File "ApplePayGateway.php"
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* The Apple Pay Payment Gateway
* @package WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\Applepay
declare( strict_types = 1 );
namespace WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\Applepay;
use Exception;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
use WC_Order;
use WC_Payment_Gateway;
use WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\Session\SessionHandler;
use WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\ApiClient\Exception\PayPalApiException;
use WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\WcGateway\Gateway\ProcessPaymentTrait;
use WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\WcGateway\Processor\OrderProcessor;
use WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\WcGateway\Processor\RefundProcessor;
use WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\WcGateway\Gateway\TransactionUrlProvider;
use WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\WcGateway\Exception\GatewayGenericException;
use WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\WcGateway\Exception\PayPalOrderMissingException;
use WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\WcGateway\Gateway\Messages;
* Class ApplePayGateway
class ApplePayGateway extends WC_Payment_Gateway {
use ProcessPaymentTrait;
const ID = 'ppcp-applepay';
* The processor for orders.
* @var OrderProcessor
protected $order_processor;
* The function return the PayPal checkout URL for the given order ID.
* @var callable(string):string
private $paypal_checkout_url_factory;
* The Refund Processor.
* @var RefundProcessor
private $refund_processor;
* Service able to provide transaction url for an order.
* @var TransactionUrlProvider
protected $transaction_url_provider;
* The Session Handler.
* @var SessionHandler
protected $session_handler;
* The URL to the module.
* @var string
private $module_url;
* The logger.
* @var LoggerInterface
private $logger;
* ApplePayGateway constructor.
* @param OrderProcessor $order_processor The Order Processor.
* @param callable(string):string $paypal_checkout_url_factory The function return the PayPal
* checkout URL for the given order
* ID.
* @param RefundProcessor $refund_processor The Refund Processor.
* @param TransactionUrlProvider $transaction_url_provider Service providing transaction
* view URL based on order.
* @param SessionHandler $session_handler The Session Handler.
* @param string $module_url The URL to the module.
* @param LoggerInterface $logger The logger.
public function __construct(
OrderProcessor $order_processor,
callable $paypal_checkout_url_factory,
RefundProcessor $refund_processor,
TransactionUrlProvider $transaction_url_provider,
SessionHandler $session_handler,
string $module_url,
LoggerInterface $logger
) {
$this->id = self::ID;
$this->supports = array(
$this->method_title = __( 'Apple Pay (via PayPal) ', 'woocommerce-paypal-payments' );
$this->method_description = __( 'Display Apple Pay as a standalone payment option instead of bundling it with PayPal.', 'woocommerce-paypal-payments' );
$this->title = $this->get_option( 'title', __( 'Apple Pay', 'woocommerce-paypal-payments' ) );
$this->description = $this->get_option( 'description', '' );
$this->module_url = $module_url;
$this->icon = esc_url( $this->module_url ) . 'assets/images/applepay.svg';
$this->order_processor = $order_processor;
$this->paypal_checkout_url_factory = $paypal_checkout_url_factory;
$this->refund_processor = $refund_processor;
$this->transaction_url_provider = $transaction_url_provider;
$this->session_handler = $session_handler;
$this->logger = $logger;
'woocommerce_update_options_payment_gateways_' . $this->id,
array( $this, 'process_admin_options' )
* Initialize the form fields.
public function init_form_fields() {
$this->form_fields = array(
'enabled' => array(
'title' => __( 'Enable/Disable', 'woocommerce-paypal-payments' ),
'type' => 'checkbox',
'label' => __( 'Enable Apple Pay', 'woocommerce-paypal-payments' ),
'default' => 'no',
'desc_tip' => true,
'description' => __( 'Enable/Disable Apple Pay payment gateway.', 'woocommerce-paypal-payments' ),
'title' => array(
'title' => __( 'Title', 'woocommerce-paypal-payments' ),
'type' => 'text',
'default' => $this->title,
'desc_tip' => true,
'description' => __( 'This controls the title which the user sees during checkout.', 'woocommerce-paypal-payments' ),
'description' => array(
'title' => __( 'Description', 'woocommerce-paypal-payments' ),
'type' => 'text',
'default' => $this->description,
'desc_tip' => true,
'description' => __( 'This controls the description which the user sees during checkout.', 'woocommerce-paypal-payments' ),
* Process payment for a WooCommerce order.
* @param int $order_id The WooCommerce order id.
* @return array
public function process_payment( $order_id ) : array {
$wc_order = wc_get_order( $order_id );
if ( ! is_a( $wc_order, WC_Order::class ) ) {
return $this->handle_payment_failure(
new GatewayGenericException( new Exception( 'WC order was not found.' ) )
do_action( 'woocommerce_paypal_payments_before_process_order', $wc_order );
try {
try {
$this->order_processor->process( $wc_order );
do_action( 'woocommerce_paypal_payments_before_handle_payment_success', $wc_order );
return $this->handle_payment_success( $wc_order );
} catch ( PayPalOrderMissingException $exc ) {
$order = $this->order_processor->create_order( $wc_order );
return array(
'result' => 'success',
'redirect' => ( $this->paypal_checkout_url_factory )( $order->id() ),
} catch ( PayPalApiException $error ) {
return $this->handle_payment_failure(
new Exception(
Messages::generic_payment_error_message() . ' ' . $error->getMessage(),
} catch ( Exception $error ) {
return $this->handle_payment_failure( $wc_order, $error );
* Process refund.
* If the gateway declares 'refunds' support, this will allow it to refund.
* a passed in amount.
* @param int $order_id Order ID.
* @param float $amount Refund amount.
* @param string $reason Refund reason.
* @return boolean True or false based on success, or a WP_Error object.
public function process_refund( $order_id, $amount = null, $reason = '' ) : bool {
$order = wc_get_order( $order_id );
if ( ! is_a( $order, WC_Order::class ) ) {
return false;
return $this->refund_processor->process( $order, (float) $amount, (string) $reason );
* Return transaction url for this gateway and given order.
* @param WC_Order $order WC order to get transaction url by.
* @return string
public function get_transaction_url( $order ) : string {
$this->view_transaction_url = $this->transaction_url_provider->get_transaction_url_base( $order );
return parent::get_transaction_url( $order );