File "redux-change.js"
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File size: 4.22 KB
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/* jshint unused:false */
/* global redux */
var confirmOnPageExit = function( e ) {
// If we haven't been passed the event get the window.event.
'use strict';
var message;
e = e || window.event;
message = redux.optName.args.save_pending;
// For IE6-8 and Firefox prior to version 4.
if ( e ) {
e.returnValue = message;
window.onbeforeunload = null;
// For Chrome, Safari, IE8+ and Opera 12+.
return message;
function redux_change( variable ) {
'use strict';
(function( $ ) {
var rContainer;
var parentID;
var id;
var th;
var li;
var subParent;
var errorCount;
var errorsLeft;
var warningCount;
var warningsLeft;
variable = $( variable );
rContainer = $( variable ).parents( '.redux-container:first' );
$( 'body' ).trigger( 'check_dependencies', variable );
if ( variable.hasClass( 'compiler' ) ) {
$( '#redux-compiler-hook' ).val( 1 );
parentID = $( variable ).closest( '.redux-group-tab' ).attr( 'id' );
// Let's count down the errors now. Fancy. ;).
id = parentID.split( '_' );
id = id[0];
th = rContainer.find( '.redux-group-tab-link-a[data-key="' + id + '"]' ).parents( '.redux-group-tab-link-li:first' );
li = $( '#' + parentID + '_li' );
subParent = li.parents( '.hasSubSections:first' );
if ( $( variable ).parents( 'fieldset.redux-field:first' ).hasClass( 'redux-field-error' ) ) {
$( variable ).parents( 'fieldset.redux-field:first' ).removeClass( 'redux-field-error' );
$( variable ).parents().find( '.redux-th-error' ).slideUp();
errorCount = ( parseInt( rContainer.find( '.redux-field-errors span' ).text(), 0 ) - 1 );
if ( errorCount <= 0 ) {
$( '#' + parentID + '_li .redux-menu-error' ).fadeOut( 'fast' ).remove();
$( '#' + parentID + '_li .redux-group-tab-link-a' ).removeClass( 'hasError' );
li.parents( '.inside:first' ).find( '.redux-field-errors' ).slideUp();
$( variable ).parents( '.redux-container:first' ).find( '.redux-field-errors' ).slideUp();
$( '#redux_metaboxes_errors' ).slideUp();
} else {
errorsLeft = ( parseInt( th.find( 'li .redux-menu-error:first' ).text(), 0 ) - 1 );
if ( errorsLeft <= 0 ) {
th.find( '.redux-menu-error:first' ).fadeOut().remove();
} else {
th.find( 'li .redux-menu-error:first' ).text( errorsLeft );
rContainer.find( '.redux-field-errors span' ).text( errorCount );
if ( 0 !== subParent.length ) {
if ( 0 === subParent.find( '.redux-menu-error' ).length ) {
subParent.find( '.hasError' ).removeClass( 'hasError' );
if ( $( variable ).parents( 'fieldset.redux-field:first' ).hasClass( 'redux-field-warning' ) ) {
$( variable ).parents( 'fieldset.redux-field:first' ).removeClass( 'redux-field-warning' );
$( variable ).parent().find( '.redux-th-warning' ).slideUp();
warningCount = ( parseInt( rContainer.find( '.redux-field-warnings span' ).text(), 0 ) - 1 );
if ( warningCount <= 0 ) {
$( '#' + parentID + '_li .redux-menu-warning' ).fadeOut( 'fast' ).remove();
$( '#' + parentID + '_li .redux-group-tab-link-a' ).removeClass( 'hasWarning' );
li.parents( '.inside:first' ).find( '.redux-field-warnings' ).slideUp();
$( variable ).parents( '.redux-container:first' ).find( '.redux-field-warnings' ).slideUp();
$( '#redux_metaboxes_warnings' ).slideUp();
} else {
// Let's count down the warnings now. Fancy. ;).
warningsLeft = ( parseInt( th.find( 'li .redux-menu-warning:first' ).text(), 0 ) - 1 );
if ( warningsLeft <= 0 ) {
th.find( '.redux-menu-warning:first' ).fadeOut().remove();
} else {
th.find( '.redux-menu-warning:first' ).text( warningsLeft );
rContainer.find( 'li .redux-field-warning span' ).text( warningCount );
if ( 0 !== subParent.length ) {
if ( 0 === subParent.find( '.redux-menu-warning' ).length ) {
subParent.find( '.hasWarning' ).removeClass( 'hasWarning' );
// Don't show the changed value notice while save_notice is visible.
if ( rContainer.find( '.saved_notice:visible' ).length > 0 ) {
if ( ! redux.optName.args.disable_save_warn ) {
rContainer.find( '.redux-save-warn' ).slideDown();
window.onbeforeunload = confirmOnPageExit;
})( jQuery );