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<?php namespace iThemesSecurity\Encryption; use Exception; use RuntimeException; use SodiumException; final class User_Encryption_Sodium implements User_Encryption { /** * Prefix for encrypted secrets. Contains a version identifier. * * $t1$ -> v1 (RFC 6238, encrypted with XChaCha20-Poly1305, with a key derived from HMAC-SHA256 * of SECURE_AUTH_SAL.) * * @var string */ private const ENCRYPTED_PREFIX = '$t1$'; /** * Current "version" of the encryption protocol. * * 1 -> $t1$nonce|ciphertext|tag */ private const ENCRYPTED_VERSION = 1; /** @var string */ private $secret; /** * Instantiates a new User Encryption implementation. * * @param string $secret Random bytes. */ public function __construct( string $secret ) { $this->secret = $secret; if ( ! function_exists( 'sodium_crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_encrypt' ) && ! function_exists( 'sodiumCompatAutoloader' ) ) { require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/sodium_compat/autoload.php'; } } public static function is_encrypted( string $message ): bool { if ( strlen( $message ) < 40 ) { return false; } if ( strpos( $message, self::ENCRYPTED_PREFIX ) !== 0 ) { return false; } return true; } public function encrypt( string $message, int $user_id ): string { $prefix = $this->get_version_header(); try { $nonce = random_bytes( 24 ); $ciphertext = sodium_crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_encrypt( $message, $this->serialize_aad( $prefix, $nonce, $user_id ), $nonce, $this->get_encryption_key() ); } catch ( SodiumException $e ) { throw new RuntimeException( 'Encryption failed', 0, $e ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { throw new RuntimeException( 'Nonce generation failed.', 0, $e ); } return self::ENCRYPTED_PREFIX . base64_encode( $nonce . $ciphertext ); } public function decrypt( string $encrypted, int $user_id ): string { if ( strlen( $encrypted ) < 4 ) { throw new RuntimeException( 'Message is too short to be encrypted' ); } $prefix = substr( $encrypted, 0, 4 ); $version = self::get_version_id( $prefix ); if ( $version !== 1 ) { throw new RuntimeException( 'Unknown version: ' . $version ); } $decoded = base64_decode( substr( $encrypted, 4 ) ); $nonce = substr( $decoded, 0, 24 ); $ciphertext = substr( $decoded, 24 ); try { $decrypted = sodium_crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_decrypt( $ciphertext, self::serialize_aad( $prefix, $nonce, $user_id ), $nonce, $this->get_encryption_key( $version ) ); } catch ( SodiumException $ex ) { throw new RuntimeException( 'Decryption failed', 0, $ex ); } // If we don't have a string, throw an exception because decryption failed. if ( ! is_string( $decrypted ) ) { throw new RuntimeException( 'Could not decrypt secret' ); } return $decrypted; } /** * Serializes the Additional Authenticated Data for secret encryption. * * @param string $prefix Version prefix. * @param string $nonce Encryption nonce. * @param int $user_id User ID. * * @return string */ private function serialize_aad( string $prefix, string $nonce, int $user_id ): string { return $prefix . $nonce . pack( 'N', $user_id ); } /** * Gets the version prefix from a given version number. * * @param int $number Version number. * * @return string * @throws RuntimeException For incorrect versions. */ private function get_version_header( int $number = self::ENCRYPTED_VERSION ): string { switch ( $number ) { case 1: return '$t1$'; default: throw new RuntimeException( 'Incorrect version number: ' . $number ); } } /** * Gets the version prefix from a given version number. * * @param string $prefix Version prefix. * * @return int * @throws RuntimeException For incorrect versions. */ private function get_version_id( string $prefix = self::ENCRYPTED_PREFIX ): int { switch ( $prefix ) { case '$t1$': return 1; default: throw new RuntimeException( 'Incorrect version identifier: ' . $prefix ); } } /** * Gets the encryption key for encrypting secrets. * * @param int $version Key derivation strategy. * * @return string * @throws RuntimeException For incorrect versions. */ private function get_encryption_key( int $version = self::ENCRYPTED_VERSION ): string { switch ( $version ) { case 1: return hash_hmac( 'sha256', $this->secret, 'itsec-user-encryption', true ); default: throw new RuntimeException( 'Incorrect version number: ' . $version ); } } }