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<?php if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { die( '-1' ); } /** * WPBakery Page Builder shortcodes * * @package WPBakeryPageBuilder * @since 7.0 */ VcShortcodeAutoloader::getInstance()->includeClass( 'WPBakeryShortCode_Vc_Tta_Pageable' ); /** * Class WPBakeryShortCode_Vc_Tta_Pageable * @since 7.0 */ class WPBakeryShortCode_Vc_Tta_Toggle extends WPBakeryShortCode_Vc_Tta_Pageable { /** * Unique toggle id * @var string * @since 7.0 */ public $toggle_id; /** * Editor controls list * @var string * @since 7.0 */ protected $controls_list = [ 'edit', 'clone', 'copy', 'delete', ]; /** * Template file name * @return string * @since 7.0 */ public function getFileName() { return 'vc_tta_toggle'; } /** * Toggle is on top only if tabs are at bottom * @since 7.0 * * @param array $atts * * @return string|null */ public function getParamToggleTop( $atts ) { if ( empty( $atts['tab_position'] ) || 'bottom' !== $atts['tab_position'] ) { return null; } return $this->getParamToggle(); } /** * Toggle is at bottom only if tabs are on top * @since 7.0 * * @param array $atts * * @return string|null */ public function getParamToggleBottom( $atts ) { if ( empty( $atts['tab_position'] ) || 'top' !== $atts['tab_position'] ) { return null; } return $this->getParamToggle(); } /** * Get toggle html * @since 7.0 * * @return string */ public function getParamToggle() { VcShortcodeAutoloader::getInstance()->includeClass( 'WPBakeryShortCode_Vc_Tta_Toggle_Section' ); $section_info = WPBakeryShortCode_Vc_Tta_Toggle_Section::$section_info; $title_before = ''; $title_after = ''; if ( [] === $section_info ) { $title_before = esc_html__( 'Monthly', 'js_composer' ); $title_after = esc_html__( 'Yearly', 'js_composer' ); } if ( ! empty( $section_info[0]['title'] ) ) { $title_before = esc_html( $section_info[0]['title'] ); } if ( ! empty( $section_info[1]['title'] ) ) { $title_after = esc_html( $section_info[1]['title'] ); } $html = '<div id="' . esc_attr( $this->toggle_id ) . '" class="wpb-tta-toggle-wrapper">'; $html .= '<span class="wpb-tta-toggle-title">' . $title_before . '</span>'; $html .= '<button class="wpb-tta-toggle"></button>'; $html .= '<span class="wpb-tta-toggle-title">' . $title_after . '</span>'; $html .= '</div>'; return $html; } /** * Add wrapper class related to toggle shortcode. * @since 7.0 * * @return string */ public function getTtaContainerClasses() { $classes = array(); $classes[] = 'vc_tta-container'; $classes[] = 'wpb-wrapper-tta-toggle'; $position = isset( $this->atts['tab_position'] ) ? $this->atts['tab_position'] : 'top'; $classes[] = 'wpb-toggle-position-' . $position; return implode( ' ', apply_filters( 'vc_tta_container_classes', array_filter( $classes ), $this->getAtts() ) ); } /** * Get element styles classes attribute. * @since 7.0 * * @param array $atts * * @return string */ public function getTtaToggleStyle( $atts ) { $color = empty( $atts['color'] ) ? '#5188F1' : $atts['color']; $hover_color = empty( $atts['hover_color'] ) ? '#898989' : esc_attr( $atts['hover_color'] ); $style = '<style>'; $style .= '#' . esc_attr( $this->toggle_id ) . ' .wpb-tta-toggle {background: ' . esc_attr( $color ) . '}'; $style .= '#' . esc_attr( $this->toggle_id ) . ' .wpb-tta-toggle.wpb-tta-toggle-active {background: ' . esc_attr( $hover_color ) . '}'; $style .= '</style>'; return $style; } /** * Get pagination * @since 7.0 * * @param array $atts * @param string $content * @return string|null */ public function getParamPaginationList( $atts, $content ) { if ( empty( $atts['pagination_style'] ) ) { return null; } $isPageEditable = vc_is_page_editable(); $html = array(); $html[] = '<ul class="' . $this->getTtaPaginationClasses() . '">'; if ( ! $isPageEditable ) { VcShortcodeAutoloader::getInstance()->includeClass( 'WPBakeryShortCode_Vc_Tta_Toggle_Section' ); foreach ( WPBakeryShortCode_Vc_Tta_Toggle_Section::$section_info as $nth => $section ) { $active_section = $this->getActiveSection( $atts, false ); $classes = array( 'vc_pagination-item' ); if ( ( $nth + 1 ) === $active_section ) { $classes[] = $this->activeClass; } $a_html = '<a href="#' . $section['tab_id'] . '" class="vc_pagination-trigger" data-vc-tabs data-vc-container=".vc_tta"></a>'; $html[] = '<li class="' . implode( ' ', $classes ) . '" data-vc-tab>' . $a_html . '</li>'; } } $html[] = '</ul>'; return implode( '', $html ); } /** * Set global section info * @since 7.0 * * @return bool * @throws Exception */ public function setGlobalTtaInfo() { $this->toggle_id = uniqid( 'vc-tta-toggle-' ); $sectionClass = wpbakery()->getShortCode( 'vc_tta_section' )->shortcodeClass(); $this->sectionClass = $sectionClass; /** @var WPBakeryShortCode_Vc_Tta_Toggle_Section $sectionClass */ if ( is_object( $sectionClass ) ) { VcShortcodeAutoloader::getInstance()->includeClass( 'WPBakeryShortCode_Vc_Tta_Toggle_Section' ); WPBakeryShortCode_Vc_Tta_Toggle_Section::$tta_base_shortcode = $this; WPBakeryShortCode_Vc_Tta_Toggle_Section::$self_count = 0; WPBakeryShortCode_Vc_Tta_Toggle_Section::$section_info = array(); return true; } return false; } /** * Get active section * @since 7.0 * * @param array $atts * @param bool $strict_bounds * @return int */ public function getActiveSection( $atts, $strict_bounds = false ) { $active_section = intval( $atts['active_section'] ); if ( $strict_bounds ) { VcShortcodeAutoloader::getInstance()->includeClass( 'WPBakeryShortCode_Vc_Tta_Toggle_Section' ); if ( $active_section < 1 ) { $active_section = 1; } elseif ( $active_section > WPBakeryShortCode_Vc_Tta_Toggle_Section::$self_count ) { $active_section = WPBakeryShortCode_Vc_Tta_Toggle_Section::$self_count; } } return $active_section; } }