<?php /* ============================================================================ * Copyright 2020 Zindex Software * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ============================================================================ */ namespace Opis\JsonSchema\Errors; use Opis\JsonSchema\JsonPointer; class ErrorFormatter { /** * @param ValidationError $error * @param bool $multiple True if the same key can have multiple errors * @param ?callable(ValidationError,?string=null):mixed $formatter * @param ?callable(ValidationError):string $key_formatter * @return array */ public function format( ValidationError $error, bool $multiple = true, ?callable $formatter = null, ?callable $key_formatter = null ): array { if (!$formatter) { $formatter = [$this, 'formatErrorMessage']; } if (!$key_formatter) { $key_formatter = [$this, 'formatErrorKey']; } $list = []; /** * @var ValidationError $error * @var string $message */ foreach ($this->getErrors($error) as $error => $message) { $key = $key_formatter($error); if ($multiple) { if (!isset($list[$key])) { $list[$key] = []; } $list[$key][] = $formatter($error, $message); } else { if (!isset($list[$key])) { $list[$key] = $formatter($error, $message); } } } return $list; } /** * @param ValidationError|null $error * @param string $mode One of: flag, basic, detailed or verbose * @return array */ public function formatOutput(?ValidationError $error, string $mode = "flag"): array { if ($error === null) { return ['valid' => true]; } if ($mode === 'flag') { return ['valid' => false]; } if ($mode === 'basic') { return [ 'valid' => false, 'errors' => $this->formatFlat($error, [$this, 'formatOutputError']), ]; } if ($mode === 'detailed' || $mode === 'verbose') { $isVerbose = $mode === 'verbose'; return $this->getNestedErrors($error, function (ValidationError $error, ?array $subErrors = null) use ($isVerbose) { $info = $this->formatOutputError($error); $info['valid'] = false; if ($isVerbose) { $id = $error->schema()->info(); $id = $id->root() ?? $id->id(); if ($id) { $id = rtrim($id, '#'); } $info['absoluteKeywordLocation'] = $id . $info['keywordLocation']; } if ($subErrors) { $info['errors'] = $subErrors; if (!$isVerbose) { unset($info['error']); } } return $info; } ); } return ['valid' => false]; } /** * @param ValidationError $error * @param ?callable(ValidationError,?array):mixed $formatter * @return mixed */ public function formatNested(ValidationError $error, ?callable $formatter = null) { if (!$formatter) { $formatter = function (ValidationError $error, ?array $subErrors = null): array { $ret = [ 'message' => $this->formatErrorMessage($error), 'keyword' => $error->keyword(), 'path' => $this->formatErrorKey($error), ]; if ($subErrors) { $ret['errors'] = $subErrors; } return $ret; }; } return $this->getNestedErrors($error, $formatter); } /** * @param ValidationError $error * @param ?callable(ValidationError):mixed $formatter * @return array */ public function formatFlat(ValidationError $error, ?callable $formatter = null): array { if (!$formatter) { $formatter = [$this, 'formatErrorMessage']; } $list = []; foreach ($this->getFlatErrors($error) as $error) { $list[] = $formatter($error); } return $list; } /** * @param ValidationError $error * @param ?callable(ValidationError):mixed $formatter * @param ?callable(ValidationError):string $key_formatter * @return array */ public function formatKeyed( ValidationError $error, ?callable $formatter = null, ?callable $key_formatter = null ): array { if (!$formatter) { $formatter = [$this, 'formatErrorMessage']; } if (!$key_formatter) { $key_formatter = [$this, 'formatErrorKey']; } $list = []; foreach ($this->getLeafErrors($error) as $error) { $key = $key_formatter($error); if (!isset($list[$key])) { $list[$key] = []; } $list[$key][] = $formatter($error); } return $list; } /** * @param ValidationError $error * @param string|null $message The message to use, if null $error->message() is used * @return string */ public function formatErrorMessage(ValidationError $error, ?string $message = null): string { $message ??= $error->message(); $args = $this->getDefaultArgs($error) + $error->args(); if (!$args) { return $message; } return preg_replace_callback( '~{([^}]+)}~imu', static function (array $m) use ($args) { if (!isset($args[$m[1]])) { return $m[0]; } $value = $args[$m[1]]; if (is_array($value)) { return implode(', ', $value); } return (string) $value; }, $message ); } public function formatErrorKey(ValidationError $error): string { return JsonPointer::pathToString($error->data()->fullPath()); } protected function getDefaultArgs(ValidationError $error): array { $data = $error->data(); $info = $error->schema()->info(); $path = $info->path(); $path[] = $error->keyword(); return [ 'data:type' => $data->type(), 'data:value' => $data->value(), 'data:path' => JsonPointer::pathToString($data->fullPath()), 'schema:id' => $info->id(), 'schema:root' => $info->root(), 'schema:base' => $info->base(), 'schema:draft' => $info->draft(), 'schema:keyword' => $error->keyword(), 'schema:path' => JsonPointer::pathToString($path), ]; } protected function formatOutputError(ValidationError $error): array { $path = $error->schema()->info()->path(); $path[] = $error->keyword(); return [ 'keywordLocation' => JsonPointer::pathToFragment($path), 'instanceLocation' => JsonPointer::pathToFragment($error->data()->fullPath()), 'error' => $this->formatErrorMessage($error), ]; } /** * @param ValidationError $error * @param callable(ValidationError,?array):mixed $formatter * @return mixed */ protected function getNestedErrors(ValidationError $error, callable $formatter) { if ($subErrors = $error->subErrors()) { foreach ($subErrors as &$subError) { $subError = $this->getNestedErrors($subError, $formatter); unset($subError); } } return $formatter($error, $subErrors); } /** * @param ValidationError $error * @return iterable|ValidationError[] */ protected function getFlatErrors(ValidationError $error): iterable { yield $error; foreach ($error->subErrors() as $subError) { yield from $this->getFlatErrors($subError); } } /** * @param ValidationError $error * @return iterable|ValidationError[] */ protected function getLeafErrors(ValidationError $error): iterable { if ($subErrors = $error->subErrors()) { foreach ($subErrors as $subError) { yield from $this->getLeafErrors($subError); } } else { yield $error; } } /** * @param ValidationError $error * @return iterable */ protected function getErrors(ValidationError $error): iterable { $data = $error->schema()->info()->data(); $map = null; $pMap = null; if (is_object($data)) { switch ($error->keyword()) { case 'required': if (isset($data->{'$error'}->required) && is_object($data->{'$error'}->required)) { $e = $data->{'$error'}->required; $found = false; foreach ($error->args()['missing'] as $prop) { if (isset($e->{$prop})) { yield $error => $e->{$prop}; $found = true; } } if ($found) { return; } if (isset($e->{'*'})) { yield $error => $e->{'*'}; return; } unset($e, $found, $prop); } break; case '$filters': if (($args = $error->args()) && isset($args['args']['$error'])) { yield $error => $args['args']['$error']; return; } unset($args); break; } if (isset($data->{'$error'})) { $map = $data->{'$error'}; if (is_string($map)) { // We have an global error yield $error => $map; return; } if (is_object($map)) { if (isset($map->{$error->keyword()})) { $pMap = $map->{'*'} ?? null; $map = $map->{$error->keyword()}; if (is_string($map)) { yield $error => $map; return; } } elseif (isset($map->{'*'})) { yield $error => $map->{'*'}; return; } } } } if (!is_object($map)) { $map = null; } $subErrors = $error->subErrors(); if (!$subErrors) { yield $error => $pMap ?? $error->message(); return; } if (!$map) { foreach ($subErrors as $subError) { yield from $this->getErrors($subError); } return; } foreach ($subErrors as $subError) { $path = $subError->data()->path(); if (count($path) !== 1) { yield from $this->getErrors($subError); } else { $path = $path[0]; if (isset($map->{$path})) { yield $subError => $map->{$path}; } elseif (isset($map->{'*'})) { yield $subError => $map->{'*'}; } else { yield from $this->getErrors($subError); } } } } }