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<?php if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { die( '-1' ); } /** * Class Vc_Vendor_Woocommerce * * @since 4.4 * @todo move to separate file and dir. */ class Vc_Vendor_Woocommerce { protected static $product_fields_list = false; protected static $order_fields_list = false; /** * @since 4.4 */ public function load() { if ( class_exists( 'WooCommerce' ) ) { add_action( 'vc_after_mapping', array( $this, 'mapShortcodes', ) ); add_action( 'vc_backend_editor_render', array( $this, 'enqueueJsBackend', ) ); add_action( 'vc_frontend_editor_render', array( $this, 'enqueueJsFrontend', ) ); add_filter( 'vc_grid_item_shortcodes', array( $this, 'mapGridItemShortcodes', ) ); add_action( 'vc_vendor_yoastseo_filter_results', array( $this, 'yoastSeoCompatibility', ) ); add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_tabs', array( $this, 'addContentTabPageEditable', ) ); add_filter( 'woocommerce_shop_manager_editable_roles', array( $this, 'addShopManagerRoleToEditable', ) ); } } /** * @param $rules * @return array */ public function addShopManagerRoleToEditable( $rules ) { $rules[] = 'shop_manager'; return array_unique( $rules ); } /** * @param $tabs * @return mixed */ public function addContentTabPageEditable( $tabs ) { if ( vc_is_page_editable() ) { // Description tab - shows product content $tabs['description'] = array( 'title' => esc_html__( 'Description', 'woocommerce' ), 'priority' => 10, 'callback' => 'woocommerce_product_description_tab', ); } return $tabs; } /** * @since 4.4 */ public function enqueueJsBackend() { wp_enqueue_script( 'vc_vendor_woocommerce_backend', vc_asset_url( 'js/vendors/woocommerce.js' ), array( 'vc-backend-min-js' ), '1.0', true ); } /** * @since 4.4 */ public function enqueueJsFrontend() { wp_enqueue_script( 'vc_vendor_woocommerce_frontend', vc_asset_url( 'js/vendors/woocommerce.js' ), array( 'vc-frontend-editor-min-js' ), '1.0', true ); } /** * Add settings for shortcodes * * @param $tag * * @return array * @since 4.9 * */ public function addShortcodeSettings( $tag ) { $args = array( 'type' => 'post', 'child_of' => 0, 'parent' => '', 'orderby' => 'name', 'order' => 'ASC', 'hide_empty' => false, 'hierarchical' => 1, 'exclude' => '', 'include' => '', 'number' => '', 'taxonomy' => 'product_cat', 'pad_counts' => false, ); $order_by_values = array( '', esc_html__( 'Date', 'js_composer' ) => 'date', esc_html__( 'ID', 'js_composer' ) => 'ID', esc_html__( 'Author', 'js_composer' ) => 'author', esc_html__( 'Title', 'js_composer' ) => 'title', esc_html__( 'Modified', 'js_composer' ) => 'modified', esc_html__( 'Random', 'js_composer' ) => 'rand', esc_html__( 'Comment count', 'js_composer' ) => 'comment_count', esc_html__( 'Menu order', 'js_composer' ) => 'menu_order', esc_html__( 'Menu order & title', 'js_composer' ) => 'menu_order title', esc_html__( 'Include', 'js_composer' ) => 'include', esc_html__( 'Custom post__in', 'js_composer' ) => 'post__in', ); $order_way_values = array( '', esc_html__( 'Descending', 'js_composer' ) => 'DESC', esc_html__( 'Ascending', 'js_composer' ) => 'ASC', ); $settings = array(); switch ( $tag ) { case 'woocommerce_cart': $settings = array( 'name' => esc_html__( 'Cart', 'js_composer' ), 'base' => 'woocommerce_cart', 'icon' => 'icon-wpb-woocommerce', 'category' => esc_html__( 'WooCommerce', 'js_composer' ), 'description' => esc_html__( 'Displays the cart contents', 'js_composer' ), 'show_settings_on_create' => false, 'php_class_name' => 'Vc_WooCommerce_NotEditable', ); break; case 'woocommerce_checkout': /** * @shortcode woocommerce_checkout * @description Used on the checkout page, the checkout shortcode displays the checkout process. * @no_params * @not_editable */ $settings = array( 'name' => esc_html__( 'Checkout', 'js_composer' ), 'base' => 'woocommerce_checkout', 'icon' => 'icon-wpb-woocommerce', 'category' => esc_html__( 'WooCommerce', 'js_composer' ), 'description' => esc_html__( 'Displays the checkout', 'js_composer' ), 'show_settings_on_create' => false, 'php_class_name' => 'Vc_WooCommerce_NotEditable', ); break; case 'woocommerce_order_tracking': /** * @shortcode woocommerce_order_tracking * @description Lets a user see the status of an order by entering their order details. * @no_params * @not_editable */ $settings = array( 'name' => esc_html__( 'Order Tracking Form', 'js_composer' ), 'base' => 'woocommerce_order_tracking', 'icon' => 'icon-wpb-woocommerce', 'category' => esc_html__( 'WooCommerce', 'js_composer' ), 'description' => esc_html__( 'Lets a user see the status of an order', 'js_composer' ), 'show_settings_on_create' => false, 'php_class_name' => 'Vc_WooCommerce_NotEditable', ); break; case 'woocommerce_my_account': /** * @shortcode woocommerce_my_account * @description Shows the ‘my account’ section where the customer can view past orders and update their information. * You can specify the number or order to show, it’s set by default to 15 (use -1 to display all orders.) * * @param order_count integer * Current user argument is automatically set using get_user_by( ‘id’, get_current_user_id() ). */ $settings = array( 'name' => esc_html__( 'My Account', 'js_composer' ), 'base' => 'woocommerce_my_account', 'icon' => 'icon-wpb-woocommerce', 'category' => esc_html__( 'WooCommerce', 'js_composer' ), 'description' => esc_html__( 'Shows the "my account" section', 'js_composer' ), 'params' => array( array( 'type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__( 'Order count', 'js_composer' ), 'value' => 15, 'save_always' => true, 'param_name' => 'order_count', 'description' => esc_html__( 'You can specify the number or order to show, it\'s set by default to 15 (use -1 to display all orders.)', 'js_composer' ), ), ), ); break; case 'recent_products': /** * @shortcode recent_products * @description Lists recent products – useful on the homepage. The ‘per_page’ shortcode determines how many products * to show on the page and the columns attribute controls how many columns wide the products should be before wrapping. * To learn more about the default ‘orderby’ parameters please reference the WordPress Codex: * * @param per_page integer * @param columns integer * @param orderby array * @param order array */ $settings = array( 'name' => esc_html__( 'Recent products', 'js_composer' ), 'base' => 'recent_products', 'icon' => 'icon-wpb-woocommerce', 'category' => esc_html__( 'WooCommerce', 'js_composer' ), 'description' => esc_html__( 'Lists recent products', 'js_composer' ), 'params' => array( array( 'type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__( 'Per page', 'js_composer' ), 'value' => 12, 'save_always' => true, 'param_name' => 'per_page', 'description' => esc_html__( 'The "per_page" shortcode determines how many products to show on the page', 'js_composer' ), ), array( 'type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__( 'Columns', 'js_composer' ), 'value' => 4, 'param_name' => 'columns', 'save_always' => true, 'description' => esc_html__( 'The columns attribute controls how many columns wide the products should be before wrapping.', 'js_composer' ), ), array( 'type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__( 'Order by', 'js_composer' ), 'param_name' => 'orderby', 'value' => $order_by_values, 'std' => 'date', // default WC value for recent_products 'save_always' => true, 'description' => sprintf( esc_html__( 'Select how to sort retrieved products. More at %s.', 'js_composer' ), '<a href="" target="_blank">WordPress codex page</a>' ), ), array( 'type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__( 'Sort order', 'js_composer' ), 'param_name' => 'order', 'value' => $order_way_values, 'std' => 'DESC', // default WC value 'save_always' => true, 'description' => sprintf( esc_html__( 'Designates the ascending or descending order. More at %s.', 'js_composer' ), '<a href="" target="_blank">WordPress codex page</a>' ), ), ), ); break; case 'featured_products': /** * @shortcode featured_products * @description Works exactly the same as recent products but displays products which have been set as “featured”. * * @param per_page integer * @param columns integer * @param orderby array * @param order array */ $settings = array( 'name' => esc_html__( 'Featured products', 'js_composer' ), 'base' => 'featured_products', 'icon' => 'icon-wpb-woocommerce', 'category' => esc_html__( 'WooCommerce', 'js_composer' ), 'description' => esc_html__( 'Display products set as "featured"', 'js_composer' ), 'params' => array( array( 'type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__( 'Per page', 'js_composer' ), 'value' => 12, 'param_name' => 'per_page', 'save_always' => true, 'description' => esc_html__( 'The "per_page" shortcode determines how many products to show on the page', 'js_composer' ), ), array( 'type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__( 'Columns', 'js_composer' ), 'value' => 4, 'param_name' => 'columns', 'save_always' => true, 'description' => esc_html__( 'The columns attribute controls how many columns wide the products should be before wrapping.', 'js_composer' ), ), array( 'type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__( 'Order by', 'js_composer' ), 'param_name' => 'orderby', 'value' => $order_by_values, 'std' => 'date', // default WC value 'save_always' => true, 'description' => sprintf( esc_html__( 'Select how to sort retrieved products. More at %s.', 'js_composer' ), '<a href="" target="_blank">WordPress codex page</a>' ), ), array( 'type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__( 'Sort order', 'js_composer' ), 'param_name' => 'order', 'value' => $order_way_values, 'std' => 'DESC', // default WC value 'save_always' => true, 'description' => sprintf( esc_html__( 'Designates the ascending or descending order. More at %s.', 'js_composer' ), '<a href="s://" target="_blank">WordPress codex page</a>' ), ), ), ); break; case 'product': /** * @shortcode product * @description Show a single product by ID or SKU. * * @param id integer * @param sku string * If the product isn’t showing, make sure it isn’t set to Hidden in the Catalog Visibility. * To find the Product ID, go to the Product > Edit screen and look in the URL for the postid= . */ $settings = array( 'name' => esc_html__( 'Product', 'js_composer' ), 'base' => 'product', 'icon' => 'icon-wpb-woocommerce', 'category' => esc_html__( 'WooCommerce', 'js_composer' ), 'description' => esc_html__( 'Show a single product by ID or SKU', 'js_composer' ), 'params' => array( array( 'type' => 'autocomplete', 'heading' => esc_html__( 'Select identificator', 'js_composer' ), 'param_name' => 'id', 'description' => esc_html__( 'Input product ID or product SKU or product title to see suggestions', 'js_composer' ), ), array( 'type' => 'hidden', // This will not show on render, but will be used when defining value for autocomplete 'param_name' => 'sku', ), ), ); break; case 'products': $settings = array( 'name' => esc_html__( 'Products', 'js_composer' ), 'base' => 'products', 'icon' => 'icon-wpb-woocommerce', 'category' => esc_html__( 'WooCommerce', 'js_composer' ), 'description' => esc_html__( 'Show multiple products by ID or SKU.', 'js_composer' ), 'params' => array( array( 'type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__( 'Columns', 'js_composer' ), 'value' => 4, 'param_name' => 'columns', 'save_always' => true, ), array( 'type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__( 'Order by', 'js_composer' ), 'param_name' => 'orderby', 'value' => $order_by_values, 'std' => 'title', // Default WC value 'save_always' => true, 'description' => sprintf( esc_html__( 'Select how to sort retrieved products. More at %s. Default by Title', 'js_composer' ), '<a href="" target="_blank">WordPress codex page</a>' ), ), array( 'type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__( 'Sort order', 'js_composer' ), 'param_name' => 'order', 'value' => $order_way_values, 'std' => 'ASC', // default WC value 'save_always' => true, 'description' => sprintf( esc_html__( 'Designates the ascending or descending order. More at %s. Default by ASC', 'js_composer' ), '<a href="" target="_blank">WordPress codex page</a>' ), ), array( 'type' => 'autocomplete', 'heading' => esc_html__( 'Products', 'js_composer' ), 'param_name' => 'ids', 'settings' => array( 'multiple' => true, 'sortable' => true, 'unique_values' => true, // In UI show results except selected. NB! You should manually check values in backend ), 'save_always' => true, 'description' => esc_html__( 'Enter List of Products', 'js_composer' ), ), array( 'type' => 'hidden', 'param_name' => 'skus', ), ), ); break; case 'add_to_cart': /** * @shortcode add_to_cart * @description Show the price and add to cart button of a single product by ID (or SKU). * * @param id integer * @param sku string * @param style string * If the product isn’t showing, make sure it isn’t set to Hidden in the Catalog Visibility. */ $settings = array( 'name' => esc_html__( 'Add to cart', 'js_composer' ), 'base' => 'add_to_cart', 'icon' => 'icon-wpb-woocommerce', 'category' => esc_html__( 'WooCommerce', 'js_composer' ), 'description' => esc_html__( 'Show product by ID or SKU', 'js_composer' ), 'params' => array( array( 'type' => 'autocomplete', 'heading' => esc_html__( 'Select identificator', 'js_composer' ), 'param_name' => 'id', 'description' => esc_html__( 'Input product ID or product SKU or product title to see suggestions', 'js_composer' ), ), array( 'type' => 'hidden', 'param_name' => 'sku', ), array( 'type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__( 'Wrapper inline style', 'js_composer' ), 'param_name' => 'style', ), ), ); break; case 'add_to_cart_url': /** * @shortcode add_to_cart_url * @description Print the URL on the add to cart button of a single product by ID. * * @param id integer * @param sku string */ $settings = array( 'name' => esc_html__( 'Add to cart URL', 'js_composer' ), 'base' => 'add_to_cart_url', 'icon' => 'icon-wpb-woocommerce', 'category' => esc_html__( 'WooCommerce', 'js_composer' ), 'description' => esc_html__( 'Show URL on the add to cart button', 'js_composer' ), 'params' => array( array( 'type' => 'autocomplete', 'heading' => esc_html__( 'Select identificator', 'js_composer' ), 'param_name' => 'id', 'description' => esc_html__( 'Input product ID or product SKU or product title to see suggestions', 'js_composer' ), ), array( 'type' => 'hidden', 'param_name' => 'sku', ), ), ); break; case 'product_page': /** * @shortcode product_page * @description Show a full single product page by ID or SKU. * * @param id integer * @param sku string */ $settings = array( 'name' => esc_html__( 'Product page', 'js_composer' ), 'base' => 'product_page', 'icon' => 'icon-wpb-woocommerce', 'category' => esc_html__( 'WooCommerce', 'js_composer' ), 'description' => esc_html__( 'Show single product by ID or SKU', 'js_composer' ), 'params' => array( array( 'type' => 'autocomplete', 'heading' => esc_html__( 'Select identificator', 'js_composer' ), 'param_name' => 'id', 'description' => esc_html__( 'Input product ID or product SKU or product title to see suggestions', 'js_composer' ), ), array( 'type' => 'hidden', 'param_name' => 'sku', ), ), ); break; case 'product_category': /** * @shortcode product_category * @description Show multiple products in a category by slug. * * @param per_page integer * @param columns integer * @param orderby array * @param order array * @param category string * Go to: WooCommerce > Products > Categories to find the slug column. */ // All this move to product $categories = get_categories( $args ); $product_categories_dropdown = array(); $this->getCategoryChildsFull( 0, $categories, 0, $product_categories_dropdown ); $settings = array( 'name' => esc_html__( 'Product category', 'js_composer' ), 'base' => 'product_category', 'icon' => 'icon-wpb-woocommerce', 'category' => esc_html__( 'WooCommerce', 'js_composer' ), 'description' => esc_html__( 'Show multiple products in a category', 'js_composer' ), 'params' => array( array( 'type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__( 'Limit', 'js_composer' ), 'value' => 12, 'save_always' => true, 'param_name' => 'per_page', 'description' => esc_html__( 'How much items to show', 'js_composer' ), ), array( 'type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__( 'Columns', 'js_composer' ), 'value' => 4, 'save_always' => true, 'param_name' => 'columns', 'description' => esc_html__( 'How much columns grid', 'js_composer' ), ), array( 'type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__( 'Order by', 'js_composer' ), 'param_name' => 'orderby', 'value' => $order_by_values, 'std' => 'menu_order title', // Default WC value 'save_always' => true, 'description' => sprintf( esc_html__( 'Select how to sort retrieved products. More at %s.', 'js_composer' ), '<a href="s://" target="_blank">WordPress codex page</a>' ), ), array( 'type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__( 'Sort order', 'js_composer' ), 'param_name' => 'order', 'value' => $order_way_values, 'std' => 'ASC', // default WC value 'save_always' => true, 'description' => sprintf( esc_html__( 'Designates the ascending or descending order. More at %s.', 'js_composer' ), '<a href="" target="_blank">WordPress codex page</a>' ), ), array( 'type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__( 'Category', 'js_composer' ), 'value' => $product_categories_dropdown, 'param_name' => 'category', 'save_always' => true, 'description' => esc_html__( 'Product category list', 'js_composer' ), ), ), ); break; case 'product_categories': $settings = array( 'name' => esc_html__( 'Product categories', 'js_composer' ), 'base' => 'product_categories', 'icon' => 'icon-wpb-woocommerce', 'category' => esc_html__( 'WooCommerce', 'js_composer' ), 'description' => esc_html__( 'Display product categories loop', 'js_composer' ), 'params' => array( array( 'type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__( 'Number', 'js_composer' ), 'param_name' => 'number', 'description' => esc_html__( 'The `number` field is used to display the number of products.', 'js_composer' ), ), array( 'type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__( 'Order by', 'js_composer' ), 'param_name' => 'orderby', 'value' => $order_by_values, 'std' => 'name', // default WC value 'save_always' => true, 'description' => sprintf( esc_html__( 'Select how to sort retrieved products. More at %s.', 'js_composer' ), '<a href="" target="_blank">WordPress codex page</a>' ), ), array( 'type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__( 'Sort order', 'js_composer' ), 'param_name' => 'order', 'value' => $order_way_values, 'std' => 'ASC', // default WC value 'save_always' => true, 'description' => sprintf( esc_html__( 'Designates the ascending or descending order. More at %s.', 'js_composer' ), '<a href="" target="_blank">WordPress codex page</a>' ), ), array( 'type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__( 'Columns', 'js_composer' ), 'value' => 4, 'param_name' => 'columns', 'save_always' => true, 'description' => esc_html__( 'How much columns grid', 'js_composer' ), ), array( 'type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__( 'Number', 'js_composer' ), 'param_name' => 'hide_empty', 'description' => esc_html__( 'Hide empty', 'js_composer' ), ), array( 'type' => 'autocomplete', 'heading' => esc_html__( 'Categories', 'js_composer' ), 'param_name' => 'ids', 'settings' => array( 'multiple' => true, 'sortable' => true, ), 'save_always' => true, 'description' => esc_html__( 'List of product categories', 'js_composer' ), ), ), ); break; case 'sale_products': /** * @shortcode sale_products * @description List all products on sale. * * @param per_page integer * @param columns integer * @param orderby array * @param order array */ $settings = array( 'name' => esc_html__( 'Sale products', 'js_composer' ), 'base' => 'sale_products', 'icon' => 'icon-wpb-woocommerce', 'category' => esc_html__( 'WooCommerce', 'js_composer' ), 'description' => esc_html__( 'List all products on sale', 'js_composer' ), 'params' => array( array( 'type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__( 'Limit', 'js_composer' ), 'value' => 12, 'save_always' => true, 'param_name' => 'per_page', 'description' => esc_html__( 'How much items to show', 'js_composer' ), ), array( 'type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__( 'Columns', 'js_composer' ), 'value' => 4, 'save_always' => true, 'param_name' => 'columns', 'description' => esc_html__( 'How much columns grid', 'js_composer' ), ), array( 'type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__( 'Order by', 'js_composer' ), 'param_name' => 'orderby', 'value' => $order_by_values, 'std' => 'title', // default WC value 'save_always' => true, 'description' => sprintf( esc_html__( 'Select how to sort retrieved products. More at %s.', 'js_composer' ), '<a href="" target="_blank">WordPress codex page</a>' ), ), array( 'type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__( 'Sort order', 'js_composer' ), 'param_name' => 'order', 'value' => $order_way_values, 'std' => 'ASC', // default WC value 'save_always' => true, 'description' => sprintf( esc_html__( 'Designates the ascending or descending order. More at %s.', 'js_composer' ), '<a href="" target="_blank">WordPress codex page</a>' ), ), ), ); break; case 'best_selling_products': /** * @shortcode best_selling_products * @description List best selling products on sale. * * @param per_page integer * @param columns integer */ $settings = array( 'name' => esc_html__( 'Best Selling Products', 'js_composer' ), 'base' => 'best_selling_products', 'icon' => 'icon-wpb-woocommerce', 'category' => esc_html__( 'WooCommerce', 'js_composer' ), 'description' => esc_html__( 'List best selling products on sale', 'js_composer' ), 'params' => array( array( 'type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__( 'Limit', 'js_composer' ), 'value' => 12, 'param_name' => 'per_page', 'save_always' => true, 'description' => esc_html__( 'How much items to show', 'js_composer' ), ), array( 'type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__( 'Columns', 'js_composer' ), 'value' => 4, 'param_name' => 'columns', 'save_always' => true, 'description' => esc_html__( 'How much columns grid', 'js_composer' ), ), ), ); break; case 'top_rated_products': /** * @shortcode top_rated_products * @description List top rated products on sale. * * @param per_page integer * @param columns integer * @param orderby array * @param order array */ $settings = array( 'name' => esc_html__( 'Top Rated Products', 'js_composer' ), 'base' => 'top_rated_products', 'icon' => 'icon-wpb-woocommerce', 'category' => esc_html__( 'WooCommerce', 'js_composer' ), 'description' => esc_html__( 'List all products on sale', 'js_composer' ), 'params' => array( array( 'type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__( 'Limit', 'js_composer' ), 'value' => 12, 'param_name' => 'per_page', 'save_always' => true, 'description' => esc_html__( 'How much items to show', 'js_composer' ), ), array( 'type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__( 'Columns', 'js_composer' ), 'value' => 4, 'param_name' => 'columns', 'save_always' => true, 'description' => esc_html__( 'How much columns grid', 'js_composer' ), ), array( 'type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__( 'Order by', 'js_composer' ), 'param_name' => 'orderby', 'value' => $order_by_values, 'std' => 'title', // default WC value 'save_always' => true, 'description' => sprintf( esc_html__( 'Select how to sort retrieved products. More at %s.', 'js_composer' ), '<a href="" target="_blank">WordPress codex page</a>' ), ), array( 'type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__( 'Sort order', 'js_composer' ), 'param_name' => 'order', 'value' => $order_way_values, 'std' => 'ASC', // Default WP Value 'save_always' => true, 'description' => sprintf( esc_html__( 'Designates the ascending or descending order. More at %s.', 'js_composer' ), '<a href="" target="_blank">WordPress codex page</a>' ), ), ), ); break; case 'product_attribute': /** * @shortcode product_attribute * @description List products with an attribute shortcode. * * @param per_page integer * @param columns integer * @param orderby array * @param order array * @param attribute string * @param filter string */ $attributes_tax = wc_get_attribute_taxonomies(); $attributes = array(); foreach ( $attributes_tax as $attribute ) { $attributes[ $attribute->attribute_label ] = $attribute->attribute_name; } $settings = array( 'name' => esc_html__( 'Product Attribute', 'js_composer' ), 'base' => 'product_attribute', 'icon' => 'icon-wpb-woocommerce', 'category' => esc_html__( 'WooCommerce', 'js_composer' ), 'description' => esc_html__( 'List products with an attribute shortcode', 'js_composer' ), 'params' => array( array( 'type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__( 'Limit', 'js_composer' ), 'value' => 12, 'param_name' => 'per_page', 'save_always' => true, 'description' => esc_html__( 'How much items to show', 'js_composer' ), ), array( 'type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__( 'Columns', 'js_composer' ), 'value' => 4, 'param_name' => 'columns', 'save_always' => true, 'description' => esc_html__( 'How much columns grid', 'js_composer' ), ), array( 'type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__( 'Order by', 'js_composer' ), 'param_name' => 'orderby', 'value' => $order_by_values, 'std' => 'title', // default WC value 'save_always' => true, 'description' => sprintf( esc_html__( 'Select how to sort retrieved products. More at %s.', 'js_composer' ), '<a href="" target="_blank">WordPress codex page</a>' ), ), array( 'type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__( 'Sort order', 'js_composer' ), 'param_name' => 'order', 'value' => $order_way_values, 'std' => 'ASC', // Default WC value 'save_always' => true, 'description' => sprintf( esc_html__( 'Designates the ascending or descending order. More at %s.', 'js_composer' ), '<a href="" target="_blank">WordPress codex page</a>' ), ), array( 'type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__( 'Attribute', 'js_composer' ), 'param_name' => 'attribute', 'value' => $attributes, 'save_always' => true, 'description' => esc_html__( 'List of product taxonomy attribute', 'js_composer' ), ), array( 'type' => 'checkbox', 'heading' => esc_html__( 'Filter', 'js_composer' ), 'param_name' => 'filter', 'value' => array( 'empty' => 'empty' ), 'save_always' => true, 'description' => esc_html__( 'Taxonomy values', 'js_composer' ), 'dependency' => array( 'callback' => 'vcWoocommerceProductAttributeFilterDependencyCallback', ), ), ), ); break; case 'related_products': /** * @shortcode related_products * @description List related products. * * @param per_page integer * @param columns integer * @param orderby array * @param order array */ /* we need to detect post type to show this shortcode */ global $post, $typenow, $current_screen; $post_type = ''; if ( $post && $post->post_type ) { //we have a post so we can just get the post type from that $post_type = $post->post_type; } elseif ( $typenow ) { //check the global $typenow - set in admin.php $post_type = $typenow; } elseif ( $current_screen && $current_screen->post_type ) { //check the global $current_screen object - set in sceen.php $post_type = $current_screen->post_type; } elseif ( isset( $_REQUEST['post_type'] ) ) { //lastly check the post_type querystring $post_type = sanitize_key( $_REQUEST['post_type'] ); //we do not know the post type! } $settings = array( 'name' => esc_html__( 'Related Products', 'js_composer' ), 'base' => 'related_products', 'icon' => 'icon-wpb-woocommerce', 'content_element' => 'product' === $post_type, // disable showing if not product type 'category' => esc_html__( 'WooCommerce', 'js_composer' ), 'description' => esc_html__( 'List related products', 'js_composer' ), 'params' => array( array( 'type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__( 'Per page', 'js_composer' ), 'value' => 12, 'save_always' => true, 'param_name' => 'per_page', 'description' => esc_html__( 'Please note: the "per_page" shortcode argument will determine how many products are shown on a page. This will not add pagination to the shortcode. ', 'js_composer' ), ), array( 'type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__( 'Columns', 'js_composer' ), 'value' => 4, 'save_always' => true, 'param_name' => 'columns', 'description' => esc_html__( 'How much columns grid', 'js_composer' ), ), array( 'type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__( 'Order by', 'js_composer' ), 'param_name' => 'orderby', 'value' => $order_by_values, 'std' => 'rand', // default WC value 'save_always' => true, 'description' => sprintf( esc_html__( 'Select how to sort retrieved products. More at %s.', 'js_composer' ), '<a href="" target="_blank">WordPress codex page</a>' ), ), array( 'type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__( 'Sort order', 'js_composer' ), 'param_name' => 'order', 'value' => $order_way_values, 'std' => 'DESC', // Default WC value 'save_always' => true, 'description' => sprintf( esc_html__( 'Designates the ascending or descending order. More at %s.', 'js_composer' ), '<a href="" target="_blank">WordPress codex page</a>' ), ), ), ); break; } return $settings; } /** * Add woocommerce shortcodes and hooks/filters for it. * @since 4.4 */ public function mapShortcodes() { add_action( 'wp_ajax_vc_woocommerce_get_attribute_terms', array( $this, 'getAttributeTermsAjax', ) ); $tags = array( 'woocommerce_cart', 'woocommerce_checkout', 'woocommerce_order_tracking', 'woocommerce_my_account', 'recent_products', 'featured_products', 'product', 'products', 'add_to_cart', 'add_to_cart_url', 'product_page', 'product_category', 'product_categories', 'sale_products', 'best_selling_products', 'top_rated_products', 'product_attribute', 'related_products', ); // phpcs:ignore while ( $tag = current( $tags ) ) { vc_lean_map( $tag, array( $this, 'addShortcodeSettings', ) ); next( $tags ); } //Filters For autocomplete param: //For suggestion: vc_autocomplete_[shortcode_name]_[param_name]_callback add_filter( 'vc_autocomplete_product_id_callback', array( $this, 'productIdAutocompleteSuggester', ), 10, 1 ); // Get suggestion(find). Must return an array add_filter( 'vc_autocomplete_product_id_render', array( $this, 'productIdAutocompleteRender', ), 10, 1 ); // Render exact product. Must return an array (label,value) //For param: ID default value filter add_filter( 'vc_form_fields_render_field_product_id_param_value', array( $this, 'productIdDefaultValue', ), 10, 4 ); // Defines default value for param if not provided. Takes from other param value. //Filters For autocomplete param: //For suggestion: vc_autocomplete_[shortcode_name]_[param_name]_callback add_filter( 'vc_autocomplete_products_ids_callback', array( $this, 'productIdAutocompleteSuggester', ), 10, 1 ); // Get suggestion(find). Must return an array add_filter( 'vc_autocomplete_products_ids_render', array( $this, 'productIdAutocompleteRender', ), 10, 1 ); // Render exact product. Must return an array (label,value) //For param: ID default value filter add_filter( 'vc_form_fields_render_field_products_ids_param_value', array( $this, 'productsIdsDefaultValue', ), 10, 4 ); // Defines default value for param if not provided. Takes from other param value. //Filters For autocomplete param: Exactly Same as "product" shortcode //For suggestion: vc_autocomplete_[shortcode_name]_[param_name]_callback add_filter( 'vc_autocomplete_add_to_cart_id_callback', array( $this, 'productIdAutocompleteSuggester', ), 10, 1 ); // Get suggestion(find). Must return an array add_filter( 'vc_autocomplete_add_to_cart_id_render', array( $this, 'productIdAutocompleteRender', ), 10, 1 ); // Render exact product. Must return an array (label,value) //For param: ID default value filter add_filter( 'vc_form_fields_render_field_add_to_cart_id_param_value', array( $this, 'productIdDefaultValue', ), 10, 4 ); // Defines default value for param if not provided. Takes from other param value. //Filters For autocomplete param: Exactly Same as "product" shortcode //For suggestion: vc_autocomplete_[shortcode_name]_[param_name]_callback add_filter( 'vc_autocomplete_add_to_cart_url_id_callback', array( $this, 'productIdAutocompleteSuggester', ), 10, 1 ); // Get suggestion(find). Must return an array add_filter( 'vc_autocomplete_add_to_cart_url_id_render', array( $this, 'productIdAutocompleteRender', ), 10, 1 ); // Render exact product. Must return an array (label,value) //For param: ID default value filter add_filter( 'vc_form_fields_render_field_add_to_cart_url_id_param_value', array( $this, 'productIdDefaultValue', ), 10, 4 ); // Defines default value for param if not provided. Takes from other param value. //Filters For autocomplete param: Exactly Same as "product" shortcode //For suggestion: vc_autocomplete_[shortcode_name]_[param_name]_callback add_filter( 'vc_autocomplete_product_page_id_callback', array( $this, 'productIdAutocompleteSuggester', ), 10, 1 ); // Get suggestion(find). Must return an array add_filter( 'vc_autocomplete_product_page_id_render', array( $this, 'productIdAutocompleteRender', ), 10, 1 ); // Render exact product. Must return an array (label,value) //For param: ID default value filter add_filter( 'vc_form_fields_render_field_product_page_id_param_value', array( $this, 'productIdDefaultValue', ), 10, 4 ); // Defines default value for param if not provided. Takes from other param value. //Filters For autocomplete param: //For suggestion: vc_autocomplete_[shortcode_name]_[param_name]_callback add_filter( 'vc_autocomplete_product_category_category_callback', array( $this, 'productCategoryCategoryAutocompleteSuggesterBySlug', ), 10, 1 ); // Get suggestion(find). Must return an array add_filter( 'vc_autocomplete_product_category_category_render', array( $this, 'productCategoryCategoryRenderBySlugExact', ), 10, 1 ); // Render exact category by Slug. Must return an array (label,value) //Filters For autocomplete param: //For suggestion: vc_autocomplete_[shortcode_name]_[param_name]_callback add_filter( 'vc_autocomplete_product_categories_ids_callback', array( $this, 'productCategoryCategoryAutocompleteSuggester', ), 10, 1 ); // Get suggestion(find). Must return an array add_filter( 'vc_autocomplete_product_categories_ids_render', array( $this, 'productCategoryCategoryRenderByIdExact', ), 10, 1 ); // Render exact category by id. Must return an array (label,value) //For param: "filter" param value //vc_form_fields_render_field_{shortcode_name}_{param_name}_param add_filter( 'vc_form_fields_render_field_product_attribute_filter_param', array( $this, 'productAttributeFilterParamValue', ), 10, 4 ); // Defines default value for param if not provided. Takes from other param value. } /** * @param array $shortcodes * @return array|mixed */ public function mapGridItemShortcodes( array $shortcodes ) { require_once vc_path_dir( 'VENDORS_DIR', 'plugins/woocommerce/class-vc-gitem-woocommerce-shortcode.php' ); require_once vc_path_dir( 'VENDORS_DIR', 'plugins/woocommerce/grid-item-attributes.php' ); $wc_shortcodes = include vc_path_dir( 'VENDORS_DIR', 'plugins/woocommerce/grid-item-shortcodes.php' ); return $shortcodes + $wc_shortcodes; } /** * Defines default value for param if not provided. Takes from other param value. * @param array $param_settings * @param $current_value * @param $map_settings * @param $atts * * @return array * @since 4.4 * */ public function productAttributeFilterParamValue( $param_settings, $current_value, $map_settings, $atts ) { if ( isset( $atts['attribute'] ) ) { $value = $this->getAttributeTerms( $atts['attribute'] ); if ( is_array( $value ) && ! empty( $value ) ) { $param_settings['value'] = $value; } } return $param_settings; } /** * Get attribute terms hooks from ajax request * @since 4.4 */ public function getAttributeTermsAjax() { vc_user_access()->checkAdminNonce()->validateDie()->wpAny( 'edit_posts', 'edit_pages' )->validateDie(); $attribute = vc_post_param( 'attribute' ); $values = $this->getAttributeTerms( $attribute ); $param = array( 'param_name' => 'filter', 'type' => 'checkbox', ); $param_line = ''; foreach ( $values as $label => $v ) { $param_line .= ' <label class="vc_checkbox-label"><input id="' . $param['param_name'] . '-' . $v . '" value="' . $v . '" class="wpb_vc_param_value ' . $param['param_name'] . ' ' . $param['type'] . '" type="checkbox" name="' . $param['param_name'] . '"' . '> ' . $label . '</label>'; } die( wp_json_encode( $param_line ) ); } /** * Get attribute terms suggester * @param $attribute * * @return array * @since 4.4 * */ public function getAttributeTerms( $attribute ) { $terms = get_terms( 'pa_' . $attribute ); // return array. take slug $data = array(); if ( ! empty( $terms ) && empty( $terms->errors ) ) { foreach ( $terms as $term ) { $data[ $term->name ] = $term->slug; } } return $data; } /** * Get lists of categories. * @param $parent_id * @param array $array * @param $level * @param array $dropdown - passed by reference * @return array * @since 4.5.3 * */ protected function getCategoryChildsFull( $parent_id, $array, $level, &$dropdown ) { $keys = array_keys( $array ); $i = 0; while ( $i < count( $array ) ) { $key = $keys[ $i ]; $item = $array[ $key ]; $i ++; if ( $item->category_parent == $parent_id ) { $name = str_repeat( '- ', $level ) . $item->name; $value = $item->slug; $dropdown[] = array( 'label' => $name . '(' . $item->term_id . ')', 'value' => $value, ); unset( $array[ $key ] ); $array = $this->getCategoryChildsFull( $item->term_id, $array, $level + 1, $dropdown ); $keys = array_keys( $array ); $i = 0; } } return $array; } /** * Replace single product sku to id. * @param $current_value * @param $param_settings * @param $map_settings * @param $atts * * @return bool|string * @since 4.4 * */ public function productIdDefaultValue( $current_value, $param_settings, $map_settings, $atts ) { $value = trim( $current_value ); if ( strlen( trim( $current_value ) ) === 0 && isset( $atts['sku'] ) && strlen( $atts['sku'] ) > 0 ) { $value = $this->productIdDefaultValueFromSkuToId( $atts['sku'] ); } return $value; } /** * Replaces product skus to id's. * @param $current_value * @param $param_settings * @param $map_settings * @param $atts * * @return string * @since 4.4 * */ public function productsIdsDefaultValue( $current_value, $param_settings, $map_settings, $atts ) { $value = trim( $current_value ); if ( strlen( trim( $value ) ) === 0 && isset( $atts['skus'] ) && strlen( $atts['skus'] ) > 0 ) { $data = array(); $skus = $atts['skus']; $skus_array = explode( ',', $skus ); foreach ( $skus_array as $sku ) { $id = $this->productIdDefaultValueFromSkuToId( trim( $sku ) ); if ( is_numeric( $id ) ) { $data[] = $id; } } if ( ! empty( $data ) ) { $values = explode( ',', $value ); $values = array_merge( $values, $data ); $value = implode( ',', $values ); } } return $value; } /** * Suggester for autocomplete by id/name/title/sku * @param $query * * @return array - id's from products with title/sku. * @since 4.4 * */ public function productIdAutocompleteSuggester( $query ) { global $wpdb; $product_id = (int) $query; $post_meta_infos = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT a.ID AS id, a.post_title AS title, b.meta_value AS sku FROM {$wpdb->posts} AS a LEFT JOIN ( SELECT meta_value, post_id FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} WHERE `meta_key` = '_sku' ) AS b ON b.post_id = a.ID WHERE a.post_type = 'product' AND ( a.ID = '%d' OR b.meta_value LIKE '%%%s%%' OR a.post_title LIKE '%%%s%%' )", $product_id > 0 ? $product_id : - 1, stripslashes( $query ), stripslashes( $query ) ), ARRAY_A ); $results = array(); if ( is_array( $post_meta_infos ) && ! empty( $post_meta_infos ) ) { foreach ( $post_meta_infos as $value ) { $data = array(); $data['value'] = $value['id']; $data['label'] = esc_html__( 'Id', 'js_composer' ) . ': ' . $value['id'] . ( ( strlen( $value['title'] ) > 0 ) ? ' - ' . esc_html__( 'Title', 'js_composer' ) . ': ' . $value['title'] : '' ) . ( ( strlen( $value['sku'] ) > 0 ) ? ' - ' . esc_html__( 'Sku', 'js_composer' ) . ': ' . $value['sku'] : '' ); $results[] = $data; } } return $results; } /** * Find product by id * @param $query * * @return bool|array * @since 4.4 * */ public function productIdAutocompleteRender( $query ) { $query = trim( $query['value'] ); // get value from requested if ( ! empty( $query ) ) { // get product $product_object = wc_get_product( (int) $query ); if ( is_object( $product_object ) ) { $product_sku = $product_object->get_sku(); $product_title = $product_object->get_title(); $product_id = $product_object->get_id(); $product_sku_display = ''; if ( ! empty( $product_sku ) ) { $product_sku_display = ' - ' . esc_html__( 'Sku', 'js_composer' ) . ': ' . $product_sku; } $product_title_display = ''; if ( ! empty( $product_title ) ) { $product_title_display = ' - ' . esc_html__( 'Title', 'js_composer' ) . ': ' . $product_title; } $product_id_display = esc_html__( 'Id', 'js_composer' ) . ': ' . $product_id; $data = array(); $data['value'] = $product_id; $data['label'] = $product_id_display . $product_title_display . $product_sku_display; return ! empty( $data ) ? $data : false; } return false; } return false; } /** * Return ID of product by provided SKU of product. * @param $query * * @return bool * @since 4.4 * */ public function productIdDefaultValueFromSkuToId( $query ) { $result = $this->productIdAutocompleteSuggesterExactSku( $query ); return isset( $result['value'] ) ? $result['value'] : false; } /** * Find product by SKU * @param $query * * @return bool|array * @since 4.4 * */ public function productIdAutocompleteSuggesterExactSku( $query ) { global $wpdb; $query = trim( $query ); $product_id = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT post_id FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} WHERE meta_key='_sku' AND meta_value='%s' LIMIT 1", stripslashes( $query ) ) ); $product_data = get_post( $product_id ); if ( 'product' !== $product_data->post_type ) { return ''; } $product_object = wc_get_product( $product_data ); if ( is_object( $product_object ) ) { $product_sku = $product_object->get_sku(); $product_title = $product_object->get_title(); $product_id = $product_object->get_id(); $product_sku_display = ''; if ( ! empty( $product_sku ) ) { $product_sku_display = ' - ' . esc_html__( 'Sku', 'js_composer' ) . ': ' . $product_sku; } $product_title_display = ''; if ( ! empty( $product_title ) ) { $product_title_display = ' - ' . esc_html__( 'Title', 'js_composer' ) . ': ' . $product_title; } $product_id_display = esc_html__( 'Id', 'js_composer' ) . ': ' . $product_id; $data = array(); $data['value'] = $product_id; $data['label'] = $product_id_display . $product_title_display . $product_sku_display; return ! empty( $data ) ? $data : false; } return false; } /** * Autocomplete suggester to search product category by name/slug or id. * @param $query * @param bool $slug - determines what output is needed * default false - return id of product category * true - return slug of product category * * @return array * @since 4.4 * */ public function productCategoryCategoryAutocompleteSuggester( $query, $slug = false ) { global $wpdb; $cat_id = (int) $query; $query = trim( $query ); $post_meta_infos = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT a.term_id AS id, as name, b.slug AS slug FROM {$wpdb->term_taxonomy} AS a INNER JOIN {$wpdb->terms} AS b ON b.term_id = a.term_id WHERE a.taxonomy = 'product_cat' AND (a.term_id = '%d' OR b.slug LIKE '%%%s%%' OR LIKE '%%%s%%' )", $cat_id > 0 ? $cat_id : - 1, stripslashes( $query ), stripslashes( $query ) ), ARRAY_A ); $result = array(); if ( is_array( $post_meta_infos ) && ! empty( $post_meta_infos ) ) { foreach ( $post_meta_infos as $value ) { $data = array(); $data['value'] = $slug ? $value['slug'] : $value['id']; $data['label'] = esc_html__( 'Id', 'js_composer' ) . ': ' . $value['id'] . ( ( strlen( $value['name'] ) > 0 ) ? ' - ' . esc_html__( 'Name', 'js_composer' ) . ': ' . $value['name'] : '' ) . ( ( strlen( $value['slug'] ) > 0 ) ? ' - ' . esc_html__( 'Slug', 'js_composer' ) . ': ' . $value['slug'] : '' ); $result[] = $data; } } return $result; } /** * Search product category by id * @param $query * * @return bool|array * @since 4.4 * */ public function productCategoryCategoryRenderByIdExact( $query ) { $query = $query['value']; $cat_id = (int) $query; $term = get_term( $cat_id, 'product_cat' ); return $this->productCategoryTermOutput( $term ); } /** * Suggester for autocomplete to find product category by id/name/slug but return found product category SLUG * @param $query * * @return array - slug of products categories. * @since 4.4 * */ public function productCategoryCategoryAutocompleteSuggesterBySlug( $query ) { $result = $this->productCategoryCategoryAutocompleteSuggester( $query, true ); return $result; } /** * Search product category by slug. * @param $query * * @return bool|array * @since 4.4 * */ public function productCategoryCategoryRenderBySlugExact( $query ) { $query = $query['value']; $query = trim( $query ); $term = get_term_by( 'slug', $query, 'product_cat' ); return $this->productCategoryTermOutput( $term ); } /** * Return product category value|label array * * @param $term * * @return array|bool * @since 4.4 */ protected function productCategoryTermOutput( $term ) { $term_slug = $term->slug; $term_title = $term->name; $term_id = $term->term_id; $term_slug_display = ''; if ( ! empty( $term_slug ) ) { $term_slug_display = ' - ' . esc_html__( 'Sku', 'js_composer' ) . ': ' . $term_slug; } $term_title_display = ''; if ( ! empty( $term_title ) ) { $term_title_display = ' - ' . esc_html__( 'Title', 'js_composer' ) . ': ' . $term_title; } $term_id_display = esc_html__( 'Id', 'js_composer' ) . ': ' . $term_id; $data = array(); $data['value'] = $term_id; $data['label'] = $term_id_display . $term_title_display . $term_slug_display; return ! empty( $data ) ? $data : false; } /** * @return array */ public static function getProductsFieldsList() { return array( esc_html__( 'SKU', 'woocommerce' ) => 'sku', esc_html__( 'ID', 'woocommerce' ) => 'id', esc_html__( 'Price', 'woocommerce' ) => 'price', esc_html__( 'Regular price', 'woocommerce' ) => 'regular_price', esc_html__( 'Sale price', 'woocommerce' ) => 'sale_price', esc_html__( 'Price html', 'woocommerce' ) => 'price_html', esc_html__( 'Reviews count', 'woocommerce' ) => 'reviews_count', esc_html__( 'Short description', 'woocommerce' ) => 'short_description', esc_html__( 'Dimensions', 'woocommerce' ) => 'dimensions', esc_html__( 'Rating count', 'woocommerce' ) => 'rating_count', esc_html__( 'Weight', 'woocommerce' ) => 'weight', esc_html__( 'Is on sale', 'woocommerce' ) => 'on_sale', esc_html__( 'Custom field', 'woocommerce' ) => '_custom_', ); } /** * @param $key * @return string */ public static function getProductFieldLabel( $key ) { if ( false === self::$product_fields_list ) { self::$product_fields_list = array_flip( self::getProductsFieldsList() ); } return isset( self::$product_fields_list[ $key ] ) ? self::$product_fields_list[ $key ] : ''; } /** * @return array */ public static function getOrderFieldsList() { return array( esc_html__( 'ID', 'js_composer' ) => 'id', esc_html__( 'Order number', 'js_composer' ) => 'order_number', esc_html__( 'Currency', 'js_composer' ) => 'order_currency', esc_html__( 'Total', 'js_composer' ) => 'total', esc_html__( 'Status', 'js_composer' ) => 'status', esc_html__( 'Payment method', 'js_composer' ) => 'payment_method', esc_html__( 'Billing address city', 'js_composer' ) => 'billing_address_city', esc_html__( 'Billing address country', 'js_composer' ) => 'billing_address_country', esc_html__( 'Shipping address city', 'js_composer' ) => 'shipping_address_city', esc_html__( 'Shipping address country', 'js_composer' ) => 'shipping_address_country', esc_html__( 'Customer Note', 'js_composer' ) => 'customer_note', esc_html__( 'Customer API', 'js_composer' ) => 'customer_api', esc_html__( 'Custom field', 'js_composer' ) => '_custom_', ); } /** * @param $key * @return string */ public static function getOrderFieldLabel( $key ) { if ( false === self::$order_fields_list ) { self::$order_fields_list = array_flip( self::getOrderFieldsList() ); } return isset( self::$order_fields_list[ $key ] ) ? self::$order_fields_list[ $key ] : ''; } public function yoastSeoCompatibility() { if ( function_exists( 'WC' ) ) { // WC()->frontend_includes(); include_once( WC()->plugin_path() . '/includes/wc-template-functions.php' ); // include_once WC()->plugin_path() . ''; } } } /** * Removes EDIT button in backend and frontend editor * Class Vc_WooCommerce_NotEditable * @since 4.4 */ class Vc_WooCommerce_NotEditable extends WPBakeryShortCode { /** * @since 4.4 * @var array */ protected $controls_list = array( 'clone', 'delete', ); }