File "vc-row.php"
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die( '-1' );
* WPBakery WPBakery Page Builder row
* @package WPBakeryPageBuilder
class WPBakeryShortCode_Vc_Row extends WPBakeryShortCode {
protected $predefined_atts = array(
'el_class' => '',
public $nonDraggableClass = 'vc-non-draggable-row';
* @param $settings
public function __construct( $settings ) {
parent::__construct( $settings );
protected function shortcodeScripts() {
wp_register_script( 'vc_jquery_skrollr_js', vc_asset_url( 'lib/bower/skrollr/dist/skrollr.min.js' ), array( 'jquery-core' ), WPB_VC_VERSION, true );
wp_register_script( 'vc_youtube_iframe_api_js', '', array(), WPB_VC_VERSION, true );
* @param $atts
* @param null $content
* @return mixed|string
protected function content( $atts, $content = null ) {
$prefix = '';
return $prefix . $this->loadTemplate( $atts, $content );
* This returs block controls
public function getLayoutsControl() {
global $vc_row_layouts;
$controls_layout = '<span class="vc_row_layouts vc_control">';
foreach ( $vc_row_layouts as $layout ) {
$controls_layout .= '<a class="vc_control-set-column set_columns" data-cells="' . $layout['cells'] . '" data-cells-mask="' . $layout['mask'] . '" title="' . $layout['title'] . '"><i class="vc-composer-icon vc-c-icon-' . $layout['icon_class'] . '"></i></a> ';
$controls_layout .= '<br/><a class="vc_control-set-column set_columns custom_columns" data-cells="custom" data-cells-mask="custom" title="' . esc_attr__( 'Custom layout', 'js_composer' ) . '">' . esc_html__( 'Custom', 'js_composer' ) . '</a> ';
$controls_layout .= '</span>';
return $controls_layout;
* @param $controls
* @param string $extended_css
* @return string
* @throws \Exception
public function getColumnControls( $controls, $extended_css = '' ) {
$output = '<div class="vc_controls vc_controls-row controls_row vc_clearfix">';
$controls_end = '</div>';
// Create columns
$controls_layout = $this->getLayoutsControl();
$controls_move = ' <a class="vc_control column_move vc_column-move" href="#" title="' . esc_attr__( 'Drag row to reorder', 'js_composer' ) . '" data-vc-control="move"><i class="vc-composer-icon vc-c-icon-dragndrop"></i></a>';
$moveAccess = vc_user_access()->part( 'dragndrop' )->checkStateAny( true, null )->get();
if ( ! $moveAccess ) {
$controls_move = '';
$controls_add = ' <a class="vc_control column_add vc_column-add" href="#" title="' . esc_attr__( 'Add column', 'js_composer' ) . '" data-vc-control="add"><i class="vc-composer-icon vc-c-icon-add"></i></a>';
$controls_delete = '<a class="vc_control column_delete vc_column-delete" href="#" title="' . esc_attr__( 'Delete this row', 'js_composer' ) . '" data-vc-control="delete"><i class="vc-composer-icon vc-c-icon-delete_empty"></i></a>';
$controls_edit = ' <a class="vc_control column_edit vc_column-edit" href="#" title="' . esc_attr__( 'Edit this row', 'js_composer' ) . '" data-vc-control="edit"><i class="vc-composer-icon vc-c-icon-mode_edit"></i></a>';
$controls_clone = ' <a class="vc_control column_clone vc_column-clone" href="#" title="' . esc_attr__( 'Clone this row', 'js_composer' ) . '" data-vc-control="clone"><i class="vc-composer-icon vc-c-icon-clone"></i></a>';
$controls_copy = ' <a class="vc_control column_copy vc_column-copy" href="#" title="' . esc_attr__( 'Copy this row', 'js_composer' ) . '" data-vc-control="copy"><i class="vc-composer-icon vc-c-icon-copy"></i></a>';
$controls_paste = ' <a class="vc_control column_paste vc_column-paste" href="#" title="' . esc_attr__( 'Paste', 'js_composer' ) . '" data-vc-control="paste"><i class="vc-composer-icon vc-c-icon-paste"></i></a>';
$controls_toggle = ' <a class="vc_control column_toggle vc_column-toggle" href="#" title="' . esc_attr__( 'Toggle row', 'js_composer' ) . '" data-vc-control="toggle"><i class="vc-composer-icon vc-c-icon-arrow_drop_down"></i></a>';
$editAccess = vc_user_access_check_shortcode_edit( $this->shortcode );
$allAccess = vc_user_access_check_shortcode_all( $this->shortcode );
if ( is_array( $controls ) && ! empty( $controls ) ) {
foreach ( $controls as $control ) {
$control_var = 'controls_' . $control;
if ( ( $editAccess && 'edit' === $control ) || $allAccess ) {
if ( isset( ${$control_var} ) ) {
$output .= ${$control_var};
$output .= $controls_end;
} elseif ( is_string( $controls ) ) {
$control_var = 'controls_' . $controls;
if ( ( $editAccess && 'edit' === $controls ) || $allAccess ) {
if ( isset( ${$control_var} ) ) {
$output .= ${$control_var} . $controls_end;
} else {
$row_edit_clone_delete = '<span class="vc_row_edit_clone_delete">';
if ( $allAccess ) {
$row_edit_clone_delete .= $controls_delete . $controls_paste . $controls_copy . $controls_clone . $controls_edit;
} elseif ( $editAccess ) {
$row_edit_clone_delete .= $controls_edit;
$row_edit_clone_delete .= $controls_toggle;
$row_edit_clone_delete .= '</span>';
if ( $allAccess ) {
$output .= '<div>' . $controls_move . $controls_layout . $controls_add . '</div>' . $row_edit_clone_delete . $controls_end;
} elseif ( $editAccess ) {
$output .= $row_edit_clone_delete . $controls_end;
} else {
$output .= $row_edit_clone_delete . $controls_end;
return $output;
* @param $atts
* @param null $content
* @return string
* @throws \Exception
public function contentAdmin( $atts, $content = null ) {
$atts = shortcode_atts( $this->predefined_atts, $atts );
$output = '';
$column_controls = $this->getColumnControls( $this->settings( 'controls' ) );
$output .= '<div data-element_type="' . $this->settings['base'] . '" class="' . $this->cssAdminClass() . '">';
$output .= str_replace( '%column_size%', 1, $column_controls );
$output .= '<div class="wpb_element_wrapper">';
$output .= '<div class="vc_row vc_row-fluid wpb_row_container vc_container_for_children">';
if ( '' === $content && ! empty( $this->settings['default_content_in_template'] ) ) {
$output .= do_shortcode( shortcode_unautop( $this->settings['default_content_in_template'] ) );
} else {
$output .= do_shortcode( shortcode_unautop( $content ) );
$output .= '</div>';
if ( isset( $this->settings['params'] ) ) {
$inner = '';
foreach ( $this->settings['params'] as $param ) {
if ( ! isset( $param['param_name'] ) ) {
$param_value = isset( $atts[ $param['param_name'] ] ) ? $atts[ $param['param_name'] ] : '';
if ( is_array( $param_value ) ) {
// Get first element from the array
reset( $param_value );
$first_key = key( $param_value );
$param_value = $param_value[ $first_key ];
$inner .= $this->singleParamHtmlHolder( $param, $param_value );
$output .= $inner;
$output .= '</div>';
$output .= '</div>';
return $output;
* @return string
* @throws \Exception
public function cssAdminClass() {
$sortable = ( vc_user_access_check_shortcode_all( $this->shortcode ) ? ' wpb_sortable' : ' ' . $this->nonDraggableClass );
return 'wpb_' . $this->settings['base'] . $sortable . '' . ( ! empty( $this->settings['class'] ) ? ' ' . $this->settings['class'] : '' );
* @return string
* @deprecated 4.5 - due to it is not used anywhere? 4.5
* @typo Bock - Block
public function customAdminBockParams() {
// this function is depreacted
return '';
* @param string $bg_image
* @param string $bg_color
* @param string $bg_image_repeat
* @param string $font_color
* @param string $padding
* @param string $margin_bottom
* @return string
* @deprecated 4.5
public function buildStyle( $bg_image = '', $bg_color = '', $bg_image_repeat = '', $font_color = '', $padding = '', $margin_bottom = '' ) {
// this function is deprecated
$has_image = false;
$style = '';
$image_url = wp_get_attachment_url( $bg_image );
if ( $image_url ) {
$has_image = true;
$style .= 'background-image: url(' . $image_url . ');';
if ( ! empty( $bg_color ) ) {
$style .= vc_get_css_color( 'background-color', $bg_color );
if ( ! empty( $bg_image_repeat ) && $has_image ) {
if ( 'cover' === $bg_image_repeat ) {
$style .= 'background-repeat:no-repeat;background-size: cover;';
} elseif ( 'contain' === $bg_image_repeat ) {
$style .= 'background-repeat:no-repeat;background-size: contain;';
} elseif ( 'no-repeat' === $bg_image_repeat ) {
$style .= 'background-repeat: no-repeat;';
if ( ! empty( $font_color ) ) {
$style .= vc_get_css_color( 'color', $font_color );
if ( '' !== $padding ) {
$style .= 'padding: ' . ( preg_match( '/(px|em|\%|pt|cm)$/', $padding ) ? $padding : $padding . 'px' ) . ';';
if ( '' !== $margin_bottom ) {
$style .= 'margin-bottom: ' . ( preg_match( '/(px|em|\%|pt|cm)$/', $margin_bottom ) ? $margin_bottom : $margin_bottom . 'px' ) . ';';
return empty( $style ) ? '' : ' style="' . esc_attr( $style ) . '"';