* External dependencies
import { isEmpty, size, map } from 'lodash';
* WordPress dependencies
import { Fragment } from '@wordpress/element';
import { useSelect, useDispatch } from '@wordpress/data';
* iThemes dependencies
import { Button, Heading, SurfaceVariant, Text, TextSize, TextVariant, TextWeight } from '@ithemes/ui';
* Internal dependencies
import { Markup } from '@ithemes/security-components';
import { StyledHeader, StyledMessage, StyledNotice, StyledFooter, StyledMeta, StyledMetaItem } from './styles';
export default function Notice( { notice } ) {
return (
<StyledHeader severity={ notice.severity }>
level={ 4 }
size={ TextSize.NORMAL }
weight={ TextWeight.HEAVY }
variant={ TextVariant.DARK }
<Markup noWrap content={ notice.title || formatMessage( notice.message, notice ) } />
{ map(
( action, slug ) =>
action.style === 'primary' && (
<PrimaryAction key={ slug } notice={ notice } action={ action } />
) }
{ notice.title && notice.message && (
<Text as="p">
<Markup noWrap content={ formatMessage( notice.message, notice ) } />
) }
{ hasMeta( notice ) && (
<StyledMeta as="dl" variant={ SurfaceVariant.TERTIARY }>
{ map(
( meta, key ) =>
key !== 'created_at' && (
<Fragment key={ key }>
weight={ TextWeight.HEAVY }
variant={ TextVariant.DARK }
text={ meta.label }
size={ TextSize.SMALL }
variant={ TextVariant.MUTED }
text={ meta.formatted }
) }
) }
{ notice.meta.created_at && (
dateTime={ notice.meta.created_at.value }
text={ notice.meta.created_at.formatted }
size={ TextSize.SMALL }
) }
function PrimaryAction( { notice, action } ) {
const isInProgress = useSelect( ( select ) =>
select( 'ithemes-security/admin-notices' )
.getInProgressActions( notice.id )
.includes( action.id ),
[ notice.id, action.id ]
const { doNoticeAction } = useDispatch( 'ithemes-security/admin-notices' );
// Intentionally uses string-based API because we only want to refresh modules if they are in use.
const { fetchModules } = useDispatch( 'ithemes-security/modules' ) || {};
const onClick = async ( e ) => {
if ( ! action.uri ) {
await doNoticeAction( notice.id, action.id );
// We don't want to cause a dependency on the settings page entry.
if ( action.route && window.itsec?.pages?.settings?.history ) {
return <PrimaryRouteAction route={ action.route } title={ action.title } history={ window.itsec?.pages?.settings?.history } />;
return (
<Button href={ action.uri } onClick={ onClick } isBusy={ isInProgress }>
{ action.title }
function PrimaryRouteAction( { title, route, history } ) {
const onClick = () => history.push( route );
return (
<Button onClick={ onClick } href={ history.createHref( route ) }>
{ title }
function hasMeta( notice ) {
if ( isEmpty( notice.meta ) ) {
return false;
if (
size( notice.meta ) === 1 &&
notice.meta.hasOwnProperty( 'created_at' )
) {
return false;
return true;
function formatMessage( message, notice ) {
for ( const action in notice.actions ) {
if ( ! notice.actions.hasOwnProperty( action ) ) {
if ( notice.actions[ action ].uri === '' ) {
message = message.replace(
'{{ $' + action + ' }}',
notice.actions[ action ].uri
return message;