File "css_editor.php"
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if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
die( '-1' );
if ( ! class_exists( 'WPBakeryCssEditor' ) ) {
* Class WPBakeryCssEditor
class WPBakeryCssEditor {
* @var array
protected $settings = array();
* @var string
protected $value = '';
* @var array
protected $positions = array(
public $params = array();
* Setters/Getters {{
* @param null $settings
* @return array
public function settings( $settings = null ) {
if ( is_array( $settings ) ) {
$this->settings = $settings;
return $this->settings;
* @param $key
* @return string
public function setting( $key ) {
return isset( $this->settings[ $key ] ) ? $this->settings[ $key ] : '';
* @param null $value
* @return string
public function value( $value = null ) {
if ( is_string( $value ) ) {
$this->value = $value;
return $this->value;
* @param null $values
* @return array
public function params( $values = null ) {
if ( is_array( $values ) ) {
$this->params = $values;
return $this->params;
// }}
* vc_filter: vc_css_editor - hook to override output of this method
* @return mixed
public function render() {
$output = '<div class="vc_css-editor vc_row vc_ui-flex-row" data-css-editor="true">';
$output .= $this->onionLayout();
$output .= sprintf( '<div class="vc_col-xs-5 vc_settings"><label>%s</label><div class="color-group"><input type="text" name="border_color" value="" class="vc_color-control"></div><label>%s</label><div class="vc_border-style"><select name="border_style" class="vc_border-style">%s</select></div><label>%s</label><div class="vc_border-radius"><select name="border_radius" class="vc_border-radius">%s</select></div><label>%s</label><div class="color-group"><input type="text" name="background_color" value="" class="vc_color-control"></div><div class="vc_background-image">%s<div class="vc_clearfix"></div></div><div class="vc_background-style"><select name="background_style" class="vc_background-style">%s</select></div><label>%s</label><label class="vc_checkbox"><input type="checkbox" name="simply" class="vc_simplify" value=""> %s</label></div>', esc_html__( 'Border color', 'js_composer' ), esc_html__( 'Border style', 'js_composer' ), $this->getBorderStyleOptions(), esc_html__( 'Border radius', 'js_composer' ), $this->getBorderRadiusOptions(), esc_html__( 'Background', 'js_composer' ), $this->getBackgroundImageControl(), $this->getBackgroundStyleOptions(), esc_html__( 'Box controls', 'js_composer' ), esc_html__( 'Simplify controls', 'js_composer' ) );
$output .= sprintf( '<input name="%s" class="wpb_vc_param_value %s %s_field" type="hidden" value="%s"/>', esc_attr( $this->setting( 'param_name' ) ), esc_attr( $this->setting( 'param_name' ) ), esc_attr( $this->setting( 'type' ) ), esc_attr( $this->value() ) );
$output .= '</div><div class="vc_clearfix"></div>';
$custom_tag = 'script';
$output .= '<' . $custom_tag . ' type="text/html" id="vc_css-editor-image-block"><li class="added"><div class="inner" style="width: 80px; height: 80px; overflow: hidden;text-align: center;"><img src="{{ img.url }}?id={{ }}" data-image-id="{{ }}" class="vc_ce-image<# if (!_.isUndefined(img.css_class)) {#> {{ img.css_class }}<# }#>"> </div><a href="#" class="vc_icon-remove"><i class="vc-composer-icon vc-c-icon-close"></i></a></li></' . $custom_tag . '>';
return apply_filters( 'vc_css_editor', $output );
* @return string
public function getBackgroundImageControl() {
$value = sprintf( '<ul class="vc_image"></ul><a href="#" class="vc_add-image"><i class="vc-composer-icon vc-c-icon-add"></i>%s</a>', esc_html__( 'Add image', 'js_composer' ) );
return apply_filters( 'vc_css_editor_background_image_control', $value );
* @return string
public function getBorderRadiusOptions() {
$radiuses = apply_filters( 'vc_css_editor_border_radius_options_data', array(
'' => esc_html__( 'None', 'js_composer' ),
'1px' => '1px',
'2px' => '2px',
'3px' => '3px',
'4px' => '4px',
'5px' => '5px',
'10px' => '10px',
'15px' => '15px',
'20px' => '20px',
'25px' => '25px',
'30px' => '30px',
'35px' => '35px',
) );
$output = '';
foreach ( $radiuses as $radius => $title ) {
$output .= '<option value="' . $radius . '">' . $title . '</option>';
return $output;
* @return string
public function getBorderStyleOptions() {
$output = '<option value="">' . esc_html__( 'Theme defaults', 'js_composer' ) . '</option>';
$styles = apply_filters( 'vc_css_editor_border_style_options_data', array(
esc_html__( 'solid', 'js_composer' ),
esc_html__( 'dotted', 'js_composer' ),
esc_html__( 'dashed', 'js_composer' ),
esc_html__( 'none', 'js_composer' ),
esc_html__( 'hidden', 'js_composer' ),
esc_html__( 'double', 'js_composer' ),
esc_html__( 'groove', 'js_composer' ),
esc_html__( 'ridge', 'js_composer' ),
esc_html__( 'inset', 'js_composer' ),
esc_html__( 'outset', 'js_composer' ),
esc_html__( 'initial', 'js_composer' ),
esc_html__( 'inherit', 'js_composer' ),
) );
foreach ( $styles as $style ) {
$output .= '<option value="' . $style . '">' . ucfirst( $style ) . '</option>';
return $output;
* @return string
public function getBackgroundStyleOptions() {
$output = '<option value="">' . esc_html__( 'Theme defaults', 'js_composer' ) . '</option>';
$styles = apply_filters( 'vc_css_editor_background_style_options_data', array(
esc_html__( 'Cover', 'js_composer' ) => 'cover',
esc_html__( 'Contain', 'js_composer' ) => 'contain',
esc_html__( 'No Repeat', 'js_composer' ) => 'no-repeat',
esc_html__( 'Repeat', 'js_composer' ) => 'repeat',
) );
foreach ( $styles as $name => $style ) {
$output .= '<option value="' . $style . '">' . $name . '</option>';
return $output;
* @return string
public function onionLayout() {
$output = sprintf( '<div class="vc_layout-onion vc_col-xs-7"><div class="vc_margin">%s<div class="vc_border">%s<div class="vc_padding">%s<div class="vc_content"><i></i></div></div></div></div></div>', $this->layerControls( 'margin' ), $this->layerControls( 'border', 'width' ), $this->layerControls( 'padding' ) );
return apply_filters( 'vc_css_editor_onion_layout', $output );
* @param $name
* @param string $prefix
* @return string
protected function layerControls( $name, $prefix = '' ) {
$output = '<label>' . esc_html( $name ) . '</label>';
foreach ( $this->positions as $pos ) {
$output .= sprintf( '<input type="text" name="%s_%s%s" data-name="%s%s-%s" class="vc_%s" placeholder="-" data-attribute="%s" value="">', esc_attr( $name ), esc_attr( $pos ), '' !== $prefix ? '_' . esc_attr( $prefix ) : '', esc_attr( $name ), '' !== $prefix ? '-' . esc_attr( $prefix ) : '', esc_attr( $pos ), esc_attr( $pos ), esc_attr( $name ) );
return apply_filters( 'vc_css_editor_layer_controls', $output );
* @param $settings
* @param $value
* @return mixed
function vc_css_editor_form_field( $settings, $value ) {
$css_editor = new WPBakeryCssEditor();
$css_editor->settings( $settings );
$css_editor->value( $value );
return $css_editor->render();