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<?php if( ! class_exists( 'Kapee_Breadcrumb' )) { class Kapee_Breadcrumb{ /** * Breadcrumb trail. * * @var array */ private $crumbs = array(); /** * Add a crumb so we don't get lost. * * @param string $name Name. * @param string $link Link. */ public function add_crumb( $name, $link = '' ) { $name = !is_array($name) ? strip_tags( $name ) : $name; $this->crumbs[] = array( $name, $link, ); } /** * Reset crumbs. */ public function reset() { $this->crumbs = array(); } /** * Get the breadcrumb. * * @return array */ public function get_breadcrumb() { return apply_filters( 'kapee_get_breadcrumb', $this->crumbs, $this ); } /** * Generate breadcrumb trail. * * @return array of breadcrumbs */ public function generate() { global $post; $breadcrumbs_archives_link = true; $blog_link = true; if ( ! is_front_page() ) { $this->add_crumb(esc_html__('Home', 'kapee'),home_url( '/' )); } elseif ( is_home() ) { $this->add_crumbs_home(); } // add woocommerce shop page link if ( class_exists( 'WooCommerce' ) && ( ( is_woocommerce() && is_archive() && ! is_shop() ) || is_product() || is_cart() || is_checkout() || is_account_page() ) ) { $this->add_crumbs_shop_link(); } // add bbpress forums link if ( class_exists( 'bbPress' ) && is_bbpress() && ( bbp_is_topic_archive() || bbp_is_single_user() || bbp_is_search() || bbp_is_topic_tag() || bbp_is_edit() ) ) { $this->add_crumb(bbp_get_forum_archive_title(),get_post_type_archive_link( 'forum' )); } if ( is_singular() ) { if ( isset( $post->post_type ) && $post->post_type !== 'product' && get_post_type_archive_link( $post->post_type ) && $breadcrumbs_archives_link) { $this->add_crumbs_archive_link(); } elseif ( isset( $post->post_type ) && $post->post_type == 'post' && get_option( 'show_on_front' ) == 'page' && $blog_link) { $this->add_crumb(get_the_title( get_option('page_for_posts', true) ),get_permalink( get_option('page_for_posts' ) )); } if ( isset( $post->post_parent ) && $post->post_parent == 0 ) { $this->add_crumbs_terms_link(); } else { $this->add_crumbs_ancestors_link(); } $this->add_crumbs_leaf(); } else { if ( is_post_type_archive() ) { if ( is_search() ) { $this->add_crumbs_archive_link(); $this->add_crumbs_leaf('search'); } else { $this->add_crumbs_archive_link(false); } } elseif ( is_tax() || is_tag() || is_category() ) { if ( is_tag() ) { if ( get_option( 'show_on_front' ) == 'page' && $blog_link ) { $this->add_crumb(get_the_title( get_option('page_for_posts', true) ),get_permalink( get_option('page_for_posts' ) )); } $this->add_crumbs_tag(); } elseif ( is_tax('product_tag') ) { $this->add_crumbs_product_tag(); } else { if ( is_category() && get_option( 'show_on_front' ) == 'page' && $blog_link ) { $this->add_crumb(get_the_title( get_option('page_for_posts', true) ),get_permalink( get_option('page_for_posts' ) )); } if ( is_tax('portfolio_cat') || is_tax('portfolio_skills') ) { $this->add_crumb($this->get_archive_name('portfolio'),get_post_type_archive_link( 'portfolio' )); } $this->add_crumbs_taxonomies_link(); $this->add_crumbs_leaf('term'); } } elseif ( is_date() ) { global $wp_locale; if ( get_option( 'show_on_front' ) == 'page' && $blog_link ) { $this->add_crumb(get_the_title( get_option('page_for_posts', true) ), get_permalink( get_option('page_for_posts' ) ) ); } $year = get_the_time('Y'); if ( is_month() || is_day() ) { $month = get_the_time('m'); $month_name = $wp_locale->get_month( $month ); } if ( is_year() ) { $this->add_crumbs_leaf('year'); } elseif ( is_month() ) { $this->add_crumb($year, get_year_link( $year )); $this->add_crumbs_leaf('month'); } elseif ( is_day() ) { $this->add_crumb($year, get_year_link( $year )); $this->add_crumb($month_name, get_month_link( $month )); $this->add_crumbs_leaf('day'); } } elseif ( is_author() ) { $this->add_crumbs_leaf('author'); } elseif ( is_search() ) { $this->add_crumbs_leaf('search'); } elseif ( is_404() ) { $this->add_crumbs_leaf('404'); } elseif ( class_exists( 'bbPress' ) && is_bbpress() ) { if ( bbp_is_search() ) { $this->add_crumbs_leaf('bbpress_search'); } elseif ( bbp_is_single_user() ) { $this->add_crumbs_leaf('bbpress_user'); } else { $this->add_crumbs_leaf(); } } else { if ( is_home() && !is_front_page() ) { if ( get_option( 'show_on_front' ) == 'page' ) { $this->add_crumb(get_the_title( get_option('page_for_posts', true) )); } else { $this->add_crumb('Default title'); } } } } return $this->get_breadcrumb(); } /** * Is home trail.. */ private function add_crumbs_home() { $this->add_crumb(esc_html__('Home', 'kapee')); } /** * Tag trail. */ private function add_crumbs_tag() { $queried_object = $GLOBALS['wp_query']->get_queried_object(); /* translators: %s: tag name */ $this->add_crumb( sprintf( __( 'Article tagged “%s”', 'kapee' ), single_tag_title( '', false ) ), get_tag_link( $queried_object->term_id ) ); } /** * Product Tag trail. */ private function add_crumbs_product_tag() { $queried_object = $GLOBALS['wp_query']->get_queried_object(); /* translators: %s: tag name */ $this->add_crumb( sprintf( __( ' Products tagged “%s”', 'kapee' ), single_tag_title( '', false ) ), get_tag_link( $queried_object->term_id ) ); } private function add_crumbs_shop_link($linked = true) { $post_type = 'product'; $post_type_object = get_post_type_object( $post_type ); $link = ''; if ( is_object( $post_type_object ) && class_exists( 'WooCommerce' ) && ( is_woocommerce() || is_cart() || is_checkout() || is_account_page() ) ) { $shop_page_id = wc_get_page_id( 'shop' ); $shop_page_name = $shop_page_id ? get_the_title( $shop_page_id ) : ''; if ( ! $shop_page_name ) { $shop_page_name = $post_type_object->labels->name; } if ($linked ) { $link = $shop_page_id !== -1 ? get_permalink($shop_page_id) : get_post_type_archive_link( $post_type ); } $this->add_crumb($shop_page_name,$link); } } private function add_crumbs_archive_link($linked = true) { global $wp_query; $post_type = $wp_query->query_vars['post_type']; $post_type_object = get_post_type_object( $post_type ); $link = ''; $archive_title = ''; if ( is_object( $post_type_object ) ) { // woocommerce if ( $post_type == 'product') { $this->add_crumbs_shop_link(); return; } // bbpress if ( class_exists( 'bbPress' ) && $post_type == 'topic' ) { if ( $linked ) { $archive_title = bbp_get_forum_archive_title(); $link = get_post_type_archive_link( bbp_get_forum_post_type() ); } else { $archive_title = bbp_get_topic_archive_title(); } $this->add_crumb($archive_title,$link); return; } // default $archive_title = $this->get_archive_name( $post_type ); } if ( $linked ) { $link = get_post_type_archive_link( $post_type ); } if ( $archive_title ) { $this->add_crumb($archive_title,$link); return; } } private function add_crumbs_terms_link() { global $kapee_settings; $output = array(); $post = isset( $GLOBALS['post'] ) ? $GLOBALS['post'] : null; $breadcrumbs_categories = true; if ( !$breadcrumbs_categories) { return $output; } $taxonomy = ''; if ( $post->post_type == 'post' ) { $taxonomy = 'category'; } elseif ( $post->post_type == 'portfolio' ) { $taxonomy = 'portfolio_cat'; }elseif ( $post->post_type == 'product' ) { $taxonomy = 'product_cat'; } if(!empty($taxonomy )){ $terms = wp_get_object_terms( $post->ID, $taxonomy, apply_filters( 'kapee_breadcrumb_product_terms_args', array( 'orderby' => 'parent', 'order' => 'DESC', ) ) ); if ( $terms ) { $main_term = apply_filters( 'kapee_breadcrumb_main_term', $terms[0], $terms ); $this->term_ancestors( $main_term->term_id, $taxonomy ); $this->add_crumb( $main_term->name, get_term_link( $main_term ) ); } } } /** * Add crumbs for a term. * * @param int $term_id Term ID. * @param string $taxonomy Taxonomy. */ private function term_ancestors( $term_id, $taxonomy ) { $ancestors = get_ancestors( $term_id, $taxonomy ); $ancestors = array_reverse( $ancestors ); foreach ( $ancestors as $ancestor ) { $ancestor = get_term( $ancestor, $taxonomy ); if ( ! is_wp_error( $ancestor ) && $ancestor ) { $this->add_crumb( $ancestor->name, get_term_link( $ancestor ) ); } } } private function add_crumbs_ancestors_link() { $output = ''; $post = isset( $GLOBALS['post'] ) ? $GLOBALS['post'] : null; $post_ancestor_ids = array_reverse( get_post_ancestors( $post ) ); foreach ( $post_ancestor_ids as $post_ancestor_id ) { $post_ancestor = get_post( $post_ancestor_id ); $this->add_crumb($post_ancestor->post_title,get_permalink( $post_ancestor->ID )); } } private function add_crumbs_taxonomies_link() { global $wp_query; $term = $wp_query->get_queried_object(); $output = ''; if ( $term && $term->parent != 0 && isset($term->taxonomy) && isset($term->term_id) && is_taxonomy_hierarchical( $term->taxonomy ) ) { $term_ancestors = get_ancestors( $term->term_id, $term->taxonomy ); $term_ancestors = array_reverse( $term_ancestors ); foreach ( $term_ancestors as $term_ancestor ) { $term_object = get_term( $term_ancestor, $term->taxonomy ); $this->add_crumb($term_object->name,get_term_link( $term_object->term_id, $term->taxonomy )); } } return $output; } public function get_archive_name($post_type){ $archive_title = ''; if ($post_type == 'portfolio') { $archive_title = esc_html__('Portfolio','kapee'); } else { $post_type_object = get_post_type_object( $post_type ); if ( is_object( $post_type_object ) ) { $archive_title = $post_type_object->labels->singular_name; } } return $archive_title; } function add_crumbs_leaf( $object_type = '' ) { global $wp_query, $wp_locale; $post = isset( $GLOBALS['post'] ) ? $GLOBALS['post'] : null; switch( $object_type ) { case 'term': $term = $wp_query->get_queried_object(); $title = $term->name; break; case 'year': $title = get_the_time('Y'); break; case 'month': $month = get_the_time('m'); $title = $wp_locale->get_month( $month ); break; case 'day': $title = get_the_time('d'); break; case 'author': $user = $wp_query->get_queried_object(); $title = $user->display_name; break; case 'search': $search = esc_html( get_search_query() ); if ( $product_cat = get_query_var('product_cat') ) { $product_cat = get_term_by('slug', $product_cat, 'product_cat'); $search = '<a href="' . esc_url( get_term_link($product_cat, 'product_cat') ) . '">' . esc_html( $product_cat->name ) . '</a>' . ( $search ? ' / ' : '' ) . $search; } $title = sprintf( __( 'Search - %s', 'kapee' ), $search ); break; case '404': $title = esc_html__( '404', 'kapee' ); break; case 'bbpress_search': $title = sprintf( __( 'Search - %s', 'kapee' ), esc_html( get_query_var( 'bbp_search' ) ) ); break; case 'bbpress_user': $current_user = wp_get_current_user(); $title = $current_user->user_nicename; break; default: $title = get_the_title( $post->ID ); break; } $this->add_crumb($title,''); } } } ?>