<?php // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Files.FileName
* Redux Framework is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* any later version.
* Redux Framework is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Redux Framework. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* The addition of the noinspection tags is because there are devs writing their
* in-house extensions improperly, and we have to compensate for that.
* @package Redux_Framework
* @subpackage Core
* @subpackage Core
* @author Redux Framework Team
* @noinspection PhpMissingParamTypeInspection
* @noinspection PhpMissingReturnTypeInspection
* @noinspection PhpUnhandledExceptionInspection
// Exit if accessed directly.
defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit;
require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/class-redux-core.php';
Redux_Core::$version = '4.4.1';
Redux_Core::$redux_path = dirname( __FILE__ );
// Don't duplicate me!
if ( ! class_exists( 'ReduxFramework', false ) ) {
* Main ReduxFramework class
* @since 1.0.0
class ReduxFramework {
* ReduxFramework instance storage.
* @var null
* @access public
public static $instance = null;
* Redux current version.
* @var string
* @access public
* @deprecated 4.0.0
public static $_version = ''; // phpcs:ignore PSR2.Classes.PropertyDeclaration
* Absolute directory of the Redux instance.
* @var string
* @access public
* @deprecated 4.0.0
public static $_dir = ''; // phpcs:ignore PSR2.Classes.PropertyDeclaration
* Full URL of the Redux instance.
* @var string
* @access public
* @deprecated 4.0.0
public static $_url = ''; // phpcs:ignore PSR2.Classes.PropertyDeclaration
* Current WordPress upload directory.
* @var string
* @access public
* @deprecated 4.0.0
public static $_upload_dir = ''; // phpcs:ignore PSR2.Classes.PropertyDeclaration
* Current WordPress upload URL
* @var string
* @access public
* @deprecated 4.0.0
public static $_upload_url; // phpcs:ignore PSR2.Classes.PropertyDeclaration
* Init
* Backward compatibility for previous version of Redux.
public static function init() {
// Backward compatibility for extensions.
self::$_version = Redux_Core::$version;
self::$_dir = Redux_Core::$dir;
self::$_url = Redux_Core::$url;
self::$_upload_dir = Redux_Core::$upload_dir;
self::$_upload_url = Redux_Core::$upload_url;
self::$_as_plugin = Redux_Core::$as_plugin;
self::$_is_plugin = Redux_Core::$is_plugin;
* Array of field arrays.
* @var array
public $fields = array();
* Array of field types.
* @var array
public $field_types = array();
* Array of field heads.
* @var array
public $field_head = array();
* Array of extensions by type used in the panel.
* @var array
public $extensions = array();
* Array of sections and fields arrays.
* @var array|mixed|void
public $sections = array();
* Array of generated errors from the panel for localization.
* @var array
public $errors = array();
* Array of generated warnings from the panel for localization.
* @var array
public $warnings = array();
* Array of generated sanitize notices from the panel for localization.
* @var array
public $sanitize = array();
* Array of current option values.
* @var array
public $options = array();
* Array of option defaults.
* @var null
public $options_defaults = null;
* Array of fields set to trigger the compiler hook.
* @var array
public $compiler_fields = array();
* Field folding information for localization.
* @var array
public $required = array();
* Field child folding information for localization.
* @var array
public $required_child = array();
* Array of fonts used by the panel for localization.
* @var array
public $fonts = array();
* Array of Google fonts used by the panel for localization.
* @var array
public $google_array = array();
* Array of fields to be folded.
* @var array
public $folds = array();
* Array of fields with CSS output selectors.
* @var array
public $output = array();
* Autogenerated CSS appended to the header (snake case maintained for backward compatibility).
* @var string
public $outputCSS = ''; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidVariableName
* Autogenerated variables appended to dynamic output.
* @var array
public $output_variables = array();
* CSS sent to the compiler hook (snake case maintained for backward compatibility).
* @var string
public $compilerCSS = ''; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidVariableName
* Array of fields that didn't pass the fold dependency test and are hidden.
* @var array
public $fields_hidden = array();
* Array of fields to use as pointers in extensions.
* @var array
public $field_sections = array();
* Values to generate google font CSS.
* @var string
public $typography = array();
* Array of global arguments.
* @var array|mixed
public $args = array();
* Used in customizer hooks.
* @var string
public $old_opt_name = '';
* File system object used for I/O file operations. DOnr the WordPress way.
* @var null|object
public $filesystem = null;
* Array of various font groups used within the typography field.
* @var array
public $font_groups = array();
* Pointer to the Redux_Options_Default class.
* @var null|Redux_Options_Defaults
public $options_defaults_class = null;
* Pointer to the Redux_Options class.
* @var null|Redux_Options_Constructor
public $options_class = null;
* Pointer to the Redux_Required class
* @var null|Redux_Required
public $required_class = null;
* Pointer to the Redux_Output class.
* @var null|Redux_Output
public $output_class = null;
* Pointer to the Redux_Page_Render class.
* @var null|Redux_Page_Render
public $render_class = null;
* Pointer to the Redux_Enqueue class.
* @var null|Redux_Enqueue
public $enqueue_class = null;
* Pointer to the Redux_Transients class.
* @var null|Redux_Transients
public $transient_class = null;
* Pointer to the Redux_wordPress_Data class.
* @var null|Redux_WordPress_Data
public $wordpress_data = null;
* Pointer to the Redux_Validation class.
* @var null|Redux_Validation
public $validate_class = null;
* Pointer to the Redux_Sanitize class.
* @var null|Redux_Validation
public $sanitize_class = null;
* Pointer to the Redux_Args class.
* @var null|Redux_Args
public $args_class = null;
* Array of active transients used by Redux.
* @var array
public $transients = array();
* Array of localized repeater data.
* @var array
public $repeater_data = array();
* Array of localized data.
* @var array
public $localize_data = array();
* Deprecated shim for v3 templates.
* @var array
* @deprecated 4.0.0
public $hidden_perm_sections = array();
* Deprecated shim for v3 as plugin check.
* @var bool
* @deprecated 4.0.0
public static $_as_plugin = false; // phpcs:ignore PSR2.Classes.PropertyDeclaration
* Deprecated shim for v3 as plugin check.
* @var bool
* @deprecated 4.0.0
public static $_is_plugin = false; // phpcs:ignore PSR2.Classes.PropertyDeclaration
* Cloning is forbidden.
* @since 4.0.0
public function __clone() {
_doing_it_wrong( __FUNCTION__, esc_html__( 'Cheatin’ eh?', 'redux-framework' ), '4.0' );
* Un-serializing instances of this class is forbidden.
* @since 4.0.0
public function __wakeup() {
_doing_it_wrong( __FUNCTION__, esc_html__( 'Cheatin’ eh?', 'redux-framework' ), '4.0' );
* Class Constructor. Defines the args for the theme options class
* @param array $sections Panel sections.
* @param array $args Class constructor arguments.
* @throws ReflectionException Exception.
* @since 1.0.0
public function __construct( array $sections = array(), array $args = array() ) {
global $pagenow;
if ( Redux_Core::is_heartbeat() ) {
$args['load_on_cron'] = $args['load_on_cron'] ?? false;
if ( false === $args['load_on_cron'] && 'wp-cron.php' === $pagenow ) {
if ( empty( $args ) || ( empty( $args['opt_name'] ) ) ) {
if ( ! isset( Redux::$init[ $args['opt_name'] ] ) ) {
// Let's go back to the Redux API instead of having it run directly.
Redux_Functions_Ex::record_caller( $args['opt_name'] );
Redux::set_args( $args['opt_name'], $args );
if ( ! empty( $sections ) ) {
Redux::set_sections( $args['opt_name'], $sections );
$sections = Redux::construct_sections( $args['opt_name'] );
$args = Redux::construct_args( $args['opt_name'] );
Redux::set_defaults( $args['opt_name'] );
Redux::$init[ $args['opt_name'] ] = 1;
$args = new Redux_Args( $this, $args );
$this->args_class = $args;
$this->args = $args->get;
Redux_Core::core_construct( $this );
new Redux_Admin_Notices( $this );
if ( ! empty( $this->args['opt_name'] ) ) {
new Redux_Instances( $this );
$this->filesystem = Redux_Filesystem::get_instance( $this );
* Filter 'redux/options/{opt_name}/sections'
* @param array $sections field option sections
// phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidHookName
$this->sections = apply_filters( "redux/options/{$this->args['opt_name']}/sections", $sections );
* Construct hook
* action 'redux/construct'
* @param object $this ReduxFramework
// phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidHookName
do_action( 'redux/construct', $this );
// Internationalization.
new Redux_I18n( $this, __FILE__ );
$this->required_class = new Redux_Required( $this );
$this->transient_class = new Redux_Transients( $this );
$this->wordpress_data = new Redux_WordPress_Data( $this );
$this->validate_class = new Redux_Validation( $this );
$this->sanitize_class = new Redux_Sanitize( $this );
// Register extra extensions.
new Redux_Extensions( $this );
// Grab database values.
$this->options_defaults_class = new Redux_Options_Defaults();
$this->options_class = new Redux_Options_Constructor( $this );
$this->output_class = new Redux_Output( $this );
$this->render_class = new Redux_Page_Render( $this );
$this->enqueue_class = new Redux_Enqueue( $this );
new Redux_AJAX_Save( $this );
new Redux_AJAX_Typography( $this );
new Redux_AJAX_Select2( $this );
new Redux_Health( $this );
* Loaded hook
* action 'redux/loaded'
* @param object $this ReduxFramework
// phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidHookName
do_action( 'redux/loaded', $this );
* Begin backward compatibility shims for Redux v3 configs and extensions.
* SHIM: _register_settings
* @deprecated 4.0.0
public function _register_settings() { // phpcs:ignore PSR2.Methods.MethodDeclaration.Underscore
_deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '4.0.0', 'options_class->register()' );
* SHIM: _field_input
* @param array $field Field array.
* @param string|array $v Field values.
* @deprecated 4.0.0
public function _field_input( array $field, $v = null ) { // phpcs:ignore PSR2.Methods.MethodDeclaration.Underscore
_deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '4.0.0', 'render_class->field_input( $field, $value )' );
$this->render_class->field_input( $field, $v );
* SHIM: field_default_values
* @param array $field Field array.
* @deprecated 4.0.0
public function field_default_values( array $field ) {
_deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '4.0.0', 'options_defaults_class->field_default_values( $opt_name, $field )' );
$this->options_defaults_class->field_default_values( '', $field );
* SHIM: set_options
* @param string|array $value Option values.
* @deprecated 4.0.0
public function set_options( $value ) {
_deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '4.0.0', 'options_class->set( $value )' );
$this->options_class->set( $value );
* SHIM: get_options
* @deprecated 4.0.0
public function get_options() {
_deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '4.0.0', 'options_class->get()' );
* SHIM: _default_values
* @return array
* @deprecated 4.0.0
public function _default_values() { // phpcs:ignore PSR2.Methods.MethodDeclaration.Underscore
_deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '4.0.0', 'options_class->default_values()' );
return $this->default_values();
* Get default values.
* @return array
public function default_values() {
if ( ! isset( $this->options_class ) ) {
$this->options_defaults_class = new Redux_Options_Defaults();
$this->options_class = new Redux_Options_Constructor( $this );
return $this->options_class->default_values();
* SHIM: check_dependencies
* @param array $field Field array.
* @deprecated 4.0.0
public function check_dependencies( array $field ) {
_deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '4.0.0', 'required_class->check_dependencies( $field )' );
$this->required_class->check_dependencies( $field );
* SHIM: _enqueue_output
* @throws ReflectionException Exception.
* @deprecated 4.0.0
public function _enqueue_output() { // phpcs:ignore PSR2.Methods.MethodDeclaration.Underscore
_deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '4.0.0', 'output_class->enqueue()' );
if ( empty( $this->output_class ) ) {
$obj = new ReduxFramework( $this->sections, $this->args );
$obj->options = $this->options;
$this->outputCSS = $obj->outputCSS; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidVariableName
} else {
* SHIM: _enqueue
* @deprecated 4.0.0
public function _enqueue() { // phpcs:ignore PSR2.Methods.MethodDeclaration.Underscore
_deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '4.0.0', 'enqueue_class->init()' );
* _enqueue replacement.
* @return void
public function init_enqueue() {
* SHIM: generate_panel
* @since 1.0.0
* @access public
* @return void
* @deprecated 4.0.0
public function generate_panel() {
_deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '4.0.0', 'render_class->generate_panel()' );
* SHIM: get_default_values
* @param string $key Key value.
* @param bool $array_key Flag to determine array status.
* @return array
* @deprecated 4.0.0
public function get_default_values( $key, $array_key = false ) {
_deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '4.0.0', 'options_class->get_default_value( $key, $array_key )' );
if ( ! isset( $this->options_class ) ) {
$this->options_defaults_class = new Redux_Options_Defaults();
$this->options_class = new Redux_Options_Constructor( $this );
return $this->options_class->get_default_value( $key, $array_key );
* SHIM: get_default_value
* @param string $key Key value.
* @param bool $array_key Flag to determine array status.
* @return array
* @deprecated 4.0.0
public function get_default_value( $key, $array_key = false ) {
_deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '4.0.0', 'options_class->get_default_value( $key, $array_key )' );
if ( ! isset( $this->options_class ) ) {
$this->options_defaults_class = new Redux_Options_Defaults();
$this->options_class = new Redux_Options_Constructor( $this );
return $this->options_class->get_default_value( $key, $array_key );
* SHIM: get_wordpress_data
* @param bool $type data type.
* @param array $args args to pass to WordPress API.
* @param string|array $current_value Current value.
* @return array|mixed|string|void
* @deprecated 4.0.0
public function get_wordpress_data( $type = false, $args = array(), $current_value = null ) {
_deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '4.0.0', 'wordpress_data->get( $type, $args, $opt_name, $value )' );
return $this->wordpress_data->get( $type, $args, $this->args['opt_name'], $current_value );
* SHIM: _validate_values
* @param array $plugin_options Current panel options.
* @param array $options Options to validate.
* @param array $sections Sections array.
* @return array
* @deprecated 4.0.0
public function _validate_values( $plugin_options, $options, $sections ) { // phpcs:ignore PSR2.Methods.MethodDeclaration.Underscore
_deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '4.0.0', 'validate_class->validate( $plugin_options, $options, $sections )' );
if ( ! isset( $this->validate_class ) ) {
$this->validate_class = new Redux_Validation( $this );
return $this->validate_class->validate( $plugin_options, $options, $sections );
* SHIM: set_transients
* @return void
* @deprecated 4.0.0
public function set_transients() {
_deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '4.0.0', 'Please update the extension that uses this deprecated function.' );
* SHIM: section_menu
* @param int $k Array Key.
* @param array $section Section array.
* @param string $suffix Unique string.
* @param array $sections Section array.
* @return string
* @deprecated 4.0.0
public function section_menu( $k, $section, $suffix = '', $sections = array() ) {
_deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '4.0.0', 'render_class->section_menu( $index, $section, $suffix, $sections )' );
return $this->render_class->section_menu( $k, $section, $suffix, $sections );
* SHIM: get_header_html
* @param array $field Field array.
* @return string
* @deprecated 4.0.0
public function get_header_html( $field ) {
_deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '4.0.0', 'render_class->get_header_html( $field )' );
return $this->render_class->get_header_html( $field );
* SHIM: current_user_can
* @param string $permission User permission.
* @return bool
* @deprecated 4.0.0
public function current_user_can( $permission ) {
_deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '4.0.0', 'Redux_Helpers::current_user_can' );
return Redux_Helpers::current_user_can( $permission );
* End backward compatibility shims for Redux v3 configs and extensions.
* Pointer to the ReduxFramework instance.
* @return ReduxFramework|null
public function get_instance(): ?ReduxFramework {
return self::$instance;
* ->get(); This is used to return and option value from the options array
* @since 1.0.0
* @access public
* @param string $opt_name The option name to return.
* @param mixed $default (null) The value to return if option not set.
* @return mixed
public function get( string $opt_name, $default = null ) {
return ( ! empty( $this->options[ $opt_name ] ) ) ? $this->options[ $opt_name ] : $this->options_class->get_default( $opt_name, $default );
* ->set(); This is used to set an arbitrary option in the options array
* @since 1.0.0
* @access public
* @param string $opt_name The name of the option being added.
* @param mixed $values The value of the option being added.
* @return void
public function set( string $opt_name = '', $values = array() ) {
if ( ! empty( $opt_name ) && is_array( $values ) ) {
$this->options[ $opt_name ] = $values;
$this->options_class->set( $values );
* Action 'redux/init'
* @param null
do_action( 'redux/init' ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidHookName