File "kapee-extensions.php"
Full Path: /home/siazco/
File size: 5.61 KB
MIME-type: text/x-php
Charset: utf-8
Plugin Name: Kapee Extensions
Plugin URI:
Description: Adds additional functionality like VC shortcode, posts, widgets, theme options and data importer to Kapee Theme.
Version: 1.2.13
Author: PressLayouts
Author URI:
Text Domain: kapee-extensions
if ( 'kapee' !== get_template() ) {
if( !defined( 'KAPEE_EXTENSIONS_VERSION' ) ) {
define( 'KAPEE_EXTENSIONS_VERSION', '1.2.13' ); // Version of plugin
if( !defined( 'KAPEE_EXTENSIONS_DIR' ) ) {
define( 'KAPEE_EXTENSIONS_DIR', dirname( __FILE__ ) ); // Plugin dir
if( !defined( 'KAPEE_EXTENSIONS_URL' ) ) {
define( 'KAPEE_EXTENSIONS_URL', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) ); // Plugin url
define( 'KAPEE_EXTENSIONS_PLUGIN_BASENAME', plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ); // Plugin base name
define( 'KAPEE_EXTENSIONS_PORTFOLIO_POST_TYPE', 'portfolio' ); // Portfolio post type
define( 'KAPEE_EXTENSIONS_PORTFOLIO_CAT', 'portfolio_cat' ); // portfolio taxonomy name
define( 'KAPEE_EXTENSIONS_PORTFOLIO_SKILL', 'portfolio_skill' ); // portfolio taxonomy name
define( 'KAPEE_EXTENSIONS_BLOCK_POST_TYPE', 'block' ); // Block post type
define( 'KAPEE_EXTENSIONS_BLOCK_POST_CAT', 'block_cat' ); // block category
if( !defined( 'KAPEE_EXTENSIONS_META_PREFIX' ) ) {
define( 'KAPEE_EXTENSIONS_META_PREFIX', '_kp_' ); // Plugin metabox prefix
define( 'KAPEE_EXTENSIONS_SIZE_CHART_POST_TYPE', 'kp_size_chart' ); // sizechart post type
* Load Text Domain
* This gets the plugin ready for translation
* @package Kapee Extensions
* @since 1.0
add_action('plugins_loaded', 'kapee_extensions_load_textdomain');
function kapee_extensions_load_textdomain() {
global $wp_version;
// Set filter for plugin's languages directory
$kapee_extensions_lang_dir = dirname( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ) . '/languages/';
$kapee_extensions_lang_dir = apply_filters( 'kapee_extensions_languages_directory', $kapee_extensions_lang_dir );
// Traditional WordPress plugin locale filter.
$get_locale = get_locale();
if ( $wp_version >= 4.7 ) {
$get_locale = get_user_locale();
// Traditional WordPress plugin locale filter
$locale = apply_filters( 'plugin_locale', $get_locale, 'kapee-extensions' );
$mofile = sprintf( '%1$s-%2$', 'kapee-extensions', $locale );
// Setup paths to current locale file
$mofile_global = WP_LANG_DIR . '/plugins/' . basename( KAPEE_EXTENSIONS_DIR ) . '/' . $mofile;
if ( file_exists( $mofile_global ) ) { // Look in global /wp-content/languages/plugin-name folder
load_textdomain( 'kapee-extensions', $mofile_global );
} else { // Load the default language files
load_plugin_textdomain( 'kapee-extensions', false, $kapee_extensions_lang_dir );
* Activation Hook
* Register plugin activation hook.
* @package Kapee Extensions
* @since 1.0.0
register_activation_hook( __FILE__, 'kapee_extensions_install' );
* Deactivation Hook
* Register plugin deactivation hook.
* @package Kapee Extensions
* @since 1.0.0
register_deactivation_hook( __FILE__, 'kapee_extensions_uninstall');
* Plugin Setup (On Activation)
* Does the initial setup,
* stest default values for the plugin options.
* @package Kapee Extensions
* @since 1.0.0
function kapee_extensions_install() {
// IMP need to flush rules for custom registered post type
* Plugin Setup (On Deactivation)
* Delete plugin options.
* @package Kapee Extensions
* @since 1.0.0
function kapee_extensions_uninstall() {
// Uninstall functionality
//function kapee_load_files(){
//Load admin files
require_once KAPEE_EXTENSIONS_DIR .'/inc/admin/meta-box/meta-box.php';
require_once KAPEE_EXTENSIONS_DIR .'/inc/admin/custom-field-image-set.php';
require_once KAPEE_EXTENSIONS_DIR .'/inc/admin/custom-field-select-group.php';
require_once KAPEE_EXTENSIONS_DIR .'/inc/admin/redux-core/framework.php';
// Load functions file
require_once KAPEE_EXTENSIONS_DIR .'/inc/functions.php';
// Load style and CSS
require_once KAPEE_EXTENSIONS_DIR .'/inc/kp-style-scripts.php';
// Load Custom Post types
require_once KAPEE_EXTENSIONS_DIR .'/post-types/class-kapee-posts.php';
require_once KAPEE_EXTENSIONS_DIR .'/inc/admin/class-admin.php';
if ( !class_exists('TwitterOAuth')) {
// Load twitter
require_once KAPEE_EXTENSIONS_DIR .'/inc/vendor/opauth/twitteroauth/twitteroauth.php';
// Load widgets
require_once KAPEE_EXTENSIONS_DIR .'/inc/widgets/init.php';
//Ajax search functions
require_once KAPEE_EXTENSIONS_DIR .'/inc/kp-search.php';
require_once KAPEE_EXTENSIONS_DIR .'/inc/vendor/autoload.php';
require_once KAPEE_EXTENSIONS_DIR .'/inc/kp-woocommerce.php';
require_once KAPEE_EXTENSIONS_DIR .'/inc/admin/import.php';
//Load Visual Addon
require_once KAPEE_EXTENSIONS_DIR .'/inc/vc/vc-fields/init.php';
require_once KAPEE_EXTENSIONS_DIR .'/inc/vc/vc-elements/init.php';