/* global redux */
(function( $ ) {
'use strict';
$.redux = $.redux || {};
$.redux.tabCheck = function() {
var link;
var tab;
var sTab;
var cookieName;
var opt_name;
$( '.redux-group-tab-link-a' ).on(
function() {
var elements;
var index;
var el;
var relid;
var oldid;
var cookieName;
var boxIndex;
var parentID;
var newParent;
link = $( this );
if ( link.parent().hasClass( 'empty_section' ) && link.parent().hasClass( 'hasSubSections' ) ) {
elements = $( this ).closest( 'ul' ).find( '.redux-group-tab-link-a' );
index = elements.index( this );
link = elements.slice( index + 1, index + 2 );
el = link.parents( '.redux-container:first' );
relid = link.data( 'rel' ); // The group ID of interest.
oldid = el.find( '.redux-group-tab-link-li.active:first .redux-group-tab-link-a' ).data( 'rel' );
opt_name = $.redux.getOptName( el );
if ( oldid === relid ) {
cookieName = '';
if ( ! link.parents( '.postbox-container:first' ).length ) {
$( '#currentSection' ).val( relid );
cookieName = 'redux_current_tab_' + redux.optName.args.opt_name;
} else {
el.prev( '#currentSection' ).val( relid );
boxIndex = el.data( 'index' );
if ( '' !== boxIndex ) {
cookieName = 'redux_metabox_' + boxIndex + '_current_tab_' + redux.optName.args.opt_name;
// Set the proper page cookie.
expires: 7,
path: '/'
if ( el.find( '#' + relid + '_section_group_li' ).parents( '.redux-group-tab-link-li' ).length ) {
parentID = el.find( '#' + relid + '_section_group_li' ).parents( '.redux-group-tab-link-li' ).attr( 'id' ).split( '_' );
parentID = parentID[0];
el.find( '#toplevel_page_' + redux.optName.args.slug + ' .wp-submenu a.current' ).removeClass( 'current' );
el.find( '#toplevel_page_' + redux.optName.args.slug + ' .wp-submenu li.current' ).removeClass( 'current' );
el.find( '#toplevel_page_' + redux.optName.args.slug + ' .wp-submenu a' ).each(
function() {
var url = $( this ).attr( 'href' ).split( '&tab=' );
if ( url[1] === relid || url[1] === parentID ) {
$( this ).addClass( 'current' );
$( this ).parent().addClass( 'current' );
if ( el.find( '#' + oldid + '_section_group_li' ).find( '#' + oldid + '_section_group_li' ).length ) {
el.find( '#' + oldid + '_section_group_li' ).addClass( 'activeChild' );
el.find( '#' + relid + '_section_group_li' ).addClass( 'active' ).removeClass( 'activeChild' );
} else if ( el.find( '#' + relid + '_section_group_li' ).parents( '#' + oldid + '_section_group_li' ).length || el.find( '#' + oldid + '_section_group_li' ).parents( 'ul.subsection' ).find( '#' + relid + '_section_group_li' ).length ) {
if ( el.find( '#' + relid + '_section_group_li' ).parents( '#' + oldid + '_section_group_li' ).length ) {
el.find( '#' + oldid + '_section_group_li' ).addClass( 'activeChild' ).removeClass( 'active' );
} else {
el.find( '#' + relid + '_section_group_li' ).addClass( 'active' );
el.find( '#' + oldid + '_section_group_li' ).removeClass( 'active' );
el.find( '#' + relid + '_section_group_li' ).removeClass( 'activeChild' ).addClass( 'active' );
} else {
function() {
el.find( '#' + relid + '_section_group_li' ).addClass( 'active' ).removeClass( 'activeChild' ).find( 'ul.subsection' ).slideDown();
if ( el.find( '#' + oldid + '_section_group_li' ).find( 'ul.subsection' ).length ) {
el.find( '#' + oldid + '_section_group_li' ).find( 'ul.subsection' ).slideUp(
function() {
el.find( '#' + oldid + '_section_group_li' ).removeClass( 'active' ).removeClass( 'activeChild' );
newParent = el.find( '#' + relid + '_section_group_li' ).parents( '.hasSubSections:first' );
if ( newParent.length > 0 ) {
el.find( '#' + relid + '_section_group_li' ).removeClass( 'active' );
relid = newParent.find( '.redux-group-tab-link-a:first' ).data( 'rel' );
if ( newParent.hasClass( 'empty_section' ) ) {
newParent.find( '.subsection li:first' ).addClass( 'active' );
el.find( '#' + relid + '_section_group_li' ).removeClass( 'active' ).addClass( 'activeChild' ).find( 'ul.subsection' ).slideDown();
newParent = newParent.find( '.subsection li:first' );
relid = newParent.find( '.redux-group-tab-link-a:first' ).data( 'rel' );
} else {
el.find( '#' + relid + '_section_group_li' ).addClass( 'active' ).removeClass( 'activeChild' ).find( 'ul.subsection' ).slideDown();
} else if ( el.find( '#' + oldid + '_section_group_li' ).parents( 'ul.subsection' ).length ) {
if ( ! el.find( '#' + oldid + '_section_group_li' ).parents( '#' + relid + '_section_group_li' ).length ) {
el.find( '#' + oldid + '_section_group_li' ).parents( 'ul.subsection' ).slideUp(
function() {
el.find( '#' + oldid + '_section_group_li' ).removeClass( 'active' );
el.find( '#' + oldid + '_section_group_li' ).parents( '.redux-group-tab-link-li' ).removeClass( 'active' ).removeClass( 'activeChild' );
el.find( '#' + relid + '_section_group_li' ).parents( '.redux-group-tab-link-li' ).addClass( 'activeChild' ).find( 'ul.subsection' ).slideDown();
el.find( '#' + relid + '_section_group_li' ).addClass( 'active' );
} else {
el.find( '#' + oldid + '_section_group_li' ).removeClass( 'active' );
} else {
el.find( '#' + oldid + '_section_group_li' ).removeClass( 'active' );
if ( el.find( '#' + relid + '_section_group_li' ).parents( '.redux-group-tab-link-li' ).length ) {
function() {
el.find( '#' + relid + '_section_group_li' ).parents( '.redux-group-tab-link-li' ).addClass( 'activeChild' ).find( 'ul.subsection' ).slideDown();
el.find( '#' + relid + '_section_group_li' ).addClass( 'active' );
// Show the group.
el.find( '#' + oldid + '_section_group' ).hide();
el.find( '#' + relid + '_section_group' ).fadeIn(
function() {
if ( 0 !== el.find( '#redux-footer' ).length ) {
$.redux.stickyInfo(); // Race condition fix.
$( '#toplevel_page_' + redux.optName.args.slug ).find( '.current' ).removeClass( 'current' );
if ( undefined !== redux.optName.last_tab ) {
$( '#' + redux.optName.last_tab + '_section_group_li_a' ).trigger( 'click' );
tab = decodeURI( ( new RegExp( 'tab=(.+?)(&|$)' ).exec( location.search ) || [''])[1] );
if ( '' !== tab ) {
if ( $.cookie( 'redux_current_tab_get' ) !== tab ) {
expires: 7,
path: '/'
expires: 7,
path: '/'
'redux_current_tab_' + redux.optName.args.opt_name,
expires: 7,
path: '/'
$( '#' + tab + '_section_group_li' ).trigger( 'click' );
} else if ( '' !== $.cookie( 'redux_current_tab_get' ) ) {
$.removeCookie( 'redux_current_tab_get' );
$( '.redux-container' ).each(
function() {
var boxIndex;
if ( ! $( this ).parents( '.postbox-container:first' ).length ) {
opt_name = $( '.redux-ajax-security' ).data( 'opt-name' );
cookieName = 'redux_current_tab_' + opt_name;
sTab = $( this ).find( '#' + $.cookie( cookieName ) + '_section_group_li_a' );
} else {
opt_name = $.redux.getOptName( this );
boxIndex = $( this ).data( 'index' );
if ( '' === boxIndex ) {
boxIndex = 0;
cookieName = 'redux_metabox_' + boxIndex + '_current_tab_' + opt_name;
sTab = $( this ).find( '#' + $.cookie( cookieName ) + '_section_group_li_a' );
// Tab the first item or the saved one.
if ( null === $.cookie( cookieName ) || 'undefined' === typeof ( $.cookie( cookieName ) ) || 0 === sTab.length ) {
$( this ).find( '.redux-group-tab-link-a:first' ).trigger( 'click' );
} else {
sTab.trigger( 'click' );
})( jQuery );