File "class-yit-plugin-common.php"
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* YITH Plugin Common Class.
* @class YIT_Plugin_Common
* @package YITH\PluginFramework\Classes
defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit; // Exit if accessed directly.
if ( ! class_exists( 'YIT_Plugin_Common' ) ) {
* YIT_Plugin_Common class.
* @deprecated 3.5
class YIT_Plugin_Common {
* Config array
* @var array
public static $config = array(
'slider' => array( 'nivo', 'elegant' ),
'awesome_icons' => array(
'' => 'no-icon',
'f042' => 'adjust',
'f170' => 'adn',
'f037' => 'align-center',
'f039' => 'align-justify',
'f036' => 'align-left',
'f038' => 'align-right',
'f0f9' => 'ambulance',
'f13d' => 'anchor',
'f17b' => 'android',
'f103' => 'angle-double-down',
'f100' => 'angle-double-left',
'f101' => 'angle-double-right',
'f102' => 'angle-double-up',
'f107' => 'angle-down',
'f104' => 'angle-left',
'f105' => 'angle-right',
'f106' => 'angle-up',
'f179' => 'apple',
'f187' => 'archive',
'f0ab' => 'arrow-circle-down',
'f0a8' => 'arrow-circle-left',
'f01a' => 'arrow-circle-o-down',
'f190' => 'arrow-circle-o-left',
'f18e' => 'arrow-circle-o-right',
'f01b' => 'arrow-circle-o-up',
'f0a9' => 'arrow-circle-right',
'f0aa' => 'arrow-circle-up',
'f063' => 'arrow-down',
'f060' => 'arrow-left',
'f061' => 'arrow-right',
'f062' => 'arrow-up',
'f047' => 'arrows',
'f0b2' => 'arrows-alt',
'f07e' => 'arrows-h',
'f07d' => 'arrows-v',
'f069' => 'asterisk',
'f04a' => 'backward',
'f05e' => 'ban',
'f080' => 'bar-chart-o',
'f02a' => 'barcode',
'f0c9' => 'bars',
'f0fc' => 'beer',
'f0f3' => 'bell',
'f0a2' => 'bell-o',
'f171' => 'bitbucket',
'f172' => 'bitbucket-square',
'f032' => 'bold',
'f0e7' => 'bolt',
'f02d' => 'book',
'f02e' => 'bookmark',
'f097' => 'bookmark-o',
'f0b1' => 'briefcase',
'f15a' => 'btc',
'f188' => 'bug',
'f0f7' => 'building-o',
'f0a1' => 'bullhorn',
'f140' => 'bullseye',
'f073' => 'calendar',
'f133' => 'calendar-o',
'f030' => 'camera',
'f083' => 'camera-retro',
'f0d7' => 'caret-down',
'f0d9' => 'caret-left',
'f0da' => 'caret-right',
'f150' => 'caret-square-o-down',
'f191' => 'caret-square-o-left',
'f152' => 'caret-square-o-right',
'f151' => 'caret-square-o-up',
'f0d8' => 'caret-up',
'f0a3' => 'certificate',
'f127' => 'chain-broken',
'f00c' => 'check',
'f058' => 'check-circle',
'f05d' => 'check-circle-o',
'f14a' => 'check-square',
'f046' => 'check-square-o',
'f13a' => 'chevron-circle-down',
'f137' => 'chevron-circle-left',
'f138' => 'chevron-circle-right',
'f139' => 'chevron-circle-up',
'f078' => 'chevron-down',
'f053' => 'chevron-left',
'f054' => 'chevron-right',
'f077' => 'chevron-up',
'f10c' => 'circle-o',
'f0ea' => 'clipboard',
'f017' => 'clock-o',
'f0c2' => 'cloud',
'f0ed' => 'cloud-download',
'f0ee' => 'cloud-upload',
'f121' => 'code',
'f126' => 'code-fork',
'f0f4' => 'coffee',
'f013' => 'cog',
'f085' => 'cogs',
'f0db' => 'columns',
'f075' => 'comment',
'f0e5' => 'comment-o',
'f086' => 'comments',
'f0e6' => 'comments-o',
'f14e' => 'compass',
'f066' => 'compress',
'f09d' => 'credit-card',
'f125' => 'crop',
'f05b' => 'crosshairs',
'f13c' => 'css3',
'f0f5' => 'cutlery',
'f108' => 'desktop',
'f192' => 'dot-circle-o',
'f019' => 'download',
'f17d' => 'dribbble',
'f16b' => 'dropbox',
'f052' => 'eject',
'f141' => 'ellipsis-h',
'f142' => 'ellipsis-v',
'f0e0' => 'envelope',
'f003' => 'envelope-o',
'f12d' => 'eraser',
'f153' => 'eur',
'f0ec' => 'exchange',
'f12a' => 'exclamation',
'f06a' => 'exclamation-circle',
'f071' => 'exclamation-triangle',
'f065' => 'expand',
'f08e' => 'external-link',
'f14c' => 'external-link-square',
'f06e' => 'eye',
'f070' => 'eye-slash',
'f09a' => 'facebook',
'f082' => 'facebook-square',
'f049' => 'fast-backward',
'f050' => 'fast-forward',
'f182' => 'female',
'f0fb' => 'fighter-jet',
'f15b' => 'file',
'f016' => 'file-o',
'f15c' => 'file-text',
'f0f6' => 'file-text-o',
'f0c5' => 'files-o',
'f008' => 'film',
'f0b0' => 'filter',
'f06d' => 'fire',
'f134' => 'fire-extinguisher',
'f024' => 'flag',
'f11e' => 'flag-checkered',
'f11d' => 'flag-o',
'f0c3' => 'flask',
'f16e' => 'flickr',
'f0c7' => 'floppy-o',
'f07b' => 'folder',
'f114' => 'folder-o',
'f07c' => 'folder-open',
'f115' => 'folder-open-o',
'f031' => 'font',
'f04e' => 'forward',
'f180' => 'foursquare',
'f119' => 'frown-o',
'f11b' => 'gamepad',
'f0e3' => 'gavel',
'f154' => 'gbp',
'f06b' => 'gift',
'f09b' => 'github',
'f113' => 'github-alt',
'f092' => 'github-square',
'f184' => 'gittip',
'f000' => 'glass',
'f0ac' => 'globe',
'f0d5' => 'google-plus',
'f0d4' => 'google-plus-square',
'f0fd' => 'h-square',
'f0a7' => 'hand-o-down',
'f0a5' => 'hand-o-left',
'f0a4' => 'hand-o-right',
'f0a6' => 'hand-o-up',
'f0a0' => 'hdd-o',
'f025' => 'headphones',
'f004' => 'heart',
'f08a' => 'heart-o',
'f015' => 'home',
'f0f8' => 'hospital-o',
'f13b' => 'html5',
'f01c' => 'inbox',
'f03c' => 'indent',
'f129' => 'info',
'f05a' => 'info-circle',
'f156' => 'inr',
'f16d' => 'instagram',
'f033' => 'italic',
'f157' => 'jpy',
'f084' => 'key',
'f11c' => 'keyboard-o',
'f159' => 'krw',
'f109' => 'laptop',
'f06c' => 'leaf',
'f094' => 'lemon-o',
'f149' => 'level-down',
'f148' => 'level-up',
'f0eb' => 'lightbulb-o',
'f0c1' => 'link',
'f0e1' => 'linkedin',
'f08c' => 'linkedin-square',
'f17c' => 'linux',
'f03a' => 'list',
'f022' => 'list-alt',
'f0cb' => 'list-ol',
'f0ca' => 'list-ul',
'f124' => 'location-arrow',
'f023' => 'lock',
'f175' => 'long-arrow-down',
'f177' => 'long-arrow-left',
'f178' => 'long-arrow-right',
'f176' => 'long-arrow-up',
'f0d0' => 'magic',
'f076' => 'magnet',
'f183' => 'male',
'f041' => 'map-marker',
'f136' => 'maxcdn',
'f0fa' => 'medkit',
'f11a' => 'meh-o',
'f130' => 'microphone',
'f131' => 'microphone-slash',
'f068' => 'minus',
'f056' => 'minus-circle',
'f146' => 'minus-square',
'f147' => 'minus-square-o',
'f10b' => 'mobile',
'f0d6' => 'money',
'f186' => 'moon-o',
'f001' => 'music',
'f03b' => 'outdent',
'f18c' => 'pagelines',
'f0c6' => 'paperclip',
'f04c' => 'pause',
'f040' => 'pencil',
'f14b' => 'pencil-square',
'f044' => 'pencil-square-o',
'f095' => 'phone',
'f098' => 'phone-square',
'f03e' => 'picture-o',
'f0d2' => 'pinterest',
'f0d3' => 'pinterest-square',
'f072' => 'plane',
'f04b' => 'play',
'f144' => 'play-circle',
'f01d' => 'play-circle-o',
'f067' => 'plus',
'f055' => 'plus-circle',
'f0fe' => 'plus-square',
'f196' => 'plus-square-o',
'f011' => 'power-off',
'f02f' => 'print',
'f12e' => 'puzzle-piece',
'f029' => 'qrcode',
'f128' => 'question',
'f059' => 'question-circle',
'f10d' => 'quote-left',
'f10e' => 'quote-right',
'f074' => 'random',
'f021' => 'refresh',
'f18b' => 'renren',
'f01e' => 'repeat',
'f112' => 'reply',
'f122' => 'reply-all',
'f079' => 'retweet',
'f018' => 'road',
'f135' => 'rocket',
'f09e' => 'rss',
'f143' => 'rss-square',
'f158' => 'rub',
'f0c4' => 'scissors',
'f002' => 'search',
'f010' => 'search-minus',
'f00e' => 'search-plus',
'f064' => 'share',
'f14d' => 'share-square',
'f045' => 'share-square-o',
'f132' => 'shield',
'f07a' => 'shopping-cart',
'f090' => 'sign-in',
'f08b' => 'sign-out',
'f012' => 'signal',
'f0e8' => 'sitemap',
'f17e' => 'skype',
'f118' => 'smile-o',
'f0dc' => 'sort',
'f15d' => 'sort-alpha-asc',
'f15e' => 'sort-alpha-desc',
'f160' => 'sort-amount-asc',
'f161' => 'sort-amount-desc',
'f0dd' => 'sort-asc',
'f0de' => 'sort-desc',
'f162' => 'sort-numeric-asc',
'f163' => 'sort-numeric-desc',
'f110' => 'spinner',
'f0c8' => 'square',
'f096' => 'square-o',
'f18d' => 'stack-exchange',
'f16c' => 'stack-overflow',
'f005' => 'star',
'f089' => 'star-half',
'f123' => 'star-half-o',
'f006' => 'star-o',
'f048' => 'step-backward',
'f051' => 'step-forward',
'f0f1' => 'stethoscope',
'f04d' => 'stop',
'f0cc' => 'strikethrough',
'f12c' => 'subscript',
'f0f2' => 'suitcase',
'f185' => 'sun-o',
'f12b' => 'superscript',
'f0ce' => 'table',
'f10a' => 'tablet',
'f0e4' => 'tachometer',
'f02b' => 'tag',
'f02c' => 'tags',
'f0ae' => 'tasks',
'f120' => 'terminal',
'f034' => 'text-height',
'f035' => 'text-width',
'f00a' => 'th',
'f009' => 'th-large',
'f00b' => 'th-list',
'f08d' => 'thumb-tack',
'f165' => 'thumbs-down',
'f088' => 'thumbs-o-down',
'f087' => 'thumbs-o-up',
'f164' => 'thumbs-up',
'f145' => 'ticket',
'f00d' => 'times',
'f057' => 'times-circle',
'f05c' => 'times-circle-o',
'f043' => 'tint',
'f014' => 'trash-o',
'f181' => 'trello',
'f091' => 'trophy',
'f0d1' => 'truck',
'f195' => 'try',
'f173' => 'tumblr',
'f174' => 'tumblr-square',
'f099' => 'twitter',
'f081' => 'twitter-square',
'f0e9' => 'umbrella',
'f0cd' => 'underline',
'f0e2' => 'undo',
'f09c' => 'unlock',
'f13e' => 'unlock-alt',
'f093' => 'upload',
'f155' => 'usd',
'f007' => 'user',
'f0f0' => 'user-md',
'f0c0' => 'users',
'f03d' => 'video-camera',
'f194' => 'vimeo-square',
'f189' => 'vk',
'f027' => 'volume-down',
'f026' => 'volume-off',
'f028' => 'volume-up',
'f18a' => 'weibo',
'f193' => 'wheelchair',
'f17a' => 'windows',
'f0ad' => 'wrench',
'f168' => 'xing',
'f169' => 'xing-square',
'f167' => 'youtube',
'f16a' => 'youtube-play',
'f166' => 'youtube-square',
'awesome_icons2' => array(
'\f042' => 'adjust',
'\f170' => 'adn',
'\f037' => 'align-center',
'\f039' => 'align-justify',
'\f036' => 'align-left',
'\f038' => 'align-right',
'\f0f9' => 'ambulance',
'\f13d' => 'anchor',
'\f17b' => 'android',
'\f209' => 'angellist',
'\f103' => 'angle-double-down',
'\f100' => 'angle-double-left',
'\f101' => 'angle-double-right',
'\f102' => 'angle-double-up',
'\f107' => 'angle-down',
'\f104' => 'angle-left',
'\f105' => 'angle-right',
'\f106' => 'angle-up',
'\f179' => 'apple',
'\f187' => 'archive',
'\f1fe' => 'area-chart',
'\f0ab' => 'arrow-circle-down',
'\f0a8' => 'arrow-circle-left',
'\f01a' => 'arrow-circle-o-down',
'\f190' => 'arrow-circle-o-left',
'\f18e' => 'arrow-circle-o-right',
'\f01b' => 'arrow-circle-o-up',
'\f0a9' => 'arrow-circle-right',
'\f0aa' => 'arrow-circle-up',
'\f063' => 'arrow-down',
'\f060' => 'arrow-left',
'\f061' => 'arrow-right',
'\f062' => 'arrow-up',
'\f047' => 'arrows',
'\f0b2' => 'arrows-alt',
'\f07e' => 'arrows-h',
'\f07d' => 'arrows-v',
'\f069' => 'asterisk',
'\f1fa' => 'at',
'\f04a' => 'backward',
'\f05e' => 'ban',
'\f02a' => 'barcode',
'\f0fc' => 'beer',
'\f1b4' => 'behance',
'\f1b5' => 'behance-square',
'\f0f3' => 'bell',
'\f0a2' => 'bell-o',
'\f1f6' => 'bell-slash',
'\f1f7' => 'bell-slash-o',
'\f206' => 'bicycle',
'\f1e5' => 'binoculars',
'\f1fd' => 'birthday-cake',
'\f171' => 'bitbucket',
'\f172' => 'bitbucket-square',
'\f032' => 'bold',
'\f1e2' => 'bomb',
'\f02d' => 'book',
'\f02e' => 'bookmark',
'\f097' => 'bookmark-o',
'\f0b1' => 'briefcase',
'\f188' => 'bug',
'\f1ad' => 'building',
'\f0f7' => 'building-o',
'\f0a1' => 'bullhorn',
'\f140' => 'bullseye',
'\f207' => 'bus',
'\f20d' => 'buysellads',
'\f1ec' => 'calculator',
'\f073' => 'calendar',
'\f133' => 'calendar-o',
'\f030' => 'camera',
'\f083' => 'camera-retro',
'\f1b9' => 'car',
'\f0d7' => 'caret-down',
'\f0d9' => 'caret-left',
'\f0da' => 'caret-right',
'\f0d8' => 'caret-up',
'\f218' => 'cart-arrow-down',
'\f217' => 'cart-plus',
'\f20a' => 'cc',
'\f1f3' => 'cc-amex',
'\f1f2' => 'cc-discover',
'\f1f1' => 'cc-mastercard',
'\f1f4' => 'cc-paypal',
'\f1f5' => 'cc-stripe',
'\f1f0' => 'cc-visa',
'\f0a3' => 'certificate',
'\f00c' => 'check',
'\f058' => 'check-circle',
'\f05d' => 'check-circle-o',
'\f14a' => 'check-square',
'\f046' => 'check-square-o',
'\f13a' => 'chevron-circle-down',
'\f137' => 'chevron-circle-left',
'\f138' => 'chevron-circle-right',
'\f139' => 'chevron-circle-up',
'\f078' => 'chevron-down',
'\f053' => 'chevron-left',
'\f054' => 'chevron-right',
'\f077' => 'chevron-up',
'\f1ae' => 'child',
'\f111' => 'circle',
'\f10c' => 'circle-o',
'\f1ce' => 'circle-o-notch',
'\f017' => 'clock-o',
'\f0c2' => 'cloud',
'\f0ed' => 'cloud-download',
'\f0ee' => 'cloud-upload',
'\f121' => 'code',
'\f126' => 'code-fork',
'\f1cb' => 'codepen',
'\f0f4' => 'coffee',
'\f0db' => 'columns',
'\f075' => 'comment',
'\f0e5' => 'comment-o',
'\f086' => 'comments',
'\f0e6' => 'comments-o',
'\f14e' => 'compass',
'\f066' => 'compress',
'\f20e' => 'connectdevelop',
'\f1f9' => 'copyright',
'\f09d' => 'credit-card',
'\f125' => 'crop',
'\f05b' => 'crosshairs',
'\f13c' => 'css3',
'\f1b2' => 'cube',
'\f1b3' => 'cubes',
'\f0f5' => 'cutlery',
'\f210' => 'dashcube',
'\f1c0' => 'database',
'\f1a5' => 'delicious',
'\f108' => 'desktop',
'\f1bd' => 'deviantart',
'\f219' => 'diamond',
'\f1a6' => 'digg',
'\f192' => 'dot-circle-o',
'\f019' => 'download',
'\f17d' => 'dribbble',
'\f16b' => 'dropbox',
'\f1a9' => 'drupal',
'\f052' => 'eject',
'\f141' => 'ellipsis-h',
'\f142' => 'ellipsis-v',
'\f0e0' => 'envelope',
'\f003' => 'envelope-o',
'\f199' => 'envelope-square',
'\f12d' => 'eraser',
'\f153' => 'euro',
'\f0ec' => 'exchange',
'\f12a' => 'exclamation',
'\f06a' => 'exclamation-circle',
'\f065' => 'expand',
'\f08e' => 'external-link',
'\f14c' => 'external-link-square',
'\f06e' => 'eye',
'\f070' => 'eye-slash',
'\f1fb' => 'eyedropper',
'\f09a' => 'facebook-f',
'\f230' => 'facebook-official',
'\f082' => 'facebook-square',
'\f049' => 'fast-backward',
'\f050' => 'fast-forward',
'\f1ac' => 'fax',
'\f182' => 'female',
'\f0fb' => 'fighter-jet',
'\f15b' => 'file',
'\f1c9' => 'file-code-o',
'\f1c3' => 'file-excel-o',
'\f016' => 'file-o',
'\f1c1' => 'file-pdf-o',
'\f1c5' => 'file-picture-o',
'\f1c4' => 'file-powerpoint-o',
'\f1c7' => 'file-sound-o',
'\f15c' => 'file-text',
'\f0f6' => 'file-text-o',
'\f1c8' => 'file-video-o',
'\f1c2' => 'file-word-o',
'\f1c6' => 'file-zip-o',
'\f0c5' => 'files-o',
'\f008' => 'film',
'\f0b0' => 'filter',
'\f06d' => 'fire',
'\f134' => 'fire-extinguisher',
'\f024' => 'flag',
'\f11e' => 'flag-checkered',
'\f11d' => 'flag-o',
'\f0e7' => 'flash',
'\f0c3' => 'flask',
'\f16e' => 'flickr',
'\f07b' => 'folder',
'\f114' => 'folder-o',
'\f07c' => 'folder-open',
'\f115' => 'folder-open-o',
'\f031' => 'font',
'\f211' => 'forumbee',
'\f04e' => 'forward',
'\f180' => 'foursquare',
'\f119' => 'frown-o',
'\f11b' => 'gamepad',
'\f154' => 'gbp',
'\f1d1' => 'ge',
'\f013' => 'gear',
'\f085' => 'gears',
'\f1db' => 'genderless',
'\f06b' => 'gift',
'\f1d3' => 'git',
'\f1d2' => 'git-square',
'\f09b' => 'github',
'\f113' => 'github-alt',
'\f092' => 'github-square',
'\f000' => 'glass',
'\f0ac' => 'globe',
'\f1a0' => 'google',
'\f0d5' => 'google-plus',
'\f0d4' => 'google-plus-square',
'\f1ee' => 'google-wallet',
'\f184' => 'gratipay',
'\f0fd' => 'h-square',
'\f1d4' => 'hacker-news',
'\f0a7' => 'hand-o-down',
'\f0a5' => 'hand-o-left',
'\f0a4' => 'hand-o-right',
'\f0a6' => 'hand-o-up',
'\f0a0' => 'hdd-o',
'\f1dc' => 'header',
'\f025' => 'headphones',
'\f004' => 'heart',
'\f08a' => 'heart-o',
'\f21e' => 'heartbeat',
'\f1da' => 'history',
'\f015' => 'home',
'\f0f8' => 'hospital-o',
'\f236' => 'hotel',
'\f13b' => 'html5',
'\f01c' => 'inbox',
'\f03c' => 'indent',
'\f129' => 'info',
'\f05a' => 'info-circle',
'\f16d' => 'instagram',
'\f208' => 'ioxhost',
'\f033' => 'italic',
'\f1aa' => 'joomla',
'\f1cc' => 'jsfiddle',
'\f084' => 'key',
'\f11c' => 'keyboard-o',
'\f1ab' => 'language',
'\f109' => 'laptop',
'\f202' => 'lastfm',
'\f203' => 'lastfm-square',
'\f06c' => 'leaf',
'\f212' => 'leanpub',
'\f0e3' => 'legal',
'\f094' => 'lemon-o',
'\f149' => 'level-down',
'\f148' => 'level-up',
'\f0eb' => 'lightbulb-o',
'\f201' => 'line-chart',
'\f0c1' => 'link',
'\f0e1' => 'linkedin',
'\f08c' => 'linkedin-square',
'\f17c' => 'linux',
'\f03a' => 'list',
'\f022' => 'list-alt',
'\f0cb' => 'list-ol',
'\f0ca' => 'list-ul',
'\f124' => 'location-arrow',
'\f023' => 'lock',
'\f175' => 'long-arrow-down',
'\f177' => 'long-arrow-left',
'\f178' => 'long-arrow-right',
'\f176' => 'long-arrow-up',
'\f0d0' => 'magic',
'\f076' => 'magnet',
'\f183' => 'male',
'\f041' => 'map-marker',
'\f222' => 'mars',
'\f227' => 'mars-double',
'\f229' => 'mars-stroke',
'\f22b' => 'mars-stroke-h',
'\f22a' => 'mars-stroke-v',
'\f136' => 'maxcdn',
'\f20c' => 'meanpath',
'\f23a' => 'medium',
'\f0fa' => 'medkit',
'\f11a' => 'meh-o',
'\f223' => 'mercury',
'\f130' => 'microphone',
'\f131' => 'microphone-slash',
'\f068' => 'minus',
'\f056' => 'minus-circle',
'\f146' => 'minus-square',
'\f147' => 'minus-square-o',
'\f10b' => 'mobile-phone',
'\f0d6' => 'money',
'\f186' => 'moon-o',
'\f19d' => 'mortar-board',
'\f21c' => 'motorcycle',
'\f001' => 'music',
'\f22c' => 'neuter',
'\f1ea' => 'newspaper-o',
'\f19b' => 'openid',
'\f03b' => 'outdent',
'\f18c' => 'pagelines',
'\f1fc' => 'paint-brush',
'\f0c6' => 'paperclip',
'\f1dd' => 'paragraph',
'\f0ea' => 'paste',
'\f04c' => 'pause',
'\f1b0' => 'paw',
'\f1ed' => 'paypal',
'\f040' => 'pencil',
'\f14b' => 'pencil-square',
'\f044' => 'pencil-square-o',
'\f095' => 'phone',
'\f098' => 'phone-square',
'\f03e' => 'picture-o',
'\f200' => 'pie-chart',
'\f1a7' => 'pied-piper',
'\f1a8' => 'pied-piper-alt',
'\f0d2' => 'pinterest',
'\f231' => 'pinterest-p',
'\f0d3' => 'pinterest-square',
'\f072' => 'plane',
'\f04b' => 'play',
'\f144' => 'play-circle',
'\f01d' => 'play-circle-o',
'\f1e6' => 'plug',
'\f067' => 'plus',
'\f055' => 'plus-circle',
'\f0fe' => 'plus-square',
'\f196' => 'plus-square-o',
'\f011' => 'power-off',
'\f02f' => 'print',
'\f12e' => 'puzzle-piece',
'\f1d6' => 'qq',
'\f029' => 'qrcode',
'\f128' => 'question',
'\f059' => 'question-circle',
'\f10d' => 'quote-left',
'\f10e' => 'quote-right',
'\f074' => 'random',
'\f1d0' => 'rebel',
'\f1b8' => 'recycle',
'\f1a1' => 'reddit',
'\f1a2' => 'reddit-square',
'\f021' => 'refresh',
'\f18b' => 'renren',
'\f0c9' => 'reorder',
'\f112' => 'reply',
'\f122' => 'reply-all',
'\f079' => 'retweet',
'\f018' => 'road',
'\f135' => 'rocket',
'\f01e' => 'rotate-right',
'\f09e' => 'rss',
'\f143' => 'rss-square',
'\f158' => 'ruble',
'\f156' => 'rupee',
'\f0c7' => 'save',
'\f0c4' => 'scissors',
'\f002' => 'search',
'\f010' => 'search-minus',
'\f00e' => 'search-plus',
'\f213' => 'sellsy',
'\f1d8' => 'send',
'\f1d9' => 'send-o',
'\f233' => 'server',
'\f064' => 'share',
'\f1e0' => 'share-alt',
'\f1e1' => 'share-alt-square',
'\f14d' => 'share-square',
'\f045' => 'share-square-o',
'\f20b' => 'sheqel',
'\f132' => 'shield',
'\f21a' => 'ship',
'\f214' => 'shirtsinbulk',
'\f07a' => 'shopping-cart',
'\f090' => 'sign-in',
'\f08b' => 'sign-out',
'\f012' => 'signal',
'\f215' => 'simplybuilt',
'\f0e8' => 'sitemap',
'\f216' => 'skyatlas',
'\f17e' => 'skype',
'\f198' => 'slack',
'\f1de' => 'sliders',
'\f1e7' => 'slideshare',
'\f118' => 'smile-o',
'\f1e3' => 'soccer-ball-o',
'\f15d' => 'sort-alpha-asc',
'\f15e' => 'sort-alpha-desc',
'\f160' => 'sort-amount-asc',
'\f161' => 'sort-amount-desc',
'\f0dd' => 'sort-down',
'\f162' => 'sort-numeric-asc',
'\f163' => 'sort-numeric-desc',
'\f0de' => 'sort-up',
'\f1be' => 'soundcloud',
'\f197' => 'space-shuttle',
'\f110' => 'spinner',
'\f1b1' => 'spoon',
'\f1bc' => 'spotify',
'\f0c8' => 'square',
'\f096' => 'square-o',
'\f18d' => 'stack-exchange',
'\f16c' => 'stack-overflow',
'\f005' => 'star',
'\f089' => 'star-half',
'\f123' => 'star-half-o',
'\f006' => 'star-o',
'\f1b6' => 'steam',
'\f1b7' => 'steam-square',
'\f048' => 'step-backward',
'\f051' => 'step-forward',
'\f0f1' => 'stethoscope',
'\f04d' => 'stop',
'\f21d' => 'street-view',
'\f0cc' => 'strikethrough',
'\f1a4' => 'stumbleupon',
'\f1a3' => 'stumbleupon-circle',
'\f12c' => 'subscript',
'\f239' => 'subway',
'\f0f2' => 'suitcase',
'\f185' => 'sun-o',
'\f12b' => 'superscript',
'\f1cd' => 'support',
'\f0ce' => 'table',
'\f10a' => 'tablet',
'\f0e4' => 'tachometer',
'\f02b' => 'tag',
'\f02c' => 'tags',
'\f0ae' => 'tasks',
'\f1ba' => 'taxi',
'\f1d5' => 'tencent-weibo',
'\f120' => 'terminal',
'\f034' => 'text-height',
'\f035' => 'text-width',
'\f00a' => 'th',
'\f009' => 'th-large',
'\f00b' => 'th-list',
'\f08d' => 'thumb-tack',
'\f165' => 'thumbs-down',
'\f088' => 'thumbs-o-down',
'\f087' => 'thumbs-o-up',
'\f164' => 'thumbs-up',
'\f145' => 'ticket',
'\f00d' => 'times',
'\f057' => 'times-circle',
'\f05c' => 'times-circle-o',
'\f043' => 'tint',
'\f150' => 'toggle-down',
'\f191' => 'toggle-left',
'\f204' => 'toggle-off',
'\f205' => 'toggle-on',
'\f152' => 'toggle-right',
'\f151' => 'toggle-up',
'\f238' => 'train',
'\f224' => 'transgender',
'\f225' => 'transgender-alt',
'\f1f8' => 'trash',
'\f014' => 'trash-o',
'\f1bb' => 'tree',
'\f181' => 'trello',
'\f091' => 'trophy',
'\f0d1' => 'truck',
'\f1e4' => 'tty',
'\f173' => 'tumblr',
'\f174' => 'tumblr-square',
'\f195' => 'turkish-lira',
'\f1e8' => 'twitch',
'\f099' => 'twitter',
'\f081' => 'twitter-square',
'\f0e9' => 'umbrella',
'\f0cd' => 'underline',
'\f0e2' => 'undo',
'\f19c' => 'university',
'\f127' => 'unlink',
'\f09c' => 'unlock',
'\f13e' => 'unlock-alt',
'\f0dc' => 'unsorted',
'\f093' => 'upload',
'\f155' => 'usd',
'\f007' => 'user',
'\f0f0' => 'user-md',
'\f234' => 'user-plus',
'\f21b' => 'user-secret',
'\f235' => 'user-times',
'\f0c0' => 'users',
'\f221' => 'venus',
'\f226' => 'venus-double',
'\f228' => 'venus-mars',
'\f237' => 'viacoin',
'\f03d' => 'video-camera',
'\f194' => 'vimeo-square',
'\f1ca' => 'vine',
'\f189' => 'vk',
'\f027' => 'volume-down',
'\f026' => 'volume-off',
'\f028' => 'volume-up',
'\f071' => 'warning',
'\f18a' => 'weibo',
'\f1d7' => 'weixin',
'\f232' => 'whatsapp',
'\f193' => 'wheelchair',
'\f1eb' => 'wifi',
'\f17a' => 'windows',
'\f159' => 'won',
'\f19a' => 'wordpress',
'\f0ad' => 'wrench',
'\f168' => 'xing',
'\f169' => 'xing-square',
'\f19e' => 'yahoo',
'\f1e9' => 'yelp',
'\f157' => 'yen',
'\f167' => 'youtube',
'\f16a' => 'youtube-play',
'\f166' => 'youtube-square',
'awesome_icons_socials' => array(
'f170' => 'adn',
'f17b' => 'android',
'f179' => 'apple',
'f171' => 'bitbucket-square',
'f02e' => 'bookmark',
'f097' => 'bookmark-o',
'f15a' => 'btc',
'f13c' => 'css3',
'f17d' => 'dribble',
'f16b' => 'dropbox',
'f09a' => 'facebook',
'f082' => 'facebook-square',
'f16e' => 'flickr',
'f180' => 'foursquare',
'f09b' => 'github',
'f113' => 'github-alt',
'f092' => 'github-square',
'f184' => 'gittip',
'f0d5' => 'google-plus',
'f0d4' => 'google-plus-square',
'f13b' => 'html5',
'f16d' => 'instagram',
'f0e1' => 'linkedin',
'f08c' => 'linkedin-square',
'f17c' => 'Linux',
'f136' => 'maxcdn',
'f18c' => 'pagelines',
'f0d2' => 'pinterest',
'f0d3' => 'pinterest-square',
'f18b' => 'renren',
'f09e' => 'rss',
'f17e' => 'skype',
'f18d' => 'stack-exchange',
'f16c' => 'stack-overflow',
'f181' => 'trello',
'f173' => 'tumblr',
'f174' => 'Tumblr Square',
'f099' => 'twitter',
'f081' => 'twitter-square',
'f194' => 'vimeo-square',
'f189' => 'vk',
'f18a' => 'weibo',
'f17a' => 'windows',
'f168' => 'xing',
'f169' => 'xing-square',
'f167' => 'youtube',
'header_backgrounds' => array(),
'body_backgrounds' => array(),
// Tags used in theme options (e.g. %tag%) to have some common information.
'tag' => array(), // Example: 'themeurl' => get_template_directory_uri().
'cycle_fx' => array(
'blindX' => 'blindX',
'blindY' => 'blindY',
'blindZ' => 'blindZ',
'cover' => 'cover',
'curtainX' => 'curtainX',
'curtainY' => 'curtainY',
'fade' => 'fade',
'fadeZoom' => 'fadeZoom',
'growX' => 'growX',
'growY' => 'growY',
'scrollUp' => 'scrollUp',
'scrollDown' => 'scrollDown',
'scrollLeft' => 'scrollLeft',
'scrollRight' => 'scrollRight',
'scrollHorz' => 'scrollHorz',
'shuffle' => 'shuffle',
'slideX' => 'slideX',
'slideY' => 'slideY',
'toss' => 'toss',
'turnUp' => 'turnUp',
'turnLeft' => 'turnLeft',
'turnRight' => 'turnRight',
'uncover' => 'uncover',
'wipe' => 'wipe',
'zoom' => 'zoom',
'none' => 'none',
'turnDown' => 'turnDown',
'scrollVert' => 'scrollVert',
'animate' => array(
'' => 'none',
'bounce' => 'bounce',
'flash' => 'flash',
'pulse' => 'pulse',
'shake' => 'shake',
'swing' => 'swing',
'tada' => 'tada',
'wobble' => 'wobble',
'bounceIn' => 'bounceIn',
'bounceInDown' => 'bounceInDown',
'bounceInLeft' => 'bounceInLeft',
'bounceInRight' => 'bounceInRight',
'bounceInUp' => 'bounceInUp',
'fadeIn' => 'fadeIn',
'fadeInDown' => 'fadeInDown',
'fadeInDownBig' => 'fadeInDownBig',
'fadeInLeft' => 'fadeInLeft',
'fadeInLeftBig' => 'fadeInLeftBig',
'fadeInRight' => 'fadeInRight',
'fadeInRightBig' => 'fadeInRightBig',
'fadeInUp' => 'fadeInUp',
'fadeInUpBig' => 'fadeInUpBig',
'flip' => 'flip',
'flipInX' => 'flipInX',
'flipInY' => 'flipInY',
'lightSpeedIn' => 'lightSpeedIn',
'rotateIn' => 'rotateIn',
'rotateInDownLeft' => 'rotateInDownLeft',
'rotateInDownRight' => 'rotateInDownRight',
'rotateInUpLeft' => 'rotateInUpLeft',
'rotateInUpRight' => 'rotateInUpRight',
'rollIn' => 'rollIn',
'easings' => array(
false => 'none',
'easeInQuad' => 'easeInQuad',
'easeOutQuad' => 'easeOutQuad',
'easeInOutQuad' => 'easeInOutQuad',
'easeInCubic' => 'easeInCubic',
'easeOutCubic' => 'easeOutCubic',
'easeInOutCubic' => 'easeInOutCubic',
'easeInQuart' => 'easeInQuart',
'easeOutQuart' => 'easeOutQuart',
'easeInOutQuart' => 'easeInOutQuart',
'easeInQuint' => 'easeInQuint',
'easeOutQuint' => 'easeOutQuint',
'easeInOutQuint' => 'easeInOutQuint',
'easeInSine' => 'easeInSine',
'easeOutSine' => 'easeOutSine',
'easeInOutSine' => 'easeInOutSine',
'easeInExpo' => 'easeInExpo',
'easeOutExpo' => 'easeOutExpo',
'easeInOutExpo' => 'easeInOutExpo',
'easeInCirc' => 'easeInCirc',
'easeOutCirc' => 'easeOutCirc',
'easeInOutCirc' => 'easeInOutCirc',
'easeInElastic' => 'easeInElastic',
'easeOutElastic' => 'easeOutElastic',
'easeInOutElastic' => 'easeInOutElastic',
'easeInBack' => 'easeInBack',
'easeOutBack' => 'easeOutBack',
'easeInOutBack' => 'easeInOutBack',
'easeInBounce' => 'easeInBounce',
'easeOutBounce' => 'easeOutBounce',
'easeInOutBounce' => 'easeInOutBounce',
* Get configuration array
* @return array
public static function load() {
return self::$config;
* Return theme data
* First the method checks if the wp_get_theme() function exists (WP 3.4.0 at least).
* If not, the method calls the deprecated function get_template_directory()
protected static function load_theme_info() {
$theme = wp_get_theme();
self::$config['theme'] = array(
'name' => $theme['Name'],
'description' => $theme['Description'],
'author' => $theme['Author'],
'authoruri' => $theme['Author URI'],
'version' => $theme['Version'],
'template' => $theme['Template'],
'status' => $theme['Status'],
'tags' => $theme['Tags'],
* Init.
public function init() {
self::$config['header_backgrounds'] = apply_filters( 'yit_header_backgrounds', self::$config['header_backgrounds'] );
self::$config['body_backgrounds'] = apply_filters( 'yit_body_backgrounds', self::$config['body_backgrounds'] );
* Return the font awesome array icon
* @return array
public static function get_awesome_icons() {
return self::$config['awesome_icons'];
* Return the font awesome array socials icon
* @return array
public static function get_awesome_icons_socials() {
return self::$config['awesome_icons_socials'];
* Return the list of icons
* @return array
public static function get_icon_list() {
$standard_icon_list = array(
'FontAwesome' => self::$config['awesome_icons2'],
return apply_filters( 'yit_icon_list', $standard_icon_list );
* Return the data of icon
* @param string $icon The icon.
* @return string
public static function get_icon( $icon ) {
$icon_list = self::get_icon_list();
$icon_data = '';
if ( ! ! $icon ) {
$ic = explode( ':', $icon );
$icon_code = array_search( $ic[1], $icon_list[ $ic[0] ], true );
if ( $icon_code ) {
$icon_code = ( strpos( $icon_code, '\\' ) === 0 ) ? '&#x' . substr( $icon_code, 1 ) . ';' : $icon_code;
$icon_data = 'data-font="' . $ic[0] . '" data-key="' . $ic[1] . '" data-icon="' . $icon_code . '"';
return $icon_data;
* Return the code of the relative awesome class name
* @param string $icon_key The icon key.
* @return string
public static function get_awesome_icons_code_by_value( $icon_key ) {
$awesome_icons = self::$config['awesome_icons'];
foreach ( $awesome_icons as $code => $key ) {
if ( $icon_key === $key ) {
return $code;
return '';