File "class-form-element.php"
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* Class MC4WP_Form_Element
* @since 3.0
* @ignore
* @access private
class MC4WP_Form_Element
* @var string
public $ID;
* @var MC4WP_Form
public $form;
* @var array
* Can be used to set element-specific config settings. Accepts the following keys.
* - lists: Customized number of Mailchimp list ID's to subscribe to.
* - email_type: The email type
public $config = array();
* @var bool
public $is_submitted = false;
* @param MC4WP_Form $form
* @param string $id
* @param array $config
public function __construct(MC4WP_Form $form, $id, array $config = array())
$this->form = $form;
$this->ID = $id;
$this->config = $config;
$this->is_submitted = $this->form->is_submitted
&& $this->form->config['element_id'] === $this->ID;
* @return string
protected function get_visible_fields()
$content = $this->form->content;
$form = $this->form;
$element = $this;
* Filters the HTML for the form fields.
* Use this filter to add custom HTML to a form programmatically
* @param string $content
* @param MC4WP_Form $form
* @param MC4WP_Form_Element $element
* @since 2.0
$visible_fields = (string) apply_filters('mc4wp_form_content', $content, $form, $element);
return $visible_fields;
* @return string
protected function get_hidden_fields()
// hidden fields
$hidden_fields = '<label style="display: none !important;">' . __('Leave this field empty if you\'re human:', 'mailchimp-for-wp') . ' ' . '<input type="text" name="_mc4wp_honeypot" value="" tabindex="-1" autocomplete="off" /></label>';
$hidden_fields .= '<input type="hidden" name="_mc4wp_timestamp" value="' . time() . '" />';
$hidden_fields .= '<input type="hidden" name="_mc4wp_form_id" value="' . esc_attr($this->form->ID) . '" />';
$hidden_fields .= '<input type="hidden" name="_mc4wp_form_element_id" value="' . esc_attr($this->ID) . '" />';
// was "lists" parameter passed in shortcode arguments?
if (! empty($this->config['lists'])) {
$lists_string = is_array($this->config['lists']) ? join(',', $this->config['lists']) : $this->config['lists'];
$hidden_fields .= '<input type="hidden" name="_mc4wp_lists" value="' . esc_attr($lists_string) . '" />';
// was "lists" parameter passed in shortcode arguments?
if (! empty($this->config['email_type'])) {
$hidden_fields .= '<input type="hidden" name="_mc4wp_email_type" value="' . esc_attr($this->config['email_type']) . '" />';
return (string) $hidden_fields;
* Get HTML string for a notice, including wrapper element.
* @param MC4WP_Form_Notice $notice
* @return string
protected function get_notice_html(MC4WP_Form_Notice $notice)
if ($notice->text === '') {
return '';
$html = sprintf('<div class="mc4wp-alert mc4wp-%s" role="alert"><p>%s</p></div>', esc_attr($notice->type), $notice->text);
return $html;
* Gets the form response string
* @param boolean $force_show
* @return string
public function get_response_html($force_show = false)
$html = '';
$form = $this->form;
if ($this->is_submitted || $force_show) {
foreach ($this->form->notices as $notice) {
$html .= $this->get_notice_html($notice);
* Filter the form response HTML
* Use this to add your own HTML to the form response. The form instance is passed to the callback function.
* @since 3.0
* @param string $html The complete HTML string of the response, excluding the wrapper element.
* @param MC4WP_Form $form The form object
$html = (string) apply_filters('mc4wp_form_response_html', $html, $form);
// wrap entire response in div, regardless of a form was submitted
$html = '<div class="mc4wp-response">' . $html . '</div>';
return $html;
* @return string
protected function get_response_position()
$position = 'after';
$form = $this->form;
// check if content contains {response} tag
if (strpos($this->form->content, '{response}') !== false) {
return '';
* Filters the position for the form response.
* Valid values are "before" and "after". Will have no effect if `{response}` is used in the form content.
* @param string $position
* @param MC4WP_Form $form
* @since 2.0
$response_position = (string) apply_filters('mc4wp_form_response_position', $position, $form);
return $response_position;
* Get HTML to be added _before_ the HTML of the form fields.
* @return string
protected function get_html_before_fields()
$html = '';
$form = $this->form;
* Filters the HTML before the form fields.
* @param string $html
* @param MC4WP_Form $form
* @ignore
$html = (string) apply_filters('mc4wp_form_before_fields', $html, $form);
if ($this->get_response_position() === 'before') {
$html = $html . $this->get_response_html();
return $html;
* Get HTML to be added _after_ the HTML of the form fields.
* @return string
protected function get_html_after_fields()
$html = '';
$form = $this->form;
* Filters the HTML after the form fields.
* @param string $html
* @param MC4WP_Form $form
* @ignore
$html = (string) apply_filters('mc4wp_form_after_fields', $html, $form);
if ($this->get_response_position() === 'after') {
$html = $this->get_response_html() . $html;
return $html;
* Get all HTMl attributes for the form element
* @return string
protected function get_form_element_attributes()
$form = $this;
$form_action_attribute = null;
$attributes = array(
'id' => $this->ID,
'class' => $this->get_css_classes(),
* Filters the `action` attribute of the `<form>` element.
* Defaults to `null`, which means no `action` attribute will be printed.
* @param string $form_action_attribute
* @param MC4WP_Form $form
$form_action_attribute = apply_filters('mc4wp_form_action', $form_action_attribute, $form);
if (is_string($form_action_attribute)) {
$attributes['action'] = $form_action_attribute;
* Filters all attributes to be added to the `<form>` element
* @param array $attributes Key-value pairs of attributes.
* @param MC4WP_Form $form
$attributes = (array) apply_filters('mc4wp_form_element_attributes', $attributes, $form);
// hardcoded attributes, can not be changed.
$attributes['method'] = 'post';
$attributes['data-id'] = $this->form->ID;
$attributes['data-name'] = $this->form->name;
// build string of key="value" from array
$string = '';
foreach ($attributes as $name => $value) {
$string .= sprintf('%s="%s" ', $name, esc_attr($value));
return $string;
* @param array|null $config Use this to override the configuration for this form element
* @return string
public function generate_html(array $config = null)
if ($config) {
$this->config = $config;
// return empty string if form is in trash
if ($this->form->status !== 'publish') {
return '';
// Start building content string
$opening_html = '<!-- Mailchimp for WordPress v' . MC4WP_VERSION . ' - -->';
$opening_html .= '<form ' . $this->get_form_element_attributes() . '>';
$before_fields = $this->get_html_before_fields();
$fields = '';
$after_fields = $this->get_html_after_fields();
$closing_html = '</form><!-- / Mailchimp for WordPress Plugin -->';
if (
! $this->is_submitted
|| ! $this->form->settings['hide_after_success']
|| $this->form->has_errors()
) {
// add HTML for fields + wrapper element.
$fields = '<div class="mc4wp-form-fields">' .
$this->get_visible_fields() .
'</div>' .
// concatenate everything
$output = $opening_html .
$before_fields .
$fields .
$after_fields .
return $output;
* Get a space separated list of CSS classes for this form
* @return string
protected function get_css_classes()
$classes = array();
$form = $this->form;
$classes[] = 'mc4wp-form';
$classes[] = 'mc4wp-form-' . $form->ID;
// Add form classes if this specific form element was submitted
if ($this->is_submitted) {
$classes[] = 'mc4wp-form-submitted';
if (! $form->has_errors()) {
$classes[] = 'mc4wp-form-success';
} else {
$classes[] = 'mc4wp-form-error';
// add class for CSS targeting in custom stylesheets
if (! empty($form->settings['css'])) {
if (strpos($form->settings['css'], 'theme-') === 0) {
$classes[] = 'mc4wp-form-theme';
$classes[] = 'mc4wp-form-' . $form->settings['css'];
// add classes from config array
if (! empty($this->config['element_class'])) {
$classes = array_merge($classes, explode(' ', $this->config['element_class']));
* Filters `class` attributes for the `<form>` element.
* @param array $classes
* @param MC4WP_Form $form
$classes = apply_filters('mc4wp_form_css_classes', $classes, $form);
return implode(' ', $classes);