File "settings.php"
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use iThemesSecurity\Config_Settings;
use iThemesSecurity\Module_Config;
use iThemesSecurity\Strauss\StellarWP\Telemetry\Opt_In\Opt_In_Subscriber;
use iThemesSecurity\Strauss\StellarWP\Telemetry\Opt_In\Status as Opt_In_Status;
use iThemesSecurity\Strauss\StellarWP\Telemetry\Telemetry\Telemetry;
final class ITSEC_Global_Settings extends Config_Settings {
/** @var Telemetry */
private $telemetry;
/** @var Opt_In_Status */
private $opt_in_status;
/** @var Opt_In_Subscriber */
private $opt_in_subscriber;
public function __construct(
Module_Config $config,
Telemetry $telemetry,
Opt_In_Status $opt_in_status,
Opt_In_Subscriber $opt_in_subscriber
) {
$this->telemetry = $telemetry;
$this->opt_in_status = $opt_in_status;
$this->opt_in_subscriber = $opt_in_subscriber;
parent::__construct( $config );
public function load() {
$this->settings['allow_tracking'] = $this->opt_in_status->is_active();
public function get_default( $setting, $default = null ) {
$default = parent::get_default( $setting, $default );
switch ( $setting ) {
case 'nginx_file':
return ABSPATH . 'nginx.conf';
case 'log_location':
return ITSEC_Core::get_storage_dir( 'logs' );
case 'enable_remote_help';
return ITSEC_Core::is_pro() ? true : $default;
case 'proxy':
$proxies = ITSEC_Lib_IP_Detector::get_proxy_types();
return isset( $proxies['security-check'] ) ? 'security-check' : $default;
return $default;
public function get_settings_schema() {
$schema = parent::get_settings_schema();
$schema['properties']['proxy']['enum'] = array_keys( ITSEC_Lib_IP_Detector::get_proxy_types() );
$schema['properties']['proxy']['enumNames'] = array_values( ITSEC_Lib_IP_Detector::get_proxy_types() );
$schema['properties']['proxy_header']['enum'] = ITSEC_Lib_IP_Detector::get_proxy_headers();
$schema['properties']['proxy_header']['enumNames'] = array_map( static function ( $header ) {
if ( 0 === strpos( $header, 'HTTP_' ) ) {
$header = substr( $header, 5 );
$header = str_replace( '_', '-', $header );
$header = strtolower( $header );
$header = ucwords( $header, '-' );
$header = str_replace( [ 'Ip', 'Cf' ], [ 'IP', 'CF' ], $header );
return $header;
}, ITSEC_Lib_IP_Detector::get_proxy_headers() );
return $schema;
protected function handle_settings_changes( $old_settings ) {
parent::handle_settings_changes( $old_settings );
if ( $this->settings['write_files'] && ! $old_settings['write_files'] ) {
if ( $this->settings['use_cron'] !== $old_settings['use_cron'] ) {
$this->handle_cron_change( $this->settings['use_cron'] );
if ( $this->settings['allow_tracking'] !== $old_settings['allow_tracking'] ) {
if ( $this->settings['allow_tracking'] ) {
// The opt-in code is not tolerant to being run outside of WP-Admin.
require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/update.php';
require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/misc.php';
$this->opt_in_subscriber->opt_in( 'solid-security' );
} else {
$this->opt_in_status->set_status( false, 'solid-security' );
if ( $this->settings['onboard_complete'] && ! $old_settings['onboard_complete'] ) {
// The opt-in code is not tolerant to being run outside of WP-Admin.
require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/update.php';
require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/misc.php';
try {
} catch ( \Throwable $t ) {
// Telemetry can throw, we don't want to.
private function handle_cron_change( $new_use_cron ) {
$class = $new_use_cron ? 'ITSEC_Scheduler_Cron' : 'ITSEC_Scheduler_Page_Load';
$this->handle_scheduler_change( $class );
private function handle_scheduler_change( $new_class ) {
$choices = array(
'ITSEC_Scheduler_Cron' => ITSEC_Core::get_core_dir() . 'lib/class-itsec-scheduler-cron.php',
'ITSEC_Scheduler_Page_Load' => ITSEC_Core::get_core_dir() . 'lib/class-itsec-scheduler-page-load.php',
require_once( $choices[ $new_class ] );
/** @var ITSEC_Scheduler $new */
$new = new $new_class();
$current = ITSEC_Core::get_scheduler();
foreach ( $current->get_custom_schedules() as $slug => $interval ) {
$new->register_custom_schedule( $slug, $interval );
foreach ( $current->get_recurring_events() as $event ) {
$new->schedule( $event['schedule'], $event['id'], $event['data'], array(
'fire_at' => $event['fire_at'],
) );
foreach ( $current->get_single_events() as $event ) {
$new->schedule_once( $event['fire_at'], $event['id'], $event['data'] );
ITSEC_Core::set_scheduler( $new );
ITSEC_Modules::register_settings( new ITSEC_Global_Settings(
ITSEC_Modules::get_config( 'global' ),
ITSEC_Modules::get_container()->get( Telemetry::class ),
ITSEC_Modules::get_container()->get( Opt_In_Status::class ),
ITSEC_Modules::get_container()->get( Opt_In_Subscriber::class ),
) );
class_alias( ITSEC_Global_Settings::class, 'ITSEC_Global_Settings_New' );