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<?php /** * @author ThemePunch <> * @link * @copyright 2024 ThemePunch */ if(!defined('ABSPATH')) exit(); class RevSliderFront extends RevSliderFrontGlobal { public function __construct(){ parent::__construct(); add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', array('RevSliderFront', 'add_actions')); add_filter('wp_img_tag_add_loading_attr', array('RevSliderFront', 'check_lazy_loading'), 99, 3); } /** * Add all actions that the frontend needs here **/ public static function add_actions(){ global $SR_GLOBALS; $func = RevSliderGlobals::instance()->get('RevSliderFunctions'); $rs_ver = apply_filters('revslider_remove_version', RS_REVISION); $global = $func->get_global_settings(); $inc_global = $func->_truefalse($func->get_val($global, 'allinclude', true)); $inc_footer = $func->_truefalse($func->get_val($global, array('script', 'footer'), true)); $widget = is_active_widget(false, false, 'rev-slider-widget', true); $load = false; $load = apply_filters('revslider_include_libraries', $load); $load = ($SR_GLOBALS['preview_mode'] === true) ? true : $load; $load = ($inc_global === true) ? true : $load; $load = (self::has_shortcode('rev_slider') === true) ? true : $load; $load = ($widget !== false) ? true : $load; if($inc_global === false){ $output = new RevSliderOutput(); $output->set_add_to($func->get_val($global, 'includeids', '')); $add_to = $output->check_add_to(true); $load = ($add_to === true) ? true : $load; } if($load === false) return false; wp_enqueue_script(array('jquery')); /** * dequeue tp-tools to make sure that always the latest is loaded **/ global $wp_scripts; if(version_compare($func->get_val($wp_scripts, array('registered', 'tp-tools', 'ver'), '1.0'), RS_TP_TOOLS, '<')){ wp_deregister_script('tp-tools'); wp_dequeue_script('tp-tools'); } wp_enqueue_script('tp-tools', RS_PLUGIN_URL_CLEAN . 'sr6/assets/js/rbtools.min.js', array('jquery'), RS_TP_TOOLS, $inc_footer); if(!file_exists(RS_PLUGIN_PATH.'sr6/assets/js/rs6.min.js')){ wp_enqueue_script('revmin', RS_PLUGIN_URL_CLEAN . 'sr6/assets/js/dev/rs6.main.js', array('jquery'), $rs_ver, $inc_footer); //if on, load all libraries instead of dynamically loading them wp_enqueue_script('revmin-actions', RS_PLUGIN_URL_CLEAN . 'sr6/assets/js/dev/rs6.actions.js', array('jquery'), $rs_ver, $inc_footer); wp_enqueue_script('revmin-carousel', RS_PLUGIN_URL_CLEAN . 'sr6/assets/js/dev/rs6.carousel.js', array('jquery'), $rs_ver, $inc_footer); wp_enqueue_script('revmin-layeranimation', RS_PLUGIN_URL_CLEAN . 'sr6/assets/js/dev/rs6.layeranimation.js', array('jquery'), $rs_ver, $inc_footer); wp_enqueue_script('revmin-navigation', RS_PLUGIN_URL_CLEAN . 'sr6/assets/js/dev/rs6.navigation.js', array('jquery'), $rs_ver, $inc_footer); wp_enqueue_script('revmin-panzoom', RS_PLUGIN_URL_CLEAN . 'sr6/assets/js/dev/rs6.panzoom.js', array('jquery'), $rs_ver, $inc_footer); wp_enqueue_script('revmin-parallax', RS_PLUGIN_URL_CLEAN . 'sr6/assets/js/dev/rs6.parallax.js', array('jquery'), $rs_ver, $inc_footer); wp_enqueue_script('revmin-slideanims', RS_PLUGIN_URL_CLEAN . 'sr6/assets/js/dev/rs6.slideanims.js', array('jquery'), $rs_ver, $inc_footer); wp_enqueue_script('revmin-video', RS_PLUGIN_URL_CLEAN . 'sr6/assets/js/dev/', array('jquery'), $rs_ver, $inc_footer); }else{ wp_enqueue_script('revmin', RS_PLUGIN_URL_CLEAN . 'sr6/assets/js/rs6.min.js', array('tp-tools', 'jquery'), $rs_ver, $inc_footer); } add_action('wp_head', array('RevSliderFront', 'add_meta_generator')); add_action('wp_head', array('RevSliderFunctions', 'js_set_start_size'), 99); add_action('admin_head', array('RevSliderFunctions', 'js_set_start_size'), 99); add_action('wp_footer', array('RevSliderFront', 'add_inline_css'), 10); add_action('wp_footer', array('RevSliderFront', 'load_icon_fonts'), 11); add_action('wp_footer', array('RevSliderFront', 'load_google_fonts')); add_action('wp_footer', array('RevSliderFront', 'add_waiting_script'), 1); add_action('wp_print_footer_scripts', array('RevSliderFront', 'add_inline_js'), 100); //defer JS Loading if($func->_truefalse($func->get_val($global, array('script', 'defer'), true)) === true){ add_filter('script_loader_tag', array('RevSliderFront', 'add_defer_forscript'), 11, 2); } //Async JS Loading if($func->_truefalse($func->get_val($global, array('script', 'async'), true)) === true){ add_filter('script_loader_tag', array('RevSliderFront', 'add_async_forscript'), 11, 2); } } /** * add css to the footer **/ public static function add_inline_css(){ global $wp_version, $SR_GLOBALS; //$rs_revicons; $css = RevSliderGlobals::instance()->get('RevSliderCssParser'); $rs_ver = apply_filters('revslider_remove_version', RS_REVISION); /** * Fix for WordPress versions below 3.7 **/ $style_pre = ($wp_version < 3.7) ? '<style id="rs-plugin-settings-inline-css">' : ''; $style_post = ($wp_version < 3.7) ? '</style>' : ''; $custom_css = $css->get_static_css(); $custom_css = $css->compress_css($custom_css); if(!empty($SR_GLOBALS['collections']['css'])){ $custom_css .= RS_T2; $custom_css .= implode("\n".RS_T2, $SR_GLOBALS['collections']['css']); } $custom_css = (trim($custom_css) == '') ? '#rs-demo-id {}' : $custom_css; if(strpos($custom_css, 'revicon') !== false){ if(!isset($SR_GLOBALS['icon_sets']['RevIcon'])) $SR_GLOBALS['icon_sets']['RevIcon'] = array('css' => false, 'parsed' => false); $SR_GLOBALS['icon_sets']['RevIcon']['css'] = true; //$rs_revicons = true; } wp_enqueue_style('rs-plugin-settings', RS_PLUGIN_URL_CLEAN . 'sr6/assets/css/rs6.css', array(), $rs_ver); wp_add_inline_style('rs-plugin-settings', $style_pre . $custom_css . $style_post); } /** * add all the JavaScript from the Sliders to the footer **/ public static function add_inline_js(){ global $SR_GLOBALS; if(empty($SR_GLOBALS['collections']['js'])) return true; if(empty($SR_GLOBALS['collections']['js']['revapi'])) return true; echo '<script id="rs-initialisation-scripts">'."\n"; echo RS_T2.'var tpj = jQuery;'."\n\n"; echo RS_T2.'var '.implode(',', $SR_GLOBALS['collections']['js']['revapi']) . ';'."\n"; if(!empty($SR_GLOBALS['collections']['js']['js'])){ echo "\n" . implode("\n", $SR_GLOBALS['collections']['js']['js']); } if(!empty($SR_GLOBALS['collections']['js']['minimal'])){ echo "\n" . $SR_GLOBALS['collections']['js']['minimal']; } echo RS_T.'</script>'."\n"; } /** * Load Used Icon Fonts * @since: 5.0 */ public static function load_icon_fonts(){ global $SR_GLOBALS; $func = RevSliderGlobals::instance()->get('RevSliderFunctions'); $global = $func->get_global_settings(); $ignore_fa = $func->_truefalse($func->get_val($global, 'fontawesomedisable', false)); $fa = $func->get_val($SR_GLOBALS, array('icon_sets', 'FontAwesome', 'css'), false); $fai = $func->get_val($SR_GLOBALS, array('icon_sets', 'FontAwesomeIcon', 'css'), false); echo ($func->get_val($SR_GLOBALS, array('icon_sets', 'RevIcon', 'css'), false) === true) ? RS_T3.'<link rel="preload" as="font" id="rs-icon-set-revicon-woff" href="' . RS_PLUGIN_URL_CLEAN . 'sr6/assets/fonts/revicons/revicons.woff?5510888" type="font/woff" crossorigin="anonymous" media="all" />'."\n" : ''; if($ignore_fa === false && $fa === true || $fai === true){ echo RS_T3.'<link rel="preload" as="font" id="rs-icon-set-fa-icon-woff" type="font/woff2" crossorigin="anonymous" href="' . RS_PLUGIN_URL_CLEAN . 'sr6/assets/fonts/font-awesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2?v=4.7.0" media="all" />'."\n"; echo RS_T3.'<link rel="stylesheet" property="stylesheet" id="rs-icon-set-fa-icon-css" href="' . RS_PLUGIN_URL_CLEAN . 'sr6/assets/fonts/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.css" type="text/css" media="all" />'."\n"; } echo ($func->get_val($SR_GLOBALS, array('icon_sets', 'PeIcon', 'css'), false)) ? RS_T3.'<link rel="stylesheet" property="stylesheet" id="rs-icon-set-pe-7s-css" href="' . RS_PLUGIN_URL_CLEAN . 'sr6/assets/fonts/pe-icon-7-stroke/css/pe-icon-7-stroke.css" type="text/css" media="all" />'."\n" : ''; } /** * Load Used Google Fonts * add google fonts of all sliders found on the page * @since: 6.0 */ public static function load_google_fonts(){ $func = RevSliderGlobals::instance()->get('RevSliderFunctions'); $fonts = $func->print_clean_font_import(); if(!empty($fonts)){ echo $fonts."\n"; } } /** * add the scripts that needs to be waited on * @since: 6.4.12 **/ public static function add_waiting_script(){ $func = RevSliderGlobals::instance()->get('RevSliderFunctions'); $dev = (!file_exists(RS_PLUGIN_PATH.'sr6/assets/js/rs6.min.js')) ? true : false; $global = $func->get_global_settings(); $wait = array(); $wait = apply_filters('revslider_modify_waiting_scripts', $wait); ?> <script> window.RS_MODULES = window.RS_MODULES || {}; window.RS_MODULES.modules = window.RS_MODULES.modules || {}; window.RS_MODULES.waiting = window.RS_MODULES.waiting || []; window.RS_MODULES.defered = <?php echo ($func->_truefalse($func->get_val($global, array('script', 'defer'), true)) === true) ? 'true' : 'false'; ?>; <?php if (!empty($wait)) {?> window.RS_MODULES.waiting = window.RS_MODULES.waiting.concat([ <?php echo '"'. implode('","', $wait) . '"'; ?>]); <?php }; ?>window.RS_MODULES.moduleWaiting = window.RS_MODULES.moduleWaiting || {}; window.RS_MODULES.type = '<?php echo ($dev) ? "developer" : "compiled"; ?>'; </script> <?php } /** * check that loading="lazy" is not written in slider HTML **/ public static function check_lazy_loading($value, $image, $context){ return (strpos($image, 'tp-rs-img') !== false) ? false : $value; } /** * adds async loading * @since: 5.0 * @updated: 6.4.12 */ public static function add_defer_forscript($tag, $handle){ if(strpos($tag, 'rs6') === false && strpos($tag, 'rbtools.min.js') === false && strpos($tag, 'revolution.addon.') === false && strpos($tag, 'sr6/assets/js/libs/') === false && (strpos($tag, 'liquideffect') === false && strpos($tag, 'pixi.min.js') === false) && strpos($tag, 'rslottie-js') === false){ return $tag; }elseif(is_admin()){ return $tag; }else{ return str_replace(' id=', ' defer id=', $tag); } } /** * adds async loading * @since: 5.0 * @updated: 6.4.12 */ public static function add_async_forscript($tag, $handle){ if(strpos($tag, 'rs6') === false && strpos($tag, 'rbtools.min.js') === false && strpos($tag, 'revolution.addon.') === false && strpos($tag, 'sr6/assets/js/libs/') === false && (strpos($tag, 'liquideffect') === false && strpos($tag, 'pixi.min.js') === false) && strpos($tag, 'rslottie-js') === false){ return $tag; }elseif(is_admin()){ return $tag; }else{ return str_replace(' id=', ' async id=', $tag); } } /** * check the current post for the existence of a short code * @before: hasShortcode() */ public static function has_shortcode($shortcode = ''){ $found = false; if(empty($shortcode)) return false; if(!is_singular()) return false; $post = get_post(get_the_ID()); if(stripos($post->post_content, '[' . $shortcode) !== false) $found = true; return $found; } }