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/* globals yithWcwlAddToWishlist */ import React, { useContext, useState, useRef, useEffect } from 'react'; import { ThemeProvider } from '@lapilli-ui/styles'; import { createContext, useContextSelector } from 'use-context-selector'; import useProductData from '../components/add-to-wishlist/hooks/use-product-data'; import { useDispatch } from 'react-redux'; import { addProductToWishlist, removeProductFromWishlist } from '../features/products-data/products-data-actions'; import classNames from 'classnames'; import { ComponentsExtensionProvider } from './index' import useFeedback from '../components/add-to-wishlist/hooks/use-feedback'; const ButtonDataContext = createContext( {} ); export const useButtonAttributes = ( mergeWithGlobalOptions = true ) => mergeWithGlobalOptions ? { ...yithWcwlAddToWishlist.globalOptions, ...(useContext( ButtonDataContext ).attributes) } : useContext( ButtonDataContext ).attributes; export const useButtonData = () => useContextSelector( ButtonDataContext, v => v ); export const useButtonStyle = () => { return useContextSelector( ButtonDataContext, ( v ) => v?.style ); } export const useAddToWishlistButtonData = () => useContextSelector( ButtonDataContext, ( { href, icon, buttonRef: ref, className, onButtonClick: onClick, label } ) => { return { label, href, icon, ref, className, onClick } } ); export const useButtonTooltipData = () => useContextSelector( ButtonDataContext, ( state ) => { return { hasDataLoaded: state?.hasDataLoaded, add_label: state?.add_label, remove_label: state?.remove_label, browse_label: state?.browse_label, move_label: state?.move_label, isAdded: state?.isAdded, behaviour: state?.behaviour, buttonRef: state?.buttonRef, isDropdownOpen: state?.isDropdownOpen, tooltipEnabled: state?.tooltipEnabled, } } ) export const useButtonDropdownData = () => useContextSelector( ButtonDataContext, ( state ) => { return { buttonRef: state?.buttonRef, availableLists: state?.availableLists, isDropdownOpen: state?.isDropdownOpen, handleCloseDropdown: state?.handleCloseDropdown, wishlists: state?.wishlists, } } ) export const ButtonDataProvider = ( { children, attributes, dataExtensions, componentsExtensions } ) => { const [ isPerformingAction, setIsPerformingAction ] = useState( false ); const richAttributes = { ...yithWcwlAddToWishlist.globalOptions, ...attributes }; const { buttonId, productId: productIdAttribute, style, isOverProductImage, add_label, added_label, remove_label, browse_label, icon, icon_type, custom_icon, added_icon: added_icon_attribute, added_icon_type, custom_added_icon, is_single, loop_position, button_over_image_style, position_over_image_in_loop, behaviour: attribute_behaviour, } = richAttributes; const [ productId, setProductId ] = useState( productIdAttribute ) const { isAdded, isLoading, alreadyIn, productData, hasDataLoaded, } = useProductData( productId, attributes ); const { feedbackType, showFeedback, feedbackMessage, feedbackDuration, setFeedbackType, setShowFeedback, setFeedbackMessage, setFeedbackDuration, addFeedback, clearFeedback, feedbackAnimation, setFeedbackAnimation, } = useFeedback( productId, richAttributes, isPerformingAction ); const buttonRef = useRef(); const dispatch = useDispatch(); const add_icon = (() => { if ( 'custom' === icon_type ) { return custom_icon; } return icon; })(); const added_icon = (() => { if ( added_icon_type === 'same' ) { return add_icon; } if ( 'custom' === added_icon_type ) { return custom_added_icon; } return added_icon_attribute; })(); const iconToDisplay = isAdded ? added_icon : add_icon; const behaviour = (() => { if ( ! yithWcwlAddToWishlist.isUserLoggedIn && 'yes' === yithWcwlAddToWishlist.globalOptions.wishlist_disabled_for_unauthenticated_users ) { return 'view'; } return [ 'add', 'remove' ].includes( attribute_behaviour ) ? attribute_behaviour : 'view' })(); const href = (() => { if ( ! yithWcwlAddToWishlist.isUserLoggedIn && 'yes' === yithWcwlAddToWishlist.globalOptions.wishlist_disabled_for_unauthenticated_users ) { return yithWcwlAddToWishlist.login_wishlist_url.replace( '%product_id%', productId ); } return 'view' === behaviour && isAdded ? yithWcwlAddToWishlist.wishlist_url : null })(); const handleActionCallback = callback => () => { setIsPerformingAction( false ); jQuery( document ).trigger( 'yith_wcwl_reload_fragments', { firstLoad: false, avoidDataInvalidation: true } ); 'function' === typeof callback && callback(); } const handleButtonAction = ( action, callback ) => { if ( 'function' === typeof action ) { setIsPerformingAction( true ) action().then( handleActionCallback( callback ) ) } } const handleAddToWishlist = ( callback ) => handleButtonAction( async () => { await dispatch( addProductToWishlist( productId ) ); }, callback ); const handleRemoveFromWishlist = ( callback ) => handleButtonAction( async () => { await dispatch( removeProductFromWishlist( productId ) ); }, callback ); const onButtonClick = ( event) => { if ( href ) return false; event?.preventDefault(); event?.stopPropagation(); if ( ! hasDataLoaded || isLoading ) return false; if ( isAdded && behaviour !== 'add' ) { if ( behaviour === 'remove' ) { handleRemoveFromWishlist(); } else { window.location = yithWcwlAddToWishlist.wishlist_url } } else { handleAddToWishlist(); } } const getStyle = () => { if ( ! is_single && loop_position === 'before_image' && isOverProductImage ) return 'icon-button'; if ( style === 'link' ) return 'anchor'; return style === 'button_default' ? 'themed-button' : 'custom-button'; } const getLabel = () => { if ( isAdded ) { if ( behaviour === 'add' && ! alreadyIn ) return added_label; if ( behaviour === 'remove' ) return remove_label; if ( behaviour === 'view' ) return browse_label; } return add_label; } const getClasses = () => classNames( { 'yith-wcwl-add-to-wishlist-button': true, [ `yith-wcwl-add-to-wishlist-button--${ getStyle() }` ]: true, 'yith-wcwl-add-to-wishlist-button--loading': isLoading, 'yith-wcwl-add-to-wishlist-button--first-loading': isLoading && productData?.isAdded === undefined, 'yith-wcwl-add-to-wishlist-button--added': isAdded, 'yith-wcwl-add-to-wishlist-button--single': is_single, 'yith-wcwl-add-to-wishlist-button-over-image': isOverProductImage, [ `yith-wcwl-add-to-wishlist-button-over-image--${ position_over_image_in_loop || 'top-left' }` ]: isOverProductImage && loop_position === 'before_image', 'yith-wcwl-add-to-wishlist-button-over-image--hover': isOverProductImage && loop_position === 'before_image' && button_over_image_style === 'hover' && ! isAdded, [ yithWcwlAddToWishlist?.buttonClasses + ' yith-wcwl-theme-button-style' ]: getStyle() === 'themed-button', } ); useEffect( () => { if ( is_single ) { const handleFoundVariation = ( e, variation ) => { const form =; const parentId = form?.getAttribute( 'data-product_id' ) if ( parentId === attributes?.productId ) { setProductId( variation.variation_id ) } }; const handleResetVariation = () => setProductId( productIdAttribute ); jQuery( document ).on( 'found_variation', handleFoundVariation ); jQuery( document ).on( 'reset_data', handleResetVariation ); return () => { jQuery( document ).off( 'found_variation', handleFoundVariation ); jQuery( document ).off( 'reset_data', handleResetVariation ); } } }, [] ); let value = { buttonId, productId, attributes, productData, hasDataLoaded, richAttributes, isOverProductImage, isPerformingAction, setIsPerformingAction, icon: iconToDisplay, added_icon, add_icon, add_label, added_label, remove_label, browse_label, href, isAdded, is_single, isLoading, buttonRef, behaviour, style: getStyle(), label: getLabel(), className: getClasses(), feedbackType, showFeedback, feedbackMessage, feedbackDuration, feedbackAnimation, setFeedbackType, setShowFeedback, setFeedbackMessage, setFeedbackDuration, setFeedbackAnimation, addFeedback, clearFeedback, onButtonClick, handleButtonAction, handleAddToWishlist, handleRemoveFromWishlist, } if ( 'function' === typeof dataExtensions ) { value = { ...value, ...dataExtensions( value ) } } return <ButtonDataContext.Provider value={ value }> <ComponentsExtensionProvider extensions={ componentsExtensions }> <ThemeProvider> { children } </ThemeProvider> </ComponentsExtensionProvider> </ButtonDataContext.Provider> };