File "index.js"
Full Path: /home/siazco/
File size: 3.65 KB
MIME-type: text/x-java
Charset: utf-8
* External dependencies
import { groupBy, map } from 'lodash';
* WordPress dependencies
import { __, sprintf } from '@wordpress/i18n';
import { useCallback } from '@wordpress/element';
import apiFetch from '@wordpress/api-fetch';
import { useSelect } from '@wordpress/data';
import { addQueryArgs } from '@wordpress/url';
* Solid dependencies
import { Notice } from '@ithemes/ui';
* Internal dependencies
import { Markup } from '@ithemes/security-ui';
import { useGlobalNavigationUrl, getFlagEmoji } from '@ithemes/security-utils';
import { useAsync } from '@ithemes/security-hocs';
import { MODULES_STORE_NAME } from '@ithemes/';
import DataList, { DataListDescription, DataListEmptyState, DataListGroup, DataListItem } from '../data-list';
export default function TopBlockedIPs( { period } ) {
const { hasGeolocation } = useSelect( ( select ) => ( {
hasGeolocation: select( MODULES_STORE_NAME ).getModule( 'geolocation' )?.status.selected === 'active',
} ), [] );
const fetchBlockedIps = useCallback( () => apiFetch( {
path: addQueryArgs( '/ithemes-security/rpc/lockout-stats/top-blocked-ips', { period } ),
} ), [ period ] );
const { status, value, error } = useAsync( fetchBlockedIps );
const settingsUrl = useGlobalNavigationUrl( 'settings', '/settings/configure/lockout' );
return (
title={ __( 'Top Blocked IPs', 'better-wp-security' ) }
{ status === 'error' && (
text={ sprintf(
/* translators: The error message */
__( 'An error has occurred: %s', 'better-wp-security' ),
) }
) }
{ hasGeolocation && ( status === 'success' || status === 'pending' ) && (
<GeolocatedIps data={ value } />
) }
{ ! hasGeolocation && ( status === 'success' || status === 'pending' ) && (
<NoLocationIps data={ value } />
) }
{ value?.length === 0 && status === 'success' && (
title={ __( 'No IPs have been locked out recently', 'better-wp-security' ) }
description={ __( 'Consider customizing your firewall settings.', 'better-wp-security' ) }
actionText={ __( 'Firewall Settings', 'better-wp-security' ) }
actionLink={ settingsUrl }
) }
function NoLocationIps( { data } ) {
return data?.map( ( item ) => (
<DataListGroup key={ item.ip } >
<DataListItem text={ item.ip } count={ item.count } />
) );
function GeolocatedIps( { data } ) {
if ( ! data?.length ) {
return null;
const grouped = groupBy(
( item ) => item.location
? `${ item.location?.country }:${ item.location?.country_code }`
: ''
const credits = data.reduce( ( acc, item ) => {
const credit = item.location?.credit;
if ( credit && ! acc.includes( credit ) ) {
acc.push( credit );
return acc;
}, [] );
return (
{ map( grouped, ( ips, location ) => {
let heading = __( 'Unknown', 'better-wp-security' );
if ( location ) {
const [ name, code ] = location.split( ':' );
heading = name;
if ( code ) {
heading = getFlagEmoji( code ) + ' ' + heading;
return (
key={ location }
heading={ heading }
{ ( ip ) => (
key={ ip.ip }
text={ ip.ip }
count={ ip.count }
) ) }
} ) }
{ credits.length > 0 && (
{ ( credit, i ) =>
<Markup key={ i } noWrap content={ credit + ( i < credits.length - 1 ? '. ' : '.' ) } />
) }
) }