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( function( $ ) { 'use strict'; if ( typeof wpcf7 === 'undefined' || wpcf7 === null ) { return; } $( function() { var welcomePanel = $( '#wpcf7-welcome-panel' ); var updateWelcomePanel; updateWelcomePanel = function( visible ) { $.post( ajaxurl, { action: 'wpcf7-update-welcome-panel', visible: visible, welcomepanelnonce: $( '#welcomepanelnonce' ).val() } ); }; $( 'a.welcome-panel-close', welcomePanel ).click( function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); welcomePanel.addClass( 'hidden' ); updateWelcomePanel( 0 ); $( '#wpcf7-welcome-panel-show' ).prop( 'checked', false ); } ); $( '#wpcf7-welcome-panel-show' ).click( function( event ) { if ( this.checked ) { welcomePanel.removeClass( 'hidden' ); updateWelcomePanel( 1 ); } else { welcomePanel.addClass( 'hidden' ); updateWelcomePanel( 0 ); } } ); $( '#contact-form-editor' ).tabs( { active: wpcf7.activeTab, activate: function( event, ui ) { $( '#active-tab' ).val( ui.newTab.index() ); } } ); $( '#contact-form-editor-tabs' ).focusin( function( event ) { $( '#contact-form-editor .keyboard-interaction' ).css( 'visibility', 'visible' ); } ).focusout( function( event ) { $( '#contact-form-editor .keyboard-interaction' ).css( 'visibility', 'hidden' ); } ); wpcf7.toggleMail2( 'input:checkbox.toggle-form-table' ); $( 'input:checkbox.toggle-form-table' ).click( function( event ) { wpcf7.toggleMail2( this ); } ); if ( '' === $( '#title' ).val() ) { $( '#title' ).focus(); } wpcf7.titleHint(); $( '.contact-form-editor-box-mail span.mailtag' ).click( function( event ) { var range = document.createRange(); range.selectNodeContents( this ); window.getSelection().addRange( range ); } ); wpcf7.updateConfigErrors(); $( '[data-config-field]' ).change( function() { var postId = $( '#post_ID' ).val(); if ( ! postId || -1 == postId ) { return; } var data = []; $( this ).closest( 'form' ).find( '[data-config-field]' ).each( function() { var val = $( this ).val(); if ( $( this ).is( '[type=checkbox]' ) ) { val = $( this ).is( ':checked' ) ? 1 : 0; } data.push( { 'name': $( this ).attr( 'name' ).replace( /^wpcf7-/, '' ).replace( /-/g, '_' ), 'value': val } ); } ); data.push( { 'name': 'context', 'value': 'dry-run' } ); $.ajax( { method: 'POST', url: wpcf7.apiSettings.getRoute( '/contact-forms/' + postId ), beforeSend: function( xhr ) { xhr.setRequestHeader( 'X-WP-Nonce', wpcf7.apiSettings.nonce ); }, data: data } ).done( function( response ) { wpcf7.configValidator.errors = response.config_errors; wpcf7.updateConfigErrors(); } ); } ); $( window ).on( 'beforeunload', function( event ) { var changed = false; $( '#wpcf7-admin-form-element :input[type!="hidden"]' ).each( function() { if ( $( this ).is( ':checkbox, :radio' ) ) { if ( this.defaultChecked != $( this ).is( ':checked' ) ) { changed = true; } } else if ( $( this ).is( 'select' ) ) { $( this ).find( 'option' ).each( function() { if ( this.defaultSelected != $( this ).is( ':selected' ) ) { changed = true; } } ); } else { if ( this.defaultValue != $( this ).val() ) { changed = true; } } } ); if ( changed ) { event.returnValue = wpcf7.saveAlert; return wpcf7.saveAlert; } } ); $( '#wpcf7-admin-form-element' ).submit( function() { if ( 'copy' != this.action.value ) { $( window ).off( 'beforeunload' ); } if ( 'save' == this.action.value ) { $( '#publishing-action .spinner' ).addClass( 'is-active' ); } } ); $( '#wpcf7-ctct-enable-contact-list, #wpcf7-sendinblue-enable-contact-list, #wpcf7-sendinblue-enable-transactional-email' ).on( 'change', function() { if ( $( this ).is( ':checked' ) ) { $( this ).closest( 'tr' ).removeClass( 'inactive' ); } else { $( this ).closest( 'tr' ).addClass( 'inactive' ); } } ); } ); wpcf7.toggleMail2 = function( checkbox ) { var $checkbox = $( checkbox ); var $fieldset = $( 'fieldset', $checkbox.closest( '.contact-form-editor-box-mail' ) ); if ( $ ':checked' ) ) { $fieldset.removeClass( 'hidden' ); } else { $fieldset.addClass( 'hidden' ); } }; wpcf7.updateConfigErrors = function() { var errors = wpcf7.configValidator.errors; var errorCount = { total: 0 }; $( '[data-config-field]' ).each( function() { $( this ).removeAttr( 'aria-invalid' ); $( this ).next( 'ul.config-error' ).remove(); var section = $( this ).attr( 'data-config-field' ); $( this ).attr( 'aria-describedby', 'wpcf7-config-error-for-' + section ); if ( errors[ section ] ) { var $list = $( '<ul></ul>' ).attr( { 'id': 'wpcf7-config-error-for-' + section, 'class': 'config-error' } ); $.each( errors[ section ], function( i, val ) { var $li = $( '<li></li>' ).append( wpcf7.iconInCircle( '!' ) ).append( $( '<span class="screen-reader-text"></span>' ).text( wpcf7.configValidator.iconAlt ) ).append( ' ' ); if ( ) { $li.append( $( '<a></a>' ).attr( 'href', ).text( val.message ) ); } else { $li.text( val.message ); } $li.appendTo( $list ); var tab = section .replace( /^mail_\d+\./, 'mail.' ).replace( /\..*$/, '' ); if ( ! errorCount[ tab ] ) { errorCount[ tab ] = 0; } errorCount[ tab ] += 1; += 1; } ); $( this ).after( $list ).attr( { 'aria-invalid': 'true' } ); } } ); $( '#contact-form-editor-tabs > li' ).each( function() { var $item = $( this ); $item.find( '.icon-in-circle' ).remove(); var tab = $item.attr( 'id' ).replace( /-panel-tab$/, '' ); $.each( errors, function( key, val ) { key = key.replace( /^mail_\d+\./, 'mail.' ); if ( key.replace( /\..*$/, '' ) == tab.replace( '-', '_' ) ) { var $mark = wpcf7.iconInCircle( '!' ); $item.find( 'a.ui-tabs-anchor' ).first().append( $mark ); return false; } } ); var $tabPanelError = $( '#' + tab + '-panel > div.config-error:first' ); $tabPanelError.empty(); if ( errorCount[ tab.replace( '-', '_' ) ] ) { $tabPanelError.append( wpcf7.iconInCircle( '!' ) ); if ( 1 < errorCount[ tab.replace( '-', '_' ) ] ) { var manyErrorsInTab = wpcf7.configValidator.manyErrorsInTab .replace( '%d', errorCount[ tab.replace( '-', '_' ) ] ); $tabPanelError.append( manyErrorsInTab ); } else { $tabPanelError.append( wpcf7.configValidator.oneErrorInTab ); } } } ); $( '#misc-publishing-actions .misc-pub-section.config-error' ).remove(); if ( ) { var $warning = $( '<div></div>' ) .addClass( 'misc-pub-section config-error' ) .append( wpcf7.iconInCircle( '!' ) ); if ( 1 < ) { $warning.append( wpcf7.configValidator.manyErrors.replace( '%d', ) ); } else { $warning.append( wpcf7.configValidator.oneError ); } $warning.append( '<br />' ).append( $( '<a></a>' ) .attr( 'href', wpcf7.configValidator.docUrl ) .text( wpcf7.configValidator.howToCorrect ) ); $( '#misc-publishing-actions' ).append( $warning ); } }; /** * Copied from wptitlehint() in wp-admin/js/post.js */ wpcf7.titleHint = function() { var $title = $( '#title' ); var $titleprompt = $( '#title-prompt-text' ); if ( '' === $title.val() ) { $titleprompt.removeClass( 'screen-reader-text' ); } $ function() { $( this ).addClass( 'screen-reader-text' ); $title.focus(); } ); $title.blur( function() { if ( '' === $(this).val() ) { $titleprompt.removeClass( 'screen-reader-text' ); } } ).focus( function() { $titleprompt.addClass( 'screen-reader-text' ); } ).keydown( function( e ) { $titleprompt.addClass( 'screen-reader-text' ); $( this ).unbind( e ); } ); }; wpcf7.iconInCircle = function( icon ) { var $span = $( '<span class="icon-in-circle" aria-hidden="true"></span>' ); return $span.text( icon ); }; wpcf7.apiSettings.getRoute = function( path ) { var url = wpcf7.apiSettings.root; url = url.replace( wpcf7.apiSettings.namespace, wpcf7.apiSettings.namespace + path ); return url; }; } )( jQuery );