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Opauth is a multi-provider authentication framework for PHP, inspired by [OmniAuth for Ruby](
Opauth enables PHP applications to do *user authentication* with ease.
Try out Opauth for yourself at
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What is Opauth?
Opauth provides a standardized method for PHP applications to interface with authentication providers.
Opauth as a framework provides a set of API that allows developers to [create strategies]( that work in a predictable manner across PHP frameworks and applications.
Opauth works well with other PHP applications & frameworks. It is currently supported on:
- [vanilla (plain) PHP applications](
- [CakePHP]( (maintained by [uzyn](
- [CodeIgniter]( (maintained by [destinomultimedia](
- [CodeIgniter]( (maintained by [mcatm](
- [FuelPHP]( (maintained by [andreoav](
- [Laravel]( (maintained by [FakeHeal](
- [PrestaShop]( (maintained by [Onasusweb](
- [Silex]( (maintained by [icehero](
- [SilverStripe]( (maintained by [Better Brief](
- [Yii Framework]( (maintained by [kahwee](
- [Zend Framework 2]( (maintained by [lorenzoferrarajr](
- and more to come.
If your PHP framework of choice is not yet listed, you can still use Opauth like you would a normal PHP component (class).
Quick start
Guide on how to run the bundled example.
1. Set `DocumentRoot` of your web server to `example/`.
(Opauth can be instantiated in your own PHP app, but we will leave that out of this quick start guide)
2. Configure Opauth.
First, make a copy of opauth config's file by copying or renaming
`opauth.conf.php.default` to `opauth.conf.php`.
Open up `opauth.conf.php` and make the necessary changes.
3. Install some [Opauth strategies](
Place the strategy files in `lib/Opauth/Strategy/`.
For this example, we recommend that you start with [Opauth-Facebook](
i. [Download the strategy files]( and place them at `lib/Opauth/Strategy/Facebook/`.
ii. Follow the steps at [Opauth-Facebook's README]( to set up your Faceobok app.
iii. Add the following at `opauth.conf.php` under `Strategy` as such:
'Strategy' => array(
// Define strategies here.
'Facebook' => array(
'app_id' => 'YOUR APP ID',
'app_secret' => 'YOUR APP SECRET'
Finally, send user to `http://localhost/facebook` to authenticate.
Check out [the wiki]( for more in-depth details, especially on how to use Opauth with your own PHP application.
Available strategies
A strategy is a set of instructions that interfaces with respective authentication providers and relays it back to Opauth.
<th>Maintained by</th>
<td><img src="" alt="Bitbucket" width="16">
<a href="">Bitbucket</a></td>
<td><img src="" alt="Disqus" width="16">
<a href="">Disqus</a></td>
<td><img src="" alt="Do" width="16">
<a href="">Do</a></td>
<td><img src="" alt="Facebook">
<a href=""><strong>Facebook</strong></a></td>
<td><img src="" alt="Flickr">
<a href="">Flickr</a></td>
<td><img src="" alt="Foursquare" width="16">
<a href="">Foursquare</a></td>
<td><img src="" alt="GitHub" width="16" height="16">
<a href="">GitHub</a></td>
<td><img src="" alt="Google" width="16">
<a href=""><strong>Google</strong></a></td>
<td><img src="" alt="Instagram">
<a href="">Instagram</a></td>
<td><img src="" alt="LinkedIn">
<a href="">LinkedIn</a></td>
<td><img src="" alt="Live Connect">
<a href="">(Windows) Live</a></td>
<td><img src="" alt="mixi">
<a href="">mixi</a></td>
<td><img src="" alt="OpenID">
<a href="">OpenID</a></td>
<td><img src="" alt="PayPal">
<a href="">PayPal</a></td>
<td><img src="" alt="Sina Weibo" width="16">
<a href="">Sina Weibo (新浪微博)</a></td>
<td><img src="" alt="Twitter" width="16">
<a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a></td>
<td><img src="" alt="Vimeo" width="16">
<a href="">Vimeo</a></td>
<td><img src="" alt="VK" width="16">
<a href="">VKontakte</a></td>
<td><img src="" alt="Yahoo! Japan" width="16">
<a href="">Yahoo! Japan (YConnect)</a></td>
Generic strategy: [OAuth](
See [wiki's list of strategies]( for an updated list of Opauth strategies or to make requests.
Refer also to [strategy contribution guide]( if you would like to contribute a strategy.
PHP 5 (>= 5.2)
with [`allow_url_fopen`]( enabled
Opauth needs your contributions, especially the following:
- More strategies
Refer to [wiki]( for contribution guide and inform us when your work is ready.
- Plugins for more PHP frameworks and CMSes
eg. Symfony, Laravel, WordPress, Drupal, etc.
- Guides & tutorials
On how to implement Opauth on CakePHP app, etc.
Issues & questions
- Discussion group: [Google Groups](
_Primary channel for support, especially usage questions._
- Issues: [Github Issues](
- Twitter: [@uzyn](
- Email me: [email protected]
- IRC: **#opauth** on [Freenode](
<p>Used Opauth in your project? Let us know!</p>
####v0.4.4 _(10 May 2013)_
- Added HTTP User-Agent header. _(thanks @rkaldung #41)_
####v0.4.3 _(10 January 2013)_
- Fixed a `serverPost()` bug where user-supplied options were not applied correctly. _(thanks @ritou #26)_
####v0.4.2 _(28 August 2012)_
- Fix session to check for `session_id()` instead of `$_SESSION` _(thanks @sirikkoster #20)_
####v0.4.1 _(22 July 2012)_
- Not starting session if session is already started. _(thanks @Claymm)_
- Fixed incorrect error message. _(thanks @Claymm)_
- Removed `@` for `file_get_contents`. _(thanks @Takehiro-Adachi)_
####v0.4.0 _(10 June 2012)_
- `mapProfile()` and `clientGet()` for OpauthStrategy class.
####v0.3.0 _(30 May 2012)_
- Some unit testing
- More consistent naming of Strategy's internal properties
- Smarter loading of strategy, able to make a few guesses on where the class file might be at.
####v0.2.0 _(23 May 2012)_
- Opauth is now Composer compatible and listed on [Packagist](
- Opauth now supports autoloaders
- If a strategy is not autoloaded, Opauth falls back and searches for it at `strategy_dir` defined in config.
- Class name for strategy Foo should now be FooStrategy instead of Foo.
- This is to reduce the likelihood of class name collision due to Opauth not requiring the use of namespace.
- v0.1.0-type class name, ie. Foo, still works, but is now deprecated.
####v0.1.0 _(22 May 2012)_
- Initial release
The MIT License
Copyright © 2012-2013 U-Zyn Chua (
U-Zyn Chua is a Principal Consultant at [Zynesis Consulting](
Looking for PHP web development solutions or consultation? [Drop me a mail](mailto:[email protected]).