File "templates-20250122043931-20250123055408.html"
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<script type="text/html" id="vcl-loop-frame">
<div class="vc_row">
<div class="vc_col-sm-12">
<# if(vc.loop_field_not_hidden('post_type', loop)) { #>
<label class="wpb_element_label"><?php esc_html_e('Post types', 'js_composer') ?></label>
<div class="post-types-list">
{{{ vc.loop_partial('checkboxes', 'post_type', loop) }}}
<span class="description clear"><?php esc_html_e('Select post types to populate posts from. Note: If no post type is selected, WordPress will use default "Post" value.', 'js_composer'); ?></span>
<# } #>
<div class="vc_row">
<# if(vc.loop_field_not_hidden('size', loop)) { #>
<div class="vc_col-sm-4">
<label class="wpb_element_label"><?php esc_html_e('Post count', 'js_composer') ?></label>
{{{ vc.loop_partial('text-input', 'size', loop) }}}
<span class="description clear"><?php esc_html_e('How many teasers to show? Enter number or word "All".', 'js_composer'); ?></span>
<# } #>
<# if(vc.loop_field_not_hidden('order_by', loop)) { #>
<div class="vc_col-sm-4">
<label class="wpb_element_label"><?php esc_html_e('Order by', 'js_composer') ?></label>
{{{ vc.loop_partial('dropdown', 'order_by', loop) }}}
<span class="description clear"><?php echo sprintf(__('Select how to sort retrieved posts. More at %s.', 'js_composer'), '<a href="" target="_blank">
WordPress codex page</a>'); ?></span>
<# } #>
<# if(vc.loop_field_not_hidden('order', loop)) { #>
<div class="vc_col-sm-4">
<label class="wpb_element_label"><?php esc_html_e('Sort order', 'js_composer') ?></label>
{{{ vc.loop_partial('dropdown', 'order', loop) }}}
<span class="description clear"><?php esc_html_e('Designates the ascending or descending order.', 'js_composer'); ?></span>
<# } #>
<# if(vc.loop_field_not_hidden('ignore_sticky', loop)) { #>
<div class="vc_col-sm-4">
<label class="wpb_element_label"><?php esc_html_e('Ignore Sticky posts', 'js_composer') ?></label>
{{{ vc.loop_partial('checkboxes', 'ignore_sticky_posts', loop) }}}
<# } #>
<# if(vc.loop_field_not_hidden('categories', loop)) { #>
<div class="vc_row">
<div class="vc_col-sm-12">
<div class="vc_suggest-field" data-block="suggestion">
<label class="wpb_element_label"><?php esc_html_e('Categories', 'js_composer') ?></label>
{{{ vc.loop_partial('autosuggest', 'categories', loop) }}}
<span class="description clear"><?php esc_html_e('Filter output by posts categories, enter category names here.', 'js_composer'); ?></span>
<# } #>
<# if(vc.loop_field_not_hidden('tags', loop)) { #>
<div class="vc_row">
<div class="vc_col-sm-12">
<div class="vc_suggest-field" data-block="suggestion">
<label class="wpb_element_label"><?php esc_html_e('Tags', 'js_composer') ?></label>
{{{ vc.loop_partial('autosuggest', 'tags', loop) }}}
<span class="description clear"><?php esc_html_e('Filter output by posts tags, enter tag names here.', 'js_composer'); ?></span>
<# } #>
<# if(vc.loop_field_not_hidden('tax_query', loop)) { #>
<div class="vc_row">
<div class="vc_col-sm-12">
<div class="vc_suggest-field" data-block="suggestion">
<label class="wpb_element_label"><?php esc_html_e('Taxonomies', 'js_composer') ?></label>
{{{ vc.loop_partial('autosuggest', 'tax_query', loop) }}}
<span class="description clear"><?php esc_html_e('Filter output by custom taxonomies categories, enter category names here.', 'js_composer'); ?></span>
<# } #>
<# if(vc.loop_field_not_hidden('by_id', loop)) { #>
<div class="vc_row">
<div class="vc_col-sm-12">
<div class="vc_suggest-field" data-block="suggestion">
<label class="wpb_element_label"><?php esc_html_e('Individual Posts/Pages/Custom Post Types', 'js_composer') ?></label>
{{{ vc.loop_partial('autosuggest', 'by_id', loop) }}}
<span class="description clear"><?php esc_html_e('Only entered posts/pages will be included in the output. Note: Works in conjunction with selected "Post types".', 'js_composer'); ?></span>
<# } #>
<# if(vc.loop_field_not_hidden('authors', loop)) { #>
<div class="vc_row">
<div class="vc_col-sm-12">
<div class="vc_suggest-field" data-block="suggestion">
<label class="wpb_element_label"><?php esc_html_e('Author', 'js_composer') ?></label>
{{{ vc.loop_partial('autosuggest', 'authors', loop) }}}
<span class="description clear"><?php esc_html_e('Filter by author name.', 'js_composer'); ?></span>
<# } #>
<script type="text/html" id="_vcl-text-input">
var is_locked = vc.is_locked(data),
disabled = is_locked ? ' disabled="true"' : '',
value = _.isObject(data) && !_.isUndefined(data.value) ? data.value : '';
<input type="text" name="{{ name }}" value="{{ value }}" class="vc_{{ name }}_field" {{ disabled }}>
<script type="text/html" id="_vcl-dropdown">
var is_locked = vc.is_locked(data),
disabled = is_locked ? ' disabled="true"' : '';
<select name="{{ name }}" class="vc_dropdown" {{ disabled }}>
<option value=""></option>
<# if(_.isObject(data) && _.isArray(data.options)) { #>
_.each(data.options, function(opt) {
var value, label;
if(_.isArray(opt)) {
value = opt[0];
label = opt[1];
} else {
value = opt;
label = opt;
<option value="{{ value }}"
{{ data.value===value ?
' selected="true"' : '' }}>{{ label }}</option>
<# } #>
<script type="text/html" id="_vcl-checkboxes">
var is_locked = vc.is_locked(data);
<input type="hidden" name="{{ name }}" value="{{ data.value }}" data-name="{{ name }}">
<# if(_.isObject(data) && _.isArray(data.options)) {
_.each(data.options, function(opt) {
var value, label, params;
if(_.isArray(opt)) {
value = opt[0];
label = opt[1];
} else {
value = opt;
label = opt;
params = _.indexOf(data.value, value) >=0 ? ' checked="true"' : '';
if(!_.isEmpty(params) && is_locked) params += ' disabled="true"';
<label><input type="checkbox" data-input="{{ name }}" value="{{ value }}" {{ params }}/> {{ label }}</label>
} #>
<script type="text/html" id="_vcl-autosuggest">
<# limit_param = _.isObject(settings) && !_.isUndefined(settings.limit) ? ' data-limit="' + settings.limit + '"' : ''; #>
<input type="hidden" data-suggest-prefill="{{ name }}"
value="{{ _.isObject(data) && _.isArray(data.options) ? window.encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(data.options)) : '' }}">
<input type="hidden" name="{{ name }}"
value="{{ _.isObject(data) && _.isArray(data.value) ? data.value.join(',') : '' }}"
data-suggest-value="{{ name }}">
<input type="text" name="{{ name }}_autosuggest" value=""
placeholder="<?php esc_html_e('Click here and start typing...', 'js_composer'); ?>" class="vc_{{ name }}_field"
data-suggest="{{ name }}" {{ limit_param }}/>