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const LiveReloadPlugin = require( 'webpack-livereload-plugin' ); const MiniCssExtractPlugin = require( 'mini-css-extract-plugin' ); const { WebpackManifestPlugin } = require( 'webpack-manifest-plugin' ); const CopyWebpackPlugin = require( 'copy-webpack-plugin' ); const CustomTemplatedPathPlugin = require( '../custom-templated-path-webpack-plugin' ); const DynamicPublicPath = require( '../dynamic-public-path' ); const StyleOnlyEntryPlugin = require( '../style-only-entry-plugin' ); const { generate: generateManifest, serialize: serializeManifest, } = require( '../manifest' ); const wpExternals = require( '../wp-externals' ); const glob = require( 'glob' ); const path = require( 'path' ); const fs = require( 'fs' ); const autoprefixer = require( 'autoprefixer' ); const debug = process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'; module.exports = function makeConfig( directory, pro ) { const useMinExt = pro && ! debug; /* Convert the wildcard entry points into an entry object suitable for Webpack consumption. This requires an object where the key is the path to the destination file without a file extension and the value is the path to the source file. For Example: [ 'pro/dashboard/entries/dashboard.js' ] { 'dashboard/dashboard': './pro/dashboard/entries/dashboard.js' } */ const entries = glob .sync( 'core/modules/**/entries/*.js' ) .reduce( function( acc, entry ) { const baseName = path.basename( entry, '.js' ); let out = path.join( entry, '..', '..', baseName ); out = out.replace( /^core\/modules\//, '' ); // The entry needs to be marked as relative to the current directory. acc[ out ] = './' + entry; return acc; }, {} ); Object.assign( entries, glob .sync( 'core/admin-pages/entries/*.js' ) .reduce( function( acc, entry ) { const baseName = path.basename( entry, '.js' ); const out = 'pages/' + baseName; // The entry needs to be marked as relative to the current directory. acc[ out ] = './' + entry; return acc; }, {} ) ); if ( pro ) { Object.assign( entries, glob.sync( 'pro/**/entries/*.js' ).reduce( function( acc, entry ) { const baseName = path.basename( entry, '.js' ); let out = path.join( entry, '..', '..', baseName ); out = out.replace( /^pro\//, '' ); acc[ out ] = './' + entry; return acc; }, {} ) ); } entries[ 'packages/data' ] = './core/packages/data/src/index.js'; const vendors = [ // { // import: 'react-router-dom', // name: 'ReactRouterDOM', // files: [ // 'react-router-dom/umd/react-router-dom.js', // 'react-router-dom/umd/react-router-dom.min.js', // ], // }, ]; const dist = path.resolve( directory, 'dist' ); const config = { context: directory, devtool: debug ? 'inline-source-map' : false, mode: debug ? 'development' : 'production', entry: { ...entries, 'core/packages/components/site-scan-results/style': './core/packages/components/src/site-scan-results/style.scss', 'packages/preload': './core/packages/preload/src/index.js', }, output: { path: dist, filename: ! useMinExt ? '[name].js' : '[name].min.js', chunkLoadingGlobal: 'itsecWebpackJsonP', library: { name: [ 'itsec', '[module]', '[entry]' ], type: 'window', }, }, externals: [ vendors.reduce( ( acc, vendor ) => ( { ...acc, [ vendor.import ]:, } ), {} ), ...wpExternals, function( { request }, callback ) { if ( /^@ithemes\/security\./.test( request ) ) { const parts = request.split( '.' ); const external = { this: [ 'itsec', parts[ 1 ], parts[ 2 ] ], }; callback( null, external, 'this' ); } else { callback(); } }, ], module: { rules: [ { test: /\.js$/, exclude: /node_modules/, use: [ DynamicPublicPath.loader, { loader: 'babel-loader', options: { configFile: path.resolve( directory, './core/packages/webpack/src/babel.config.json' ), }, }, ], }, { test: /\.s?css$/, use: [ MiniCssExtractPlugin.loader, { loader: 'css-loader', options: { url: false, }, }, { loader: 'postcss-loader', options: { plugins: [ autoprefixer ], }, }, { loader: 'sass-loader', options: { additionalData: '@import "config.scss";', sourceMap: debug, sassOptions: { outputStyle: debug ? 'expanded' : 'compressed', includePaths: [ path.resolve( directory, './core/packages/style-guide/src' ), ], }, }, }, ], }, { test: /\.svg$/, exclude: /node_modules/, resourceQuery: { not: [ /inline/ ] }, use: [ { loader: 'svg-react-loader', options: { query: { classIdPrefix: 'itsec-icon-[name]-[hash:5]__', }, }, }, ], }, { resourceQuery: /inline/, type: 'asset/inline', }, { test: /\.png/, type: 'asset/resource', }, ], }, plugins: [ new LiveReloadPlugin(), new MiniCssExtractPlugin( { filename: ! useMinExt ? '[name].css' : '[name].min.css', } ), new StyleOnlyEntryPlugin(), new DynamicPublicPath( 'itsecWebpackPublicPath' ), new CustomTemplatedPathPlugin( { entry( p, data ) { const parts = '/' ); return parts[ 1 ]; }, module( p, data ) { const parts = '/' ); return parts[ 0 ]; }, } ), new WebpackManifestPlugin( { fileName: debug ? 'manifest-dev.php' : 'manifest.php', generate: generateManifest, serialize: serializeManifest, } ), { apply: ( compiler ) => { compiler.hooks.afterEmit.tap( 'TouchManifest', () => { if ( debug ) { return; } const time = new Date(); const file = path.join( directory, 'dist', 'manifest.php' ); try { fs.utimesSync( file, time, time ); } catch ( err ) { fs.closeSync( fs.openSync( file, 'w' ) ); } } ); }, }, vendors.length > 0 && new CopyWebpackPlugin( { patterns: vendors.flatMap( ( vendor ) => [ { from: 'node_modules/' + vendor.files[ debug ? 0 : 1 ], to: path.resolve( dist, vendor.import + ( ! useMinExt ? '.js' : '.min.js' ) ), }, { from: 'node_modules/' + vendor.files[ debug ? 0 : 1 ] + '.map', to: path.resolve( dist, vendor.import + ( ! useMinExt ? '' : '' ) ), }, ] ), } ), ].filter( ( plugin ) => !! plugin ), resolve: { modules: [ path.resolve( directory, './' ), 'node_modules' ], alias: { // Always load the same copy of @emotion/react to prevent issues with npm linking our UI library. '@emotion/react': path.resolve( directory, './node_modules/@emotion/react' ), '@ithemes/security-ui': path.resolve( directory, './core/packages/ui/src/index.js' ), '@ithemes/security-utils': path.resolve( directory, './core/packages/utils/src/index.js' ), '@ithemes/security-style-guide': path.resolve( directory, './core/packages/style-guide/src/index.js' ), '@ithemes/security-hocs': path.resolve( directory, './core/packages/hocs/src/index.js' ), '@ithemes/security-components': path.resolve( directory, './core/packages/components/src/index.js' ), '@ithemes/security-i18n': path.resolve( directory, './core/packages/i18n/src/index.js' ), '@ithemes/security-rjsf-theme': path.resolve( directory, './core/packages/rjsf-theme/src/index.js' ), '@ithemes/security-schema-form': path.resolve( directory, './core/packages/schema-form/src/index.js' ), '@ithemes/security-search': path.resolve( directory, './core/packages/search/src/index.js' ), ...Object.keys( entries ).reduce( function( acc, entry ) { const parts = entry.split( '/' ); const alias = `@ithemes/security.${ parts[ 0 ] }.${ parts[ 1 ] }`; acc[ alias ] = path.resolve( directory, entries[ entry ] ); return acc; }, {} ), }, }, optimization: {}, }; config.optimization.runtimeChunk = 'single'; config.optimization.splitChunks = { chunks: 'all', maxInitialRequests: 10, hidePathInfo: true, cacheGroups: { recharts: { test: /[\\/]node_modules[\\/](recharts)[\\/]/, name: 'vendors/recharts', enforce: true, }, routing: { test: /[\\/]node_modules[\\/](react-router-dom|react-router|use-query-params)[\\/]/, name: 'vendors/routing', enforce: true, }, }, }; return config; };