coupon_key)
$coupon_amount = WC()->cart->get_coupon_discount_amount($coupon_key) * -1;
$coupon_tax_amount = 0;
$coupon_name = 'Discount';
$this->name = "{$coupon_name} {$coupon_key}";
$this->sku = \substr(\strval($coupon_key), 0, 64);
$this->quantity = 1;
$this->unit_price = $this->format_price($coupon_amount);
$this->subtotal_unit_price = $this->format_price($coupon_amount);
$this->total_amount = $this->format_price($coupon_amount);
$this->total_tax_amount = $this->format_price($coupon_tax_amount);
$this->tax_rate = 0;
$this->type = 'discount';
* Set the data from WC_Gift_Card plugin.
* @param WC_GC_Gift_Card_Data $wc_gift_card_data WC Giftcard data.
* @return void
public function set_wc_gc_data($wc_gift_card_data)
$code = $wc_gift_card_data['giftcard']->get_data()['code'];
$coupon_amount = $wc_gift_card_data['amount'] * -1;
$coupon_tax_amount = 0;
$coupon_name = 'Gift card';
$this->name = "{$coupon_name} {$code}";
$this->sku = 'gift_card';
$this->quantity = 1;
$this->unit_price = $this->format_price($coupon_amount);
$this->subtotal_unit_price = $this->format_price($coupon_amount);
$this->total_amount = $this->format_price($coupon_amount);
$this->total_tax_amount = $this->format_price($coupon_tax_amount);
$this->tax_rate = 0;
$this->type = 'gift_card';
* Set the data from the YITH WooCommerce Gift Cards plugin.
* @param string $code YITH Giftcard code.
* @return void
public function set_yith_wc_gc_data($code)
$coupon_amount = isset(WC()->cart->applied_gift_cards_amounts[$code]) ? WC()->cart->applied_gift_cards_amounts[$code] : 0 * -1;
$coupon_tax_amount = 0;
$coupon_name = 'Gift card';
$this->name = "{$coupon_name} {$code}";
$this->sku = 'gift_card';
$this->quantity = 1;
$this->unit_price = $this->format_price($coupon_amount);
$this->subtotal_unit_price = $this->format_price($coupon_amount);
$this->total_amount = $this->format_price($coupon_amount);
$this->total_tax_amount = $this->format_price($coupon_tax_amount);
$this->tax_rate = 0;
$this->type = 'gift_card';
* Set the data from the PW Giftcard plugin.
* @param string $code PW Giftcard code.
* @param string $amount PW Giftcard amount.
* @return void
public function set_pw_giftcards_data($code, $amount)
$coupon_amount = $amount * -1;
$coupon_tax_amount = 0;
$coupon_name = 'Gift card';
$this->name = "{$coupon_name} {$code}";
$this->reference = 'gift_card';
$this->quantity = 1;
$this->unit_price = $this->format_price($coupon_amount);
$this->subtotal_unit_price = $this->format_price($coupon_amount);
$this->total_amount = $this->format_price($coupon_amount);
$this->total_tax_amount = $this->format_price($coupon_tax_amount);
$this->tax_rate = 0;
$this->type = 'gift_card';
* Function to set product name
* @param string $name Name.
* @return self
public function set_name($name = null)
$name = $name ?? $this->coupon->get_code();
$this->name = apply_filters($this->get_filter_name('name'), $name, $this->coupon);
return $this;
* Function to set product sku
* @param string $sku SKU.
* @return self
public function set_sku($sku = null)
$sku = $sku ?? $this->coupon->get_code();
$this->sku = apply_filters($this->get_filter_name('sku'), $sku, $this->coupon);
return $this;
* Function to set product quantity
* @param int $quantity Quantity.
* @return self
public function set_quantity($quantity = null)
$this->quantity = apply_filters($this->get_filter_name('quantity'), 1, $this->coupon);
return $this;
* Function to set product unit price
* @param float $unit_amount Unit amount.
* @return self
public function set_unit_price($unit_amount = null)
$unit_amount = $unit_amount ? $this->format_price($unit_amount) : $this->discount_amount;
$this->unit_price = apply_filters($this->get_filter_name('unit_price'), $unit_amount, $this->coupon);
return $this;
* Function to set product subtotal unit price
* @param float $subtotal_unit_amount Amount.
* @return self
public function set_subtotal_unit_price($subtotal_unit_amount = null)
$subtotal_unit_amount = $subtotal_unit_amount ? $this->format_price($subtotal_unit_amount) : $this->discount_amount;
$this->subtotal_unit_price = apply_filters($this->get_filter_name('subtotal_unit_price'), $subtotal_unit_amount, $this->coupon);
return $this;
* Function to set product tax rate
* @param float $tax_rate Tax rate.
* @return self
public function set_tax_rate($tax_rate = null)
$this->tax_rate = apply_filters($this->get_filter_name('tax_rate'), 0, $this->coupon);
return $this;
* Function to set product total amount
* @param float $total_amount Amount.
* @return self
public function set_total_amount($total_amount = null)
$total_amount = $total_amount ? $this->format_price($total_amount) : $this->discount_amount;
$this->total_amount = apply_filters($this->get_filter_name('total_amount'), $total_amount, $this->coupon);
return $this;
* Function to set product subtotal amount
* @param float $subtotal_amount Amount.
* @return self
public function set_subtotal_amount($subtotal_amount = null)
$subtotal_amount = $subtotal_amount ? $this->format_price($subtotal_amount) : $this->discount_amount;
$this->subtotal_amount = apply_filters($this->get_filter_name('subtotal_amount'), $subtotal_amount, $this->coupon);
return $this;
* Function to set product total discount amount
* @param float $total_discount_amount Amount.
* @return self
public function set_total_discount_amount($total_discount_amount = null)
$total_discount_amount = $total_discount_amount ? $this->format_price($total_discount_amount) : $this->discount_amount;
$this->total_discount_amount = apply_filters($this->get_filter_name('total_discount_amount'), $total_discount_amount, $this->coupon);
return $this;
* Abstract function to set product total discount tax amount
* @param float $total_discount_tax_amount Amount.
* @return self
public function set_total_discount_tax_amount($total_discount_tax_amount = null)
$total_discount_tax_amount = $total_discount_tax_amount ? $this->format_price($total_discount_tax_amount) : $this->discount_tax_amount;
$this->total_discount_tax_amount = apply_filters($this->get_filter_name('tota_discount_tax_amount'), $total_discount_tax_amount, $this->coupon);
return $this;
* Function to set product total tax amount
* @param float $total_tax_amount Amount.
* @return self
public function set_total_tax_amount($total_tax_amount = null)
$total_tax_amount = $total_tax_amount ? $this->format_price($total_tax_amount) : $this->discount_tax_amount;
$this->total_tax_amount = apply_filters($this->get_filter_name('total_tax_amount'), $total_tax_amount, $this->coupon);
return $this;
* Function to set product subtotal tax amount
* @param float $subtotal_tax_amount Amount.
* @return self
public function set_subtotal_tax_amount($subtotal_tax_amount = null)
$subtotal_tax_amount = $subtotal_tax_amount ? $this->format_price($subtotal_tax_amount) : $this->discount_tax_amount;
$this->subtotal_tax_amount = apply_filters($this->get_filter_name('subtotal_tax_amount'), $subtotal_tax_amount, $this->coupon);
return $this;
* Function to set product type
* @param string $type Product type.
* @return self
public function set_type($type = null)
$type = $type ?? $this->coupon->get_discount_type();
$this->type = apply_filters($this->get_filter_name('type'), $type, $this->coupon);
return $this;
* Function to set product url
* @param string $url Product url.
* @return self
public function set_product_url($url = null)
$this->product_url = apply_filters($this->get_filter_name('product_url'), $url, $this->coupon);
return $this;
* Function to set product image url
* @param string $url Image url.
* @return self
public function set_image_url($url = null)
$this->image_url = apply_filters($this->get_filter_name('image_url'), $url, $this->coupon);
return $this;
* Function to set product compatibility
* @return self
public function set_compatibility()
$this->compatibility = apply_filters($this->get_filter_name('compatibility'), array(), $this->coupon);
return $this;