( function ( $, wp, rwmb ) {
'use strict';
var views = rwmb.views = rwmb.views || {},
MediaField = views.MediaField,
FileUploadField, UploadButton;
FileUploadField = views.FileUploadField = MediaField.extend( {
createAddButton: function () {
this.addButton = new UploadButton( {controller: this.controller} );
} );
UploadButton = views.UploadButton = Backbone.View.extend( {
className: 'rwmb-upload-area',
tagName: 'div',
template: wp.template( 'rwmb-upload-area' ),
render: function () {
this.$el.html( this.template( {} ) );
return this;
initialize: function ( options ) {
this.controller = options.controller;
this.el.id = _.uniqueId( 'rwmb-upload-area-' );
// Auto hide if you reach the max number of media
this.listenTo( this.controller, 'change:full', function () {
this.$el.toggle( ! this.controller.get( 'full' ) );
} );
// Initializes plupload using code from wp.Uploader (wp-includes/js/plupload/wp-plupload.js)
initUploader: function ( $this ) {
var self = this,
extensions = this.getExtensions().join( ',' ),
maxFileSize = this.controller.get( 'maxFileSize' ),
options = {
container: this.el,
dropzone: this.el,
browser: this.$( '.rwmb-browse-button' ),
params: {
post_id : $( '#post_ID' ).val()
added: function( attachment ) {
self.controller.get( 'items' ).add( [attachment] );
// Initialize the plupload instance.
this.uploader = new wp.Uploader( options );
var filters = this.uploader.uploader.getOption( 'filters' );
if ( maxFileSize ) {
filters.max_file_size = maxFileSize;
if ( extensions ) {
filters.mime_types = [{title: i18nRwmbMedia.select, extensions: extensions}];
this.uploader.uploader.setOption( 'filters', filters );
$this.data( 'uploader', this.uploader );
getExtensions: function () {
var mimeTypes = this.controller.get( 'mimeType' ).split( ',' ),
exts = [];
_.each( mimeTypes, function ( current, index ) {
if ( i18nRwmbMedia.extensions[current] ) {
exts = exts.concat( i18nRwmbMedia.extensions[current] );
} );
return exts;
} );
function initFileUpload() {
var $this = $( this ),
view = $this.data( 'view' );
if ( view ) {
view = new FileUploadField( { input: this } );
$this.siblings( '.rwmb-media-view' ).remove();
$this.after( view.el );
// Init uploader after view is inserted to make wp.Uploader works.
view.addButton.initUploader( $this );
$this.data( 'view', view );
function init( e ) {
$( e.target ).find( '.rwmb-file_upload' ).each( initFileUpload );
.on( 'mb_ready', init )
.on( 'clone', '.rwmb-file_upload', initFileUpload )
} )( jQuery, wp, rwmb );