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<?php defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || die; /** * The file upload file which allows users to upload files via the default HTML <input type="file">. */ class RWMB_File_Field extends RWMB_Field { public static function admin_enqueue_scripts() { wp_enqueue_style( 'rwmb-file', RWMB_CSS_URL . 'file.css', [], RWMB_VER ); wp_enqueue_script( 'rwmb-file', RWMB_JS_URL . 'file.js', [ 'jquery-ui-sortable' ], RWMB_VER, true ); RWMB_Helpers_Field::localize_script_once( 'rwmb-file', 'rwmbFile', [ // Translators: %d is the number of files in singular form. 'maxFileUploadsSingle' => __( 'You may only upload maximum %d file', 'meta-box' ), // Translators: %d is the number of files in plural form. 'maxFileUploadsPlural' => __( 'You may only upload maximum %d files', 'meta-box' ), ] ); } public static function add_actions() { add_action( 'post_edit_form_tag', [ __CLASS__, 'post_edit_form_tag' ] ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_rwmb_delete_file', [ __CLASS__, 'ajax_delete_file' ] ); } public static function post_edit_form_tag() { echo ' enctype="multipart/form-data"'; } public static function ajax_delete_file() { $request = rwmb_request(); $field_id = (string) $request->filter_post( 'field_id' ); $type = str_contains( $request->filter_post( 'field_name' ), '[' ) ? 'child' : 'top'; check_ajax_referer( "rwmb-delete-file_{$field_id}" ); if ( 'child' === $type ) { $field_group = explode( '[', $request->filter_post( 'field_name' ) ); $field_id = $field_group[0]; // This is top parent field_id. } // Make sure the file to delete is in the custom field. $attachment = $request->post( 'attachment_id' ); $object_id = $request->filter_post( 'object_id' ); $object_type = (string) $request->filter_post( 'object_type' ); $field = rwmb_get_field_settings( $field_id, [ 'object_type' => $object_type ], $object_id ); $field_value = self::raw_meta( $object_id, $field ); if ( ! self::in_array_r( $attachment, $field_value ) ) { wp_send_json_error( __( 'Error: Invalid file', 'meta-box' ) ); } // Delete the file. if ( is_numeric( $attachment ) ) { $result = wp_delete_attachment( $attachment ); } else { $path = str_replace( home_url( '/' ), trailingslashit( ABSPATH ), $attachment ); $result = unlink( $path ); } if ( $result ) { wp_send_json_success(); } wp_send_json_error( __( 'Error: Cannot delete file', 'meta-box' ) ); } /** * Recursively search needle in haystack */ protected static function in_array_r( $needle, $haystack, $strict = false ) : bool { foreach ( $haystack as $item ) { if ( ( $strict ? $item === $needle : $item == $needle ) || ( is_array( $item ) && self::in_array_r( $needle, $item, $strict ) ) ) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Get field HTML. * * @param mixed $meta Meta value. * @param array $field Field parameters. * * @return string */ public static function html( $meta, $field ) { $meta = array_filter( (array) $meta ); $i18n_more = apply_filters( 'rwmb_file_add_string', _x( '+ Add new file', 'file upload', 'meta-box' ), $field ); $html = self::get_uploaded_files( $meta, $field ); // Show form upload. $attributes = self::get_attributes( $field, $meta ); $attributes['type'] = 'file'; $attributes['name'] = "{$field['input_name']}[]"; $attributes['class'] = 'rwmb-file-input'; /* * Use JavaScript to toggle 'required' attribute, because: * - Field might already have value (uploaded files). * - Be able to detect when uploading multiple files. */ if ( $attributes['required'] ) { $attributes['data-required'] = 1; $attributes['required'] = false; } // Upload new files. $html .= sprintf( '<div class="rwmb-file-new"><input %s>', self::render_attributes( $attributes ) ); if ( 1 !== $field['max_file_uploads'] ) { $html .= sprintf( '<a class="rwmb-file-add" href="#"><strong>%s</strong></a>', $i18n_more ); } $html .= '</div>'; $html .= sprintf( '<input type="hidden" class="rwmb-file-index" name="%s" value="%s">', $field['index_name'], $field['input_name'] ); return $html; } /** * Get HTML for uploaded files. * * @param array $files List of uploaded files. * @param array $field Field parameters. * @return string */ protected static function get_uploaded_files( $files, $field ) { $delete_nonce = wp_create_nonce( "rwmb-delete-file_{$field['id']}" ); $output = ''; foreach ( (array) $files as $k => $file ) { // Ignore deleted files (if users accidentally deleted files or uses `force_delete` without saving post). if ( get_attached_file( $file ) || $field['upload_dir'] ) { $output .= static::file_html( $file, $k, $field ); } } return sprintf( '<ul class="rwmb-files" data-field_id="%s" data-field_name="%s" data-delete_nonce="%s" data-force_delete="%s" data-max_file_uploads="%s" data-mime_type="%s">%s</ul>', $field['id'], $field['field_name'], $delete_nonce, $field['force_delete'] ? 1 : 0, $field['max_file_uploads'], $field['mime_type'], $output ); } /** * Get HTML for uploaded file. * * @param int $file Attachment (file) ID. * @param int $index File index. * @param array $field Field data. * @return string */ protected static function file_html( $file, $index, $field ) { $i18n_delete = apply_filters( 'rwmb_file_delete_string', _x( 'Delete', 'file upload', 'meta-box' ) ); $i18n_edit = apply_filters( 'rwmb_file_edit_string', _x( 'Edit', 'file upload', 'meta-box' ) ); $attributes = self::get_attributes( $field, $file ); if ( ! $file ) { return ''; } if ( $field['upload_dir'] ) { $data = self::file_info_custom_dir( $file, $field ); } else { $data = [ 'icon' => wp_get_attachment_image( $file, [ 48, 64 ], true ), 'name' => basename( get_attached_file( $file ) ), 'url' => wp_get_attachment_url( $file ), 'title' => get_the_title( $file ), 'edit_link' => '', ]; $edit_link = get_edit_post_link( $file ); if ( $edit_link ) { $data['edit_link'] = sprintf( '<a href="%s" class="rwmb-file-edit" target="_blank">%s</a>', $edit_link, $i18n_edit ); } } return sprintf( '<li class="rwmb-file"> <div class="rwmb-file-icon">%s</div> <div class="rwmb-file-info"> <a href="%s" target="_blank" class="rwmb-file-title">%s</a> <div class="rwmb-file-name">%s</div> <div class="rwmb-file-actions"> %s <a href="#" class="rwmb-file-delete" data-attachment_id="%s">%s</a> </div> </div> <input type="hidden" name="%s[%s]" value="%s"> </li>', $data['icon'], esc_url( $data['url'] ), esc_html( $data['title'] ), esc_html( $data['name'] ), $data['edit_link'], esc_attr( $file ), esc_html( $i18n_delete ), esc_attr( $attributes['name'] ), esc_attr( $index ), esc_attr( $file ) ); } protected static function file_info_custom_dir( string $file, array $field ) : array { $path = wp_normalize_path( trailingslashit( $field['upload_dir'] ) . basename( $file ) ); $ext = pathinfo( $path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION ); $icon_url = wp_mime_type_icon( wp_ext2type( $ext ) ); $data = [ 'icon' => '<img width="48" height="64" src="' . esc_url( $icon_url ) . '" alt="">', 'name' => basename( $path ), 'path' => $path, 'url' => $file, 'title' => preg_replace( '/\.[^.]+$/', '', basename( $path ) ), 'edit_link' => '', ]; return $data; } /** * Get meta values to save. * * @param mixed $new The submitted meta value. * @param mixed $old The existing meta value. * @param int $post_id The post ID. * @param array $field The field parameters. * * @return array|mixed */ public static function value( $new, $old, $post_id, $field ) { $input = $field['index'] ?? $field['input_name']; // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine if ( empty( $input ) || empty( $_FILES[ $input ] ) ) { return $new; } $new = array_filter( (array) $new ); $count = self::transform( $input ); for ( $i = 0; $i < $count; $i ++ ) { $attachment = self::handle_upload( "{$input}_{$i}", $post_id, $field ); if ( $attachment && ! is_wp_error( $attachment ) ) { $new[] = $attachment; } } return $new; } /** * Get meta values to save for cloneable fields. * * @param array $new The submitted meta value. * @param array $old The existing meta value. * @param int $object_id The object ID. * @param array $field The field settings. * @param array $data_source Data source. Either $_POST or custom array. Used in group to get uploaded files. * * @return mixed */ public static function clone_value( $new, $old, $object_id, $field, $data_source = null ) { if ( ! $data_source ) { // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine $data_source = $_POST; } $indexes = $data_source[ "_index_{$field['id']}" ] ?? []; foreach ( $indexes as $key => $index ) { $field['index'] = $index; $old_value = $old[ $key ] ?? []; $value = $new[ $key ] ?? []; $value = self::value( $value, $old_value, $object_id, $field ); $new[ $key ] = self::filter( 'sanitize', $value, $field, $old_value, $object_id ); } return $new; } /** * Handle file upload. * Consider upload to Media Library or custom folder. * * @param string $file_id File ID in $_FILES when uploading. * @param int $post_id Post ID. * @param array $field Field settings. * * @return \WP_Error|int|string WP_Error if has error, attachment ID if upload in Media Library, URL to file if upload to custom folder. */ protected static function handle_upload( $file_id, $post_id, $field ) { return $field['upload_dir'] ? self::handle_upload_custom_dir( $file_id, $field ) : media_handle_upload( $file_id, $post_id ); } /** * Transform $_FILES from $_FILES['field']['key']['index'] to $_FILES['field_index']['key']. * * @param string $input_name The field input name. * * @return int The number of uploaded files. */ protected static function transform( $input_name ) { // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart foreach ( $_FILES[ $input_name ] as $key => $list ) { foreach ( $list as $index => $value ) { $file_key = "{$input_name}_{$index}"; if ( ! isset( $_FILES[ $file_key ] ) ) { $_FILES[ $file_key ] = []; } $_FILES[ $file_key ][ $key ] = $value; } } return count( $_FILES[ $input_name ]['name'] ); // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd } /** * Normalize parameters for field. * * @param array $field Field parameters. * @return array */ public static function normalize( $field ) { $field = parent::normalize( $field ); $field = wp_parse_args( $field, [ 'std' => [], 'force_delete' => false, 'max_file_uploads' => 0, 'mime_type' => '', 'upload_dir' => '', 'unique_filename_callback' => null, ] ); $field['multiple'] = true; $field['input_name'] = "_file_{$field['id']}"; $field['index_name'] = "_index_{$field['id']}"; return $field; } /** * Get the field value. Return meaningful info of the files. * * @param array $field Field parameters. * @param array $args Not used for this field. * @param int|null $post_id Post ID. null for current post. Optional. * * @return mixed Full info of uploaded files */ public static function get_value( $field, $args = [], $post_id = null ) { $value = parent::get_value( $field, $args, $post_id ); if ( ! $field['clone'] ) { $value = static::files_info( $field, $value, $args ); } else { $return = []; foreach ( $value as $subvalue ) { $return[] = static::files_info( $field, $subvalue, $args ); } $value = $return; } if ( isset( $args['limit'] ) ) { $value = array_slice( $value, 0, intval( $args['limit'] ) ); } return $value; } /** * Get uploaded files information. * * @param array $field Field parameters. * @param array $files Files IDs. * @param array $args Additional arguments (for image size). * @return array */ public static function files_info( $field, $files, $args ) { $return = []; foreach ( (array) $files as $file ) { $info = static::file_info( $file, $args, $field ); if ( $info ) { $return[ $file ] = $info; } } return $return; } /** * Get uploaded file information. * * @param int $file Attachment file ID (post ID). Required. * @param array $args Array of arguments (for size). * @param array $field Field settings. * * @return array|bool False if file not found. Array of (id, name, path, url) on success. */ public static function file_info( $file, $args = [], $field = [] ) { if ( ! empty( $field['upload_dir'] ) ) { return self::file_info_custom_dir( $file, $field ); } $path = get_attached_file( $file ); if ( ! $path ) { return false; } return wp_parse_args( [ 'ID' => $file, 'name' => basename( $path ), 'path' => $path, 'url' => wp_get_attachment_url( $file ), 'title' => get_the_title( $file ), ], wp_get_attachment_metadata( $file ) ); } /** * Format a single value for the helper functions. Sub-fields should overwrite this method if necessary. * * @param array $field Field parameters. * @param array $value The value. * @param array $args Additional arguments. Rarely used. See specific fields for details. * @param int|null $post_id Post ID. null for current post. Optional. * * @return string */ public static function format_single_value( $field, $value, $args, $post_id ) { return sprintf( '<a href="%s" target="_blank">%s</a>', esc_url( $value['url'] ), esc_html( $value['title'] ) ); } /** * Handle upload for files in custom directory. * * @param string $file_id File ID in $_FILES when uploading. * @param array $field Field settings. * * @return string URL to uploaded file. */ public static function handle_upload_custom_dir( $file_id, $field ) { // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart if ( empty( $_FILES[ $file_id ] ) ) { return; } $file = $_FILES[ $file_id ]; // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd // Use a closure to filter upload directory. Requires PHP >= 5.3.0. $filter_upload_dir = function( $uploads ) use ( $field ) { $uploads['path'] = $field['upload_dir']; $uploads['url'] = self::convert_path_to_url( $field['upload_dir'] ); $uploads['subdir'] = ''; $uploads['basedir'] = $field['upload_dir']; return $uploads; }; // Make sure upload dir is inside WordPress. $upload_dir = wp_normalize_path( untrailingslashit( $field['upload_dir'] ) ); $root = wp_normalize_path( untrailingslashit( ABSPATH ) ); if ( ! str_starts_with( $upload_dir, $root ) ) { return; } // Let WordPress handle upload to the custom directory. add_filter( 'upload_dir', $filter_upload_dir ); $overrides = [ 'test_form' => false, 'unique_filename_callback' => $field['unique_filename_callback'], ]; $file_info = wp_handle_upload( $file, $overrides ); remove_filter( 'upload_dir', $filter_upload_dir ); return empty( $file_info['url'] ) ? null : $file_info['url']; } public static function convert_path_to_url( string $path ) : string { $path = wp_normalize_path( untrailingslashit( $path ) ); $root = wp_normalize_path( untrailingslashit( ABSPATH ) ); $relative_path = str_replace( $root, '', $path ); return home_url( $relative_path ); } }