File "Parser.php"

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 * @file
 * Split a single name string into it's name parts (first name, last name,
 *   titles, middle names)

namespace ADCI\FullNameParser;

use ADCI\FullNameParser\Exception\FirstNameNotFoundException;
use ADCI\FullNameParser\Exception\FlipStringException;
use ADCI\FullNameParser\Exception\IncorrectInputException;
use ADCI\FullNameParser\Exception\LastNameNotFoundException;
use ADCI\FullNameParser\Exception\ManyMiddleNamesException;
use ADCI\FullNameParser\Exception\MultipleMatchesException;
use ADCI\FullNameParser\Exception\NameParsingException;

 * Class Parser.
 * @package FullNameParser
class Parser

    // <editor-fold desc="Const section.">

     * The regex use is a bit tricky.  *Everything* matched by the regex will be replaced,
     * but you can select a particular parenthesized submatch to be returned.
     * Also, note that each regex requires that the preceding ones have been run, and matches chopped out.

     * Parts with surrounding punctuation as nicknames.
     * @var string
    const REGEX_NICKNAMES = "/([\[('‘“\"]+)(.+?)(['’”\"\])]+)/";

     * Regex for titles.
     * Each title gets a "\.*" behind it.
     * It cannot be the last word in name.
     * @var string
    const REGEX_TITLES = "/((^| )(%s)\.* )/";

     * Regex for suffixes.
     * Before suffix must be space.
     * Each suffix gets a "\.*" behind it. Numeral suffixes does not contain dots behind it.
     * After regular suffix can go extra suffixes - comma separated before each word to the end of string.
     * Or there must be end of string, space or comma after regular suffix.
     * @var string
    const REGEX_SUFFIX = "/( (((%s)\.*)|(%s))(((,+ +\S+)*$)|( |,)))/";

     * Regex for last name.
     * @var string
    const REGEX_LAST_NAME = "/(?!^)\b(([^ ]+ y|%s)\.? )*[^ ]+$/i";

     * Regex for initials.
     * Note the lookahead, which isn't returned or replaced.
     * @var string
    const REGEX_LEADING_INITIAL = "/^(.\.*)(?= \p{L}{2})/";

     * Regex for first name.
     * @var string
    const REGEX_FIRST_NAME = "/^[^ ]+/";

     * List of possible suffixes.
     * @var array
    const SUFFIXES = [

     * List of numeral suffixes.
     * @var array
    const NUMERAL_SUFFIXES = [

     * List of possible prefixes.
     * @var array
    const PREFIXES = [
        'de la',
        'van der',
        'van den',

     * List of normal cased suffixes.
     * @var array
    const FORCED_CASE = [

     * List of possible titles.
     * @var array
    const TITLES = ['ms', 'miss', 'mrs', 'mr', 'prof', 'dr'];

     * List of possible parts.
     * @var array
    const PARTS = [

     * Return 'all' part by default.
     * @var string
    const PART = 'all';

     * Doesn't fix case by default.
     * @var bool
    const FIX_CASE = false;

     * Throw error by default.
     * @var bool
    const THROWS = true;

    // </editor-fold>

    // <editor-fold desc="Private vars section.">

     * Array of string possible suffixes.
     * @var array
    private $suffixes;

     * Array of string possible numeral suffixes.
     * @var array
    private $numeral_suffixes;

     * Array of string possible prefixes.
     * @var array
    private $prefixes;

     * Array of string possible titles.
     * @var array
    private $academic_titles;

     * Temporary variable of non-parsed name part.
     * @var string
    private $name_token;

     * Throw error if first name not found.
     * @var boolean
    private $mandatory_first_name = true;

     * Throw error if last name not found.
     * @var boolean
    private $mandatory_last_name = true;

     * Throw warning if many middle names.
     * @var boolean
    private $mandatory_middle_name = true;

     * Object which contains parsed name parts.
     * @var Name
    private $name;

     * Name of part to return for.
     * @var string
    private $name_part;

     * Throw error if true.
     * @var bool
    private $stop_on_error;

     * Fix name case if true.
     * @var bool
    private $fix_case;

    // </editor-fold>

     * Parser constructor.
     * Parameter $options is array of options with next keys possible:
     * - 'suffixes' for an array of suffixes.
     * - 'prefix' for an array of prefixes.
     * - 'academic_titles' for an array of titles.
     * - 'mandatory_first_name' bool. Throw error if first name not found.
     * - 'mandatory_last_name' bool. Throw error if last name not found.
     * - 'part' string. Name part to return. Default 'all'.
     * - 'fix_case' bool. Make name parts uppercase first letter. Default false.
     * - 'throws' bool. Stop on errors. Default true.
     * @param array $options
     * Array of options. See method description for possible values.
    public function __construct($options = [])
        $options += [
            'suffixes' => self::SUFFIXES,
            'numeral_suffixes' => self::NUMERAL_SUFFIXES,
            'prefixes' => self::PREFIXES,
            'academic_titles' => self::TITLES,
            'part' => self::PART,
            'fix_case' => self::FIX_CASE,
            'throws' => self::THROWS,
        if (array_search(strtolower($options['part']), self::PARTS) === false) {
            $options['part'] = self::PART;
        if (isset($options['mandatory_first_name'])) {
            $this->mandatory_first_name = (boolean)$options['mandatory_first_name'];
        if (isset($options['mandatory_last_name'])) {
            $this->mandatory_last_name = (boolean)$options['mandatory_last_name'];
        if (isset($options['mandatory_middle_name'])) {
            $this->mandatory_middle_name = (boolean)$options['mandatory_middle_name'];

        $this->setStopOnError($options['throws'] == true)
            ->setFixCase($options['fix_case'] == true)

     * Parse the name into its constituent parts.
     * @param string|mixed|null $name
     * String to parse.
     * @return Name|string $name
     * Parsed name object or part of it.
     * @throws NameParsingException
    public function parse($name)
        $this->name = new Name();
        if (is_string($name)) {
            if ($this->isFixCase()) {
                $words = explode(' ', $this->normalize($name));
                $casedName = [];
                foreach ($words as $word) {
                    $casedName[] = $this->fixParsedNameCase($word);
                $this->name->setFullName(implode(' ', $casedName));
            } else {
            $this->name_token = $this->name->getFullName();

            $suffixes = implode("|", $this->getSuffixes());
            $numeral_suffixes = implode("|", $this->getNumeralSuffixes());
            $prefixes = implode("|", $this->getPrefixes());
            $academicTitles = implode("|", $this->getAcademicTitles());


            $this->findSuffix($numeral_suffixes, $suffixes);


            return $this->name->getPart($this->getNamePart());
        $this->handleError(new IncorrectInputException());
        return $this->name->getPart($this->getNamePart());

     * Throw exception if set in options.
     * @param NameParsingException $ex
     * Error to throw or add to error array.
     * @return self
     * @throws NameParsingException
    private function handleError(NameParsingException $ex)
        if ($this->isStopOnError()) {
            if ($ex instanceof ManyMiddleNamesException) {
                trigger_error($ex, E_USER_WARNING);
            } else {
                throw $ex;
        return $this;

     * Makes each word in name string ucfirst.
     * @param string $word
     * @return string
    private function fixParsedNameCase($word)
        if ($this->isFixCase()) {
            $forceCaseList = self::FORCED_CASE;
            $in_list = false;
            foreach ($forceCaseList as $item) {
                if (strtolower($word) === strtolower($item)) {
                    $in_list |= strtolower($word) === strtolower($item);
                    $word = $item;
            if (!$in_list) {
                $hyphenated = explode('-', $word);
                foreach ($hyphenated as $id => $part) {
                    $hyphenated[$id] = ucfirst(mb_strtolower($part));
                $word = implode('-', $hyphenated);
        return $word;

     * Find and add academic title to Name object.
     * @param string $academicTitles
     * Regex to find titles.
     * @return self
    private function findAcademicTitle($academicTitles)
        $regex = sprintf(self::REGEX_TITLES, $academicTitles);
        $title = $this->findWithRegex($regex, 1);
        if ($title) {
            $this->name_token = str_ireplace($title, "", $this->name_token);

        return $this;

     * Find and add nicknames to Name object.
     * @return self
     * @throws NameParsingException
    private function findNicknames()
        $nicknames = $this->findWithRegex(self::REGEX_NICKNAMES, 2);
        if ($nicknames) {
            // Need to fix case because first char was bracket or quote.

        return $this;

     * Find and add suffixes to Name object.
     * @param string $numeral_suffixes
     * The numeral suffixes to be searched for.
     * @param string $suffixes
     * The suffixes to be searched for.
     * @return self
     * @throws NameParsingException
    private function findSuffix($numeral_suffixes, $suffixes)
        $regex = sprintf(self::REGEX_SUFFIX, $suffixes, $numeral_suffixes);
        $suffix = $this->findWithRegex($regex, 1);
        if ($suffix) {
            // Remove founded suffix.
            $regex_suffix = preg_quote($suffix);
            $this->removeTokenWithRegex("/ ($regex_suffix)($| |,)/", '$2');


        return $this;

     * Find and add last name to Name object.
     * @param string $prefixes
     * Regex to find prefixes.
     * @return self
     * @throws NameParsingException
    private function findLastName($prefixes)
        $regex = sprintf(self::REGEX_LAST_NAME, $prefixes);
        $lastName = $this->findWithRegex($regex);
        if ($lastName) {
        } elseif ($this->mandatory_last_name) {
            $this->handleError(new LastNameNotFoundException());

        return $this;

     * Find and add first name to Name object.
     * @return self
     * @throws NameParsingException
    private function findFirstName()
        $lastName = $this->findWithRegex(self::REGEX_FIRST_NAME);
        if ($lastName) {
        } elseif ($this->mandatory_first_name) {
            $this->handleError(new FirstNameNotFoundException());

        return $this;

     * Find and add leading initial to Name object.
     * @return self
     * @throws NameParsingException
    private function findLeadingInitial()
        $leadingInitial = $this->findWithRegex(self::REGEX_LEADING_INITIAL, 1);
        if ($leadingInitial) {

        return $this;

     * Find and add middle name to Name object.
     * @return self
     * @throws NameParsingException
    private function findMiddleName()
        $middleName = $this->name_token;
        $count = count(explode(' ', $middleName));
        if ($this->mandatory_middle_name && $count > 2) {
            $this->handleError(new ManyMiddleNamesException($count));
        if ($middleName) {

        return $this;

     * Find and return part of name for regex.
     * @param string $regex
     * Regex to search.
     * @param int $submatchIndex
     * Index of regex part.
     * @return string|bool
     * Founded part of name. False if not found.
    private function findWithRegex($regex, $submatchIndex = 0)
        // unicode + case-insensitive
        $regex = $regex . "ui";
        preg_match($regex, $this->name_token, $match);
        $subset = (isset($match[$submatchIndex])) ? $match[$submatchIndex] : false;
        // No need commas and spaces in name parts.
        $subset = $this->normalize($subset);
        return $subset;

     * Remove founded part from name string.
     * @param string $regex
     * Regex to remove name part.
     * @param string $replacement
     * String to replace.
     * @return self
     * @throws NameParsingException
    private function removeTokenWithRegex($regex, $replacement = ' ')
        $numReplacements = 0;
        $tokenRemoved = preg_replace($regex . 'ui', $replacement, $this->name_token, -1, $numReplacements);
        if ($numReplacements > 1) {
            $this->handleError(new MultipleMatchesException());

        $this->name_token = $this->normalize($tokenRemoved);

        return $this;

     * Removes extra whitespace and punctuation from string
     * Strips whitespace chars from ends, strips redundant whitespace, converts
     * whitespace chars to " ".
     * @param string $taintedString
     * String to normalize.
     * @return string
     * Normalized string.
    private function normalize($taintedString)
        // Remove any kind of invisible character from the start.
        $taintedString = preg_replace("#^\s*#u", "", $taintedString);
        // Remove any kind of invisible character from the end.
        $taintedString = preg_replace("#\s*$#u", "", $taintedString);
        // Add exception so that non-breaking space characters are not stripped during norm function.
        if (substr_count($taintedString, "\xc2\xa0") == 0) {
            // Replace any kind of invisible character in string to whitespace.
            $taintedString = preg_replace("#\s+#u", " ", $taintedString);
        // Replace two commas to one.
        $taintedString = preg_replace("(, ?, ?)", ", ", $taintedString);
        // Remove commas and spaces from the string.
        $taintedString = trim($taintedString, " ,");

        return $taintedString;

     * Flip name around comma.
     * @return self
     * @throws NameParsingException
    private function flipNameToken()
        $this->name_token = $this->flipStringPartsAround($this->name_token, ",");
        return $this;

     * Flips the front and back parts of a name with one another.
     * Front and back are determined by a specified character somewhere in the
     * middle of the string.
     * @param string $string
     * String to flip.
     * @param string $char
     * Char to flip around for.
     * @return string
     * Flipped string.
     * @throws NameParsingException
    private function flipStringPartsAround($string, $char)
        $substrings = preg_split("/$char/u", $string);

        if (count($substrings) == 2) {
            $string = $substrings[1] . " " . $substrings[0];
            $string = $this->normalize($string);
        } elseif (count($substrings) > 2) {
            $this->handleError(new FlipStringException($char, $this->name->getFullName()));

        return $string;

    // <editor-fold desc="Getter/Setter section.">

     * Suffixes getter.
     * @return array
    public function getSuffixes()
        return $this->suffixes;

     * Suffixes setter.
     * @param array $suffixes
     * The suffixes to set.
     * @return self
    public function setSuffixes($suffixes)
        $this->suffixes = $suffixes;
        return $this;

     * Numeral suffixes getter.
     * @return array
    public function getNumeralSuffixes()
        return $this->numeral_suffixes;

     * Numeral suffixes setter.
     * @param array $numeral_suffixes
     * The numeral suffixes to set.
     * @return self
    public function setNumeralSuffixes($numeral_suffixes)
        $this->numeral_suffixes = $numeral_suffixes;
        return $this;

     * Prefixes getter.
     * @return array
    public function getPrefixes()
        return $this->prefixes;

     * Prefixes setter.
     * @param array $prefixes
     * The prefixes.
     * @return self
    public function setPrefixes($prefixes)
        $this->prefixes = $prefixes;
        return $this;

     * Titles getter.
     * @return array
    public function getAcademicTitles()
        return $this->academic_titles;

     * Titles setter.
     * @param array $academicTitles
     * The academic titles.
     * @return self
    public function setAcademicTitles($academicTitles)
        $this->academic_titles = $academicTitles;
        return $this;

     * Name part getter.
     * @return string
    public function getNamePart()
        return $this->name_part;

     * Name part setter.
     * @param string $namePart
     * Name of part of name to return.
     * @return self
    public function setNamePart($namePart)
        $this->name_part = $namePart;
        return $this;

     * Stop on error getter.
     * @return bool
    public function isStopOnError()
        return $this->stop_on_error;

     * Stop on error setter.
     * @param bool $stopOnError
     * Stop when get parse error.
     * @return self
    public function setStopOnError($stopOnError)
        $this->stop_on_error = $stopOnError;
        return $this;

     * Fix case getter.
     * @return bool
    public function isFixCase()
        return $this->fix_case;

     * Fix case setter.
     * @param bool $fixCase
     * Fix case when parse.
     * @return self
    public function setFixCase($fixCase)
        $this->fix_case = $fixCase;
        return $this;

    // </editor-fold>