* Notice
* @package WPDesk\FS\Compatibility
namespace WPDesk\FS\Compatibility;
* Can display notice about incompatible plugins.
class Notice {
* @var PluginCompatibilityChecker .
private $plugin_compatibility_checker;
* Notice constructor.
* @param PluginCompatibilityChecker $plugin_compatibility_checker .
public function __construct( PluginCompatibilityChecker $plugin_compatibility_checker ) {
$this->plugin_compatibility_checker = $plugin_compatibility_checker;
* Add hooks.
public function hooks() {
add_action( 'admin_notices', array( $this, 'admin_notices' ) );
* Display notices in admin.
public function admin_notices() {
$status = (bool) apply_filters( 'plugin_compatibility_checker/notice_added', false );
if ( $status ) {
add_filter( 'plugin_compatibility_checker/notice_added', '__return_true' );
$checker = $this->plugin_compatibility_checker;
$additional_info = ' ' . sprintf(
__( 'If the WordPress updater hasn\'t informed you about the newer versions available, please %sfollow these instructions →%s', 'wp-wpdesk-fs-compatibility' ),
sprintf( '<a href="%s" target="_blank">', __( 'https://octol.io/fs-2-docs', 'wp-wpdesk-fs-compatibility' ) ),
if ( ! $checker->is_fs_compatible() ) {
if (
$checker->is_active_fs_pro() &&
$checker->is_fs_pro_compatible() &&
$checker->is_active_fs_loc() &&
) {
new \WPDesk\Notice\Notice( sprintf( __( '%sFlexible Shipping%s plugin you are currently using is not compatible with the installed version of Flexible Shipping PRO and Flexible Shipping Locations. Please update the %sFlexible Shipping%s plugin to %s version or newer.', 'wp-wpdesk-fs-compatibility' ), '<strong>', '</strong>', '<strong>', '</strong>', $checker->fs->get_required_version() ) . $additional_info, 'error' );
} elseif (
$checker->is_active_fs_pro() &&
) {
new \WPDesk\Notice\Notice( sprintf( __( '%sFlexible Shipping%s plugin you are currently using is not compatible with the installed version of Flexible Shipping PRO. Please update the %sFlexible Shipping%s plugin to %s version or newer.', 'wp-wpdesk-fs-compatibility' ), '<strong>', '</strong>', '<strong>', '</strong>', $checker->fs->get_required_version() ) . $additional_info, 'error' );
} elseif (
$checker->is_active_fs_loc() &&
) {
new \WPDesk\Notice\Notice( sprintf( __( '%sFlexible Shipping%s plugin you are currently using is not compatible with the installed version of Flexible Shipping Locations. Please update the %sFlexible Shipping%s plugin to %s version or newer.', 'wp-wpdesk-fs-compatibility' ), '<strong>', '</strong>', '<strong>', '</strong>', $checker->fs->get_required_version() ) . $additional_info, 'error' );
} else {
if ( ! $checker->is_fs_pro_compatible() ) {
new \WPDesk\Notice\Notice( sprintf( __( '%sFlexible Shipping PRO%s plugin you are currently using is not compatible with the installed version of Flexible Shipping free. Please update the %sFlexible Shipping PRO%s plugin to %s version or newer.', 'wp-wpdesk-fs-compatibility' ), '<strong>', '</strong>', '<strong>', '</strong>', $checker->fs_pro->get_required_version() ) . $additional_info, 'error' );
if ( ! $checker->is_fs_loc_compatible() ) {
new \WPDesk\Notice\Notice( sprintf( __( '%sFlexible Shipping Locations%s plugin you are currently using is not compatible with the installed version of Flexible Shipping free. Please update the %sFlexible Shipping Locations%s plugin to %s version or newer.', 'wp-wpdesk-fs-compatibility' ), '<strong>', '</strong>', '<strong>', '</strong>', $checker->fs_loc->get_required_version() ) . $additional_info, 'error' );