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(function ( $ ) { 'use strict'; window.InlineShortcodeView_vc_tta_tabs = window.InlineShortcodeView_vc_tta_accordion.extend( { render: function () { this ); _.bindAll( this, 'buildSortableNavigation', 'updateSortingNavigation' ); this.createTabs(); _.defer( this.buildSortableNavigation ); return this; }, createTabs: function () { var models = _.sortBy( vc.shortcodes.where( { parent_id: this.model.get( 'id' ) } ), function ( model ) { return model.get( 'order' ); } ); _.each( models, function ( model ) { this.sectionUpdated( model, true ); }, this ); }, defaultSectionTitle:, addIcon: function ( model, html ) { var icon, icon_class, icon_html; if ( 'true' === model.getParam( 'add_icon' ) ) { icon = model.getParam( 'i_icon_' + model.getParam( 'i_type' ) ); if ( !_.isUndefined( icon ) ) { icon_class = 'vc_tta-icon' + ' ' + icon; icon_html = '<i class="' + icon_class + '"></i>'; } if ( 'right' === model.getParam( 'i_position' ) ) { html += icon_html; } else { html = icon_html + html; } } return html; }, /** * * @param {Backbone.Model}model */ sectionUpdated: function ( model, justAppend ) { // update build tabs, remove/add check orders and title/target var $tabEl, $toggleEl, $navigation, sectionId, html, title, models, index, tabAdded; tabAdded = false; sectionId = model.get( 'id' ); $navigation = this.$el.find( '.vc_tta-tabs-container .vc_tta-tabs-list' ); $tabEl = $navigation.find( '[data-vc-target="[data-model-id=' + sectionId + ']"]' ); $toggleEl = this.$el.find( '.wpb-tta-toggle' ); title = model.getParam( 'title' ); if ( $tabEl.length ) { html = '<span class="vc_tta-title-text">' + title + '</span>'; html = this.addIcon( model, html ); $tabEl.html( html ); } else if ( $toggleEl.length ) { var section = this.$el.find('[data-model-id="' + sectionId + '"]'); if (section.length) { var firstTitle = this.$el.find('.wpb-tta-toggle-wrapper span:first'); var secondTitle = this.$el.find('.wpb-tta-toggle-wrapper span:last'); var section_index = section.find('[data-vc-section-index]').attr('data-vc-section-index'); if ('1' === section_index) { firstTitle.html(title); } else { secondTitle.html(title); } } } else { var $element; html = '<span class="vc_tta-title-text">' + title + '</span>'; html = this.addIcon( model, html ); $element = $( '<li class="vc_tta-tab" data-vc-target-model-id="' + sectionId + '" data-vc-tab><a href="javascript:;" data-vc-use-cache="false" data-vc-tabs data-vc-target="[data-model-id=' + sectionId + ']" data-vc-container=".vc_tta">' + html + '</a></li>' ); if ( true !== justAppend ) { models = _.pluck( _.sortBy( vc.shortcodes.where( { parent_id: this.model.get( 'id' ) } ), function ( childModel ) { return childModel.get( 'order' ); } ), 'id' ); index = models.indexOf( model.get( 'id' ) ) - 1; if ( index > - 1 && $navigation.find( '[data-vc-tab]:eq(' + index + ')' ).length ) { $element.insertAfter( $navigation.find( '[data-vc-tab]:eq(' + index + ')' ) ); tabAdded = true; } } if ( !tabAdded ) { $element.appendTo( $navigation ); } if ( model.get( 'isActiveSection' ) ) { $element.addClass( this.activeClass ); } } this.buildPagination(); }, getNextTab: function ( $viewTab ) { var lastIndex, viewTabIndex, $nextTab, $navigationSections; $navigationSections = this.$el.find( '.vc_tta-tabs-container .vc_tta-tabs-list' ).children(); lastIndex = $navigationSections.length - 1; // -1 because length starts from 1 viewTabIndex = $viewTab.index(); if ( viewTabIndex !== lastIndex ) { $nextTab = $navigationSections.eq( viewTabIndex + 1 ); } else { // If we are the last tab in in navigation lets make active previous $nextTab = $navigationSections.eq( viewTabIndex - 1 ); } return $nextTab; }, removeSection: function ( modelId ) { var $viewTab, $nextTab, tabIsActive; $viewTab = this.$el.find( '.vc_tta-tabs-container .vc_tta-tabs-list [data-vc-target="[data-model-id=' + modelId + ']"]' ).parent(); tabIsActive = $viewTab.hasClass( this.activeClass ); // Make next tab active if needed if ( tabIsActive ) { $nextTab = this.getNextTab( $viewTab ); vc.frame_window.jQuery( $nextTab ).find( '[data-vc-target]' ).trigger( 'click' ); } // Remove tab from navigation $viewTab.remove(); this.buildPagination(); }, buildSortableNavigation: function () { if ( !vc_user_access().shortcodeEdit( this.model.get( 'shortcode' ) ) ) { return; } // this should be called when new tab added/removed/changed. this.$el.find( '.vc_tta-tabs-container .vc_tta-tabs-list' ).sortable( { items: '.vc_tta-tab', forcePlaceholderSize: true, placeholder: 'vc_tta-tab vc_placeholder-tta-tab', helper: this.renderSortingHelper, start: function ( event, ui ) { ui.placeholder.width( ui.item.width() ); }, over: function ( event, ui ) { ui.placeholder.css( { maxWidth: ui.placeholder.parent().width() } ); ui.placeholder.removeClass( 'vc_hidden-placeholder' ); }, update: this.updateSortingNavigation } ); }, updateSorting: function ( event, ui ) { this, event, ui ); this.updateTabsPositions( this.getPanelsList() ); }, updateSortingNavigation: function () { var $tabs, self; self = this; $tabs = this.$el.find( '.vc_tta-tabs-list' ); // we are sorting a tabs navigation $tabs.find( '> .vc_tta-tab' ).each( function () { var shortcode, modelId, $li; $li = $( this ).removeAttr( 'style' ); // TODO: Attensiton maybe e need to create method with filter modelId = $ 'vcTargetModelId' ); shortcode = vc.shortcodes.get( modelId ); { 'order': self.getIndex( $li ) }, { silent: true } ); // now we need to sort panels } ); this.updatePanelsPositions( $tabs ); }, updateTabsPositions: function ( $panels ) { var $tabs, $elements, tabSortableData; $tabs = this.$el.find( '.vc_tta-tabs-list' ); if ( $tabs.length ) { $elements = []; tabSortableData = $panels.sortable( 'toArray', { attribute: 'data-model-id' } ); _.each( tabSortableData, function ( value ) { $elements.push( $tabs.find( '[data-vc-target-model-id="' + value + '"]' ) ); }, this ); $tabs.prepend( $elements ); } this.buildPagination(); }, updatePanelsPositions: function ( $tabs ) { var $elements, tabSortableData, $panels; $panels = this.getPanelsList(); $elements = []; tabSortableData = $tabs.sortable( 'toArray', { attribute: 'data-vc-target-model-id' } ); _.each( tabSortableData, function ( value ) { $elements.push( $panels.find( '[data-model-id="' + value + '"]' ) ); }, this ); $panels.prepend( $elements ); this.buildPagination(); }, renderSortingHelper: function ( event, currentItem ) { var helper, currentItemWidth, currentItemHeight; helper = currentItem; currentItemWidth = currentItem.width() + 1; currentItemHeight = currentItem.height(); helper.width( currentItemWidth ); helper.height( currentItemHeight ); return helper; }, buildPagination: function () { var params; this.removePagination(); // If tap-pos top append: params = this.model.get( 'params' ); if ( !_.isUndefined( params.pagination_style ) && params.pagination_style.length ) { if ( 'top' === params.tab_position ) { this.$el.find( '.vc_tta-panels-container' ).append( this.getPaginationList() ); } else { this.getPaginationList().insertBefore( this.$el.find( '.vc_tta-container .vc_tta-panels' ) ); } } } } ); })( window.jQuery );