File "useCardChange.js"
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import { useCallback } from '@wordpress/element';
import { useDispatch } from '@wordpress/data';
import { log } from '../../../../ppcp-axo/resources/js/Helper/Debug';
import { useAddressEditing } from './useAddressEditing';
import useCustomerData from './useCustomerData';
import { STORE_NAME } from '../stores/axoStore';
* Custom hook to handle the 'Choose a different card' selection.
* @param {Object} fastlaneSdk - The Fastlane SDK instance.
* @return {Function} Callback function to trigger card selection and update related data.
export const useCardChange = ( fastlaneSdk ) => {
const { setBillingAddressEditing } = useAddressEditing();
const { setBillingAddress: setWooBillingAddress } = useCustomerData();
const { setCardDetails } = useDispatch( STORE_NAME );
return useCallback( async () => {
if ( fastlaneSdk ) {
// Show card selector and get the user's selection
const { selectionChanged, selectedCard } =
await fastlaneSdk.profile.showCardSelector();
if ( selectionChanged && selectedCard?.paymentSource?.card ) {
// Extract cardholder and billing information from the selected card
const { name, billingAddress } =
// Parse cardholder's name, using billing details as a fallback if missing
let firstName = '';
let lastName = '';
if ( name ) {
const nameParts = name.split( ' ' );
firstName = nameParts[ 0 ];
lastName = nameParts.slice( 1 ).join( ' ' );
// Transform the billing address into WooCommerce format
const newBillingAddress = {
first_name: firstName,
last_name: lastName,
address_1: billingAddress?.addressLine1 || '',
address_2: billingAddress?.addressLine2 || '',
city: billingAddress?.adminArea2 || '',
state: billingAddress?.adminArea1 || '',
postcode: billingAddress?.postalCode || '',
country: billingAddress?.countryCode || '',
// Batch update states
await Promise.all( [
// Update the selected card details in the custom store
new Promise( ( resolve ) => {
setCardDetails( selectedCard );
} ),
// Update the WooCommerce billing address in the WooCommerce store
new Promise( ( resolve ) => {
setWooBillingAddress( newBillingAddress );
} ),
// Trigger the Address Card view by setting the billing address editing state to false
new Promise( ( resolve ) => {
setBillingAddressEditing( false );
} ),
] );
} else {
log( 'Selected card or billing address is missing.', 'error' );
}, [
] );
export default useCardChange;