File "class-cookie-notice.php"
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* Cookie Notice allows you to elegantly inform users that your site uses cookies and to comply with the EU cookie law regulations.
// exit if accessed directly
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) )
* Cookie Notice class.
* @class Cookie_Notice
* @version 1.0.0
class Kapee_Cookie_Notice {
* @var $cookie, holds cookie name
private static $cookie = array(
'name' => 'kapee_cookie_notice_accepted',
'value' => 'TRUE'
* Constructor.
public function __construct() {
// actions
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'kapee_front_load_scripts_styles' ) );
add_action( 'wp_print_footer_scripts', array( $this, 'kapee_wp_print_footer_scripts' ) );
add_action( 'kapee_body_bottom', array( $this, 'kapee_add_cookie_notice' ), 1000 );
* Cookie notice output.
public function kapee_add_cookie_notice() {
if(!kapee_get_option('cookie-notice', 0)){ return false;}
if ( ! $this->kapee_cookie_setted() && kapee_get_option( 'cookie-notice', 1) ) {
// get cookie container args
$options = apply_filters( 'kapee_cookie_notice_args', array(
'position' => kapee_get_option('cookie-positions', 'bottom'),
'cookie_style' => kapee_get_option('cookie-style', 'box'),
'cookie_title' => kapee_get_option('cookie-title', 'Cookies Notice'),
'colors' => array('text'=>kapee_get_option('cookie-text-color', '#212121'), 'bar'=> kapee_get_option('cookie-background-color', '#fcfcfc')),
'message_text' => kapee_get_option('cookie-message-text','We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it.'),
'accept_text' => kapee_get_option( 'cookie-accept-text', 'Ok' ),
'refuse_text' => kapee_get_option( 'cookie-refuse-text', 'No' ),
'refuse_opt' => kapee_get_option( 'cookie-refuse-opt',0 ),
'see_more' => kapee_get_option( 'cookie-see-more-opt', 0 ),
'see_more_text' => kapee_get_option( 'cookie-see-more-text','Read more' ),
'see_more_link_type' => kapee_get_option( 'cookie-see-more-link-type','custom' ),
'see_more_link_custom' => kapee_get_option( 'cookie-see-more-link-custom','#' ),
'see_more_link_pages' => kapee_get_option( 'cookie-see-more-link-pages','' ),
'link_target' => kapee_get_option( 'cookie-see-more-link-target','_blank' ),
) );
// message output
$output = '
<div id="cookie-notice" class="cn-' . $options['position'] .' '.($options['position'] == 'bottom' ? $options['cookie_style'] : ''). '" style="color: ' . $options['colors']['text'] . '; background-color: rgba(' . kapee_hex2rgb($options['colors']['bar']) . ',0.96);">'
. '<div class="cookie-notice-container"><h2>'.$options['cookie_title'].'</h2><span id="cn-notice-text">'. $options['message_text'] .'</span>'
. '<a href="#" id="cn-accept-cookie" data-cookie-set="accept" class="cn-set-cookie button' . '">' . $options['accept_text'] . '</a>'
. ($options['refuse_opt'] == 1 ? '<a href="#" id="cn-refuse-cookie" data-cookie-set="refuse" class="cn-set-cookie button' . '">' . $options['refuse_text'] . '</a>' : '' )
. ($options['see_more'] == 1 ? '<a href="' . ( $options['see_more_link_type'] === 'custom' ? esc_url( $options['see_more_link_custom'] ) : esc_url( get_permalink( $options['see_more_link_pages'] ) ) ) . '" target="' . $options['link_target'] . '" id="cn-more-info" class="button' . '">' . $options['see_more_text'] . '</a>' : '') . '
echo apply_filters( 'kapee_cookie_notice_output', $output, $options );
* Checks if cookie is setted
public function kapee_cookie_setted() {
return isset( $_COOKIE[self::$cookie['name']] );
* Checks if third party non functional cookies are accepted
public static function kapee_cookikapee_accepted() {
return ( isset( $_COOKIE[self::$cookie['name']] ) && strtoupper( $_COOKIE[self::$cookie['name']] ) === self::$cookie['value'] );
* Load scripts and styles - frontend.
public function kapee_front_load_scripts_styles() {
if(!kapee_get_option('cookie-notice', 0)){ return false;}
if ( ! $this->kapee_cookie_setted() ) {
$style = ( is_rtl() ) ? 'cookie-notice-rtl' : 'cookie-notice';
if( !class_exists( 'WooCommerce' ) ) {
wp_enqueue_script( 'cookie' );
'cookie-notice-front', KAPEE_URI .'/assets/js/cookie-notice.js', array( 'jquery' ), '1.0.0', ( kapee_get_option('cookie-script-placements','footer')) === 'footer' ? true : false
'cookie-notice-front', 'cnArgs', array(
'ajaxurl' => admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ),
'hideEffect' => 'fade',
'onScroll' => kapee_get_option('cookie-on-scroll',0),
'onScrollOffset' => kapee_get_option('cookie-on-scroll-offset', 100),
'cookieName' => self::$cookie['name'],
'cookieValue' => self::$cookie['value'],
'cookieTime' => kapee_get_option('cookie-expiry-times', '2592000'),
'cookiePath' => ( defined( 'COOKIEPATH' ) ? COOKIEPATH : '' ),
'cookieDomain' => ( defined( 'COOKIE_DOMAIN' ) ? COOKIE_DOMAIN : '' )
wp_enqueue_style( 'cookie-notice-front', KAPEE_URI .'/assets/css/'.$style.'.css' );
* Print non functional javascript.
* @return mixed
public function kapee_wp_print_footer_scripts() {
if(!kapee_get_option('cookie-notice', 0)){ return false;}
$scripts = html_entity_decode( trim( wp_kses_post( kapee_get_option('cookie-refuse-code','') ) ) );
if ( $this->kapee_cookie_setted() && ! empty( $scripts ) ) {
<script type='text/javascript'>
<?php echo esc_js( $scripts ); ?>
// set plugin instance
$cookie_notice = new Kapee_Cookie_Notice();