import { setVisible, setVisibleByClass, } from '../../../ppcp-button/resources/js/modules/Helper/Hiding'; document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', () => { const payLaterMessagingSelectableLocations = [ 'product', 'cart', 'checkout', 'shop', 'home', ]; const payLaterMessagingAllLocations = payLaterMessagingSelectableLocations.concat( 'general' ); const payLaterMessagingLocationsSelector = '#field-pay_later_messaging_locations'; const payLaterMessagingLocationsSelect = payLaterMessagingLocationsSelector + ' select'; const payLaterMessagingEnabledSelector = '#ppcp-pay_later_messaging_enabled'; const smartButtonLocationsSelector = '#field-smart_button_locations'; const smartButtonLocationsSelect = smartButtonLocationsSelector + ' select'; const smartButtonSelectableLocations = [ 'product', 'cart', 'checkout', 'mini-cart', 'cart-block', 'checkout-block-express', ]; const groupToggle = ( selector, group ) => { const toggleElement = document.querySelector( selector ); if ( ! toggleElement ) { return; } if ( ! toggleElement.checked ) { group.forEach( ( elementToHide ) => { const element = document.querySelector( elementToHide ); if ( element ) { = 'none'; } } ); } toggleElement.addEventListener( 'change', ( event ) => { if ( ! ) { group.forEach( ( elementToHide ) => { const element = document.querySelector( elementToHide ); if ( element ) { = 'none'; } } ); return; } group.forEach( ( elementToShow ) => { document.querySelector( elementToShow ).style.display = ''; } ); togglePayLaterMessageFields(); } ); }; const groupToggleSelect = ( selector, group ) => { const toggleElement = document.querySelector( selector ); if ( ! toggleElement ) { return; } const value = toggleElement.value; group.forEach( ( elementToToggle ) => { const domElement = document.querySelector( elementToToggle.selector ); if ( ! domElement ) { return; } if ( value === elementToToggle.value && !== 'none' ) { = ''; return; } = 'none'; } ); // We need to use jQuery here as the select might be a select2 element, which doesn't use native events. jQuery( toggleElement ).on( 'change', ( event ) => { const value =; group.forEach( ( elementToToggle ) => { if ( value === elementToToggle.value ) { document.querySelector( elementToToggle.selector ).style.display = ''; return; } document.querySelector( elementToToggle.selector ).style.display = 'none'; } ); } ); }; const togglePayLaterMessageFields = () => { payLaterMessagingAllLocations.forEach( ( location ) => { groupToggleSelect( '#ppcp-pay_later_' + location + '_message_layout', [ { value: 'text', selector: '#field-pay_later_' + location + '_message_logo', }, { value: 'text', selector: '#field-pay_later_' + location + '_message_position', }, { value: 'text', selector: '#field-pay_later_' + location + '_message_color', }, { value: 'flex', selector: '#field-pay_later_' + location + '_message_flex_ratio', }, { value: 'flex', selector: '#field-pay_later_' + location + '_message_flex_color', }, ] ); } ); }; const removeDisabledCardIcons = ( disabledCardsSelectSelector, iconsSelectSelector ) => { const iconsSelect = document.querySelector( iconsSelectSelector ); if ( ! iconsSelect ) { return; } const allOptions = Array.from( document.querySelectorAll( disabledCardsSelectSelector + ' option' ) ); const iconVersions = { visa: { light: { label: 'Visa (light)' }, dark: { label: 'Visa (dark)', value: 'visa-dark' }, }, mastercard: { light: { label: 'Mastercard (light)' }, dark: { label: 'Mastercard (dark)', value: 'mastercard-dark' }, }, }; const replace = () => { const validOptions = allOptions.filter( ( option ) => ! option.selected ); const selectedValidOptions = validOptions .map( ( option ) => { option = option.cloneNode( true ); const value = option.value; option.selected = iconsSelect.querySelector( 'option[value="' + value + '"]' ) && iconsSelect.querySelector( 'option[value="' + value + '"]' ).selected; if ( value === 'visa' || value === 'mastercard' ) { const darkOption = option.cloneNode( true ); const currentVersion = iconVersions[ value ]; const darkValue = iconVersions[ value ].dark.value; option.text = currentVersion.light.label; darkOption.text = currentVersion.dark.label; darkOption.value = darkValue; darkOption.selected = iconsSelect.querySelector( 'option[value="' + darkValue + '"]' ) && iconsSelect.querySelector( 'option[value="' + darkValue + '"]' ).selected; return [ option, darkOption ]; } return option; } ) .flat(); iconsSelect.innerHTML = ''; selectedValidOptions.forEach( ( option ) => { if ( Array.isArray( option ) ) { option.forEach( ( option ) => { iconsSelect.appendChild( option ); } ); } iconsSelect.appendChild( option ); } ); }; const disabledCardsSelect = jQuery( disabledCardsSelectSelector ); disabledCardsSelect.on( 'change', replace ); replace(); }; const hideElements = ( selectorGroup ) => { selectorGroup.forEach( ( selector ) => setVisibleByClass( selector, false, 'hide' ) ); }; const showElements = ( selectorGroup ) => { selectorGroup.forEach( ( selector ) => setVisibleByClass( selector, true, 'hide' ) ); }; const toggleInputsBySelectedLocations = ( stylingPerSelector, locationsSelector, groupToShowOnChecked, groupToHideOnChecked, inputType ) => { const payLaterMessagingEnabled = document.querySelector( payLaterMessagingEnabledSelector ); const stylingPerElement = document.querySelector( stylingPerSelector ); if ( ! stylingPerElement ) { return; } const stylingPerElementWrapper = stylingPerElement.closest( 'tr' ); const toggleElementsBySelectedLocations = () => { const selectedLocations = getSelectedLocations( locationsSelector ); setVisibleByClass( stylingPerElementWrapper, selectedLocations.length > 0, 'hide' ); if ( selectedLocations.length === 0 ) { hideElements( groupToHideOnChecked ); const emptySmartButtonLocationMessage = document.querySelector( '.ppcp-empty-smart-button-location' ); if ( ! emptySmartButtonLocationMessage ) { jQuery( PayPalCommerceSettings.empty_smart_button_location_message ).insertAfter( jQuery( smartButtonLocationsSelector ).find( '.description' ) ); } } if ( ! stylingPerElement.checked ) { return; } if ( inputType === 'messages' && ! payLaterMessagingEnabled.checked ) { return; } const inputSelectors = inputSelectorsByLocations( selectedLocations, inputType ); groupToShowOnChecked.forEach( ( element ) => { setVisibleByClass( element, inputSelectors.includes( element ), 'hide' ); } ); if ( inputType === 'messages' ) { togglePayLaterMessageFields(); } }; groupToggle( stylingPerSelector, groupToShowOnChecked ); toggleElementsBySelectedLocations(); if ( stylingPerElement.checked ) { hideElements( groupToHideOnChecked ); } stylingPerElement.addEventListener( 'change', ( event ) => { toggleElementsBySelectedLocations(); if ( ) { hideElements( groupToHideOnChecked ); return; } const selectedLocations = getSelectedLocations( locationsSelector ); if ( selectedLocations.length > 0 ) { showElements( groupToHideOnChecked ); } if ( inputType === 'messages' ) { togglePayLaterMessageFields(); } } ); // We need to use jQuery here as the select might be a select2 element, which doesn't use native events. jQuery( locationsSelector ).on( 'change', function () { const emptySmartButtonLocationMessage = jQuery( '.ppcp-empty-smart-button-location' ); emptySmartButtonLocationMessage?.remove(); toggleElementsBySelectedLocations(); stylingPerElement.dispatchEvent( new Event( 'change' ) ); } ); }; const getSelectedLocations = ( selector ) => { const checkedLocations = document.querySelectorAll( selector + ' :checked' ); return [ ...checkedLocations ].map( ( option ) => option.value ); }; const inputSelectorsByLocations = ( locations, inputType = 'messages' ) => { let inputSelectros = []; locations.forEach( ( location ) => { inputSelectros = inputType === 'messages' ? inputSelectros.concat( payLaterMessagingInputSelectorByLocation( location ) ) : inputSelectros.concat( butttonInputSelectorByLocation( location ) ); } ); return inputSelectros; }; const payLaterMessagingInputSelectorByLocation = ( location ) => { const inputSelectors = [ '#field-pay_later_' + location + '_message_layout', '#field-pay_later_' + location + '_message_logo', '#field-pay_later_' + location + '_message_position', '#field-pay_later_' + location + '_message_color', '#field-pay_later_' + location + '_message_flex_color', '#field-pay_later_' + location + '_message_flex_ratio', '#field-pay_later_' + location + '_message_preview', ]; if ( location !== 'general' ) { inputSelectors.push( '#field-pay_later_' + location + '_messaging_heading' ); } return inputSelectors; }; const butttonInputSelectorByLocation = ( location ) => { const locationPrefix = location === 'checkout' ? '' : '_' + location; const inputSelectors = [ '#field-button' + locationPrefix + '_layout', '#field-button' + locationPrefix + '_tagline', '#field-button' + locationPrefix + '_label', '#field-button' + locationPrefix + '_color', '#field-button' + locationPrefix + '_shape', '#field-button' + locationPrefix + '_height', '#field-button' + locationPrefix + '_preview', ]; if ( location !== 'general' ) { inputSelectors.push( '#field-button_' + location + '_heading' ); } return inputSelectors.filter( ( selector ) => document.querySelector( selector ) ); }; const allPayLaterMessaginginputSelectors = () => { const stylingInputSelectors = inputSelectorsByLocations( payLaterMessagingAllLocations ); return stylingInputSelectors.concat( payLaterMessagingLocationsSelector, '#field-pay_later_enable_styling_per_messaging_location' ); }; const toggleMessagingEnabled = () => { const payLaterMessagingEnabled = document.querySelector( payLaterMessagingEnabledSelector ); const stylingPerMessagingElement = document.querySelector( '#ppcp-pay_later_enable_styling_per_messaging_location' ); groupToggle( payLaterMessagingEnabledSelector, allPayLaterMessaginginputSelectors() ); if ( ! payLaterMessagingEnabled ) { return; } payLaterMessagingEnabled.addEventListener( 'change', ( event ) => { if ( ! ) { return; } stylingPerMessagingElement.dispatchEvent( new Event( 'change' ) ); } ); }; const referenceTransactionsCheck = () => { if ( typeof PayPalCommerceGatewaySettings !== 'undefined' && PayPalCommerceGatewaySettings.reference_transaction_enabled !== '1' ) { document .getElementById( 'ppcp-vault_enabled' ) ?.setAttribute( 'disabled', 'disabled' ); const description = document .getElementById( 'field-vault_enabled' ) ?.getElementsByClassName( 'description' )[ 0 ]; if ( description ) { description.innerHTML = PayPalCommerceGatewaySettings.vaulting_must_enable_advanced_wallet_message; } } }; /** * Hide the subscription settings when smart buttons are disabled for checkout, * since the basic redirect gateway is disabled for subscriptions. */ const initSettingsHidingForPlaceOrderGateway = () => { const selectors = [ '#field-paypal_saved_payments', '#field-subscriptions_mode', '#field-vault_enabled', ]; const updateSettingsVisibility = () => { const selectedLocations = getSelectedLocations( smartButtonLocationsSelect ); const hasCheckoutSmartButtons = selectedLocations.includes( 'checkout' ) || selectedLocations.includes( 'checkout-block-express' ); selectors.forEach( ( selector ) => { setVisibleByClass( selector, hasCheckoutSmartButtons, 'hide' ); } ); }; updateSettingsVisibility(); jQuery( smartButtonLocationsSelect ).on( 'change', updateSettingsVisibility ); }; ( () => { removeDisabledCardIcons( 'select[name="ppcp[disable_cards][]"]', 'select[name="ppcp[card_icons][]"]' ); groupToggle( '#ppcp-pay_later_button_enabled', [ '#field-pay_later_button_locations', ] ); toggleInputsBySelectedLocations( '#ppcp-pay_later_enable_styling_per_messaging_location', payLaterMessagingLocationsSelect, inputSelectorsByLocations( payLaterMessagingSelectableLocations ), inputSelectorsByLocations( [ 'general' ] ), 'messages' ); toggleInputsBySelectedLocations( '#ppcp-smart_button_enable_styling_per_location', smartButtonLocationsSelect, inputSelectorsByLocations( smartButtonSelectableLocations, 'buttons' ), inputSelectorsByLocations( [ 'general' ], 'buttons' ), 'buttons' ); toggleMessagingEnabled(); initSettingsHidingForPlaceOrderGateway(); groupToggle( '#ppcp-vault_enabled', [ '#field-subscription_behavior_when_vault_fails', ] ); groupToggleSelect( '#ppcp-intent', [ { value: 'authorize', selector: '#field-capture_for_virtual_only', }, { value: 'authorize', selector: '#field-capture_on_status_change', }, ] ); togglePayLaterMessageFields(); referenceTransactionsCheck(); } )(); } );