<?php /** * Class ITSEC_Fingerprint */ class ITSEC_Fingerprint implements JsonSerializable { const S_APPROVED = 'approved'; const S_AUTO_APPROVED = 'auto-approved'; const S_PENDING_AUTO_APPROVE = 'pending-auto-approve'; const S_PENDING = 'pending'; const S_IGNORED = 'ignored'; const S_DENIED = 'denied'; /** @var WP_User */ private $user; /** @var DateTime */ private $created_at; /** @var ITSEC_Fingerprint_Value[] */ private $values = array(); /** @var int */ private $_id; /** @var int */ private $_uses = 0; /** @var string */ private $_status = self::S_PENDING; /** @var string */ private $_uuid; /** @var DateTime */ private $_last_seen; /** @var DateTime */ private $_approved_at; /** @var string */ private $_hash; /** @var array */ private $_snapshot = array(); /** * ITSEC_Fingerprint constructor. * * @param WP_User $user * @param DateTime $time * @param ITSEC_Fingerprint_Value[] $values */ public function __construct( WP_User $user, DateTime $time, array $values ) { $this->user = $user; $this->created_at = $this->_last_seen = $time; foreach ( $values as $value ) { $this->values[ $value->get_source()->get_slug() ] = $value; } } /** * Compare this fingerprint with another fingerprint. * * The operation is not commutative, if a source is missing in the given fingerprint that is present in the current fingerprint, * it will count as a 0 score, whereas when the given fingerprint has extra source values, those will not impact the score. * * @param ITSEC_Fingerprint $fingerprint * * @return ITSEC_Fingerprint_Comparison */ public function compare( ITSEC_Fingerprint $fingerprint ) { $scores = array(); $total_weight = 0; foreach ( $this->values as $value ) { $source = $value->get_source(); $other = $fingerprint->values[ $source->get_slug() ]; $weight = $source->get_weight( $value ); if ( $other ) { $scores[ $source->get_slug() ] = array( 'score' => $source->compare( $value, $other ), 'weight' => $weight, ); } else { $scores[ $source->get_slug() ] = array( 'score' => 0, 'weight' => $weight, ); } $total_weight += $weight; } $final_score = 0; foreach ( $scores as $score ) { $percent = $score['weight'] / $total_weight; $final_score += $score['score'] * $percent; } return new ITSEC_Fingerprint_Comparison( $this, $fingerprint, $final_score, $scores ); } /** * Is the fingerprint approved. * * @return bool */ public function is_approved() { return self::S_APPROVED === $this->_status; } /** * Is the fingerprint auto-approved. * * @return bool */ public function is_auto_approved() { return self::S_AUTO_APPROVED === $this->_status; } /** * Is the fingerprint pending auto-approval. * * @return bool */ public function is_pending_auto_approval() { return self::S_PENDING_AUTO_APPROVE === $this->_status; } /** * Is the fingerprint in pending status. * * @return bool */ public function is_pending() { return self::S_PENDING === $this->_status; } /** * Is the fingerprint being ignored. * * @return bool */ public function is_ignored() { return self::S_IGNORED === $this->_status; } /** * Is the fingerprint denied. * * @return bool */ public function is_denied() { return self::S_DENIED === $this->_status; } /** * Can the fingerprint's status be changed. * * @return bool */ public function can_change_status() { return $this->is_auto_approved() || $this->is_pending_auto_approval() || $this->is_pending() || $this->is_ignored(); } /** * Get the number of times the fingerprint was used. * * @return int */ public function get_uses() { return $this->_uses; } /** * Get the WordPress user this fingerprint is for. * * @return WP_User */ public function get_user() { return $this->user; } /** * Get the time the fingerprint was created. * * @return DateTime */ public function get_created_at() { return $this->created_at; } /** * Get the values making up this fingerprint. * * @return ITSEC_Fingerprint_Value[] */ public function get_values() { return $this->values; } /** * Get the UUID associated with this fingerprint. * * @return string */ public function get_uuid() { return $this->_uuid; } /** * Get the status of the fingerprint. * * @return string */ public function get_status() { return $this->_status; } /** * Get the time the fingerprint was approved at. * * @return DateTime|null */ public function get_approved_at() { return $this->_approved_at; } /** * Get the date the fingerprint was last seen. * * @return DateTime */ public function get_last_seen() { return $this->_last_seen; } /** * Get a snapshot of user or system configuration values at the time this fingerprint was created. * * @return array */ public function get_snapshot() { return $this->_snapshot; } /** * Get a hash uniquely identifying the collected data. * * @return string */ public function calculate_hash() { if ( $this->_hash ) { return $this->_hash; } if ( ! $serialized = $this->serialize_values() ) { return null; } return md5( $serialized ); } /** * Set the last seen time for the Fingerprint. * * @return bool */ public function was_seen() { $this->_uses ++; $this->_last_seen = new DateTime( '@' . ITSEC_Core::get_current_time_gmt(), new DateTimeZone( 'UTC' ) ); if ( ! $this->_id ) { return true; } return $this->save( 'was_seen' ); } /** * Approve this fingerprint. * * @return bool */ public function approve() { if ( self::S_APPROVED === $this->_status ) { return true; } if ( ! $this->can_change_status() ) { return false; } $this->_status = self::S_APPROVED; $this->_approved_at = new DateTime( '@' . ITSEC_Core::get_current_time_gmt(), new DateTimeZone( 'UTC' ) ); return $this->_id ? $this->save( $this->get_status_action( self::S_APPROVED ) ) : true; } /** * Approve this fingerprint. * * @return bool */ public function auto_approve() { if ( self::S_AUTO_APPROVED === $this->_status ) { return true; } if ( ! $this->can_change_status() ) { return false; } $this->_status = self::S_AUTO_APPROVED; $this->_approved_at = new DateTime( '@' . ITSEC_Core::get_current_time_gmt(), new DateTimeZone( 'UTC' ) ); return $this->_id ? $this->save( $this->get_status_action( self::S_AUTO_APPROVED ) ) : true; } /** * Delay auto-approval for a few days. * * @return bool */ public function delay_auto_approve() { if ( self::S_PENDING_AUTO_APPROVE === $this->_status ) { return true; } if ( ! $this->is_pending() ) { return false; } $this->_status = self::S_PENDING_AUTO_APPROVE; return $this->_id ? $this->save( $this->get_status_action( self::S_PENDING_AUTO_APPROVE ) ) : true; } /** * Ignore a device. * * This basically treats a device as "Pending", * but removes is from the list of Login Alerts. * * @return bool */ public function ignore() { if ( self::S_IGNORED === $this->_status ) { return true; } if ( ! $this->can_change_status() ) { return false; } $this->_status = self::S_IGNORED; return $this->_id ? $this->save( $this->get_status_action( self::S_IGNORED ) ) : true; } /** * Deny this fingerprint. * * @return bool */ public function deny() { if ( self::S_DENIED === $this->_status ) { return true; } if ( ! $this->can_change_status() ) { return false; } $this->_status = self::S_DENIED; return $this->_id ? $this->save( $this->get_status_action( self::S_DENIED ) ) : true; } /** * Set the fingerprint's status. * * This should almost never be used. Instead use the status-specific methods above. * * @internal * * @param string $status * * @return bool */ public function _set_status( $status ) { if ( $status === $this->_status ) { return true; } if ( ! $this->_id ) { return false; } $this->_status = $status; return $this->save( $this->get_status_action( $status ), 'override' ); } /** * Get the action suffix to use when changing a status. * * @param string $status * * @return string */ private function get_status_action( $status ) { switch ( $status ) { case self::S_APPROVED: return 'approved'; case self::S_AUTO_APPROVED: return 'auto_approved'; case self::S_PENDING_AUTO_APPROVE: return 'auto_approve_delayed'; case self::S_IGNORED: return 'ignored'; case self::S_DENIED: return 'denied'; default: return $status; } } /** * Create the fingerprint in storage. * * @return bool */ public function create() { if ( $this->_id ) { return false; } if ( ! $data = $this->serialize_values() ) { return false; } if ( ! $this->get_uses() ) { $this->_uses = 1; } global $wpdb; $this->_uuid = wp_generate_uuid4(); $this->generate_snapshot(); $rows_affected = $wpdb->insert( $wpdb->base_prefix . 'itsec_fingerprints', array( 'fingerprint_user' => $this->get_user()->ID, 'fingerprint_hash' => md5( $data ), 'fingerprint_data' => $data, 'fingerprint_uses' => $this->_uses, 'fingerprint_status' => $this->_status, 'fingerprint_uuid' => $this->_uuid, 'fingerprint_created_at' => $this->get_created_at()->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'fingerprint_last_seen' => $this->get_last_seen()->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'fingerprint_approved_at' => $this->get_approved_at() ? $this->get_approved_at()->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ) : '', 'fingerprint_snapshot' => wp_json_encode( $this->_snapshot ), ), array( 'fingerprint_user' => '%d', 'fingerprint_hash' => '%s', 'fingerprint_data' => '%s', 'fingerprint_uses' => '%d', 'fingerprint_status' => '%s', 'fingerprint_uuid' => '%s', 'fingerprint_created_at' => '%s', 'fingerprint_last_seen' => '%s', 'fingerprint_approved_at' => '%s', 'fingerprint_snapshot' => '%s', ) ); if ( $rows_affected ) { $this->_id = $wpdb->insert_id; /** * Fires when a fingerprint is created. * * @param ITSEC_Fingerprint $this */ do_action( 'itsec_fingerprint_created', $this ); if ( self::S_PENDING !== $this->_status ) { $action = $this->get_status_action( $this->_status ); do_action( "itsec_fingerprint_{$action}", $this, $action ); } } return (bool) $rows_affected; } /** * Serialize the values for storage. * * @return false|string */ private function serialize_values() { $data = array(); foreach ( $this->get_values() as $value ) { $data[ $value->get_source()->get_slug() ] = $value->get_value(); } return wp_json_encode( $data ); } /** * Generate the snapshot of user/system configuration. */ private function generate_snapshot() { if ( ! $this->_snapshot ) { $this->_snapshot = array( 'user_email' => $this->get_user()->user_email, ); } } /** * Save the current state. * * @param string $action * @param mixed $additional,... * * @return bool */ private function save( $action = '', $additional = null ) { global $wpdb; $updated = (bool) $wpdb->update( $wpdb->base_prefix . 'itsec_fingerprints', array( 'fingerprint_last_seen' => $this->get_last_seen()->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'fingerprint_uses' => $this->get_uses(), 'fingerprint_status' => $this->get_status(), 'fingerprint_approved_at' => $this->get_approved_at() ? $this->get_approved_at()->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ) : '', ), array( 'fingerprint_id' => $this->_id ), array( 'fingerprint_last_seen' => '%s', 'fingerprint_uses' => '%d', 'fingerprint_status' => '%s', 'fingerprint_approved_at' => '%s' ), array( 'fingerprint_id' => '%d' ) ); if ( $updated && $action ) { $args = array_merge( array( $this, $action ), array_slice( func_get_args(), 1 ) ); /** * Fires when the fingerprint is saved. * * @param ITSEC_Fingerprint $this * @param string $action */ do_action_ref_array( "itsec_fingerprint_{$action}", $args ); } return $updated; } private static function build_where_clause( string $sql, WP_User $user, array $args ) { global $wpdb; $sql .= "WHERE `fingerprint_user` = %s"; $prepare = array( $user->ID ); if ( ! empty( $args['status'] ) ) { if ( is_array( $args['status'] ) ) { $sql .= ' AND `fingerprint_status` IN (' . implode( ', ', array_fill( 0, count( $args['status'] ), '%s' ) ) . ')'; $prepare = array_merge( $prepare, $args['status'] ); } else { $sql .= ' AND `fingerprint_status` = %s'; $prepare[] = $args['status']; } } if ( ! empty( $args['exclude'] ) ) { $sql .= ' AND `fingerprint_uuid` NOT IN (' . implode( ', ', array_fill( 0, count( $args['exclude'] ), '%s' ) ) . ')'; $prepare = array_merge( $prepare, wp_parse_slug_list( $args['exclude'] ) ); } if ( ! empty( $args['last_seen_before'] ) ) { $before = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $args['last_seen_before'] ); $sql .= ' AND `fingerprint_last_seen` <= %s'; $prepare[] = $before; } if ( ! empty( $args['last_seen_after'] ) ) { $after = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $args['last_seen_after'] ); $sql .= ' AND `fingerprint_last_seen` >= %s'; $prepare[] = $after; } if ( ! empty( $args['search'] ) ) { $sql .= ' AND `fingerprint_data` LIKE %s'; $prepare[] = '%"%' . $wpdb->esc_like( $args['search'] ) . '%"%'; } return [ 'sql' => $sql, 'prepare' => $prepare, ]; } /** * Get a user's fingerprints. * * @param WP_User $user * @param array $args * * @return ITSEC_Fingerprint[] */ public static function get_all_for_user( WP_User $user, array $args ) { global $wpdb; $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->base_prefix}itsec_fingerprints "; $build_results = self::build_where_clause( $sql, $user, $args ); $build_results['sql'] .= ' ORDER BY `fingerprint_last_seen` DESC'; if ( ! empty( $args['page'] ) && ! empty( $args['per_page'] ) && is_int( $args['per_page'] ) && is_int( $args['page'] ) ) { $limit = $args['per_page']; if ( $limit > 0 ) { $offset = ( $args['page'] - 1 ) * $limit; $build_results['sql'] .= " LIMIT $offset,$limit"; } } $rows = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( $build_results['sql'], $build_results['prepare'] ) ); $fingerprints = array(); foreach ( $rows as $row ) { if ( $fingerprint = self::_hydrate_fingerprint( $row ) ) { $fingerprints[] = $fingerprint; } } return $fingerprints; } /** * @param WP_User $user * @param array $args * * @return integer */ public static function count_all_for_user( WP_User $user, array $args ) { global $wpdb; $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$wpdb->base_prefix}itsec_fingerprints "; $args['count'] = true; $build_results = self::build_where_clause( $sql, $user, $args ); return $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( $build_results['sql'], $build_results['prepare'] ) ); } /** * Get a fingerprint by its UUID. * * @param string $uuid * * @return ITSEC_Fingerprint|null */ public static function get_by_uuid( $uuid ) { global $wpdb; $row = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->base_prefix}itsec_fingerprints WHERE `fingerprint_uuid` = %s", $uuid ) ); if ( ! $row ) { return null; } return self::_hydrate_fingerprint( $row ); } /** * Get a fingerprint by its data hash. * * @param WP_User $user * @param string $hash * * @return ITSEC_Fingerprint|null */ public static function get_by_hash( WP_User $user, $hash ) { global $wpdb; $row = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->base_prefix}itsec_fingerprints WHERE `fingerprint_hash` = %s AND `fingerprint_user` = %s", $hash, $user->ID ) ); if ( ! $row ) { return null; } return self::_hydrate_fingerprint( $row ); } /** * Hydrate a fingerprint with data from the database. * * @internal * * @param object $row * * @return ITSEC_Fingerprint|null */ public static function _hydrate_fingerprint( $row ) { $sources = ITSEC_Lib_Fingerprinting::get_sources(); $values = array(); foreach ( json_decode( $row->fingerprint_data, true ) as $slug => $value ) { if ( isset( $sources[ $slug ] ) ) { $values[] = new ITSEC_Fingerprint_Value( $sources[ $slug ], $value ); } } if ( ! $user = get_userdata( $row->fingerprint_user ) ) { return null; } $fingerprint = new ITSEC_Fingerprint( $user, new DateTime( $row->fingerprint_created_at, new DateTimeZone( 'UTC' ) ), $values ); $approved_at = $row->fingerprint_approved_at && $row->fingerprint_approved_at !== '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ? $row->fingerprint_approved_at : null; $fingerprint->_id = $row->fingerprint_id; $fingerprint->_uses = $row->fingerprint_uses; $fingerprint->_status = $row->fingerprint_status; $fingerprint->_uuid = $row->fingerprint_uuid; $fingerprint->_hash = $row->fingerprint_hash; $fingerprint->_last_seen = new DateTime( $row->fingerprint_last_seen, new DateTimeZone( 'UTC' ) ); $fingerprint->_approved_at = $approved_at ? new DateTime( $approved_at, new DateTimeZone( 'UTC' ) ) : null; if ( $row->fingerprint_snapshot ) { $fingerprint->_snapshot = json_decode( $row->fingerprint_snapshot, true ); } return $fingerprint; } /** * Get a summary of this fingerprint. * * @return string */ public function __toString() { $location = $browser = $platform = $ip = ''; if ( isset( $this->values['ip'] ) ) { $ip = $this->values['ip']->get_value(); require_once( ITSEC_Core::get_core_dir() . 'lib/class-itsec-lib-geolocation.php' ); if ( ! is_wp_error( $geolocate = ITSEC_Lib_Geolocation::geolocate( $ip ) ) ) { $location = $geolocate['label']; } } if ( isset( $this->values['header-user-agent'] ) ) { require_once( ITSEC_Core::get_core_dir() . 'lib/class-itsec-lib-browser.php' ); $browser_lib = new ITSEC_Lib_Browser( $this->values['header-user-agent']->get_value() ); $browser = "{$browser_lib->getBrowser() } ({$browser_lib->getVersion()})"; $platform = $browser_lib->getPlatform(); } if ( $location && $browser ) { $str = sprintf( esc_html__( 'Device running %1$s on %2$s near %3$s', 'better-wp-security' ), $browser, $platform, $location ); } elseif ( $location ) { $str = sprintf( esc_html__( 'Device near %1$s', 'better-wp-security' ), $location ); } elseif ( $browser ) { $str = sprintf( esc_html__( 'Device running %1$s on %2$s', 'better-wp-security' ), $browser, $platform ); } else { $str = ''; } if ( $ip ) { $str .= " ($ip)"; } return trim( $str ); } /** * Serialize a fingerprint to JSON. * * For uses when you need to persist a fingerprint that hasn't been stored yet * to short term storage. * * @return array */ public function jsonSerialize(): ?array { if ( $this->_id ) { return null; } $approved_at = $this->get_approved_at(); $values = array(); foreach ( $this->get_values() as $value ) { $values[ $value->get_source()->get_slug() ] = $value->get_value(); } return [ 'user' => $this->get_user()->ID, 'created_at' => $this->get_created_at()->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'values' => $values, 'status' => $this->get_status(), 'uses' => $this->get_uses(), 'approved_at' => $approved_at ? $approved_at->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ) : null, ]; } /** * Recreate a fingerprint from JSON. * * @param string $json * * @return ITSEC_Fingerprint|null */ public static function from_json( $json ) { $decoded = json_decode( $json, true ); if ( ! $decoded ) { return null; } ITSEC_Lib::load( 'fingerprinting' ); $sources = ITSEC_Lib_Fingerprinting::get_sources(); $values = array(); foreach ( $decoded['values'] as $slug => $value ) { if ( isset( $sources[ $slug ] ) ) { $values[] = new ITSEC_Fingerprint_Value( $sources[ $slug ], $value ); } } $fingerprint = new ITSEC_Fingerprint( get_userdata( $decoded['user'] ), new DateTime( $decoded['created_at'], new DateTimeZone( 'UTC' ) ), $values ); $fingerprint->_status = $decoded['status']; $fingerprint->_uses = $decoded['uses']; $fingerprint->_approved_at = $decoded['approved_at'] ? new DateTime( $decoded['approved_at'], new DateTimeZone( 'UTC' ) ) : null; return $fingerprint; } }