<?php use FSVendor\WPDesk\Beacon\Beacon\WooCommerceSettingsFieldsModifier; use FSVendor\WPDesk\FS\TableRate\Logger\NoticeLogger; use FSVendor\WPDesk\FS\TableRate\Logger\ShippingMethodLogger; use FSVendor\WPDesk\FS\TableRate\Settings\MethodSettings; use FSVendor\WPDesk\FS\TableRate\Settings\MethodSettingsFactory; use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface; use WPDesk\FS\TableRate\Rates\FlexibleShippingRates; use WPDesk\FS\TableRate\RulesSettingsField; use WPDesk\FS\TableRate\ShippingMethod\CommonMethodSettings; use WPDesk\FS\TableRate\ShippingMethod\RateCalculatorFactory; use WPDesk\FS\TableRate\ShippingMethod\SettingsDisplayPreparer; use WPDesk\FS\TableRate\ShippingMethod\SettingsProcessor; class WPDesk_Flexible_Shipping extends WC_Shipping_Method { const METHOD_ID = 'flexible_shipping'; const FIELD_METHOD_FREE_SHIPPING = 'method_free_shipping'; const META_DEFAULT = '_default'; const WEIGHT_ROUNDING_PRECISION = 6; const SETTING_METHOD_RULES = 'method_rules'; const SETTING_METHOD_FREE_SHIPPING_NOTICE = 'method_free_shipping_cart_notice'; /** * Logger provided by Flexible Shipping plugin. * * @var LoggerInterface */ protected static $fs_logger; /** * Message added. * * @var bool */ private $message_added = false; /** * @var string * * See Active Payments - must be public */ public $shipping_methods_option; /** * @var string */ private $shipping_method_order_option; /** * @var string */ private $section_name; public string $type; /** * Constructor for your shipment class * * @access public * @return void */ public function __construct( $instance_id = 0 ) { $this->instance_id = absint( $instance_id ); $this->id = self::METHOD_ID; $this->shipping_methods_option = 'flexible_shipping_methods_' . $this->instance_id; $this->shipping_method_order_option = 'flexible_shipping_method_order_' . $this->instance_id; $this->section_name = 'flexible_shipping'; $this->method_title = __( 'Flexible Shipping Group', 'flexible-shipping' ); $this->method_description = __( 'A group of Flexible Shipping methods - useful to organize numerous shipping methods.', 'flexible-shipping' ); $this->supports = array( 'instance-settings', ); if ( $this->is_allowed_support_shipping_zones() ) { $this->supports[] = 'shipping-zones'; } $this->instance_form_fields = array( 'enabled' => array( 'title' => __( 'Enable/Disable', 'flexible-shipping' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => __( 'Enable this shipment method', 'flexible-shipping' ), 'default' => 'yes', ), 'title' => array( 'title' => __( 'Shipping Title', 'flexible-shipping' ), 'type' => 'text', 'description' => __( 'This controls the title which the user sees during checkout.', 'flexible-shipping' ), 'default' => __( 'Flexible Shipping', 'flexible-shipping' ), 'desc_tip' => true ) ); if ( version_compare( WC()->version, '2.6' ) < 0 && $this->get_option( 'enabled', 'yes' ) == 'no' ) { $this->enabled = $this->get_option( 'enabled' ); } $this->title = $this->get_option( 'title' ); $this->init(); add_action( 'woocommerce_update_options_shipping_' . $this->id, array( $this, 'process_admin_options' ) ); } /** * Set logger. This logger is set by Flexible Shipping plugin. * * @param LoggerInterface $fs_logger . */ public static function set_fs_logger( LoggerInterface $fs_logger ) { static::$fs_logger = $fs_logger; } /** * @param MethodSettings $shipping_method_settings * * @return \WPDesk\FS\TableRate\Logger\ShippingMethodLogger */ private function prepare_shipping_method_calculation_logger( $shipping_method_settings ) { $method_debug_mode = $shipping_method_settings->get_debug_mode(); $shipping_method_title = $shipping_method_settings->get_title(); $shipping_method_url = admin_url( 'admin.php?page=wc-settings&tab=shipping&instance_id=' . sanitize_key( $this->instance_id ) . '&action=edit&method_id=' . sanitize_key( $shipping_method_settings->get_id() ) ); if ( null !== static::$fs_logger ) { $fs_logger = static::$fs_logger; } else { $fs_logger = NullLogger(); } return new ShippingMethodLogger( $fs_logger, new NoticeLogger( $shipping_method_title, $shipping_method_url, 'yes' === $method_debug_mode && current_user_can( 'manage_woocommerce' ) ) ); } /** * Init your settings * * @access public * @return void */ function init() { $this->instance_form_fields = include( 'settings/flexible-shipping.php' ); // Load the settings API $this->init_form_fields(); // This is part of the settings API. Override the method to add your own settings $this->init_settings(); // This is part of the settings API. Loads settings you previously init. // Define user set variables $this->title = $this->get_option( 'title' ); $this->tax_status = $this->get_option( 'tax_status' ); $this->availability = $this->get_option( 'availability' ); $this->type = $this->get_option( 'type', 'class' ); } /** * Initialise Settings Form Fields */ public function init_form_fields() { $this->form_fields = include( 'settings/flexible-shipping.php' ); $this->form_fields = $this->add_beacon_search_data_to_fields( $this->form_fields ); } public function generate_title_shipping_methods_html( $key, $data ) { $field = $this->get_field_key( $key ); $defaults = array( 'title' => '', 'class' => '' ); $data = wp_parse_args( $data, $defaults ); ob_start(); ?> </table> <h3 class="wc-settings-sub-title <?php echo esc_attr( $data['class'] ); ?>" id="<?php echo esc_attr( $field ); ?>"><?php echo wp_kses_post( $data['title'] ); ?> <?php if ( $this->is_allowed_editing() ): ?> <a href="<?php echo esc_url( remove_query_arg( 'added', add_query_arg( 'action', 'new' ) ) ); ?>" class="add-new-h2"><?php echo __( 'Add New', 'flexible-shipping' ); ?></a></h3> <?php endif; ?> <?php if ( ! empty( $data['description'] ) ) : ?> <p><?php echo wp_kses_post( $data['description'] ); ?></p> <?php endif; ?> </div><table class="form-table"> <?php return ob_get_clean(); } /** * @param unknown $key * * @return string * * Dodane w WooCommerce 2.4 * Dodane w celu zachowania kompatybilności z WooCommerce 2.3 * Przetestowane na WooCommerce 2.3.9 */ public function get_field_key( $key ) { return $this->plugin_id . $this->id . '_' . $key; } public function generate_shipping_methods_html( $key, $data ) { $shipping_methods = $this->get_shipping_methods(); $shipping_method_order = $this->get_shipping_method_order(); ob_start(); include __DIR__ . '/views/html-shipping-method-settings.php'; return ob_get_clean(); } public function get_shipping_methods( $enabled = false ) { $shipping_methods = $this->get_option_shipping_methods(); $shipping_method_order = get_option( $this->shipping_method_order_option, array() ); $ret = array(); if ( is_array( $shipping_method_order ) ) { foreach ( $shipping_method_order as $method_id ) { if ( isset( $shipping_methods[$method_id] ) ) {$ret[$method_id] = $shipping_methods[$method_id];} } } foreach ( $shipping_methods as $shipping_method ) { if ( !isset( $ret[$shipping_method['id']] ) ) {$ret[$shipping_method['id']] = $shipping_method;} } if ( $enabled ) { foreach ( $ret as $key => $shipping_method ) { if ( isset( $shipping_method['method_enabled'] ) && 'yes' != $shipping_method['method_enabled'] ) {unset($ret[$key]);} } } return $ret; } private function get_shipping_method_order() { $shipping_methods = $this->get_option_shipping_methods(); $shipping_method_order = get_option( $this->shipping_method_order_option, array() ); $ret = array(); if ( is_array( $shipping_method_order ) ) { foreach ( $shipping_method_order as $method_id ) { if ( isset( $shipping_methods[$method_id] ) ) {$ret[$method_id] = $method_id;} } } foreach ( $shipping_methods as $shipping_method ) { if ( !isset( $ret[$shipping_method['id']] ) ) {$ret[$shipping_method['id']] = $shipping_method['id'];} } return $ret; } /** * Generates method rules field. * * @param string $key . * @param array $data . * * @return string */ /** * Renders shipping rules settings. * * @param string $key . * @param array $data . * * @return false|string */ public function generate_shipping_rules_html( $key, $data ) { $rules_settings = new RulesSettingsField( $key, self::SETTING_METHOD_RULES, $data['title'], $data ); return $rules_settings->render(); } public function shipping_method_title_used( $title, $shipping_methods ) { foreach ( $shipping_methods as $shipping_method ) { if ( $title == $shipping_method['method_title'] ) { return true; } } return false; } public function shipping_method_next_id( $shipping_methods ) { $next_id = 0; foreach ( $shipping_methods as $shipping_method ) { if ( intval($shipping_method['id'] ) > $next_id ) { $next_id = intval($shipping_method['id'] ); } } $next_id++; return $next_id; } public function process_admin_options() { $action = false; if ( isset( $_POST['method_action'] ) ) { $action = sanitize_key( $_POST['method_action'] ); } if ( isset( $_POST['import_action'] ) && $_POST['import_action'] == '1' ) { $this->process_import_action(); } elseif ( $action === 'new' || $action === 'edit' ) { $save_rules = new SettingsProcessor( $this->id, $this->instance_id, $this->shipping_methods_option, $this->shipping_method_order_option ); try { $shipping_method_settings = $save_rules->process_and_save_settings( $action, $_POST ); if ( $action === 'new' ) { $this->redirect_new_method( $shipping_method_settings['id'] ); } } catch ( Exception $e ) { $this->add_error( $e->getMessage() ); } } else { parent::process_admin_options(); if ( isset( $_POST['method_order'] ) ) { $this->process_order_method(); } } } /** * @param string $method_id . */ private function redirect_new_method( $method_id ) { $redirect = add_query_arg( array('added' => $method_id, 'action' => false, 'method_id' => false )); $redirect .= '#method_' . $method_id; $redirect = add_query_arg( array('added' => $method_id, 'action' => 'edit', 'method_id' => $method_id )); wpdesk_redirect( $redirect ); } private function process_order_method() { $method_order = $_POST['method_order']; $method_order_security_alert = false; foreach ( $method_order as $method_order_key => $method_id ) { if ( strval( $method_order_key ) !== strval( sanitize_key( $method_order_key ) ) || strval( $method_id ) !== strval( sanitize_key( $method_id ) ) ) { $method_order_security_alert = true; } } if ( $method_order_security_alert ) { WC_Admin_Settings::add_error( __( 'Flexible Shipping: security check error. Shipping method order not saved!', 'flexible-shipping' ) ); WC_Admin_Settings::show_messages(); } else { update_option( $this->shipping_method_order_option, $method_order ); } } private function process_import_action() { $shipping_methods = $this->get_option_shipping_methods(); if ( ! is_array( $shipping_methods ) ) { $shipping_methods = array(); } try { $importer = ( new \WPDesk\FS\TableRate\ImporterExporter\Importer\ImporterFactory( $_FILES['import_file'], $this, $shipping_methods ) )->get_importer(); $importer->import(); $imported_shipping_methods = $importer->get_shipping_methods(); update_option( $this->shipping_methods_option, $imported_shipping_methods ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { WC_Admin_Settings::add_error( $e->getMessage() ); } WC_Admin_Settings::show_messages(); } public function admin_options() { $action = false; if ( isset( $_GET['action'] ) ) { $action = sanitize_key( $_GET['action'] ); } $settings_div_class = in_array( $action, array( 'new', 'edit' ), true ) ? '' : 'fs-settings-div'; ?> <div class="<?php echo esc_html( $settings_div_class ) ; ?>"><table class="form-table"> <?php if ( $action == 'new' || $action == 'edit' ) { $shipping_methods = $this->get_option_shipping_methods(); $shipping_method = array( 'method_title' => '', 'method_description' => '', 'method_enabled' => 'no', 'method_shipping_zone' => '', 'method_calculation_method' => 'sum', self::FIELD_METHOD_FREE_SHIPPING => '', 'method_free_shipping_label'=> '', 'method_visibility' => 'no', 'method_default' => 'no', 'method_integration' => '', ); $method_id = ''; if ( $action == 'edit' ) { $method_id = sanitize_key( $_GET['method_id'] ); $shipping_method = $shipping_methods[$method_id]; $method_id_for_shipping = $this->id . '_' . $this->instance_id . '_' . sanitize_title( $shipping_method['method_title'] ); $method_id_for_shipping = apply_filters( 'flexible_shipping_method_rate_id', $method_id_for_shipping, $shipping_method ); } else { $method_id_for_shipping = ''; } ?> <input type="hidden" name="method_action" value="<?php echo $action; ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="method_id" value="<?php echo $method_id; ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="method_id_for_shipping" value="<?php echo $method_id_for_shipping; ?>" /> <?php if ( $action == 'new' ) : ?> <h2><?php _e('New Shipping Method', 'flexible-shipping' ); ?></h2> <?php endif; ?> <?php if ( $action == 'edit' ) : ?> <h2><?php _e('Edit Shipping Method', 'flexible-shipping' ); ?></h2> <?php endif; ?> <?php if ( isset( $_GET['added'] ) ) { $method_id = sanitize_key( $_GET['added'] ); $shipping_methods = $this->get_option_shipping_methods(); if ( isset( $shipping_methods[$method_id] ) ) { if ( ! $this->message_added ) { $shipping_method = $shipping_methods[$method_id]; WC_Admin_Settings::add_message( sprintf(__( 'Shipping method %s added.', 'flexible-shipping' ), $shipping_method['method_title'] ) ); $this->message_added = true; } } WC_Admin_Settings::show_messages(); } $shipping_method['woocommerce_method_instance_id'] = $this->instance_id; $this->get_shipping_method_form($shipping_method); $this->generate_settings_html(); } else if ( $action == 'delete' ) { $methods_id = ''; if ( isset( $_GET['methods_id'] ) ) { $methods_id = explode( ',' , sanitize_text_field( $_GET['methods_id'] ) ); } $shipping_methods = $this->get_option_shipping_methods(); $shipping_method_order = get_option( $this->shipping_method_order_option, array() ); foreach ( $methods_id as $method_id ) { if ( isset( $shipping_methods[$method_id] ) ) { $shipping_method = $shipping_methods[$method_id]; unset( $shipping_methods[$method_id] ); if ( isset( $shipping_method_order[$method_id] ) ) { unset( $shipping_method_order[$method_id] ); } update_option( $this->shipping_methods_option, $shipping_methods ); update_option( $this->shipping_method_order_option, $shipping_method_order ); WC_Admin_Settings::add_message( sprintf(__('Shipping method %s deleted.', 'flexible-shipping' ), $shipping_method['method_title'] ) ); } else { WC_Admin_Settings::add_error( __( 'Shipping method not found.', 'flexible-shipping' ) ); } } WC_Admin_Settings::show_messages(); $this->generate_settings_html(); } else { if ( isset( $_GET['added'] ) ) { $method_id = sanitize_key( $_GET['added'] ); $shipping_methods = $this->get_option_shipping_methods(); if ( isset( $shipping_methods[$method_id] ) ) { if ( ! $this->message_added ) { $shipping_method = $shipping_methods[$method_id]; WC_Admin_Settings::add_message( sprintf(__( 'Shipping method %s added.', 'flexible-shipping' ), $shipping_method['method_title'] ) ); $this->message_added = true; } } WC_Admin_Settings::show_messages(); } if ( isset( $_GET['updated'] ) ) { $method_id = sanitize_key( $_GET['updated'] ); $shipping_methods = $this->get_option_shipping_methods(); if ( isset( $shipping_methods[$method_id] ) ) { $shipping_method = $shipping_methods[$method_id]; WC_Admin_Settings::add_message( sprintf(__( 'Shipping method %s updated.', 'flexible-shipping' ), $shipping_method['method_title'] ) ); } WC_Admin_Settings::show_messages(); } // General Settings $this->generate_settings_html(); } ?> </table> <?php include __DIR__ . '/views/html-shipping-method-scripts.php'; ?> <?php do_action( 'flexible_shipping_method_script', self::METHOD_ID, $this->instance_id ); ?> <?php } private function get_shipping_method_form( $shipping_method ) { $this->form_fields = ( new CommonMethodSettings() )->get_settings_fields( $shipping_method, true ); $this->form_fields = ( new SettingsDisplayPreparer() )->prepare_settings_for_display( $this->form_fields ); } private function package_weight( $items ) { $weight = 0; foreach( $items as $item ) { $weight += $item['data']->weight * $item['quantity']; } return $weight; } private function woocommerce_product_weight( $weight ) { if ( $weight === '' ) { return 0; } return $weight; } private function package_item_count( $items ) { $item_count = 0; foreach( $items as $item ) { $item_count += $item['quantity']; } return $item_count; } private function cart_item_count() { $item_count = 0; $cart = WC()->cart; foreach( $cart->cart_contents as $item ) { $item_count += $item['quantity']; } return $item_count; } /** * @param array $package */ public function calculate_shipping( $package = array() ) { $shipping_methods = $this->get_shipping_methods( true ); $rate_calculator = RateCalculatorFactory::create_for_shipping_method( $this, $package ); foreach ( $shipping_methods as $shipping_method_settings ) { $method_settings = MethodSettingsFactory::create_from_array_and_tax_status( $shipping_method_settings, $this->tax_status ); $logger = $this->prepare_shipping_method_calculation_logger( $method_settings ); $rate_calculator->set_logger( $logger ); $calculated_rate = $rate_calculator->calculate_rate( $method_settings, $this->prepare_rate_id( $method_settings->get_raw_settings() ), is_user_logged_in() ); if ( ! empty( $calculated_rate ) ) { $this->add_rate( $calculated_rate ); $logger->debug( __( 'Shipping cost added.', 'flexible-shipping' ), $logger->get_results_context() ); } $logger->show_notice_if_enabled(); } } /** * @param string $suffix * * @return string */ public function prepare_rate_id( $shipping_method_settings ) { $id = $this->id . '_' . $this->instance_id . '_' . sanitize_title( $shipping_method_settings['method_title'] ); $id = apply_filters( 'flexible_shipping_method_rate_id', $id, $shipping_method_settings ); return $id; } public function set_as_converted() { $shipping_method_key = $this->get_instance_option_key(); $shipping_method_options = $this->get_instance_options(); $shipping_method_options['converted'] = 'yes'; update_option( $shipping_method_key, $shipping_method_options ); } /** * @return bool */ public function is_converted() { $shipping_method_options = $this->get_instance_options(); return isset( $shipping_method_options['converted'] ) ? $shipping_method_options['converted'] === 'yes' : false; } /** * @return array */ private function get_instance_options() { $options = get_option( $this->get_instance_option_key(), array() ); if ( ! is_array( $options ) ) { $options = array(); } return $options; } /** * @return bool */ private function prices_include_tax() { return (bool) apply_filters( 'flexible_shipping_prices_include_tax', WC()->cart->display_prices_including_tax() ); } /** * @return array */ public function get_all_rates() { return FlexibleShippingRates::get_flexible_shipping_rates(); } /** * Add beacon search data to fields. * * @param array $form_fields . * * @return array */ private function add_beacon_search_data_to_fields( array $form_fields ) { $modifier = new WooCommerceSettingsFieldsModifier(); return $modifier->append_beacon_search_data_to_fields( $form_fields ); } /** * @return array */ private function get_option_shipping_methods() { $shipping_methods = get_option( $this->shipping_methods_option, array() ); if ( ! is_array( $shipping_methods ) ) { $shipping_methods = array(); } return $shipping_methods; } /** * @return bool */ private function is_allowed_support_shipping_zones() { return ! is_admin() || (bool) apply_filters( 'flexible-shipping/group-method/supports/shipping-zones', false ); } /** * @return bool */ private function is_allowed_editing() { return (bool) apply_filters( 'flexible-shipping/group-method/supports/edit', false ); } }