File "class-vc-edit-form-fields.php"
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die( '-1' );
* WPBakery Page Builder shortcode attributes fields
* @package WPBakeryPageBuilder
* Edit form fields builder for shortcode attributes.
* @since 4.4
class Vc_Edit_Form_Fields {
* @since 4.4
* @var bool
protected $tag = false;
* @since 4.4
* @var array
protected $atts = array();
* @since 4.4
* @var array
protected $settings = array();
* @since 4.4
* @var bool
protected $post_id = false;
* Construct Form fields.
* @param $tag - shortcode tag
* @param $atts - list of attribute assign to the shortcode.
* @throws \Exception
* @since 4.4
public function __construct( $tag, $atts ) {
$this->tag = $tag;
$this->atts = apply_filters( 'vc_edit_form_fields_attributes_' . $this->tag, $atts );
$this->setSettings( WPBMap::getShortCode( $this->tag ) );
* Get settings
* @param $key
* @return null
* @since 4.4
public function setting( $key ) {
return isset( $this->settings[ $key ] ) ? $this->settings[ $key ] : null;
* Set settings data
* @param array $settings
* @since 4.4
public function setSettings( array $settings ) {
$this->settings = $settings;
* Shortcode Post ID getter.
* If post id isn't set try to get from get_the_ID function.
* @return int|bool;
* @since 4.4
public function postId() {
if ( ! $this->post_id ) {
$this->post_id = get_the_ID();
return $this->post_id;
* Shortcode Post ID setter.
* @param $post_id - integer value in post_id
* @since 4.4
public function setPostId( $post_id ) {
$this->post_id = (int) $post_id;
* Get shortcode attribute value.
* This function checks if value isn't set then it uses std or value fields in param settings.
* @param $param_settings
* @param $value
* @return null
* @since 4.4
protected function parseShortcodeAttributeValue( $param_settings, $value ) {
if ( is_null( $value ) ) { // If value doesn't exists
if ( isset( $param_settings['std'] ) ) {
$value = $param_settings['std'];
} elseif ( isset( $param_settings['value'] ) && is_array( $param_settings['value'] ) && ! empty( $param_settings['type'] ) && 'checkbox' !== $param_settings['type'] ) {
$first_key = key( $param_settings['value'] );
$value = $first_key ? $param_settings['value'][ $first_key ] : '';
} elseif ( isset( $param_settings['value'] ) && ! is_array( $param_settings['value'] ) ) {
$value = $param_settings['value'];
} elseif ( 'css' == $param_settings['param_name'] && isset( $param_settings['value'] ) && '.vc_custom_' != substr( $value, 0, 11 ) ) {
// check if string value is default or modified (modified starts with a class name .vc_custom_[timestamp])
$cssValues = $param_settings['value'];
$value = wp_json_encode( $cssValues );
return $value;
* Enqueue js scripts for attributes types.
* @return string
* @since 4.4
public function enqueueScripts() {
$output = '';
$scripts = apply_filters( 'vc_edit_form_enqueue_script', WpbakeryShortcodeParams::getScripts() );
if ( is_array( $scripts ) ) {
foreach ( $scripts as $script ) {
$custom_tag = 'script';
// @todo Check posibility to use wp_add_inline_script
// @codingStandardsIgnoreLine
$output .= '<' . $custom_tag . ' src="' . esc_url( $script ) . '"></' . $custom_tag . '>';
return $output;
* Render grouped fields.
* @param $groups
* @param $groups_content
* @return string
* @since 4.4
protected function renderGroupedFields( $groups, $groups_content ) {
$output = '';
if ( count( $groups ) > 1 || ( count( $groups ) >= 1 && empty( $groups_content['_general'] ) ) ) {
$output .= '<div class="vc_panel-tabs" id="vc_edit-form-tabs">';
$output .= '<ul class="vc_general vc_ui-tabs-line" data-vc-ui-element="panel-tabs-controls">';
$key = 0;
foreach ( $groups as $g ) {
$output .= '<li class="vc_edit-form-tab-control" data-tab-index="' . esc_attr( $key ) . '"><button data-vc-ui-element-target="#vc_edit-form-tab-' . ( $key ++ ) . '" class="vc_ui-tabs-line-trigger" data-vc-ui-element="panel-tab-control">' . ( '_general' === $g ? esc_html__( 'General', 'js_composer' ) : $g ) . '</button></li>';
$output .= '<li class="vc_ui-tabs-line-dropdown-toggle" data-vc-action="dropdown"
data-vc-content=".vc_ui-tabs-line-dropdown" data-vc-ui-element="panel-tabs-line-toggle">
<span class="vc_ui-tabs-line-trigger" data-vc-accordion
data-vc-target=".vc_ui-tabs-line-dropdown"> </span>
<ul class="vc_ui-tabs-line-dropdown" data-vc-ui-element="panel-tabs-line-dropdown">
$key = 0;
foreach ( $groups as $g ) {
$output .= '<form id="vc_edit-form-tab-' . ( $key ++ ) . '" ' . ' class="vc_edit-form-tab vc_row vc_ui-flex-row" data-vc-ui-element="panel-edit-element-tab">';
$output .= $groups_content[ $g ];
$output .= '</form>';
$output .= '</div>';
} elseif ( ! empty( $groups_content['_general'] ) ) {
$output .= '<form class="vc_edit-form-tab vc_row vc_ui-flex-row vc_active" data-vc-ui-element="panel-edit-element-tab">' . $groups_content['_general'] . '</form>';
return $output;
* Render fields html and output it.
* @since 4.4
* vc_filter: vc_edit_form_class - filter to override editor_css_classes array
public function render() {
$output = $el_position = '';
$groups_content = $groups = array();
$params = $this->setting( 'params' );
$editor_css_classes = apply_filters( 'vc_edit_form_class', array(
), $this->atts, $params );
$deprecated = $this->setting( 'deprecated' );
require_once vc_path_dir( 'AUTOLOAD_DIR', 'class-vc-settings-presets.php' );
// TODO: check presets 6.0
// $list_vendor_presets = Vc_Settings_Preset::listVendorSettingsPresets( $this->tag );
// $list_presets = Vc_Settings_Preset::listSettingsPresets( $this->tag );
$show_settings = false;
$saveAsTemplateElements = apply_filters( 'vc_popup_save_as_template_elements', array(
) );
$show_presets = ! in_array( $this->tag, $saveAsTemplateElements, true ) && vc_user_access()->part( 'presets' )->checkStateAny( true, null )->get();
if ( in_array( $this->tag, $saveAsTemplateElements, true ) && vc_user_access()->part( 'templates' )->checkStateAny( true, null )->get() ) {
$show_settings = true;
$custom_tag = 'script';
$output .= sprintf( '<' . $custom_tag . '>window.vc_presets_show=%s;</' . $custom_tag . '>', $show_presets ? 'true' : 'false' );
$output .= sprintf( '<' . $custom_tag . '>window.vc_settings_show=%s;</' . $custom_tag . '>', $show_presets || $show_settings ? 'true' : 'false' );
if ( ! empty( $deprecated ) ) {
$output .= '<div class="vc_row vc_ui-flex-row vc_shortcode-edit-form-deprecated-message"><div class="vc_col-sm-12 wpb_element_wrapper">' . vc_message_warning( sprintf( esc_html__( 'You are using outdated element, it is deprecated since version %s.', 'js_composer' ), $this->setting( 'deprecated' ) ) ) . '</div></div>';
$output .= '<div class="' . implode( ' ', $editor_css_classes ) . '" data-title="' . esc_attr__( 'Edit', 'js_composer' ) . ' ' . esc_attr( $this->setting( 'name' ) ) . '">';
if ( is_array( $params ) ) {
foreach ( $params as $param ) {
$name = isset( $param['param_name'] ) ? $param['param_name'] : null;
if ( ! is_null( $name ) ) {
$value = isset( $this->atts[ $name ] ) ? $this->atts[ $name ] : null;
$value = $this->parseShortcodeAttributeValue( $param, $value );
$group = isset( $param['group'] ) && '' !== $param['group'] ? $param['group'] : '_general';
if ( ! isset( $groups_content[ $group ] ) ) {
$groups[] = $group;
$groups_content[ $group ] = '';
$groups_content[ $group ] .= $this->renderField( $param, $value );
$output .= $this->renderGroupedFields( $groups, $groups_content );
$output .= '</div>';
$output .= $this->enqueueScripts();
// @codingStandardsIgnoreLine
echo $output;
do_action( 'vc_edit_form_fields_after_render' );
* Generate html for shortcode attribute.
* Method
* @param $param
* @param $value
* vc_filter: vc_single_param_edit - hook to edit any shortode param
* vc_filter: vc_form_fields_render_field_{shortcode_name}_{param_name}_param_value - hook to edit shortcode param
* value vc_filter: vc_form_fields_render_field_{shortcode_name}_{param_name}_param - hook to edit shortcode
* param attributes vc_filter: vc_single_param_edit_holder_output - hook to edit output of this method
* @return mixed
* @since 4.4
public function renderField( $param, $value ) {
$param['vc_single_param_edit_holder_class'] = array(
'wpb_el_type_' . $param['type'],
'vc_wrapper-param-type-' . $param['type'],
if ( ! empty( $param['param_holder_class'] ) ) {
$param['vc_single_param_edit_holder_class'][] = $param['param_holder_class'];
$param = apply_filters( 'vc_single_param_edit', $param, $value );
$output = '<div class="' . implode( ' ', $param['vc_single_param_edit_holder_class'] ) . '" data-vc-ui-element="panel-shortcode-param" data-vc-shortcode-param-name="' . esc_attr( $param['param_name'] ) . '" data-param_type="' . esc_attr( $param['type'] ) . '" data-param_settings="' . htmlentities( wp_json_encode( $param ) ) . '">';
$output .= ( isset( $param['heading'] ) ) ? '<div class="wpb_element_label">' . $param['heading'] . '</div>' : '';
$output .= '<div class="edit_form_line">';
$output .= $this->renderAiIcon( $param );
$value = apply_filters( 'vc_form_fields_render_field_' . $this->setting( 'base' ) . '_' . $param['param_name'] . '_param_value', $value, $param, $this->settings, $this->atts );
$param = apply_filters( 'vc_form_fields_render_field_' . $this->setting( 'base' ) . '_' . $param['param_name'] . '_param', $param, $value, $this->settings, $this->atts );
$output = apply_filters( 'vc_edit_form_fields_render_field_' . $param['type'] . '_before', $output );
$output .= vc_do_shortcode_param_settings_field( $param['type'], $param, $value, $this->setting( 'base' ) );
$output_after = '';
if ( isset( $param['description'] ) ) {
$output_after .= '<span class="vc_description vc_clearfix">' . $param['description'] . '</span>';
$output_after .= '</div></div>';
$output .= apply_filters( 'vc_edit_form_fields_render_field_' . $param['type'] . '_after', $output_after );
return apply_filters( 'vc_single_param_edit_holder_output', $output, $param, $value, $this->settings, $this->atts );
* Generate html for AI icon.
* @see $this->getLibAiIconWords to find a list of words
* if element name contain than we show AI icon for it
* @see $this->getAiParamTypes to find a list of element types
* that has AI functionality
* @param array $param
* @return string
* @since 7.2
public function renderAiIcon( $param ) {
$aiIcon = '';
$aiParamTypes = $this->getAiParamTypes();
if ( empty( $param['heading'] ) || ! is_array( $aiParamTypes ) ) {
return $aiIcon;
$heading = $param['heading'];
$isAiParam = in_array( $param['type'], $aiParamTypes );
$headingWords = preg_split( '/[\s,]+/', $heading );
$isContent = false;
foreach ( $headingWords as $word ) {
$word = strtolower( $word );
$lib_of_words = $this->getLibAiIconWords();
if ( is_array( $lib_of_words ) && in_array( $word, $lib_of_words ) ) {
$isContent = true;
$isContentField = 'textfield' === $param['type'] && 'el_class' !== $param['param_name'] && $isContent;
if ( ( $isAiParam || $isContentField ) && $this->isUserHasAccessToAi( $param['type'] ) ) {
$field_id = empty( $param['heading'] ) ?
'' :
strtolower( preg_replace( '/[^A-Za-z0-9]+/', '_', $param['heading'] ) );
$field_id = $param['type'] . '_' . $field_id;
$aiIcon = wpb_get_ai_icon_template( $param['type'], $field_id, false );
return $aiIcon;
* Get list of words that element name can
* have to apply AI functionality to than
* @since 7.2
* @return array
public function getLibAiIconWords() {
return [
* Get list of param types that has AI functionality
* @since 7.2
* @return array
public function getAiParamTypes() {
$params = [
$paramsAddons = [
return array_merge( $params, $paramsAddons );
* Check if user has permission to AI
* @param $type
* @return bool
* @since 7.2
public function isUserHasAccessToAi( $type ) {
return ( 'textarea_raw_html' === $type && vc_user_access()->part( 'code_ai' )->can()->get() ) ||
( 'textarea_raw_html' !== $type && vc_user_access()->part( 'text_ai' )->can()->get() );
* Create default shortcode params
* List of params stored in global variable $vc_params_list.
* Please check include/params/load.php for default params list.
* @return bool
* @since 4.4
public function loadDefaultParams() {
global $vc_params_list;
if ( empty( $vc_params_list ) ) {
return false;
$script_url = vc_asset_url( 'js/dist/edit-form.min.js' );
foreach ( $vc_params_list as $param ) {
vc_add_shortcode_param( $param, 'vc_' . $param . '_form_field', $script_url );
do_action( 'vc_load_default_params' );
return true;