namespace KrokedilKlarnaPaymentsDeps\Krokedil\SettingsPage;
\defined('ABSPATH') || exit;
use KrokedilKlarnaPaymentsDeps\Krokedil\SettingsPage\Traits\Layout;
* Support class to handle the support section of the settings page.
class Support
use Layout;
* The Support for the page.
* @var array $support
protected $support = array();
* Class constructor.
* @param array $support Support for the page.
* @param array $sidebar Sidebar content.
* @param \WC_Payment_Gateway|null $gateway The gateway object.
* @return void
public function __construct($support, $sidebar, $gateway = null)
$this->title = __('Support', 'krokedil-settings');
$this->gateway = $gateway;
$this->support = $support;
$this->sidebar = $sidebar;
* Return the Helpscout beacon script.
* @return string;
public static function hs_beacon_script()
return '!function(e,t,n){function a(){var e=t.getElementsByTagName("script")[0],n=t.createElement("script");n.type="text/javascript",n.async=!0,n.src="https://beacon-v2.helpscout.net",e.parentNode.insertBefore(n,e)}if(e.Beacon=n=function(t,n,a){e.Beacon.readyQueue.push({method:t,options:n,data:a})},n.readyQueue=[],"complete"===t.readyState)return a();e.attachEvent?e.attachEvent("onload",a):e.addEventListener("load",a,!1)}(window,document,window.Beacon||function(){});';
* Enqueue the scripts for the support page.
* @return void
public function enqueue_scripts()
// Load CSS.
// If the WC Version is 9.0 or above, get the container for the RestAPiUtil, else us the WC()->api class property.
// The deprecation notice says 9.1.0, but the WC()->api property is not set in 9.0.0.
// @see https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/blob/5690850e47284b3a9afd4e61dec01121159ca9e8/plugins/woocommerce/src/Internal/Utilities/LegacyRestApiStub.php#L183-L187.
$legacy_wc = \version_compare(WC_VERSION, '9.0', '<=');
$system_report = '';
if ($legacy_wc) {
$system_report = WC()->api->get_endpoint_data('/wc/v3/system_status');
} elseif (\class_exists(\Automattic\WooCommerce\Utilities\RestApiUtil::class)) {
$system_report = wc_get_container()->get(\Automattic\WooCommerce\Utilities\RestApiUtil::class)->get_endpoint_data('/wc/v3/system_status');
$beacon_id = '9c22f83e-3611-42aa-a148-1ca06de53566';
// Localize the support scrip.
wp_localize_script('krokedil-support-page', 'krokedil_support_params', array('systemReport' => $system_report, 'beaconId' => $beacon_id));
// Load JS.
wp_add_inline_script('krokedil-support-page', self::hs_beacon_script(), 'before');
* Output the support HTML.
* @return void
public function output_page_content()
global $hide_save_button;
$hide_save_button = \true;
$content = $this->support['content'];
<div class='krokedil_support'>
<div class="krokedil_support__info">
esc_html_e('Before opening a support ticket, please make sure you have read the relevant plugin resources for a solution to your problem', 'krokedil-settings');
foreach ($content as $item) {
echo wp_kses_post($this->print_content($item));
<button type="button" class="button button-primary support-button"><?php
esc_html_e('Open support ticket with Krokedil', 'krokedil-settings');
* Print the content.
* @param array $item The item to print.
* @param bool $ignore_p_tag Whether to ignore the p tag.
* @return string
public function print_content($item, $ignore_p_tag = \false)
$type = $item['type'];
$text = '';
switch ($type) {
case 'text':
$text = self::get_text($item);
case 'link':
$text = self::get_link($item);
case 'link_text':
$text = self::get_link_text($item);
case 'list':
$list_items = $item['items'];
$list = '<ul class="krokedil_settings__list">';
foreach ($list_items as $list_item) {
$list .= '<li>';
$list .= $this->print_content($list_item, \true);
$list .= '</li>';
$list .= '</ul>';
$text = $list;
case 'spacer':
$ignore_p_tag = \true;
$text = '<div class="krokedil_settings__spacer"></div>';
return '';
if ($ignore_p_tag) {
return $text;
return '<p>' . $text . '</p>';