File "ErrorHandler.php"

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declare (strict_types=1);
 * This file is part of the Monolog package.
 * (c) Jordi Boggiano <[email protected]>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace FSVendor\Monolog;

use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
use Psr\Log\LogLevel;
 * Monolog error handler
 * A facility to enable logging of runtime errors, exceptions and fatal errors.
 * Quick setup: <code>ErrorHandler::register($logger);</code>
 * @author Jordi Boggiano <[email protected]>
class ErrorHandler
    /** @var LoggerInterface */
    private $logger;
    /** @var ?callable */
    private $previousExceptionHandler = null;
    /** @var array<class-string, LogLevel::*> an array of class name to LogLevel::* constant mapping */
    private $uncaughtExceptionLevelMap = [];
    /** @var callable|true|null */
    private $previousErrorHandler = null;
    /** @var array<int, LogLevel::*> an array of E_* constant to LogLevel::* constant mapping */
    private $errorLevelMap = [];
    /** @var bool */
    private $handleOnlyReportedErrors = \true;
    /** @var bool */
    private $hasFatalErrorHandler = \false;
    /** @var LogLevel::* */
    private $fatalLevel = LogLevel::ALERT;
    /** @var ?string */
    private $reservedMemory = null;
    /** @var ?array{type: int, message: string, file: string, line: int, trace: mixed} */
    private $lastFatalData = null;
    /** @var int[] */
    private static $fatalErrors = [\E_ERROR, \E_PARSE, \E_CORE_ERROR, \E_COMPILE_ERROR, \E_USER_ERROR];
    public function __construct(LoggerInterface $logger)
        $this->logger = $logger;
     * Registers a new ErrorHandler for a given Logger
     * By default it will handle errors, exceptions and fatal errors
     * @param  LoggerInterface                        $logger
     * @param  array<int, LogLevel::*>|false          $errorLevelMap     an array of E_* constant to LogLevel::* constant mapping, or false to disable error handling
     * @param  array<class-string, LogLevel::*>|false $exceptionLevelMap an array of class name to LogLevel::* constant mapping, or false to disable exception handling
     * @param  LogLevel::*|null|false                 $fatalLevel        a LogLevel::* constant, null to use the default LogLevel::ALERT or false to disable fatal error handling
     * @return ErrorHandler
    public static function register(LoggerInterface $logger, $errorLevelMap = [], $exceptionLevelMap = [], $fatalLevel = null): self
        /** @phpstan-ignore-next-line */
        $handler = new static($logger);
        if ($errorLevelMap !== \false) {
        if ($exceptionLevelMap !== \false) {
        if ($fatalLevel !== \false) {
        return $handler;
     * @param  array<class-string, LogLevel::*> $levelMap an array of class name to LogLevel::* constant mapping
     * @return $this
    public function registerExceptionHandler(array $levelMap = [], bool $callPrevious = \true): self
        $prev = set_exception_handler(function (\Throwable $e): void {
        $this->uncaughtExceptionLevelMap = $levelMap;
        foreach ($this->defaultExceptionLevelMap() as $class => $level) {
            if (!isset($this->uncaughtExceptionLevelMap[$class])) {
                $this->uncaughtExceptionLevelMap[$class] = $level;
        if ($callPrevious && $prev) {
            $this->previousExceptionHandler = $prev;
        return $this;
     * @param  array<int, LogLevel::*> $levelMap an array of E_* constant to LogLevel::* constant mapping
     * @return $this
    public function registerErrorHandler(array $levelMap = [], bool $callPrevious = \true, int $errorTypes = -1, bool $handleOnlyReportedErrors = \true): self
        $prev = set_error_handler([$this, 'handleError'], $errorTypes);
        $this->errorLevelMap = array_replace($this->defaultErrorLevelMap(), $levelMap);
        if ($callPrevious) {
            $this->previousErrorHandler = $prev ?: \true;
        } else {
            $this->previousErrorHandler = null;
        $this->handleOnlyReportedErrors = $handleOnlyReportedErrors;
        return $this;
     * @param LogLevel::*|null $level              a LogLevel::* constant, null to use the default LogLevel::ALERT
     * @param int              $reservedMemorySize Amount of KBs to reserve in memory so that it can be freed when handling fatal errors giving Monolog some room in memory to get its job done
    public function registerFatalHandler($level = null, int $reservedMemorySize = 20): self
        register_shutdown_function([$this, 'handleFatalError']);
        $this->reservedMemory = str_repeat(' ', 1024 * $reservedMemorySize);
        $this->fatalLevel = null === $level ? LogLevel::ALERT : $level;
        $this->hasFatalErrorHandler = \true;
        return $this;
     * @return array<class-string, LogLevel::*>
    protected function defaultExceptionLevelMap(): array
        return ['ParseError' => LogLevel::CRITICAL, 'Throwable' => LogLevel::ERROR];
     * @return array<int, LogLevel::*>
    protected function defaultErrorLevelMap(): array
     * @phpstan-return never
    private function handleException(\Throwable $e): void
        $level = LogLevel::ERROR;
        foreach ($this->uncaughtExceptionLevelMap as $class => $candidate) {
            if ($e instanceof $class) {
                $level = $candidate;
        $this->logger->log($level, sprintf('Uncaught Exception %s: "%s" at %s line %s', Utils::getClass($e), $e->getMessage(), $e->getFile(), $e->getLine()), ['exception' => $e]);
        if ($this->previousExceptionHandler) {
        if (!headers_sent() && in_array(strtolower((string) ini_get('display_errors')), ['0', '', 'false', 'off', 'none', 'no'], \true)) {
     * @private
     * @param mixed[] $context
    public function handleError(int $code, string $message, string $file = '', int $line = 0, ?array $context = []): bool
        if ($this->handleOnlyReportedErrors && !(error_reporting() & $code)) {
            return \false;
        // fatal error codes are ignored if a fatal error handler is present as well to avoid duplicate log entries
        if (!$this->hasFatalErrorHandler || !in_array($code, self::$fatalErrors, \true)) {
            $level = $this->errorLevelMap[$code] ?? LogLevel::CRITICAL;
            $this->logger->log($level, self::codeToString($code) . ': ' . $message, ['code' => $code, 'message' => $message, 'file' => $file, 'line' => $line]);
        } else {
            $trace = debug_backtrace(\DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS);
            // Exclude handleError from trace
            $this->lastFatalData = ['type' => $code, 'message' => $message, 'file' => $file, 'line' => $line, 'trace' => $trace];
        if ($this->previousErrorHandler === \true) {
            return \false;
        } elseif ($this->previousErrorHandler) {
            return (bool) ($this->previousErrorHandler)($code, $message, $file, $line, $context);
        return \true;
     * @private
    public function handleFatalError(): void
        $this->reservedMemory = '';
        if (is_array($this->lastFatalData)) {
            $lastError = $this->lastFatalData;
        } else {
            $lastError = error_get_last();
        if ($lastError && in_array($lastError['type'], self::$fatalErrors, \true)) {
            $trace = $lastError['trace'] ?? null;
            $this->logger->log($this->fatalLevel, 'Fatal Error (' . self::codeToString($lastError['type']) . '): ' . $lastError['message'], ['code' => $lastError['type'], 'message' => $lastError['message'], 'file' => $lastError['file'], 'line' => $lastError['line'], 'trace' => $trace]);
            if ($this->logger instanceof Logger) {
                foreach ($this->logger->getHandlers() as $handler) {
     * @param int $code
    private static function codeToString($code): string
        switch ($code) {
            case \E_ERROR:
                return 'E_ERROR';
            case \E_WARNING:
                return 'E_WARNING';
            case \E_PARSE:
                return 'E_PARSE';
            case \E_NOTICE:
                return 'E_NOTICE';
            case \E_CORE_ERROR:
                return 'E_CORE_ERROR';
            case \E_CORE_WARNING:
                return 'E_CORE_WARNING';
            case \E_COMPILE_ERROR:
                return 'E_COMPILE_ERROR';
            case \E_COMPILE_WARNING:
                return 'E_COMPILE_WARNING';
            case \E_USER_ERROR:
                return 'E_USER_ERROR';
            case \E_USER_WARNING:
                return 'E_USER_WARNING';
            case \E_USER_NOTICE:
                return 'E_USER_NOTICE';
            case \E_STRICT:
                return 'E_STRICT';
            case \E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR:
                return 'E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR';
            case \E_DEPRECATED:
                return 'E_DEPRECATED';
            case \E_USER_DEPRECATED:
                return 'E_USER_DEPRECATED';
        return 'Unknown PHP error';