( function ( $, rwmb ) {
'use strict';
// Cache ajax requests: https://github.com/select2/select2/issues/110#issuecomment-419247158
var cache = {};
* Reorder selected values in correct order that they were selected.
* @param $select2 jQuery element of the select2.
function reorderSelected( $select2 ) {
var selected = $select2.data( 'selected' );
if ( !selected ) {
selected.forEach( function ( value ) {
var option = $select2.children( '[value="' + value + '"]' );
$select2.append( option );
} );
$select2.trigger( 'change' );
* Transform select fields into beautiful dropdown with select2 library.
function transform() {
var $this = $( this ),
options = $this.data( 'options' );
$this.removeClass( 'select2-hidden-accessible' ).removeAttr( 'data-select2-id' );
$this.siblings( '.select2-container' ).remove();
$this.find( 'option' ).removeAttr( 'data-select2-id' );
if ( options.ajax_data ) {
options.ajax.dataType = 'json';
options.ajax.data = function ( params ) {
return Object.assign( options.ajax_data, params );
options.ajax.processResults = function ( response ) {
var items = response.data.items.map( function ( item ) {
return {
id: item.value,
text: _.unescape( item.label ),
} );
var results = {
results: items
if ( response.data.hasOwnProperty( 'more' ) ) {
results.pagination = { more: true };
return results;
options.ajax.transport = function ( params, success, failure ) {
if ( params.data._type === 'query' ) {
delete params.data.page;
// Create cache key from ajax params from only neccessary keys to make cache available for multiple fields.
var data = $.extend( true, {}, params.data );
delete data.field.id;
delete data.action;
if ( !data.term ) {
delete data.term;
var key = JSON.stringify( data );
if ( cache[ key ] ) {
success( cache[ key ] );
var actions = {
'post': 'rwmb_get_posts',
'taxonomy': 'rwmb_get_terms',
'taxonomy_advanced': 'rwmb_get_terms',
'user': 'rwmb_get_users'
params.data.action = actions[ params.data.field.type ];
params.method = 'POST';
return $.ajax( params ).then( function ( data ) {
cache[ key ] = data;
return data;
} ).then( success ).fail( failure );
$this.show().select2( options );
if ( !$this.attr( 'multiple' ) ) {
reorderSelected( $this );
* Preserve the order that options are selected.
* @see https://github.com/select2/select2/issues/3106#issuecomment-255492815
$this.on( 'select2:select', function ( event ) {
var option = $this.children( '[value="' + event.params.data.id + '"]' );
$this.append( option ).trigger( 'change' );
} );
function init( e ) {
$( e.target ).find( '.rwmb-select_advanced' ).each( transform );
.on( 'mb_ready', init )
.on( 'clone', '.rwmb-select_advanced', transform );
} )( jQuery, rwmb );