<?php if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { die( '-1' ); } /** * Class Vc_Grid_Item to build grid item. */ class Vc_Grid_Item { protected $template = ''; protected $html_template = false; protected $post = false; protected $grid_atts = array(); protected $is_end = false; protected $shortcodes = false; protected $found_variables = false; protected static $predefined_templates = false; protected $template_id = false; /** * Get shortcodes to build vc grid item templates. * * @return bool|mixed */ public function shortcodes() { if ( false === $this->shortcodes ) { $this->shortcodes = include vc_path_dir( 'PARAMS_DIR', 'vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php' ); $this->shortcodes = apply_filters( 'vc_grid_item_shortcodes', $this->shortcodes ); } add_filter( 'vc_shortcode_set_template_vc_icon', array( $this, 'addVcIconShortcodesTemplates', ) ); add_filter( 'vc_shortcode_set_template_vc_button2', array( $this, 'addVcButton2ShortcodesTemplates', ) ); add_filter( 'vc_shortcode_set_template_vc_single_image', array( $this, 'addVcSingleImageShortcodesTemplates', ) ); add_filter( 'vc_shortcode_set_template_vc_custom_heading', array( $this, 'addVcCustomHeadingShortcodesTemplates', ) ); add_filter( 'vc_shortcode_set_template_vc_btn', array( $this, 'addVcBtnShortcodesTemplates', ) ); return $this->shortcodes; } /** * Used by filter vc_shortcode_set_template_vc_icon to set custom template for vc_icon shortcode. * * @param $template * * @return string */ public function addVcIconShortcodesTemplates( $template ) { if ( Vc_Grid_Item_Editor::postType() === WPBMap::getScope() ) { $file = vc_path_dir( 'TEMPLATES_DIR', 'params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes/vc_icon.php' ); if ( is_file( $file ) ) { return $file; } } return $template; } /** * Used by filter vc_shortcode_set_template_vc_button2 to set custom template for vc_button2 shortcode. * * @param $template * * @return string */ public function addVcButton2ShortcodesTemplates( $template ) { if ( Vc_Grid_Item_Editor::postType() === WPBMap::getScope() ) { $file = vc_path_dir( 'TEMPLATES_DIR', 'params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes/vc_button2.php' ); if ( is_file( $file ) ) { return $file; } } return $template; } /** * Used by filter vc_shortcode_set_template_vc_single_image to set custom template for vc_single_image shortcode. * * @param $template * * @return string */ public function addVcSingleImageShortcodesTemplates( $template ) { if ( Vc_Grid_Item_Editor::postType() === WPBMap::getScope() ) { $file = vc_path_dir( 'TEMPLATES_DIR', 'params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes/vc_single_image.php' ); if ( is_file( $file ) ) { return $file; } } return $template; } /** * Used by filter vc_shortcode_set_template_vc_custom_heading to set custom template for vc_custom_heading * shortcode. * * @param $template * * @return string */ public function addVcCustomHeadingShortcodesTemplates( $template ) { if ( Vc_Grid_Item_Editor::postType() === WPBMap::getScope() ) { $file = vc_path_dir( 'TEMPLATES_DIR', 'params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes/vc_custom_heading.php' ); if ( is_file( $file ) ) { return $file; } } return $template; } /** * Used by filter vc_shortcode_set_template_vc_button2 to set custom template for vc_button2 shortcode. * * @param $template * * @return string */ public function addVcBtnShortcodesTemplates( $template ) { if ( Vc_Grid_Item_Editor::postType() === WPBMap::getScope() ) { $file = vc_path_dir( 'TEMPLATES_DIR', 'params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes/vc_btn.php' ); if ( is_file( $file ) ) { return $file; } } return $template; } /** * Map shortcodes for vc_grid_item param type. * @throws \Exception */ public function mapShortcodes() { // @kludge // TODO: refactor with with new way of roles for shortcodes. // NEW ROLES like post_type for shortcode and access policies. $shortcodes = $this->shortcodes(); foreach ( $shortcodes as $shortcode_settings ) { vc_map( $shortcode_settings ); } } /** * Get list of predefined templates. * * @return bool|mixed */ public static function predefinedTemplates() { if ( false === self::$predefined_templates ) { self::$predefined_templates = apply_filters( 'vc_grid_item_predefined_templates', include vc_path_dir( 'PARAMS_DIR', 'vc_grid_item/templates.php' ) ); } return self::$predefined_templates; } /** * @param $id - Predefined templates id * * @return array|bool */ public static function predefinedTemplate( $id ) { $predefined_templates = self::predefinedTemplates(); if ( isset( $predefined_templates[ $id ]['template'] ) ) { return $predefined_templates[ $id ]; } return false; } /** * Set template which should grid used when vc_grid_item param value is rendered. * * @param $id * * @return bool * @throws \Exception */ public function setTemplateById( $id ) { require_once vc_path_dir( 'PARAMS_DIR', 'vc_grid_item/templates.php' ); if ( 0 === strlen( $id ) ) { return false; } if ( preg_match( '/^\d+$/', $id ) ) { $post = get_post( (int) $id ); if ( $post ) { $this->setTemplate( $post->post_content, $post->ID ); } return true; } else { $predefined_template = $this->predefinedTemplate( $id ); if ( $predefined_template ) { $this->setTemplate( $predefined_template['template'], $id ); return true; } } return false; } /** * Setter for template attribute. * * @param $template * @param $template_id * @throws \Exception */ public function setTemplate( $template, $template_id ) { $this->template = $template; $this->template_id = $template_id; $this->parseTemplate( $template ); } /** * Getter for template attribute. * @return string */ public function template() { return $this->template; } /** * Add custom css from shortcodes that were mapped for vc grid item. * @return string * @throws \Exception */ public function addShortcodesCustomCss() { $output = $shortcodes_custom_css = ''; $id = $this->template_id; if ( preg_match( '/^\d+$/', $id ) ) { $shortcodes_custom_css = get_post_meta( $id, '_wpb_shortcodes_custom_css', true ); } else { $predefined_template = $this->predefinedTemplate( $id ); if ( $predefined_template ) { $shortcodes_custom_css = wpbakery()->parseShortcodesCss( $predefined_template['template'], 'custom' ); } } if ( ! empty( $shortcodes_custom_css ) ) { $shortcodes_custom_css = wp_strip_all_tags( $shortcodes_custom_css ); $first_tag = 'style'; $output .= '<' . $first_tag . ' data-type="vc_shortcodes-custom-css">'; $output .= $shortcodes_custom_css; $output .= '</' . $first_tag . '>'; } return $output; } /** * Generates html with template's variables. * * @param string $template * @return string * @since 7.6 */ public function getParseTemplate( $template ) { $this->mapShortcodes(); WPBMap::addAllMappedShortcodes(); $attr = ' width="' . $this->gridAttribute( 'element_width', 12 ) . '"' . ' is_end="' . ( 'true' === $this->isEnd() ? 'true' : '' ) . '"'; $template = preg_replace( '/(\[(\[?)vc_gitem\b)/', '$1' . $attr, $template ); $template = str_replace( array( '<p>[vc_gitem', '[/vc_gitem]</p>', ), array( '[vc_gitem', '[/vc_gitem]', ), $template ); return do_shortcode( trim( $template ) ); } /** * Set parsed template to html_template attribute. * * @param string $template * @param bool $is_preview * @throws \Exception */ public function parseTemplate( $template ) { $this->html_template .= $this->getParseTemplate( $template ); } /** * Regexp for variables. * @return string */ public function templateVariablesRegex() { return '/\{\{' . '\{?' . '\s*' . '([^\}\:]+)(\:([^\}]+))?' . '\s*' . '\}\}' . '\}?/'; } /** * Get default variables. * * @return array|bool */ public function getTemplateVariables() { if ( ! is_array( $this->found_variables ) ) { preg_match_all( $this->templateVariablesRegex(), $this->html_template, $this->found_variables, PREG_SET_ORDER ); } return $this->found_variables; } /** * Render item by replacing template variables for exact post. * * @param WP_Post $post * * @return mixed */ public function renderItem( WP_Post $post ) { $pattern = array(); $replacement = array(); $this->addAttributesFilters(); foreach ( $this->getTemplateVariables() as $var ) { $pattern[] = '/' . preg_quote( $var[0], '/' ) . '/'; $replacement[] = preg_replace( '/\\$/', '\\\$', $this->attribute( $var[1], $post, isset( $var[3] ) ? trim( $var[3] ) : '' ) ); } return preg_replace( $pattern, $replacement, do_shortcode( $this->html_template ) ); } /** * Adds filters to build templates variables values. */ public function addAttributesFilters() { require_once vc_path_dir( 'PARAMS_DIR', 'vc_grid_item/attributes.php' ); } /** * Getter for Grid shortcode attributes. * * @param $grid_atts */ public function setGridAttributes( $grid_atts ) { $this->grid_atts = $grid_atts; } /** * Setter for Grid shortcode attributes. * * @param $name * @param string $default * * @return string */ public function gridAttribute( $name, $default = '' ) { return isset( $this->grid_atts[ $name ] ) ? $this->grid_atts[ $name ] : $default; } /** * Get attribute value for WP_post object. * * @param $name * @param $post * @param string $data * * @return mixed */ public function attribute( $name, $post, $data = '' ) { $data = html_entity_decode( $data ); return apply_filters( 'vc_gitem_template_attribute_' . trim( $name ), ( isset( $post->$name ) ? $post->$name : '' ), array( 'post' => $post, 'data' => $data, ) ); } /** * Set that this is last items in the grid. Used for load more button and lazy loading. * * @param bool $is_end */ public function setIsEnd( $is_end = true ) { $this->is_end = $is_end; } /** * Checks is the end. * @return bool */ public function isEnd() { return $this->is_end; } }