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<?php /** * Opauth Strategy * Individual strategies are to be extended from this class * * @copyright Copyright © 2012 U-Zyn Chua ( * @link * @package Opauth.Strategy * @license MIT License */ /** * Opauth Strategy * Individual strategies are to be extended from this class * * @package Opauth.Strategy */ class OpauthStrategy { /** * Compulsory config keys, listed as unassociative arrays * eg. array('app_id', 'app_secret'); */ public $expects; /** * Optional config keys with respective default values, listed as associative arrays * eg. array('scope' => 'email'); */ public $defaults; /** * Auth response array, containing results after successful authentication */ public $auth; /** * Name of strategy */ public $name = null; /** * Configurations and settings unique to a particular strategy */ protected $strategy; /** * Safe env values from Opauth, with critical parameters stripped out */ protected $env; /** * Constructor * * @param array $strategy Strategy-specific configuration * @param array $env Safe env values from Opauth, with critical parameters stripped out */ public function __construct($strategy, $env) { $this->strategy = $strategy; $this->env = $env; // Include some useful values from Opauth's env $this->strategy['strategy_callback_url'] = $this->env['host'].$this->env['callback_url']; if ($this->name === null) { $this->name = (isset($name) ? $name : get_class($this)); } if (is_array($this->expects)) { foreach ($this->expects as $key){ $this->expects($key); } } if (is_array($this->defaults)) { foreach ($this->defaults as $key => $value) { $this->optional($key, $value); } } /** * Additional helpful values */ $this->strategy['path_to_strategy'] = $this->env['path'].$this->strategy['strategy_url_name'].'/'; $this->strategy['complete_url_to_strategy'] = $this->env['host'].$this->strategy['path_to_strategy']; $dictionary = array_merge($this->env, $this->strategy); foreach ($this->strategy as $key=>$value) { $this->strategy[$key] = $this->envReplace($value, $dictionary); } } /** * Auth request * aka Log in or Register */ public function request() { } /** * Packs $auth nicely and send to callback_url, ships $auth either via GET, POST or session. * Set shipping transport via callback_transport config, default being session. */ public function callback() { $timestamp = date('c'); // To standardize the way of accessing data, objects are translated to arrays $this->auth = $this->recursiveGetObjectVars($this->auth); $this->auth['provider'] = $this->strategy['strategy_name']; $params = array( 'auth' => $this->auth, 'timestamp' => $timestamp, 'signature' => $this->sign($timestamp) ); $this->shipToCallback($params); } /** * Error callback * * More info: * * @param array $error Data on error to be sent back along with the callback * $error = array( * 'provider' // Provider name * 'code' // Error code, can be int (HTTP status) or string (eg. access_denied) * 'message' // User-friendly error message * 'raw' // Actual detail on the error, as returned by the provider * ) * */ public function errorCallback($error) { $timestamp = date('c'); $error = $this->recursiveGetObjectVars($error); $error['provider'] = $this->strategy['strategy_name']; $params = array( 'error' => $error, 'timestamp' => $timestamp ); $this->shipToCallback($params); } /** * Send $data to callback_url using specified transport method * * @param array $data Data to be sent * @param string $transport Callback method, either 'get', 'post' or 'session' * 'session': Default. Works best unless callback_url is on a different domain than Opauth * 'post': Works cross-domain, but relies on availability of client-side JavaScript. * 'get': Works cross-domain, but may be limited or corrupted by browser URL length limit * (eg. IE8/IE9 has 2083-char limit) * */ private function shipToCallback($data, $transport = null) { if (empty($transport)) { $transport = $this->env['callback_transport']; } switch($transport) { case 'get': $this->redirect($this->env['callback_url'].'?'.http_build_query(array('opauth' => base64_encode(serialize($data))), '', '&')); break; case 'post': $this->clientPost($this->env['callback_url'], array('opauth' => base64_encode(serialize($data)))); break; case 'session': default: if(!session_id()) { session_start(); } $_SESSION['opauth'] = $data; $this->redirect($this->env['callback_url']); } } /** * Call an action from a defined strategy * * @param string $action Action name to call * @param string $defaultAction If an action is not defined in a strategy, calls $defaultAction */ public function callAction($action, $defaultAction = 'request') { if (method_exists($this, $action)) return $this->{$action}(); else return $this->{$defaultAction}(); } /** * Ensures that a compulsory value is set, throws an error if it's not set * * @param string $key Expected configuration key * @param string $not If value is set as $not, trigger E_USER_ERROR * @return mixed The loaded value */ protected function expects($key, $not = null) { if (!array_key_exists($key, $this->strategy)) { trigger_error($this->name." config parameter for \"$key\" expected.", E_USER_ERROR); exit(); } $value = $this->strategy[$key]; if (empty($value) || $value == $not) { trigger_error($this->name." config parameter for \"$key\" expected.", E_USER_ERROR); exit(); } return $value; } /** * Loads a default value into $strategy if the associated key is not found * * @param string $key Configuration key to be loaded * @param string $default Default value for the configuration key if none is set by the user * @return mixed The loaded value */ protected function optional($key, $default = null) { if (!array_key_exists($key, $this->strategy)) { $this->strategy[$key] = $default; return $default; } else return $this->strategy[$key]; } /** * Security: Sign $auth before redirecting to callback_url * * @param string $timestamp ISO 8601 formatted date * @return string Resulting signature */ protected function sign($timestamp = null) { if (is_null($timestamp)) $timestamp = date('c'); $input = sha1(print_r($this->auth, true)); $hash = $this->hash($input, $timestamp, $this->env['security_iteration'], $this->env['security_salt']); return $hash; } /** * Maps user profile to auth response * * @param array $profile User profile obtained from provider * @param string $profile_path Path to a $profile property. Use dot(.) to separate levels. * eg. Path to $profile['a']['b']['c'] would be 'a.b.c' * @param string $auth_path Path to $this->auth that is to be set. */ protected function mapProfile($profile, $profile_path, $auth_path) { $from = explode('.', $profile_path); $base = $profile; foreach ($from as $element) { if (is_array($base) && array_key_exists($element, $base)) { $base = $base[$element]; } else { return false; } } $value = $base; $to = explode('.', $auth_path); $auth = &$this->auth; foreach ($to as $element) { $auth = &$auth[$element]; } $auth = $value; return true; } /** * ***************************************************** * Utilities * A collection of static functions for strategy's use * ***************************************************** */ /** * Static hashing function * * @param string $input Input string * @param string $timestamp ISO 8601 formatted date * @param int $iteration Number of hash iterations * @param string $salt * @return string Resulting hash */ public static function hash($input, $timestamp, $iteration, $salt) { $iteration = intval($iteration); if ($iteration <= 0) { return false; } for ($i = 0; $i < $iteration; ++$i) { $input = base_convert(sha1($input.$salt.$timestamp), 16, 36); } return $input; } /** * Redirect to $url with HTTP header (Location: ) * * @param string $url URL to redirect user to * @param boolean $exit Whether to call exit() right after redirection */ public static function redirect($url, $exit = true) { header("Location: $url"); if ($exit) { exit(); } } /** * Client-side GET: This function builds the full HTTP URL with parameters and redirects via Location header. * * @param string $url Destination URL * @param array $data Data * @param boolean $exit Whether to call exit() right after redirection */ public static function clientGet($url, $data = array(), $exit = true) { self::redirect($url.'?'.http_build_query($data, '', '&'), $exit); } /** * Generates a simple HTML form with $data initialized and post results via JavaScript * * @param string $url URL to be POSTed * @param array $data Data to be POSTed */ public static function clientPost($url, $data = array()) { $html = '<html><body onload="postit();"><form name="auth" method="post" action="'.$url.'">'; if (!empty($data) && is_array($data)) { $flat = self::flattenArray($data); foreach ($flat as $key => $value) { $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="'.$key.'" value="'.$value.'">'; } } $html .= '</form>'; $html .= '<script type="text/javascript">function postit(){ document.auth.submit(); }</script>'; $html .= '</body></html>'; echo $html; } /** * Basic server-side HTTP GET request via self::httpRequest(), wrapper of file_get_contents * * @param string $url Destination URL * @param array $data Data to be submitted via GET * @param array $options Additional stream context options, if any * @param string $responseHeaders Response headers after HTTP call. Useful for error debugging. * @return string Content resulted from request, without headers */ public static function serverGet($url, $data, $options = null, &$responseHeaders = null) { return self::httpRequest($url.'?'.http_build_query($data, '', '&'), $options, $responseHeaders); } /** * Basic server-side HTTP POST request via self::httpRequest(), wrapper of file_get_contents * * @param string $url Destination URL * @param array $data Data to be POSTed * @param array $options Additional stream context options, if any * @param string $responseHeaders Response headers after HTTP call. Useful for error debugging. * @return string Content resulted from request, without headers */ public static function serverPost($url, $data, $options = array(), &$responseHeaders = null) { if (!is_array($options)) { $options = array(); } $query = http_build_query($data, '', '&'); $stream = array('http' => array( 'method' => 'POST', 'header' => "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded", 'content' => $query )); $stream = array_merge_recursive($options, $stream); return self::httpRequest($url, $stream, $responseHeaders); } /** * Simple server-side HTTP request with file_get_contents * Provides basic HTTP calls. * See serverGet() and serverPost() for wrapper functions of httpRequest() * * Notes: * Reluctant to use any more advanced transport like cURL for the time being to not * having to set cURL as being a requirement. * Strategy is to provide own HTTP transport handler if requiring more advanced support. * * @param string $url Full URL to load * @param array $options Stream context options ( * @param string $responseHeaders Response headers after HTTP call. Useful for error debugging. * @return string Content resulted from request, without headers */ public static function httpRequest($url, $options = null, &$responseHeaders = null) { if ( apply_filters( 'kapee_alt_auth_method', false ) ) { if ( !function_exists( 'curl_init' ) ) { trigger_error( 'Curl not supported, try using other http_client_method such as file', E_USER_ERROR ); } $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1 ); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url ); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, true) ; if ( !empty( $options['http']['method'] ) && strtoupper( $options['http']['method'] ) === 'POST' ) { curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POST, true ); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $options['http']['content'] ); } $content = curl_exec( $ch ); curl_close( $ch ); list( $headers, $content ) = explode( "\r\n\r\n", $content, 2 ); $responseHeaders = $headers; return $content; }else{ $context = null; if (!empty($options) && is_array($options)) { if (empty($options['http']['header'])) { $options['http']['header'] = "User-Agent: opauth"; } else { $options['http']['header'] .= "\r\nUser-Agent: opauth"; } } else { $options = array('http' => array('header' => 'User-Agent: opauth')); } $context = stream_context_create($options); $content = file_get_contents($url, false, $context); $responseHeaders = implode("\r\n", $http_response_header); return $content; } } /** * Recursively converts object into array * Basically get_object_vars, but recursive. * * @param mixed $obj Object * @return array Array of object properties */ public static function recursiveGetObjectVars($obj) { $arr = array(); $_arr = is_object($obj) ? get_object_vars($obj) : $obj; foreach ($_arr as $key => $val) { $val = (is_array($val) || is_object($val)) ? self::recursiveGetObjectVars($val) : $val; // Transform boolean into 1 or 0 to make it safe across all Opauth HTTP transports if (is_bool($val)) $val = ($val) ? 1 : 0; $arr[$key] = $val; } return $arr; } /** * Recursively converts multidimensional array into POST-friendly single dimensional array * * @param array $array Array to be flatten * @param string $prefix String to be prefixed to flattened variable name * @param array $results Existing array of flattened inputs to be merged upon * * @return array A single dimensional array with POST-friendly name */ public static function flattenArray($array, $prefix = null, $results = array()) { foreach ($array as $key => $val) { $name = (empty($prefix)) ? $key : $prefix."[$key]"; if (is_array($val)) { $results = array_merge($results, self::flattenArray($val, $name)); } else { $results[$name] = $val; } } return $results; } /** * Replace defined env values enclosed in {} with values from $dictionary * * @param string $value Input string * @param array $dictionary Dictionary to lookup values from * @return string String substituted with value from dictionary, if applicable */ public static function envReplace($value, $dictionary) { if (is_string($value) && preg_match_all('/{([A-Za-z0-9-_]+)}/', $value, $matches)) { foreach ($matches[1] as $key) { if (array_key_exists($key, $dictionary)) { $value = str_replace('{'.$key.'}', $dictionary[$key], $value); } } return $value; } return $value; } }