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/* global wc_checkout_params */ /* global WC_Shortcode_Checkout */ jQuery( function( $ ) { 'use strict'; /** * Object to handle Swedbank Pay checkout payment forms. */ window.wc_sb_shortcode_checkout = { customer_identified: null, customer_reference: null, billing_address: null, shipping_address: null, js_url: null, payment_url: WC_Shortcode_Checkout.payment_url, paymentMenu: null, is_payment_menu_loaded: false, xhr: false, updateTimer: null, /** * Initialize e handlers and UI state. */ init: function( form ) { console.log( 'init' ); var self = this; if ( ! this.isTermsAndConditionsEnabled() ) { setInterval( function () { $( '#place_order' ).prop( 'disabled', true ); }, 1000 ); } // Init Checkin if ( this.isCheckinEnabled() ) { this.loadCheckIn(); // Hide Place Order if ( this.isCheckinRequired() ) { this.hidePlaceOrder(); } $( document.body ).on( 'click', '#change-address-info', function ( event ) { event.preventDefault(); // Show Address Fields self.showAddressFields(); } ); this.hideAddressFields(); } this.form = form; $( this.form ) // We need to bind directly to the click (and not checkout_place_order_payex_checkout) to avoid popup blockers // especially on mobile devices (like on Chrome for iOS) from blocking payex_checkout(payment_id, {}, 'open'); from opening a tab .on( 'click', '#place_order', {'obj': self}, this.onSubmit ) // WooCommerce lets us return a false on checkout_place_order_{gateway} to keep the form from submitting .on( 'submit checkout_place_order_payex_checkout' ); //$( document.body ).on( 'checkout_error', this.resetCheckout ); //$( document.body ).on( 'blur', this.onUpdatedCheckout ); //$( document.body ).on( 'updated_shipping_method', this.onUpdatedShippingMethod ); $( document.body ).on( 'updated_checkout', null, {'obj': self}, this.onInitOrUpdateCheckout ); this.checkPaymentUrl( function ( loaded ) { if ( ! loaded ) { // Initialize Instant Checkout //self.initInstantCheckout(); } } ); }, /** * Check if the Checkin is active * @return {boolean} */ isCheckinEnabled() { return 'yes' === WC_Shortcode_Checkout.checkin_enabled; }, /** * Check if the Checkin is required * @return {boolean} */ isCheckinRequired() { return this.isCheckinEnabled() && 'yes' === WC_Shortcode_Checkout.checkin_required; }, /** * Check if customer was identified * @return {boolean} */ isCustomerIdentified() { return this.customer_identified === true; }, /** * Check if the redirect method is active * @return {boolean} */ isRedirectMethodEnabled() { return 'redirect' === WC_Shortcode_Checkout.redirect_method; }, /** * Check if terms and conditions are enabled * @returns {boolean} */ isTermsAndConditionsEnabled() { return WC_Shortcode_Checkout.tos_enabled }, /** * Load CheckIn * @returns {*} */ loadCheckIn: function() { var self = this; // Get `view-consumer-identification` return $.ajax( { type: 'POST', url: WC_Shortcode_Checkout.ajax_url, data: { action: 'swedbank_pay_checkin', nonce: WC_Shortcode_Checkout.nonce, }, dataType: 'json' } ).done( function ( data ) { if ( ! data.success ) { self.logError( 'sb-checkin-loader', data ); alert( data.details ); return; } // Destroy if ( window.hasOwnProperty( 'payex' ) && window.payex.hasOwnProperty( 'hostedView' ) ) { //if ( typeof window.payex.hostedView.consumer !== 'undefined' ) { //window.payex.hostedView.consumer().close(); //} } // Destroy JS //$( "script[src*='px.consumer.client']" ).remove(); //$( '#swedbank-pay-checkin iframe' ).remove(); wc_sb_common.loadJs(, function () { self.initCheckIn(); } ); } ); }, /** * Initialize CheckIn */ initCheckIn: function() { if ( typeof payex === 'undefined') { return; } var self = this; wc_sb_common.waitForLoading('payex.hostedView.consumer', function ( err ) { if ( err ) { console.warn( err ); return; } // Init PayEx hostedView window.payex.hostedView.consumer( { container: 'swedbank-pay-checkin', culture: WC_Shortcode_Checkout.culture, style: WC_Shortcode_Checkout.checkInStyle ? JSON.parse( WC_Shortcode_Checkout.checkInStyle ) : null, onConsumerIdentified: function( data ) { console.log( 'hostedView: onConsumerIdentified' ); self.onConsumerIdentified( data ); }, onNewConsumer: function( data ) { console.log( 'hostedView: onNewConsumer' ); self.onConsumerIdentified( data ); }, onConsumerRemoved: function( data ) { console.log( 'hostedView: onConsumerRemoved' ); console.log ( data ); }, onBillingDetailsAvailable: function( data ) { self.onAddressDetailsAvailable( 'billing', data ); }, onShippingDetailsAvailable: function( data ) { self.onAddressDetailsAvailable( 'shipping', data ); }, onError: function ( data ) { self.logError( 'sb-checkin', data ); alert( data.details ); } } ).open(); }); }, /** * On Consumer Identified * @param data */ onConsumerIdentified: function ( data ) { console.log( 'onConsumerIdentified', data ); var self = this; async.parallel( { save_customer_ref: function( callback2 ) { self.saveCustomerRef( data, function ( err, response ) { if ( err ) { alert( err ); } callback2( null, response ); } ); }, init_checkout: function( callback2 ) { // Tick "terms and conditions" if exists let terms = $( '#terms' ); if ( terms.length > 0 && ! terms.prop( 'checked' ) ) { terms.prop( 'checked', true ) } self.showPlaceOrder(); // Set customer is identified self.customer_identified = true; // Add the reference to the checkout form self.form.find( '.swedbank_pay_customer_reference' ).remove(); self.form.append( "<input type='hidden' class='swedbank_pay_customer_reference' name='swedbank_pay_customer_reference' value='" + data.consumerProfileRef + "'/>" ); callback2( null, [] ); }, }, function( err, results ) { console.log( 'onConsumerIdentified: loaded', results ); // Set customer is identified self.customer_identified = true; // Save customer reference self.customer_reference = data.consumerProfileRef; } ); }, /** * Save Customer Reference. * * @param data * @param callback */ saveCustomerRef: function ( data, callback ) { $.ajax( { type: 'POST', url: WC_Shortcode_Checkout.ajax_url, data: { action: 'swedbank_pay_checkout_customer_profile', nonce: WC_Shortcode_Checkout.nonce, consumerProfileRef: data.consumerProfileRef }, dataType: 'json' } ).always( function ( response ) { // } ).done( function ( response) { if ( ! response.success ) { callback(, response ); } else { callback( null, response ); } } ); }, /** * Fetch address. * * @param type * @param url * @param callback * @returns {JQueryPromise<any>} */ fetchAddress: function ( type, url, callback ) { return $.ajax( { type: 'POST', url: WC_Shortcode_Checkout.ajax_url, data: { action: 'swedbank_pay_checkout_get_address', nonce: WC_Shortcode_Checkout.nonce, type: type, url: url }, dataType: 'json' } ).always( function () { // } ).done( function ( response ) { console.log( response ); if ( ! response.success ) { callback( ) return; } // Fill the address let data =; $.each( data, function ( key, value ) { [ type ].forEach( function ( section ) { let el = $( 'input[name="' + section + '_' + key + '"]' ); if ( el.length === 0 ) { return; } el.prop('readonly', false); el.closest( '.form-row' ).removeClass( 'swedbank-pay-locked' ); el.val( value ).change(); if ( key === 'country' || key === 'state' ) { let el1 = $( '#' + section + '_' + key ); if ( typeof window.Select2 !== 'undefined' ) { el1.select2( 'val', value ); } else if ( typeof $.fn.chosen !== 'undefined' ) { // Chosen el1.val( value ).trigger( 'chosen:updated' ); //el1.chosen().change(); } else { el1.change(); } } } ); } ); callback( null, data ); }); }, /** * On Address Details Available * @param type billing or shipping * @param data * @returns {*} */ onAddressDetailsAvailable: function( type, data ) { console.log( 'onAddressDetailsAvailable', type, data ); var self = this; self.fetchAddress( type, data.url, function ( err ) { if ( err ) { self.onError( err ); return; } self[ type + '_address' ] = data; // Show button witch allows to edit the address $('#swedbank-pay-checkin-edit').show(); // Update checkout to have shipping methods self.enqueueCheckoutUpdate(); } ); }, /** * Hide Address Fields on the checkout */ hideAddressFields: function () { $( '#address-fields' ).hide(); }, /** * Show Address Fields on the checkout */ showAddressFields: function () { $( '#address-fields' ).show(); }, /** * Initialize Instant Checkout */ initInstantCheckout: function () { console.log( 'Initialization of Shortcode Checkout...' ); }, /** * Initialize Checkout * @param reference */ initCheckout: function( reference ) { console.log( 'initCheckout' ); // Add customer reference if exists if ( reference ) { this.form.find( '.swedbank_pay_customer_reference' ).remove(); this.form.append( "<input type='hidden' class='swedbank_pay_customer_reference' name='swedbank_pay_customer_reference' value='" + reference + "'/>" ); } var self = this; self.block(); this.loadCheckout( function ( err ) { self.unblock(); if ( err ) { self.submit_error( '<div class="woocommerce-error">' + err + '</div>' ); } } ); }, isPaymentMethodChosen: function() { //return $( '[name="payment_method"]' ).is( ':checked' ); return true; }, onSubmit: function ( event ) { if ( typeof event !== 'undefined' ) { event.preventDefault(); } var self =; self.loadCheckout( function ( err ) { if ( err ) { self.submit_error( '<div class="woocommerce-error">' + err + '</div>' ); } } ); }, onUpdatedCheckout: function( event ) { console.log( 'onUpdatedCheckout' ); var self =; if ( '.processing' ) ) { return false; } if ( ! wc_sb_common.validateForm() ) { console.log( 'onUpdatedCheckout: Validation is failed' ); return false; } $( '.woocommerce-NoticeGroup-checkout, .woocommerce-error, .woocommerce-message' ).remove(); self.updateOrder( function () { console.log( 'Order has been updated' ); } ); }, onUpdatedShippingMethod: function ( event ) { console.log( 'onUpdatedShippingMethod' ); var self =; if ( '.processing' ) ) { return false; } self.updateOrder( function () { console.log( 'Order has been updated' ); } ); }, /** * Load Checkout. * * @param callback */ loadCheckout: function( callback ) { console.log('loadCheckout'); var self = this; let terms = $( '#terms' ); // Validate "terms and conditions" if exists if ( terms.length > 0 && ! terms.prop( 'checked' ) ) { callback( WC_Shortcode_Checkout.terms_error ); return; } // Verify the checkin if ( self.isCheckinEnabled() ) { if ( self.isCheckinRequired() && ! self.isCustomerIdentified() ) { callback( WC_Shortcode_Checkout.needs_checkin ); return; } } // Validate the checkout form if ( ! wc_sb_common.validateForm() ) { console.log( 'The checkout form validation is failed.' ); //callback( WC_Shortcode_Checkout.checkin_error ); callback( null ); return; } if ( ! self.isPaymentMethodChosen() ) { console.log( 'payex_checkout must be chosen.' ); callback( 'Please select payment method.' ); return; } $( '.woocommerce-NoticeGroup-checkout, .woocommerce-error, .woocommerce-message' ).remove(); self.form.addClass( 'processing' ); self.block(); if ( self.xhr ) { self.xhr.abort(); } // Place WooCommerce Order self.xhr = self.placeOrder() .always( function ( response ) { self.form.removeClass( 'processing' ); self.unblock(); } ) .fail( function( jqXHR, textStatus ) { callback( textStatus ); } ) .done( function ( response) { console.log( response ); // Reload page if ( response.hasOwnProperty('reload') && true === response.reload ) { window.location.reload(); return; } // Trigger update in case we need a fresh nonce if ( true === response.result.refresh ) { $( document.body ).trigger( 'update_checkout' ); callback( null, response ); return; } if ( response.result !== 'success' ) { callback( response.messages ); return; } if ( self.isRedirectMethodEnabled() ) { // Redirect to the payment gateway page console.log( 'Redirecting to ' + response['redirect_url'] ); window.location.href = response['redirect_url']; callback( null, response ); } else { // Load SwedBank Pay Checkout frame self.js_url = response['js_url']; self.initPaymentJS( self.js_url, function () { // Hide "Place order" self.hidePlaceOrder(); callback( null, response ); } ); } } ); return false; }, resetCheckout: function() { // }, /** * Initiate Payment Javascript * @param url * @param callback */ initPaymentJS: function ( url, callback ) { var self = this; if ( typeof callback === 'undefined' ) { callback = function () {}; } // Destroy if ( window.hasOwnProperty( 'payex' ) && window.payex.hasOwnProperty( 'hostedView' ) ) { if ( typeof window.payex.hostedView.paymentMenu !== 'undefined' ) { window.payex.hostedView.paymentMenu().close(); } $( '#payment-swedbank-pay-checkout iframe' ).remove(); //delete window.payex.hostedView; } // Destroy JS $( "script[src*='px.paymentmenu.client']" ).remove(); // Load JS wc_sb_common.loadJs( url, function () { $( '#payment-swedbank-pay-checkout iframe' ).remove(); // Load SwedBank Pay Checkout frame // Initiate the payment menu in "Instant Checkout" $( '#payment' ).hide(); self.initPaymentMenu( 'payment-swedbank-pay-checkout', function () { callback(); } ); } ); }, /** * Initiate Payment Menu. * Payment Javascript must be loaded. * * @param id * @param callback */ initPaymentMenu: function ( id, callback ) { console.log( 'initPaymentMenu' ); var self = this; if ( typeof callback === 'undefined' ) { callback = function () {}; } $( '#' + id ).block({ message: null, overlayCSS: { background: '#fff', opacity: 0.6 } }); // Load SwedBank Pay Checkout frame this.paymentMenu = window.payex.hostedView.paymentMenu( { container: id, culture: WC_Shortcode_Checkout.culture, style: WC_Shortcode_Checkout.paymentMenuStyle ? JSON.parse( WC_Shortcode_Checkout.paymentMenuStyle ) : null, onApplicationConfigured: function( data ) { // Prevent multiple callback running using is_payment_menu_loaded if ( ! self.is_payment_menu_loaded ) { console.log( 'onApplicationConfigured', data ); $( '#' + id ).unblock(); callback( null ); } self.is_payment_menu_loaded = true; }, onPaymentMenuInstrumentSelected: function ( data ) { console.log( 'onPaymentMenuInstrumentSelected', data ); //$( document.body ).trigger( 'sb_payment_menu_instrument_selected', [, data.instrument] ); self.onPaymentMenuInstrumentSelected(, data.instrument ); }, onPaymentCreated: function () { console.log( 'onPaymentCreated' ); }, onPaymentCompleted: function ( data ) { console.log( 'onPaymentCompleted', data ); window.location.href = data.redirectUrl; }, onPaymentCanceled: function ( data ) { console.log( 'onPaymentCanceled', data ); self.logError( 'payment-menu-cancel', data ); }, onPaymentFailed: function ( data ) { console.log( 'onPaymentFailed', data ); self.logError( 'payment-menu-failed', data ); //self.location.href = data.redirectUrl; }, onPaymentToS: function ( data) { console.log( 'onPaymentToS', data ); data.openUrl, '_blank' ); }, onExternalRedirect: function ( data ) { console.log( 'onExternalRedirect', data ); window.location.href = data.redirectUrl; }, onError: function ( data ) { self.logError( 'payment-menu-error', data ); callback( data ); } } );; }, /** * Refresh */ refreshPaymentMenu: function() { console.log( 'refreshPaymentMenu' ); if ( typeof this.paymentMenu !== 'undefined' && this.paymentMenu ) { if ( this.paymentMenu.hasOwnProperty( 'refresh' ) && typeof this.paymentMenu.refresh === 'function' ) { this.paymentMenu.refresh(); } else { console.warn( 'refreshPaymentMenu: paymentMenu doesn\'t support refresh' ); } } }, /** * Place Order * @return {JQueryPromise<any>} */ placeOrder: function () { console.log( 'placeOrder' ); var self = this; let fields = $('.woocommerce-checkout').serialize(); return $.ajax( { type: 'POST', url: WC_Shortcode_Checkout.ajax_url, data: { action: 'sbp_submit_order', nonce: WC_Shortcode_Checkout.nonce, data: fields }, dataType: 'json' } ).done( function ( response ) { // Reload page if ( response.hasOwnProperty('reload') && true === response.reload ) { window.location.reload(); return; } if ( response.hasOwnProperty('result') && response.result === 'failure' ) { self.logError( 'sb-place-order', response ); self.onError( response.messages ); } } ); }, /** * On Init Or Update Checkout. * * @param event * @returns {boolean} */ onInitOrUpdateCheckout: function ( event ) { console.log( 'onInitOrUpdateCheckout' ); var self = this; if ( typeof event !== 'undefined' ) { self =; } if ( ! wc_sb_common.validateForm() ) { console.log( 'onInitOrUpdateCheckout: Validation is failed' ); return false; } if ( typeof self.paymentMenu !== 'undefined' && self.paymentMenu ) { self.updateOrder( function () { console.log( 'Order has been updated' ); } ); } else { // Init Checkout if ( self.isCheckinRequired() && ! self.customer_reference ) { console.log( 'Checkin is required.' ); } else { self.initCheckout( self.customer_reference ); } } }, /** * Update Order * @param callback * @return {JQueryPromise<any>} */ updateOrder: function ( callback ) { console.log( 'updateOrder' ); var self = this; let fields = $('.woocommerce-checkout').serialize(); self.form.addClass( 'processing' ); self.block(); if ( self.xhr ) { self.xhr.abort(); } self.xhr = $.ajax( { type: 'POST', url: WC_Shortcode_Checkout.ajax_url, data: { action: 'sbp_update_order', nonce: WC_Shortcode_Checkout.nonce, data: fields }, dataType: 'json' } ) .always( function ( response ) { self.form.removeClass( 'processing' ); self.unblock(); } ) .fail( function( jqXHR, textStatus ) { console.log( 'updateOrder error:' + textStatus ); callback( textStatus ); } ) .done( function ( response) { console.log( response ); callback( null, response ); // Update is successful if ( response.hasOwnProperty('result') && response.result === 'success' ) { // Refresh Payment Menu self.refreshPaymentMenu(); return; } // Errors if ( response.hasOwnProperty('result') && response.result === 'failure' ) { if ( response.messages === '' ) { console.warn( 'Error message is empty.' ); return; } // SwedBank Payment returns error that Order update is not available if ( response.messages.indexOf( 'Order update is not available.' ) > -1 ) { alert( 'Order update is not available.' ); return; } } // Reload page if ( response.hasOwnProperty('reload') && true === response.reload ) { window.location.reload(); return; } // Trigger update in case we need a fresh nonce if ( response.hasOwnProperty( 'result' ) && true === response.result.refresh ) { $( document.body ).trigger( 'update_checkout' ); } } ); return self.xhr; }, /** * Enqueue Checkout Update. */ enqueueCheckoutUpdate: function () { var self = this; if ( self.updateTimer ) { window.clearTimeout( self.updateTimer ); } self.updateTimer = setTimeout( function () { console.log( 'Update checkout...' ); $( document.body ).trigger( 'update_checkout' ); }, 1000 ); }, /** * On Payment Menu Instrument Selected * @param name * @param instrument */ onPaymentMenuInstrumentSelected: function ( name, instrument ) { var self = this; // Apply/remove additional fees async.parallel( { invoice_fee: function( callback2 ) { // Apply or Remove invoice fee if ( 'no' === WC_Shortcode_Checkout.invoice_fee_enabled ) { callback2( null, false ); return; } self.block(); var xhr; if ( instrument === 'Invoice' ) { xhr = sb_invoice_fee.apply_fee( false ); } else { xhr = sb_invoice_fee.remove_fee( false ); } xhr.done( function () { callback2( null, true ); } ); }, carpay_discount: function( callback2 ) { // Apply or Remove CarPay discount if ( 'no' === WC_Shortcode_Checkout.carpay_enabled ) { callback2( null, false ); return; } self.block(); var xhr; if ( name === 'CarPay' ) { // Apply discount xhr = sb_carpay.apply_discount( false ); } else { // Remove discount xhr = sb_carpay.remove_discount( false ); } xhr.done( function () { callback2( null, true ); } ); }, additional: function( callback2 ) { callback2( null, true ); return; $.ajax( { type: 'POST', url: WC_Shortcode_Checkout.ajax_url, data: { action: 'sbp_recalculate', nonce: WC_Shortcode_Checkout.nonce, }, dataType: 'json' } ).done( function ( response ) { callback2( null, true ); }); } }, function( err, results ) { if ( results.invoice_fee || results.carpay_discount ) { // Update checkout //$( document.body ).trigger( 'update_checkout' ); //$( document.body ).trigger( 'update' ); //self.enqueueCheckoutUpdate(); self.updateOrder( function () { console.log( 'Order has been updated' ); self.unblock(); } ); } } ); }, onError: function ( data ) { console.log( 'onError', data ); this.submit_error( '<div class="woocommerce-error">' + data + '</div>' ); }, submit_error: function( error_message ) { $( '.woocommerce-NoticeGroup-checkout, .woocommerce-error, .woocommerce-message' ).remove(); this.form.prepend( '<div class="woocommerce-NoticeGroup woocommerce-NoticeGroup-checkout">' + error_message + '</div>' ); this.form.removeClass( 'processing' ).unblock(); this.form.find( '.input-text, select, input:checkbox' ).trigger( 'validate' ).blur(); this.scroll_to_notices(); $( document.body ).trigger( 'checkout_error' ); }, scroll_to_notices: function() { let scrollElement = $( '.woocommerce-NoticeGroup-updateOrderReview, .woocommerce-NoticeGroup-checkout' ); if ( ! scrollElement.length ) { scrollElement = $( '.form.checkout' ); } $.scroll_to_notices( scrollElement ); }, /** * Log Error * @param id * @param data * @returns {*} */ logError: function ( id, data ) { console.warn( data ); return $.ajax( { type: 'POST', url: WC_Shortcode_Checkout.ajax_url, data: { action: 'swedbank_pay_checkout_log_error', nonce: WC_Shortcode_Checkout.nonce, id: id, data: JSON.stringify( data ) }, dataType: 'json' } ); }, /** * Check the payment url. * * @param callback */ checkPaymentUrl: function ( callback ) { if ( !! ( new URLSearchParams( ) ).get( 'payment_url' ) && this.payment_url ) { // Lock the checkout $( '.woocommerce-checkout' ).block( { message: null, overlayCSS: { background: '#fff', opacity: 0.6 } } ); // Init Payment JS this.initPaymentJS( this.payment_url, function () { console.log( 'Payment url has been loaded.' ); callback( true ); } ); } else { callback( false ); } }, /** * Block the checkout form */ block: function() { var self = this; if ( self.form ) { let form_data =; if ( 1 !== form_data['blockUI.isBlocked'] ) { self.form.block({ message: null, overlayCSS: { background: '#fff', opacity: 0.6 } }); } } }, /** * Unblock the checkout form */ unblock: function() { if ( this.form ) { this.form.unblock(); } }, /** * Hide "Place order" button. */ hidePlaceOrder: function () { $('#place_order').hide(); $('.place-order').hide(); // Tick "terms and conditions" if exists let terms = $( '#terms' ); if ( terms.length > 0 && ! terms.prop( 'checked' ) ) { terms.prop( 'checked', true ) } }, /** * Show "Place order" button. */ showPlaceOrder: function () { $('#place_order').show(); $('.place-order').show(); } }; $(document).ready( function () { wc_sb_shortcode_checkout.init( $( "form.checkout, form#order_review, form#add_payment_method" ) ); } ); });