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<?php /** * Class ProductCategory * * @package WPDesk\FSPro\TableRate\Rule\Condition */ namespace WPDesk\FSPro\TableRate\Rule\Condition; use FSProVendor\WPDesk\Forms\Field\BasicField; use FSVendor\WPDesk\Forms\Field\SelectField; use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface; use WPDesk\FS\TableRate\Rule\Condition\AbstractCondition; use FSVendor\WPDesk\Forms\Field; use WPDesk\FS\TableRate\Rule\ShippingContents\ShippingContents; use WPDesk\FSPro\TableRate\Rule\Condition\ProductCategory\AjaxHandler; use WPDesk\FSPro\TableRate\Rule\Condition\ProductCategory\CategoriesOptions; use WPDesk\FSPro\TableRate\Rule\Condition\ProductCategory\ProductCategoryContentsFilterAll; use WPDesk\FSPro\TableRate\Rule\Condition\ProductCategory\ProductCategoryContentsFilterAny; use WPDesk\FSPro\TableRate\Rule\Condition\ProductCategory\ProductCategoryContentsFilterNone; /** * Product Category Condition. */ class ProductCategory extends AbstractCondition { use ConditionOperators; const ANY_CATEGORY = 'any'; const NONE = 'none'; const PREDEFINED_VALUES = [ self::ANY_CATEGORY, self::NONE, ]; const CONDITION_ID = 'product_category'; /** * @var CategoriesOptions */ private $categories; /** * ProductCategory constructor. * * @param CategoriesOptions $categories . * @param int $priority . */ public function __construct( CategoriesOptions $categories, $priority = 10 ) { $this->condition_id = self::CONDITION_ID; $this->name = __( 'Product category', 'flexible-shipping-pro' ); $this->description = __( 'Shipping cost based on the selected product categories', 'flexible-shipping-pro' ); $this->group = __( 'Product', 'flexible-shipping-pro' ); $this->categories = $categories; $this->priority = $priority; } /** * @param array $condition_settings . * @param ShippingContents $contents . * @param LoggerInterface $logger . * * @return bool */ public function is_condition_matched( array $condition_settings, ShippingContents $contents, LoggerInterface $logger ) { $condition_matched = 0 !== count( $contents->get_contents() ); $logger->debug( $this->format_for_log( $condition_settings, $condition_matched, $this->format_input_data_for_logger( $contents->get_contents() ) ) ); return $condition_matched; } /** * @param array $contents . * * @return string */ private function format_input_data_for_logger( array $contents ) { $format_input_data = ''; foreach ( $this->get_product_categories_from_contents( $contents ) as $product_category ) { $format_input_data .= $product_category . ', '; } return trim( $format_input_data, ', ' ); } /** * @param array $condition_settings . * * @return array */ public function prepare_settings( $condition_settings ) { $categories = isset( $condition_settings[ self::CONDITION_ID ] ) ? $condition_settings[ self::CONDITION_ID ] : ''; if ( ! is_array( $categories ) ) { $categories = []; $condition_settings[ self::CONDITION_ID ] = []; } $categories_options = []; foreach ( $categories as $single_category ) { $option = $this->categories->get_category_option( $single_category ); if ( $option ) { $categories_options[] = $option; } } $condition_settings['select_options'] = $categories_options; return $condition_settings; } /** * @param array $contents . * * @return array */ private function get_product_categories_from_contents( array $contents ) { $contents_product_categories = []; foreach ( $contents as $contents_item ) { $product = $this->get_product_from_contents_item( $contents_item ); $product_categories = $product->get_category_ids(); if ( 0 === count( $product_categories ) ) { $contents_product_categories[ self::NONE ] = __( 'None (category not set)', 'flexible-shipping-pro' ); } else { foreach ( $product_categories as $product_category ) { $contents_product_categories[ $product_category ] = $this->categories->get_category_option( $product_category )['label']; } } } return $contents_product_categories; } /** * @param array $contents_item . * * @return \WC_Product */ private function get_product_from_contents_item( array $contents_item ) { return $contents_item['data']; } /** * @param array $condition_settings . * @param bool $condition_matched . * @param string $input_data . * * @return string */ protected function format_for_log( array $condition_settings, $condition_matched, $input_data ) { // Translators: condition name. $formatted_for_log = ' ' . sprintf( __( 'Condition: %1$s;', 'flexible-shipping-pro' ), $this->get_name() ); // Translators: operator. $formatted_for_log .= sprintf( __( ' operator: %1$s;', 'flexible-shipping-pro' ), $this->get_operator_label( $this->get_operator_from_settings( $condition_settings, 'all' ) ) ); $product_categories = isset( $condition_settings[ self::CONDITION_ID ] ) ? $condition_settings[ self::CONDITION_ID ] : []; $product_categories = is_array( $product_categories ) ? $product_categories : [ $product_categories ]; $formatted_product_categories = ''; foreach ( $product_categories as $product_category ) { if ( in_array( $product_category, self::PREDEFINED_VALUES, true ) ) { $formatted_product_categories .= $product_category . ', '; } else { $formatted_product_categories .= $this->categories->get_category_option( $product_category )['label'] . ', '; } } $formatted_product_categories = trim( $formatted_product_categories, ', ' ); // Translators: input data. $formatted_for_log .= sprintf( __( ' product categories: %1$s;', 'flexible-shipping-pro' ), $formatted_product_categories ); // Translators: input data. $formatted_for_log .= sprintf( __( ' input data: %1$s;', 'flexible-shipping-pro' ), $input_data ); // Translators: matched condition. $formatted_for_log .= sprintf( __( ' matched: %1$s', 'flexible-shipping-pro' ), ( $condition_matched ) ? __( 'yes', 'flexible-shipping-pro' ) : __( 'no', 'flexible-shipping-pro' ) ); return $formatted_for_log; } /** * @param string $operator . * * @return string */ private function get_operator_label( $operator ) { $labels = [ 'any' => _x( 'matches any', 'product-category', 'flexible-shipping-pro' ), 'all' => _x( 'matches all', 'product-category', 'flexible-shipping-pro' ), 'none' => _x( 'matches none', 'product-category', 'flexible-shipping-pro' ), ]; return isset( $labels[ $operator ] ) ? $labels[ $operator ] : $operator; } /** * @return Field[] */ public function get_fields() { $fields = [ $this->prepare_operator_matches(), ( new Field\WooSelect() ) ->set_name( self::CONDITION_ID ) ->set_multiple() ->add_class( 'product-category' ) ->set_placeholder( __( 'search product category', 'flexible-shipping-pro' ) ) ->set_label( _x( 'of', 'select', 'flexible-shipping-pro' ) ) ->add_data( 'ajax-url', $this->create_ajax_url() ) ->add_data( 'async', true ) ->add_data( 'autoload', true ), ]; return $fields; } /** * @param string|null $default_value . * * @return SelectField */ private function prepare_operator_matches( $default_value = null ) { $operator_matches = ( new SelectField() ) ->set_name( $this->get_operator_field_name() ) ->set_options( [ [ 'value' => 'any', 'label' => _x( 'any', 'product-category', 'flexible-shipping-pro' ), 'description' => __( 'The rule will be used if there is at least 1 product with selected product categories in the cart', 'flexible-shipping-pro' ), ], [ 'value' => 'all', 'label' => _x( 'all', 'product-category', 'flexible-shipping-pro' ), 'description' => __( 'The rule will be used if there is at least 1 product from each of selected product categories in the cart', 'flexible-shipping-pro' ), ], [ 'value' => 'none', 'label' => _x( 'none', 'product-category', 'flexible-shipping-pro' ), 'description' => __( 'The rule will be used only if there are no products with selected product categories in the cart', 'flexible-shipping-pro' ), ], ] ) ->set_label( _x( 'matches', 'product-category', 'flexible-shipping-pro' ) ); if ( $default_value ) { $operator_matches->set_default_value( $default_value ); } return $operator_matches; } /** * @return string */ private function create_ajax_url() { return admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php?action=' . AjaxHandler::AJAX_ACTION . '&security=' . wp_create_nonce( AjaxHandler::NONCE_ACTION ) ); } /** * @param ShippingContents $shipping_contents . * @param array $condition_settings . * * @return ShippingContents */ public function process_shipping_contents( ShippingContents $shipping_contents, array $condition_settings ) { $product_categories = is_array( $condition_settings[ self::CONDITION_ID ] ) ? $condition_settings[ self::CONDITION_ID ] : [ $condition_settings[ self::CONDITION_ID ] ]; $operator = $this->get_operator_from_settings( $condition_settings, 'any' ); if ( 'all' === $operator ) { $shipping_contents->filter_contents( new ProductCategoryContentsFilterAll( $product_categories ) ); } elseif ( 'none' === $operator ) { $shipping_contents->filter_contents( new ProductCategoryContentsFilterNone( $product_categories ) ); } else { $shipping_contents->filter_contents( new ProductCategoryContentsFilterAny( $product_categories ) ); } return $shipping_contents; } }